Nothing is certain, but evidence is mounting that, shortly after Joe Biden became vice president, a scheme was hatched. Biden, a former senator with foreign policy experience, would angle for foreign policy responsibilities, leaving “fundamental transformation” of America to Obama. But there was more …
Treasury documents released by Congressional Republicans credibly suggest a “scheme” – as conceived and executed – more insidious, brazen, and focused on Biden profiting than anyone has yet imagined.
While other documents are being sought, corroboration for whistleblowers, some things are clear – and they are probative. As Chairman Comer’s long report notes: “Evidence … reveals Joe Biden lied to the American people about his involvement in his family’s business schemes,” specifically the way in which “Biden family members dol access for profit around the worlds to the detriment of US interests.”
Some 20 small companies, seemingly shells for money laundering, were set up by the Biden family, into which money from foreign sources – legally questionable actors in corrupt Ukraine, Romania, and Communist China funneled money.
Arguably to avoid federal scrutiny, sums deposited were broken up, spread among accounts, presumably to avoid reporting requirements triggered by CMIR, CTR, and “Suspicious Transaction” regulations.
By itself, these facts should pique the interest of Justice, every member of Congress – their party notwithstanding – and all Americans.
But the scheme appears to have been more detailed, more like traditional organized crime than a two-man operation. In organized crime, a “front” is used. Here, the vice president would travel to countries known for public corruption, demand they root it out. He got authority to be the point on this, unusual for a vice president.
At the same time, Biden prepared to bring his son – possibly others – to serve as what prosecutors call the “bagman,” an “intermediary” between the “front” and party paying protection money, or bribes.
The scheme appears to have started small and expanded, with Biden promising and threatening countries like Ukraine, while widening the aperture to China. Again, his son, the bagman, came along.
Total sums rose into the millions, according to information released, and appear to have been recurring, not one-offs. In some cases, money was paid by foreign entities to the son for expertise he did not have; in others, the route to these accounts is more circuitous, hard to discern, still murky.
The scheme was both simple, and successful, for a time. Joe Biden operating as an anti-corruption front, his son as bagman, perhaps involvement from then-Clinton’s State Department. No one said anything.
This is especially shocking when we ask a central question: For what did countries pay? In some cases, they paid – as Biden has partially admitted – to avoid sanctions or losing foreign aid, specifically Ukraine.
In others, they appear to have wanted “access,” which means either political favors or information, from the Vice President. When the timeline of Biden’s meetings with questionable actors is tied back to documents recording the money flows, real questions emerge.
Open questions are many, but start here: How could Hillary Clinton’s State Department, Eric Holder’s Justice Department, James Comey’s FBI, John Brennan’s CIA, James Clapper’s DNI Office, and all federal eyes NOT have known this was going on? Why did ALL of them say nothing, many when asked?
The answer: Either they knew and felt it was politically dangerous to mention what they knew, did not know but should have known, or were – draw your own conclusions – part of a wider scheme to permit pilfering and profit from public office, like crime families dividing territory, all ends justifying means.
If they knew about all this and did nothing, perhaps they saw Biden’s corruption as the price of Obama’s “fundamental transformation,” or imagined they would gain later from silence. But no one raised a flag.
Worse, as time passed, evidence suggests the scheme grew. Biden likely did not imagine he would be president, especially after Clinton lost to Trump in 2016; Biden’s plan was likely just “take the money and run,” or ride into the sunset with his ill-gotten gains, dubious service.
But that is not what happened. Rather than Clinton winning, covering all their tracks and moving “transformation” forward while normalizing public corruption, Trump won.
That threw more than a monkey wrench into things; it threw the whole monkey. That is likely why names on the foregoing list went apoplectic, panicked, began a political operation to undermine Trump.
Even then, as Biden’s family profited from Chinese and other foreign money, including a huge Chinese “educational” contribution to a university that paid Joe Biden a million dollars for nothing – no flags.
Again, this is likely because no one, not even Joe Biden, believed until April 2019, or mid-COVID 2020, that he would return to public office – and more intense public scrutiny.
Wind the clock forward. What we have just learned, hinted at after Biden became president but in black-and-white after Republican subpoenas have begun to produce documents, is the pieces fit together.
Big foreign money went to the Biden family, could not have been missed by senior law enforcement, Treasury, or banking officials, or their chains of command. Meetings occurred between the then-VP and his son’s “business” contacts, those paying the money. Fallout may be considerable.
In the end, all the flags were there. They are now – of a clear scheme, attempts to cover it up, silence at the top, and a bold robbery of the taxpayers, sale of office, perhaps even sale of national security – not unlike how public corruption and organized crime works all over the world.
The only remaining question: Where is Justice now? Where are Democrats who believe in the country first, their party second? Where are those who put public integrity above public corruption? Biden’s world is collapsing. The sign things are over – is when Democrats start to say they see flags.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman2 for AMAC.
Seems relaxed about collapse right?? Popcorn time for fun ahead
Great article on point! Americans demand these corrupt b________s get prosecuted! The Biden Crime Family and the Clinton Foundation—what a con game on the America taxpayer.
MAGA 2024
When in the heck are we going to take down Obummer, hidden Biden, and the Corrupt Clinton’s who are really good at clintonsides. I am so tired of all the evidence in our faces but nothing seems to be getting done. We just need to go Party-free cause both our parties have problems with them.
Biden makes Al Capone look like a Sunday School teacher. He is a disgrace to America and the human race.
I’ll believe it when I see the biden gang in jail.
I desperately want all of this to be true, however I have just about dropped ALL organizations that keep sending this out, breathless that it is about to blow up and ALWAYS NOTHING! GOP does not have a spine, the whistleblower has disappeared! The GOP passes a bill and now says we have done out part, I understand that the DEMS control the executive offices so there will not be ANY enforcement, the the smug SOBs just keep smiling at us like idiot children! This AM they recalled the IRS team, just before indictments might be heading for Hunter, tired of the games..
not to be a nitpicker or anything, but I think it would greatly help the credibility of AMAC’s news reporting if items were thoroughly proofread before publication – the spelling and grammar mistakes that I see getting through are starting to make the AMAC Daily Newsletter look like one of those clickbait newsletters most of us get in our emails
Biden’s world is not collapsing. The cards are stacked in his favor with the democrats blessing. With all the cards now on the table it means nothing in this country controlled by the left. How can justice be served when the Obama’s, Clintons, FBI, CIA and justice dept. are all in cahoots. Protect Biden. It is a sad day in this country’s history when a crime family is in the White House. A traitor to his country and the establishment turns a blind eye to a man who should be in prison. People, if you or I did half of what this man and his family has done we would be locked up and the key would be thrown away. Wake up voters, smell the coffee and get you heads out of your as-es. We are in trouble.
I am happy that they find out that Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and the rest of the Democratic party leaders are a scapegoat to the United States of America
Why is the crime family still in the White House and why are they not in jail?
The Democratic party leaders such as Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer and the rest of them should be in jail and hang themselves
Mr Charles you have trust that Brandon will be caught. Like any mafia family the Don never gets caught. There is such a powerful protection built around him. From the FBI to the CIA to the MSM and the dept of justice, there is no way this will ever be proven he had anything to do with it directly. He is the Teflon Don. Money can buy a lot of people even the president of the United States if your name is Biden and money can buy a lot of protection.
What is amazing to me is that the “OIL and GAS Giants ” have not stepped up to the plate. They too must be in bed with this scheme. Remember the 300 oil tankers that the CCP filled up with oil back in 2018 and 2019 and parked them all over the ports in Asia. “YOU DO RECALL THAT RIGHT ? ” they are still there, just sitting. Wonder how that happened ( at $39.00 dollars a barrel ) back then and why they felt they needed that much reserve? Hell if I had had a tanker at that price I would have filled it up too. But someone arranged all that under the dark of night. Seems deep state is deeper than we thought. Such Fools We Are.
Ya know, unless we can prove absolute corruption of the 2020 election, this is what happens to a country that sits back, plays video games, votes “just” party line and believes everything the news tells them. Joe Biden, savior of the US against a “reported” liar and womanizer Trump. He has been the savior of illegal aliens that has caused so much loss of children, families, rapes, child molestations, human trafficking, drugs and who knows how many terrorist have come to our nation undetected. Good job Joe! How about the proposal that Washington will dictate what kind of stove you will cook with, or heat with, or what kind of car you will be allowed to drive? How’s your grocery money, rent, medicine, fuel money holding out folks.
Great job America, keep playing those video games (while you still can), paying more attention to the latest porn, horror, crime and adventure movies. I can hardly wait to see who we get next.
And YES! I am a Christian, praying for my country, and begging the Lord to forgive us.
They just fired the entire group of IRS investigators that were dealing with this investigation
Unfortunately the FBI, CIA, IRS and all the other spokes of government are in control of the Washington insiders of both parties. After years of awaiting the Durham report, we learn that the the spokes of government are incompetent or worse, corrupt. But no laws were broken, no one will be prosecuted and even if they were prosecuted, convictions in the Washington Swamp are rare insofar as Democrats are concerned. Occasionally the unlucky Republican will be convicted to make a show to prove that government works and that crime doesn’t pay. But, of course, it does pay. Life goes on and the only penalty is that a few people are probably embarrassed at the attention given to their incompetence (aka corruption). Those involved will continue to work at think tanks, as lobbyists or appear on media to explain how what you you see isn’t really happening. I don’t personally like Donald Trump, but he was something the swamp can’t tolerate, an outsider not beholden to the swamp. He was effective at managing the affairs of state. Doddering, incompetent and corrupt he was not. So he will be taken down by a rich Dem donor paying for legal expenses of a woman who says Trump forced himself upon her in a department store in th 1990s! Or the NY AG will try to convict him of exaggerating the value of his properties to obtain a loan (as if lenders don’t do their own appraisals). Or the Justice Department will go after him for having classified documents at his home. There will be no cases against Pence for having classified documents unless he becomes a viable contender for the presidency. There is no case being mounted against Biden for the documents in his garage or at his University of Pennsylvania office where he did no work. Who is to blame? Voters too ignorant to see what is going on. The media which largely wants it to keep going on and hides the truth. I wish I could find something positive coming out of this, but I can’t.
I grow weary of these types of articles. Everything looks certain to be teed up and the guilty then just seem to skate free. I will take this sort of thing serious once some rightful action is taken. For example, for all of the corrupt orchestrating Hillary Clinton did starting right after the 2026 election, she should already be in jail for life. Why not? The right is WEAK!
And WWRD? (What Will Republicans Do?) Nothing in the end. I submit my no confidence vote.
And how about the treason of selling us out to CCP? CEF? NWO? Why do you think there’s so much Communism infiltrated now? We no longer have a Justice system for the people or anything else.
Wake me when someone goes to jail.
The White House and this nation is now a house of cards. The “fall” (and I’m not talking about the season) is coming. If it doesn’t happen at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, then it will be the country. The choice of which one is up to the Democrats and the dishonorable Biden. The question is, which one will become their highest priority? Will it be their party or their country? Will Biden resign as Nixon did in 1974, or will he be removed from office which Nixon avoided by resigning? Either way, due to this country’s divisions, I now question whether the country can survive given the Democrat’s crimes. Unlike 1974, this time vile politicians had the support and cover from the media. The fact remains, as a consequence, well over half the country no longer trusts its government to abide by the law. My stomach and heart both ache for what the politicians have done to my country; the country that I once served and would have died for while serving in the Navy.
Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts,And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.
Psalm 51:6
The people keep crying out, “Give us Barabbus!” This is who our Country has chosen. And the innocent and good suffer.
Biden is a liar & a crook. Do you think anything will ever be done about it?
As the evidence mounts we continue to see more clearly who is making Joe’s mouth move.
When is someone who is being proven to be so corrupt and criminal in his actions going to be arrested with his son and other family members who have partaken in the family mafia business?? Why should it matter that he is President or was President?? It’s despicable to see people like Hillary Clinton have so many proven criminal actions and yet she is still free as a bird!! It’s depressing to see people like Joe Biden and Barack Obama become so wealthy due to criminal activities and nothing happens!! It’s disheartening to see people like Trump (who is no innocent little boy but still…) be harassed and attacked constantly by Democrats for over 7 years now and just to keep him from running for the Presidency again! And there are so many other Democrats who have been accused of wrong doing when the evidence seems very strong and then – nothing!!! Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders – there are so many who have questionable actions and activities!!!
Yet another “This is the end of Joe Biden and the Democrats” piece. Unfortunately, Biden and the Democrats are in no near-term danger of losing their grip on power.
The FBI has refused to honor the subpoena sent to them from the House Judiciary Committee to supply documentation, that the FBI does admit actually exists, that details Joe Biden directly involved in some criminal activity. The so-called “Plan B” from Comer is now to take the FBI to court and try to get a ruling that would force the FBI to hand over the requested document. This is a long, slow process, that can easily be stretched out by the FBI and the Democrats to well past the 2024 elections. Even Comer admitted that could be the case. At which point, if the Democrats repeat the same election manipulation, that they have run 3 times in a row now, the suit will be quietly dropped by the courts soon after Biden is sworn in for a second term.
As for the whistle blowers, Comer admitted to Maria Bartiromo on Sunday that now all of the 8 or 9 whistle blowers have either mysteriously dropped off the face of the earth or are now tied up in litigation and can’t testify to anything. So the Democrats and the administrative state seem to have been busy removing any threat to Team Biden off the chess board.
The most interesting part of your article today is the last paragraph. The one asking about the Democrat voters themselves. My sense so far is the best we can hope for on that front is that at least some Democrat voters are disgusted enough to simply stay home. Then it will come down to whether the Democrat Party will have manufactured enough ballots ahead of time to still ensure they win 5 of the 6 key swing states to ensure an Electoral College win for the puppet residing in the White House.
Things will stand a chance of improving in this country when enough people decide, in unison, to no longer be doormats for the open corruption that has been playing out before them for years now and stand up for themselves. Until then, we seem unfortunately locked in this downward spiral.
Amidst all this Biden corruption, and in the light of the release of Durham’s investigation results, I will not be satisfied until ALL corrupt people are imprisoned — administrative personnel and politicians alike.
Lying Jack*ss Joe is the MOST CROOKED person to ever SERVE and LIVE IN THE WHITE HOUSE! . . . He expanded on what he had learned from Obama!
All good questions at the end, Robert. Too many of us know the truth now to completely hide it. I wonder what new scheme the Democrats will hatch to cover all this? Will sudden deaths occur?The manure pile is getting too big to avoid stepping in it, or smelling it.
Newsflash: Joe Biden’s world is NOT collapsing, it is moving along singingly, and the more hysterical and histrionic headlines like the one on this particular article, the better, from Joe & Team’s collective point of view (not that the Prez himself has a POV on much anymore, bless his heart, Doc Jill, I’d say, has her hands full until he expires). Digital currency on schedule for launching? Check. Simultaneously destroying public education and corrupting the morals of today’s schoolchildren and tomorrow’s adults, seducing their leadership? Check, check, and check. Removing (right on schedule) most (I think) American military aircraft from Taiwan? Check. Actively precipitating division and class enmity among ordinary American citizens? Check.
The ones I’ve listed aren’t even the high points in all likelihood. Screaming headlines like the one attached to this article are as annoying as any other kind of clickbait and are aimed squarely at the feeble-minded, with which the conservative movement is every bit as riddled as its counterpart on the left. As such, it gets all the respect it deserves from sober-thinking individuals such as myself, which is zero. Were we to have the meanest chance to overcome the behemoth that confronts us today, sober-mindedness would be the first essential. AMAC’s choosing to serve as the conduit through which such balderdash flows is an indictment of its credentials as a conservative organization.
What? The DOJ got the IRS off Hunters back, appears to be going well.
Excellent ‘tell it like it IS’article… but American citizens are tired of waiting for the criminals to be indicted and removed from office. Is this EVER going to happen? B-b-b-Biden, Kackles the wh—, the whole sorry mess of them need to GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOW.
We the people are fed up. The corruption is there yet not a damn thing happens. Liberal media covers it up, Democrats create more chaos to distract us, and the once trustworthy FBI has become a joke for comedy routines. Worst of all, people are falling for the deceptions.
No consequences for ruining the country.
he is a mess and should be impeached – biden is an imposter who stole the election from Trump.. that’s the bottom line and the left and media do not want to acknowledge all of it. meanwhile he is taking this country down with him. this is a disgrace can’t anyone do any thing. yeah we can vote but we need to address the back handed way the left does things and gets help from media and other corrupt lawyers, judges etc
Biden needs to be arrested on espionage charges and removed from office.
Hanging to good for him!
My eyes tell me differently, it’s the American people whose world is collapsing. This depraved mannequin seems to be doing just fine in his criminal paradise.
Frankly I would prefer Marlon Brando for our Godfather. Kyle L.
Bidens whole family needs to be in prison. And I mean a prison with cells and bars. Not some summer club in Fla.
Excellent article, RBC. Unfortunately I’m very doubtful that there will be any justice. When was the last time that any honest, unbiased criminal sentences were meted out against the DC crowd, despite a plethora of evidence against them? Every so often a small fry gets a tender wrist slapping. Other than than that…nada, DC criminals just keep riding off into the sunset with their saddlebags full of ill-gotten loot. Nothing changes in that sewer. If this country ever needed divine intervention, it’s now. Evil is running rampant. God help us…please.
The House should impeach Biden NOW. Send it to the Senate, they will get enough votes to impeach Biden from the democrats, if for no other reason than to have a black woman be president. Then take care of our business, stop the in fighting in the republican party. Make Trump and DeSantis play nice together, and we can have Trump 4 years, DeSantis 8 years, and get the country straightened out.
It’s about GD time! 50 years in public office, honing his skills at robbing the American people of honest and honorable representation as well as Americas wealth and reputation overseas. This disgusting, lying excuse of a human being, let alone patriotic American, has been putting the screws to the United States and her people for decades! That’s BOTH SIDES OF THE ISLE FOLKS!!! If you’re a Democrat that’s offended by what I’m saying, TOUGH, his family has given it to you in the shorts just the same as us! When I was growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, treason brought about the death penalty for a reason. Your crimes affected millions of your fellow citizens and weakened your country around the world! We all know what this filth-bag deserves, enough said!
So, what will happen to Joe Biden, etal? People will call for his head and nothing will happen. If everything said here comes to pass, Joe Biden might be remembered as a defective, pathetic and hapless leader who did no good, but nothing will happen to him. Being a liar and a crook in politics seems to have become the rights of the politicians, and still nothing will happen.
Don’t get all excited. Absolutely nothing will come in this they are Democrats. Democrats can do anything they want there is a two-tiered system of justice in this country they are above all retribution and above all prosecution. Nothing will ever happen the media will not even cover it
Biden never was or has been a brain child. I am sure of his guilt but there must be some masterminds to engineer the corruption and of course Obama the great Destroyer is just as corrupt and got rich ruining this country. Obama wont get touched and Biden might get a hand slap and suffer some manufactured embarrassment. Now if it was ole Trumpy it would be an media explosion.
I just want to thank Robert B. Charles not only for this article but for all of his articles they are the best. He always has the best way to help us all understand and learn things that help this Country be better. Thanks for all you do !!!
“Biden’s World is Collapsing”
Not fast enough!
Ole Joe will probably pass soon from the pressure he will be facing. All the while, despite everything he has done and even said in public, he would be foolish to think that anyone has his back now!
And his loyal son Hunter may just “off” himself instead of being imprisoned for the rest of his life…
Such a waste.