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Biden’s Title IX Rewrite Puts Women and Girls at Risk

Posted on Wednesday, May 1, 2024
by Shane Harris


Joe Biden, President of USA, during press conference; Title IX

Under the banner of creating “gender equity,” the Biden administration just gutted crucial protections for women and girls and paved the way for the transgender movement’s complete destruction of female-only spaces.

In late April, after multiple delays and hundreds of thousands of public comments opposing the proposed changes, the Biden Department of Education finalized its overhaul of Title IX, the landmark 1972 law establishing important protections against sex-based discrimination. But instead of strengthening those protections, Biden’s rewrite tears them down and unilaterally redefines sex and gender according to radical gender theory.

As a result, in any educational institution which receives federal funding, males who identify as women can now enter women’s restroom and locker room facilities, citing Title IX as their justification for doing so.

Following the publication of the new policy, most media coverage has focused on the reversal of a Trump-era rule requiring colleges to follow due process in handling sexual misconduct cases.

And indeed, this change should be alarming for anyone concerned about ensuring the rights of both accusers and accused are respected in such cases. Even the far-left ACLU has spoken out against the idea that universities are now not required to “provide a live hearing and an opportunity for cross-examination where serious sanctions, such as suspension or expulsion, may apply.”

But the most egregious change under the new policy is the inclusion of self-professed gender identity under the definition of “sex” – something which Congress never intended when it passed the original law.

Some states and individual school districts have already taken action to prevent males from using women’s restrooms and locker rooms by simply claiming that they identify as a woman. But Biden’s new rules will supersede those laws and regulations and force schools to comply with the Biden administration’s radical interpretation of “gender identity.”

Parents who oppose the policy will be left with few options. Those who can’t afford homeschool or private school will be forced to allow their daughters to undress in front of males and perhaps even share hotel rooms with them on overnight trips – all in order to appease left-wing transgender activists.

Other changes to Title IX to supposedly protect against “gender-based discrimination” also enshrine key elements of far-left gender ideology in federal law.

For instance, the Biden administration has now expanded the definition of “harassment” to include not using someone’s preferred pronouns. Imagine a case where a student refuses to use absurd “neo-pronouns” like “xe/xir” or “fae/faer,” and instead refers to others only by biologically correct pronouns. That student could now be subject to disciplinary action under Title IX, while his or her school could face a federal civil rights investigation.

This terrifying prospect isn’t just theoretical; last November, while the new rules were still under review, Biden’s Department of Education launched an investigation into California’s Taft College after a student alleged his professors were “misgendering” him. Such cases are likely to become significantly more common in the months and years ahead.

As Teresa Manning, policy director for the National Association of Scholars, has pointed out, not only is this policy morally reprehensible, it is also a blatant violation of the First Amendment: “In the public education setting, students and faculty can speak—or not speak—according to their conscience. Title IX cannot change that, no matter what Biden administration officials say.”

Biden’s Title IX rewrite also further undermines parental rights by discouraging schools from disclosing to parents if their child has chosen a new gender identity or is being socially transitioned at school. As Ginny Gentles of the Independent Women’s Forum has reported, “Although the administration’s Title IX rule commentary claims that ‘nothing in these final regulations prevents a recipient from disclosing information about a minor child to their parent who has the legal right to receive disclosures on behalf of their child,’ the rule directly instructs schools to update their internal gender identity policies and points to examples of state and district policies that explicitly require schools to hide a child’s chosen identity from his or her parents.”

The new rules are set to take effect just three months from now, this August, but some conservative leaders and organizations have already taken action to challenge them.

In Georgia, Attorney General Chris Carr has filed a lawsuit to block the Title IX revision. “While different administrations can have different policy views, they cannot override the text that Congress enacted in 1972 or overrule the binding precedent of this circuit. The Biden rule does both—to the detriment of the States, their schools, and their students,” the lawsuit reads. Alabama, South Carolina, and Florida have also joined the case.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has also said his state’s education agency will ignore the Title IX revisions, calling them “illegal” and a “ham-handed effort to impose a leftist belief onto Title IX.”

While such opposition to Biden’s Title IX rewrite at the state level is welcome and needed, it may not be enough to stop implementation of the new rules. Absent congressional action – or Biden’s defeat this November – Title IX’s 50-year-old protections for women and girls may be about to come crashing down.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @ShaneHarris513.

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10 months ago

How can ANY woman support this #$%& in office?

Jim Halloran
Jim Halloran
10 months ago

I have nothing but contempt for the worst president ever.

10 months ago

Bottom Line: If you haven’t figured out by now, it is time to heave out Biden and his cronies. Won’t be easy because this type of government insanity has to be eliminated at all levels. People at all levels must get involved as some states and parents are doing, WE cannot sit back and let a few do the work — ALL MUST GET INVOLVED TO STOP THIS INSANITY.

10 months ago

If Americans allow this distortion of reality within our education system, we are thoroughly finished as a Country! Children have no chance of learning anything to assist them in life, but become prey to the demented and twisted minds that pushed for this adaptation of Title IX. I am sickened by the actions of this presidency, which is fixed on the destruction of our children. ????

10 months ago

Biden is a pervert

10 months ago

This is ridiculous. The transgender “people” have gone too far. They should not have rights as a group. Title IX was for the protection of women and girls, who are now going to be in locker rooms, possible hotel rooms, etc. with males pretending to be females. Biden has gone so far as to leave parents no way to protect their young daughters in public school and not everyone can afford a private school or is in a position to home school. We, the Christians and Republicans must stop this nonsense. We must elect Republican Representatives and Senators and we must elect Donald Trump as President. This is another wake up call to ALL AMERICANS.

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
10 months ago

PITY THEM … They couldn’t make it as a man, so they switched teams (Thomas was ranked #462 as a man, I mean after top 100… who even cares?). Walking around in a women’s locker room with your junk on display. Show us how committed to your decision you really are … HACK IT OFF!… yea, that’s what I thought. Can’t even make it as a fake women. PITIFUL!

10 months ago

biden doesn’t care about his grand daughter or other girls

Robert Williams
Robert Williams
10 months ago

I thought Congress made laws not Joe Biden!

Paul Davis
Paul Davis
10 months ago

First thing to do is abolish the Federal Department of Education.

10 months ago

This administration has been a disgrace.

Jim Fleming
Jim Fleming
10 months ago

Are you generating a petition for us to sign & to send to the White House & our Congressional Reps?

10 months ago

It is not about Biden, it is about the entire Democratic Party! They are destroying America in every way they can, they should be in jail or deported with the 10,000,000 people who have invaded our country!

10 months ago

President Biden is totally ignoring a woman’s right to privacy.
“My right to swing my fist stops at your nose.”
“My right to invade your privacy stops at your door.”

10 months ago

Biden….the pedophile…needs to be impeached. He is a disaster and disgrace to America besides being unfit for office.

Robert L Theriot
Robert L Theriot
10 months ago

Joe Biden is, if nothing else, consistent. Egery move he makes is another step toward the “transformation” of our nation, as he promised. While I have no love for Trump’s childishness, I will admit that this country was immeasurably better off under his administration and finding a different candidate who can correct Biden’s actions is tough if not impossible. Thank all of you who voted Biden in for our situation.

10 months ago

Transgenders are basically insane and need psychiatric help while in mental institutions (insane asylums).
biden is, and always has been a lying, incompetent jerk. Someone else is calling the shots and biden is unAmerican enough to go along with the chaos: communists, radicals and democrats love chaos because it makes it easy for them to control people.
American, patriotic citizens need to become very active and combat the numerous unAmerican events happening in our country. Calling your Representatives and Senators about unAmerican activities is a great way to let the swamp know we are mad and want America back on track.

10 months ago

Another one for the obiden screwup America list. Scary thing is the list for helping American citizens on his list is empty?? Sorta like his head between his ears huh??

10 months ago

What is wrong with these people – unlike the people selected to the Supreme Court – you can tell the difference between a man and a women without being a biologist. It is just wrong to think you can make a man into a woman and a woman into a man – god just didn’t assembly us to be interchangeable. In your mind maybe, but not physically, and that is the critical difference!

10 months ago

ADD and other drugs for youth have created insanity. Also education is teaching falsities (indoctrination). This issue is ultimate stupidity/insanity. Men have a penis and women have child bearing vaginas. It takes both to create a child and for best child rearing need family with both for success.

anna hubert
anna hubert
10 months ago

Oh where have all the feminists go

judy setran
judy setran
10 months ago

So…this not an actual congressionally driven law it’s an agency redo.which makes this unelected bureaucracy bs

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
10 months ago

The FED needs to get out of the discrimination racket. Every move they make is pure politics and serves no purpose to the people stuck with the policy. Bringing harm to an entire gender class is not going to work.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
10 months ago

Before playing womebs sports, show your commitment: make it mandatory to HACK IT OFF… become the “woman” you identify as being! But hey, when they start handing out reparation checks, I’m “identifying” as the great grandson of a slave. Fair is fair!

10 months ago

Biden is a puppet of the deranged psychopath, Obama. He cannot, as everyone knows, put together an intelligible sentence. This whole Title IX scenario reeks of the hand of Obama and the deranged killer herself, Hillary. Since 2008, the scenes here in the USA and around the world, the destruction, the wars, the “peaceful demonstrations” which destroyed a number of our large cities, and the whole COVID fiasco, and now the “Peaceful Protesters” on our College Campuses, smack of controlled events. And to whom should we look at, the puppet or the puppet Master.
Being on the darker side of 70 doesn’t look to bad anymore, for me anyway. But not for my family who I love more than my own life. But they have and will continue to suffer at the hands of these traitors.The have proven time and time again that they care nothing for the welfare of the US Citizens and Tax Payers. And why should they? They have ripped us off so long they no longer have a reason to care.

10 months ago

What else can you expect from a “child sniffer”, a groper, an accused molester possible rapist?? He has ZERO respect for women, children, people in general who are not in his “family”….”mafioso”!! He is not going to be happy until he has turned the United States into a 3rd world country, under terrorist Hamas rule….the fact that he is trying to organize a FLYING GAZAN PALESTINIANS AND HAMAS, FLYING IN AN AIRPLANE. INTO AMERICA!!!!! WTF is that? He wants all Americans who are not in the democratic Hamas, progressive, socialist party, (HIS party), he wants us DEAD!!! That old man is crazy as a june bug and “doctor” jill doesn’t care because she just keeps collecting money to live the high life!!….

10 months ago

What do you expect from a pervert?

10 months ago

I’m completely disgusted with Biden and his administration and Democrats, in general!!! He gives our tax dollars to students to forgive their legal contracts for college studies (specific small group of people and undeserving of the funds)!! He opens the border inviting millions of individuals, including terrorists, murderers, thieves, rapists, kidnappers, human traffickers!!! But this revision of Title IX is absurd and ridiculous!!! He is NOT protecting women and girls from the transgender invasion into their sports events!! How can he do this and not have Jill object?? How can he do this and not have any Democrat women object??? What happened to Democrats that they are ok with this??? Women and girls, who have worked all of their lives towards a particular ending, are having their ending, their ribbons, medals, trophies, scholarships, internships stolen from them!! Create a transgender league so they compete with each other instead of competing against women – that is completely unfair and you know it!!!!

10 months ago

The Sci-Fi film “The Fifth Element” reveals the ultimate development of gender insanity…
the main character identifies himself as a “meat popsicle.” Gen Z are already totally lost and confused. What’s next? Generation Omega?

10 months ago

Everyone on Earth is at risk while Democrats hold there stolen power.


10 months ago

Title IX is UNCONSTITUTIONAL! All States should declare it so and IGNORE it! Oklahoma’s Education Department has done so, how many others are there?

Mary Wightman
Mary Wightman
10 months ago

No safe place for real females, where are the femenists? What ever happened to them,
yes I know crickets,

10 months ago

“President” Biden cares a lot about what he sees as his own “rights”… to implement damaging fiscal policies, to interfere with children’s development while dispensing with parents’ rights, to sponsor the violation of our borders and sovereignty with illegal aliens, to further undermine our national security by accepting foreign bribes, and even to illegally detain a presidential candidate by way of a forced criminal trial in a conspicuously embellished context…
He should be allowed to be brainwashed into mutilating HIS OWN GENITALS (well, provided they’re still attached)… pssst !!….just don’t tell him he doesn’t need to anymore to access the “little girls room”…

Mary Engleman
Mary Engleman
10 months ago

He absolutely is out to ruin this country and our democracy. I hop and pray the next election saves us

10 months ago

The women and girls in this country have just been classified as second class citizens. Not worthy of being honored in their field of sport, art, music or every day life. At school or in the workplace. Where is the me organization or those fighting to get the Equal Rights Act passed years ago. Or those bra burning ladies. With one stroke of the devil’s pen and it is done. The men have been stripped of their testosterone. We have become a nation of zombies. Where the trans and drag queens rule with a whole bunch of pedophiles thrown in as well.

Lover of God and America!
Lover of God and America!
10 months ago

SOLUTION! Every female should identify as male, and every male should identify as female – solution solved! Separate spaces would be satisfied!!!

10 months ago

Remember: 82,000,000 pinheads voted for this charlatan, because “he wasn’t Trump”. And those 82,000,000 voters are no smarter ‘now’ than they were ‘then’.

10 months ago

I truly feel sorry for “true” females sports. The only solutions I see are never vote democrat up and down.

10 months ago

biden and his followers even the women are misogynists of the highest order.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
10 months ago

Biden enjoyed showering so much with his own daughter that he figures ALL guys want to do the same with other dad’s daughters. What a pathetic miserable loser.

Dean C Howerton
Dean C Howerton
10 months ago


Lover of God and America!
Lover of God and America!
10 months ago

Looks like Biden is really enjoying destroying true/real sexual identity, as shown in his HUGE SMILE – Bet he would love to be surrounded by a bunch of gay men (drag queens) that claim to be female!!! – He would think he is in heaven, surrounded by such ‘beauty’! (esp the young ones!)

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
10 months ago

Bidet is a dictator who makes up laws when he knows he cant get his pet laws through congress. He must go in November. Then all his made up laws can be rescinded.

10 months ago

Hasn’t the Civil Rights Era been wonderful!

10 months ago

Why is it that in order to have equity, transgenders get to horn in on girl’s and women’s sports but no one is horning in on men’s sports?? Does that sound like equity?? Equity would mean creating a separate league for transgenders so they can compete against each other instead of competing against girls and women!!! Joe Biden and Democrats don’t seem to know the meaning of equity or Joe would never have done this – another Joe debacle and lie!!! I don’t understand what Joe and Democrats are trying to do or prove here!!!

10 months ago

A vote for this JERK is a vote for insane policies! A man is NOT a woman – just because HE feels he has a female spirit it does not make him a woman. DNA does not lie!

10 months ago

What else would you expect from this hair sniffing pervert?

10 months ago

Sniff’in Joe could care less. All he and his handlers care about is votes and their agenda. This is now up to the parents. If they refuse to let their daughters engage in these sports, the trans boys will be competing amongst themselves. The states and schools MUST stand up to this crap and declare that they won’t accept this perversion. Is it really worth risking your daughters innocence and moral values just to play or compete in sports? NO. Think it through folks. They are coming after our kids! WE have to stand in their way.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
10 months ago

I agree how can women side with Biden and Harris and other Dems in Washington all because you have these Dems that push for abortion that is all there message is for women we need more abortions it is your right we have Biden and Harris all in for it so lets keep pushing it. We have this country over run with people from the border and that is all Dems care about is abortion very sad.

John Higgins
John Higgins
10 months ago

Biden wants to be elected “Satan-in-Chief”

That is the only job he is truly qualified for.

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