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Life is Good

Posted on Thursday, January 30, 2025
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Once again, as we should, we know in our hearts, that life is good. Some will remember that my dog, D’Artagnon (“Dart-an-yon”) ran for president, encouraged by my parakeet, Grant (as in General or Cary). He thought the “canine vote” was his big advantage, since no one would check IDs – at least, not in Maine. He lost, but is bouncing around anyway, loves Trump.

These days, before the sun rises, Grant is talking a red streak, something about a new golden era, pardons for caged parakeets, getting DEI out of the millet, all aflutter about the rebirth of freedom.

My dog meanwhile is filled with new energy, seems to be channeling Trump’s emphasis on energy, and looks like Snoopy doing the “happy dance,” especially when I let him out in the morning.

He is newly enthused to protect our home’s borders and reminds me – as the perimeter’s enforcer – that he is on the job, no illegal Siberian huskies, Afghan hounds, Mexican Chiwawa, or Pekingese.

When I resist more treats, he calls them “hand-ups” not handouts. Honestly, I am not convinced, but he’s got the good bark, endearingly honest eyes, a regal coat, flop ear, and model loyalty.

He is an “All-American” dog, an uncommon rescue. While a mut, not unlike me, he is deeply grateful to be in America. He was once a street pup in Socci, Russia. The Russians were shooting dogs, to “clean up” for the Olympics. Americans saved him, and brought him here. He never forgets.

He loves his freedom, and why not? He is living the dog dream, wet food with dry, jaw locked and loaded for intruders, a stuffed donkey to chew on, each morning “life, liberty and pursuit” of squirrels.

So, yes, if I am happy President Trump is back in the Oval Office, back at the Resolute desk, issuing overdue orders and protecting our borders, my dog and bird are happy too. They feel the vibe.

The other day, watching the news, we all stopped chirping, barking, and typing, and just looked up and took it in again. No more false promises, mumbles, murmurs, and missed words. Do you know how frustrating that is for mimicking birds? No more wings and a prayer by …nobody there.

No more apologies for America, for doing what is right, issuing a clear warning and hard bite. No more letting foreign balloons, aliens, and pressures lurk, thinking appeasement will work. No more imagining Marxism as the ball in the hoop. No more dog poop.

We watched as President Trump rose, with dignity and flare, to address what we understand as unfair. We watched him reflect our bristle, dispose of all the lies like the down of a thistle. With clarity, courage, and calling out what was wrong, he put us all back, right where we belong.

So, yes, it’s a bird’s life, a dog’s life, and we work every day, but what can we say? If you cannot be president, even with a name like D’Artagnan, you can at least get over the hump, by loving Trump. Once again, as we should, we know – in our hearts – life is good.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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7 days ago

Foks are relieved. They have begun speaking with one another again. They know and feel that President Trump has their back. The Constitution matters. God is back in our language and thoughts.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
7 days ago

The democ rats still don’t get it,we the people voted for PRESIDENT TRUMP,get over it,we put up with a lot of years under the obama/pelosi/soros/schumer/biden/schiff”BULL EXHAUST”,now it’s our turn to try to bring AMERICA back from”the brink”.Can we do it,I hope so,it will take a lot of work from the people that still love this country.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
7 days ago

Understanding that there is a great deal to experience in life and that some experiences are like solving complex mathematical equations – they take time and patience. A combination of things are often presented and some can be filled with humor while others are very serious. Nice animal friend stories in this article Robert and the outlook that realizing Life Is Good makes for an optimistic view in how each day should be approached. Communication with Grant and D’Artagnan is good to hear about – anyone who has ever had animal friends should understand how important those feelings can be. Now there is genuine reason to be optimistic with leadership in Washington D.C. that respects standards and understands how important honesty is concerning government programs .
Interpreting signals that our brains send helps to develop a Life is Good outlook .That mind – body communication is important .When we understand reasons for achievements we are in tune with the right spirit of things. The message of the Sermon on the Mount for example.. Running cross country track in 1965 at age 15 the idea of being able to adapt to the physical challenge by understanding the message sent from the mind – it was a great lesson to learn . The whole idea of appreciating that the Good in Life brings light into the picture and strength and courage are part of that plan , that picture..

7 days ago

Thank you, Robert, for this wonderful prose! BTW, D’Artagnon mentioned that Grant gets a bit hyper on all that millet.

6 days ago

It’s nice to feel like smiling again.

6 days ago


Barbara Stanford
Barbara Stanford
5 days ago


Anne D
Anne D
6 days ago

Trusting too much too soon my friend – stay on your guard and vigilant.

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