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Biden’s State of Delusion

Posted on Wednesday, March 2, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

AMAC Exclusive by: Tammy Bruce


President Joe Biden had two options when it came to his State of the Union address. On one hand, he could have recognized the dire straits within which his policies have this nation and made a complete U-turn on the issue of leadership and policy.

He could have apologized for the choices he made. He didn’t have to admit his Trump Derangement Syndrome resulted in his frenzied, nonsensical reversal of the majority of President Donald Trump’s policies simply for the sake of reversing them with no consideration of their impact. All he needed to do is admit his mistakes, experienced daily by the American people with inflation, high gas prices, crime, a strangling of our energy production, and empty shelves.

Abroad, Mr. Biden’s weakness and folly have emboldened our enemies, leading in part to a European war, abandoned American embassies, and scorn heaped upon us by our allies because of the catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal.

But he didn’t choose that route. Instead, he doubled down on the Democrats’ catastrophic social agenda and culture war, then threw in some occasional and insulting gaslighting by insisting Democrats want to fund the police, and implied they always have.

Did someone tell him we would all be hypnotized into believing whatever he said to the contrary of provably true reality?

At one point, he also insisted we need to “secure our border.” That’s right, the same guy whose own policy has erased our southern border and facilitated the deliberate transfer of illegal aliens into the interior of the country. He touted border security as though it’s been leprechauns causing all the havoc, blinding Border Patrol agents with laser lights of rainbows and pots o’ gold.

There were the usual verbal stumbles and lost trains of thought. Most glaringly, when speaking about distributing the COVID vaccines around the world, he declared, “Because you can’t build a wall high enough to keep out a vaccine…”  Yes, ‘gaffes’ are embarrassing here at home, but this sort of verbal blunder reminds all those watching, including a likely more rapt international audience, that something is wrong with the American president.

It is worth noting, in one year enduring Joe Biden’s presidency, our nation has been forced to abandon our embassies in two different countries. The Afghanistan debacle will be an everlasting stain on our country’s reputation and honor. In mid-February, we also fled our embassy in Kiev, a full ten days even before Putin’s invasion of Ukraine began. It’s fair to say our scurrying away possibly signaled to Putin a fearful weakness is gripping American leadership, as also evidenced by the Kabul debacle. The SOTU speech itself reinforces to the world the scatterbrained and inept center of American leadership.

Mr. Biden‘s State of the Union told us more than once that he wasn’t interested in changing course; we also learned a great deal by what he did not mention. Mr. Biden ignored the catastrophic withdrawal in Afghanistan just a short 6 months ago, almost to the day. He said nothing about the deaths of our 13 servicemembers who gave their lives trying to save Americans and our allies stuck in the chaos of the evacuation.

Many reacted with shock to the snub, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who tweeted: “To the 13 American families who lost loved ones in Afghanistan in August, you deserved to be recognized by the President tonight. Americans remember your sacrifice, and we are forever indebted to you.”

Mr. Biden didn’t stop at ignoring inconvenient murdered military heroes in order to bolster himself. At one point, while decrying high prescription drug prices, he specifically talked about the price of insulin and how he was planning to bring that down. Once again, the joke is on the American people as Biden himself is responsible for the high price. One of the first things he did upon taking office was to rescind Mr. Trump’s pricing rule lowering the cost of insulin and epinephrine.

An interesting observation from the evening was that West Virginia’s Democratic Senator Joe Manchin was tucked in with Republicans during the speech on their side of the aisle. Throughout the evening, he looked concerned about Mr. Biden’s remarks.

There is some good news in the midst of all this gaslighting, spinning, and lies. While tonight we saw Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi sitting behind Joe Biden, if all goes as expected in the midterm, it will be the new Republican Speaker of the House sitting in that chair behind the president’s podium.

While Mr. Biden and his clown car were preparing for their song and dance at the Capitol, voters in Texas were making their feelings known today during their primary elections. If the results are any indication of the mood of the country, Mr. Trump and his endorsed candidates are what voters want.

Breitbart reported, “Trump endorsed candidates on fire in Texas. Former president undefeated in primaries. Every candidate endorsed by former President Donald Trump in Texas’s Republican primaries have either won or are substantially leading their races as of 11:00 p.m. ET, potentially solidifying Trump’s kingmaker status in the first primaries of 2022. The 45th president gave his stamp of approval — a much coveted prize among Republican hopefuls — to 33 candidates. …”

At this rate, November’s midterm election will be the American people doing what Mr. Biden should have done tonight— taking the first step to admitting a mistake was made in 2020 and promising that we are committed to reversing course.

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3 years ago

Well, we KNOW 81 million people didn’t vote for him like he seems to think….and he’s only in there because of FRAUD.

3 years ago

I could only take about the first 10 minutes.

Christina Jenny
3 years ago

MY thoughts exactly TAMMY!!!

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
3 years ago

Easily the most shameful State of the Union Address ever given in my lifetime, and I am almost 70 years old. We have extremely brave Ukrainians willing to give up their lives for their country, but Biden can’t even admit his many domestic and international political and economic errors. He treats American citizens as if they are a bunch of ignorant fools. Sadly, most of my woke relatives and friends are still pretending that Biden is doing his best to save our country. They merely parrot the mainstream media and do not make the slightest attempt to discover the truth. I’m amazed that the US has so many apathetic Americans who are too insecure to live outside their woke comfort zone. I’m also amazed that there are so many Ukrainian patriots who would rather die than live under Putin’s abusive regime.

3 years ago

Biden’s speech was exactly as I anticipated it would be. He is nothing but consistent in pursuing the absolutely wrong course of action on virtually everything. Biden completely disregarded any damage inflicted on the United States and the rest of the world brought about by the destructive Democrat policies that were enacted. His speech was essentially a glorified sales pitch for the BBB bill and the rest of the Democrat agenda that is currently paused in the Senate thanks to Senators Manchin and Sinema. How long they both remain resolute after they get re-elected, unless the people of their states vote for a Republican, is up for serious debate. My bet would be that both would flip their positions once they are safely re-elected for another term. Just look at their long-term voting records.

As for Biden, there was no mention of the debacle in Afghanistan, the Americans left to die due to his incompetence, rising crime rates and needless deaths brought about by Democrat policies, the loss of our energy independence destroyed directly by his destructive attacks on our energy sector, or the rising level of inflation brought directly about by the massive, wasteful and completely unnecessary Democrat spending bills that injected trillions of dollars into our economy. His only solution to everything is more government spending to further devalue the American dollar and advance the socialist agenda, as he remains firmly wedded to the Progressive (Socialist) wing that controls and dominates the Democrat Party. As I said, Biden’s speech was exactly as I expected it to be.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Same MO, GIGO , No change speech (did not watch)

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
3 years ago

i did not physically watch bc i want to puke!! i did, however, see exerts from the so called speech! he is such a loser, a big failure, a liar, an imposter, a joke, a fraud, a mess, loves chaos, hates this country, i just can’t believe we have to put up with this guy. he can’t lead, talk, or make decisions. this country is in harsh times and we need a harsh leader. Trump was that guy he could take what he got back – which was uncalled for and not nice. A leader who put his heart and sould into this country and came thru, his family and wife intelligent and beautiful were put down. ha checck out bidens family – whew!!! all i can say is hurry back President Trump this great country needs you

3 years ago


Harry Guzaliak
Harry Guzaliak
3 years ago

The so-called state of the union address was a complete disaster, Lie after Lie. I could not finish watching. Totally out of touch!

Donald A Colongeli
Donald A Colongeli
3 years ago


Steven E King
Steven E King
3 years ago

I waited until I was pretty sure he was done rambling and turned over FOX and watched Governor Reynolds give a very good rebuttal. Biden just reminds me of a parent who thinks he’s wiser than his kids(us). He just doesn’t realize that we all know that he is not very bright. I do have ask, what was Pelosi chewing on or does she have ill fitting dentures? She looked a couple times like she had just loaded up her Depends.

3 years ago

The reason I ALWAYS refer to him as “Jackass” Josef Biden is because He is a Democrat and as such, the mascot of their Party is a Donkey. And a JACKASS IS A MALE DONKEY! . . . So you see, I’m just really calling him a male Democrat!

3 years ago

There are those who say it would be prudent to watch Biden’s SOTU so we know the enemy and what he’s up to.
I say those paying attention have been aware Biden has ALWAYS been a liar and a grifter. Why watch the f..k bring further disgrace upon our country?
That this piece of demented garbage still stands shows us all how pathetic and useless our opposition structure is. America is in need of God’s help. Because no one on the ground, except Trump, is willing to commit to decency, honor, and truth.

3 years ago

At least Nero played music while Rome burned.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

While I was greatly suprised that Governor Abbott won the state of Texas, free and clear and it wasn’t Governor West, I am gratified that it was him. I AM suprised that Paxton is still in office however. He will be facing charges, felony charges of his very own, and I will be surprised if he doesn’t go to jail over them. I was alarmed that Bush was the second contender there. I much preferred Eva Guzman, a Republican challenger, a naturalized citizen whose father was killed by an illegal immigrant. She wants closed borders and is a judge who fights against Joe Biden and his unethical mandates at every turn. Unfortunately, the Democrat contender, is once again, that horrible Beto O’Rourke. I would much prefer, this person go and run against AOC. He is more intelligent than her and his policies fit into New York much better than Texas! I’m sure he’d enjoy New York better.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

Yes, Biden & Company has a whole list of people they should apologize for. The policies of the Democratic/Communist Party is disgusting. Among the many apologies is how the American Police Force has been treated. No real apology has ever been made to America’s Police. Apology for the deliberate demonization of, defunding of, displacement of, early retirement of, and disrespect of. It is pretty clear the democrats had EVERYTHING to do with this. They in fact, thought that they would have an political advantage by smearing the police. They thought that they would enlist ‘liberals’ to vote for them. Wrong. ‘Wokeism’ and the resulting rewriting of history books, removal of: Our Founding Fathers Statues, changing the names of Civil War Sites, demonizing Disney Movies that may even fart slightly to the right, censorship in abundance, taking away the First Amendment totally and completely, censoring the Internet, demonizing doctors, demonizing truckers, pushing their ‘Green New Deals’ and trying to replace it with cow manure; (cow manure is great compared to this administration), and we haven’t even gotten to the Ukraine; have we? Biden & Company doesn’t give a rat’s hind quarters for the Ukrainian people. The Ukraine has given them a diversionary perspective to get them ‘off the hook’ for their total incompetence. Biden & Company obviously doesn’t want to mention any military mishap ever. No apologies to the family members regarding Afghanistan. One thing good. They had to take off their masks of deceit for the first time. They had to gaze lovingly and admiringly at their gutless leader. Ukrainians are not impressed. They feel as if Biden & Company flip-flops whilst they scamper to save their lives. Again, what has happened to the democratic party? Another good thing. Insomnia was cured last night by the Biden Administration. You could hear snoring all across the realm!…ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz! May God Bless Us All!

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

What a worthless use of airtime, all Lying Hidden Joe Biden did was lie to the American people and take credit for things he had nothing to do with, I could have had more fun watching paint dry or shoveling S##t in a barnyard, Hey Nancy puke-face Pelosi, why didn’t you tear up that worthless speech.
He is just like Emperor Nero; he fiddles while Rome (America and the World) burns.
God Save America

3 years ago

As one of our American leaders once said, “I know a cluster hump when I see one” and this faux administration is it!

3 years ago

Didn’t watch any of it but imagine it was quite comical.
What an embarrassment for America!

frank Rizzo
frank Rizzo
3 years ago

I planned on watching SLO JO and The HO, then I remembered I had to replace a leaky washer in a garden hose.

3 years ago

Anyone who thinks Biden is deluded is more deluded himself. Democrats know EXACTLY what they’re doing. To them, public perception is everything. As they carry out their wicked agenda, they know they can never be on record admitting to their depravity, hence, they have to lie through their teeth to the public.

Gen. Grant
Gen. Grant
3 years ago

First time in 40 yrs I have not watched the SOTU Speech. I can’t watch this feeble lying buffoon any longer. WAKEUP America——-time to reclaim our country first in Nov. 2022, then 2024 with Trump – Tim Scott.

Gary A Lebo
Gary A Lebo
3 years ago

The administration should be impeached. Biden and his son should be tried as traitors to the American people.

Walter Rose
Walter Rose
3 years ago

Watched a recorded movie..
“Drums along the Mohawk”..When Americans loved their country.

3 years ago

Delusional is a great way to describe that spectacle. Biden cut sand to admit Trump had it right all along.

3 years ago

That jerk off by the name of biden does not even know where he is or what he is saying//I hope everyone who voted for this dementia queen is in buyers remorse//to close my disgust for this old bag of bones=(THAT WAS THE WORST STATE OF THE UNION EVER PRESENTED to AMERICA) The people of the USA should not be punished for the mistakes this regime has introduced////////////

3 years ago

Better get out to the grocery stores folks and stock up on beans and rice, oh, and tp. The destruction we see is the goal they want. Really. The store shelves already look a bit sparse. I think we’re one more disaster away from a run on essentials. At least were headed into warm weather.

3 years ago

Government. Reynolds was excellent!

3 years ago

Unfortunately if we impeach that illegal nitwit, the ones up next are even worse. Guess we are stuck till November

3 years ago

Just as I predicted……the Biden State of the Union address…..”blah, blah blah, blah blah blah……and so on. The repub response….blah, blah, blah. (nothing new). The media on all fronts….blah, blah, blah blah blah. ad nauseam. Watched it all once, turned it off. Waste of time.

3 years ago

Biden touts the cooperation amongst the nations of the west as a triumph. Yeah, this should be no surprise. After years of oppressing their people under the guise of COVID, they are looking for an external enemy to rally their people behind to make them forget all that has happened under their destructive regimes. They are glad to jump in. Unfortunately, as obvious as this is, it seems to be working as we see Republicans jumping onboard.
The fact is, by moving to make Ukraine a NATO member, we were threatening Russia just as we would be threatened if Mexico made a military pact with North Korea. NATO was created to oppose Russia (at that time the Soviet Union). Hence, Russia’s move to mitigate that threat came as a surprise to exactly no one.
I wish there was a way to require the politicians who create these situations to participate in the actual fighting. Peace would be a lot more common and it wouldn’t be “Old men talking and young men dying”.

3 years ago

3 escapees from the local asylum all sitting together for the SOTU last evening on the raised portion of the front of the chamber.

3 years ago

What an embarrassment to see three corrupt, evil humans take center stage at the nation’s capital last night. All I needed to see before switching channels – anything, anyone else but them bozos. They lie always. Why should I even listen? Ugly, ugly, and sad situation to happen to the beacon of freedom in the world. Let’s fix this in November 2022.

Henry Stuckey
Henry Stuckey
3 years ago

This is what happens and continues to happen when we don’t solve the FIRST problem, which was the fraudulent election. Will 2022 be different, or a replay of 2020? Judicial Watch is succeeding in clearing voter rolls, but where is the prosecution, even the interest in prosecution, of the 2020 fraud? Its difficult to pin hopes on 2022 in the light of the overwhelming evidence of 2020 fraud, but that appears to be where we are. Here’s hoping and praying for the best.

3 years ago

Embarrassing in the extreme, this pie in the sky speech was downright full of lies and contradictions… reminded me of the BS 0’bama slung at us for 8 MISERABLE YEARS! I may not survive the term of this @$$clown but during whatever I have left, i will fight against everything 0’biden and his crime family try to stuff down our throats!

don heer
don heer
3 years ago

We have one of the stupid pres since CARTER

3 years ago

Good news !!! After watching “Midsomer Murders” on Brit Box, oops, I mean the SOTU, the people were rewarded at the gas pumps this morning with a FIFTY cents increase to help relieve inflation and demand. $ 5 dollars per gallon just around the corner for the summer.

3 years ago

Looks like Biden’s speech writer plagiarized one of Trump’s speeches again. This illegitimate fool is exactly opposite of what he presented himself to be.

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
3 years ago

It was a disaster from hell

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
3 years ago

State of delusion speech it was, how can anyone support this man who is running our country over the cliff. If he had any truth in him, he could have said I made a mistake in stopping the pipeline from Canada and also not allowing drilling of Federal lands again. It has caused Russia, China and Korea as well as Iran to rear their ugly selves making war while Biden cowers in Delaware seemingly unaware what he has caused.

3 years ago

God help us all.

Barbara W
Barbara W
3 years ago

With all due respect to the wonderful Tammy Bruce, referring to that demented fool in the White House as president grates on me every time I hear or read it. Thankfully, she only wrote it once.

I did not watch the SOTU because I cannot stand to look at that man, his cackling sidekick, and the hateful House Speaker. Tammy’s summary of what was said is no real surprise, and she pointed out everything he could have said but would never do. This illegitimate administration has been so intent on undoing all the good President Trump has done for the American people and on trying to advance their moronic socialist agenda that we find ourselves where we are today. Three more years of this madness is unthinkable, unless we’re all dead from a nuclear war in the meantime.

Jan Hus
Jan Hus
3 years ago

It was unmitigated torture to watch — especially Nan the Ripper in her role as a Botox-bloated
jack-in-the-box. Pathetic.

Michael Davitt
Michael Davitt
3 years ago

Let’s not forget to recognize the sickening delusion of Biden voters. The clueless nitwits who foisted this imbecile upon America and the world!

3 years ago

Well said Tammy ????????????????

3 years ago

The restrictions and destruction inflicted upon our oil and gas industry is the actual reason we are suffering unprecedented inflation and the truth behind the emboldening of Putin to reign down murder and destruction on Ukraine! Biden showed us he doesn’t give a hoot about suffering people in Ukraine or America.
The middle class is not important to Biden or any of the Democrats. Illegal invaders are more important to them.
People dying in Ukraine, or businesses, or middle class Americans are secondary to the agenda to destroy oil and gas. He will not back down on the policy of enriching elite globalists who are on board with the true agenda of enriching every single globalist elite who is pushing the climate change scam!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

I sat down last night & forced myself to watch the SOTU circus…Right out of the gate, one lie after another… ZERO acknowledgement of the state of affairs in this nation after ( 13 ) months of lackluster performance by Biden himself… One policy failure after another with no end in sight…
Quite frankly, I’m disgusted & disheartened…
Bill… :~(

3 years ago

To hear Mr. Biden’s speech, our country is in the best shape it’s been in decades!! NOT!! Anyone who buys gas, groceries, or a new pair of shoes knows that’s a lie! It was all lies. I didn’t make it all the way through, my blood pressure was getting too high.

USN Retired
USN Retired
3 years ago

The sad part is there are people that actually believe the bull Biden shoveled out. I hope they eventually see the truth, and join the rest of us Americans to kick these socialist Democrats to the curb.

3 years ago

Was it just me or was pelosi high?

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