AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

In the days following the deadliest wildfire in U.S. history on Maui that left at least 115 people dead and 1,100 still missing, President Joe Biden escaped to his beach house in Delaware, sent another $200 million to Ukraine while offering pittances for Hawaii, and hobnobbed with liberal billionaire Tom Steyer at his Lake Tahoe mansion before finally visiting the ravaged island – where he promptly insulted the victims and left them feeling angry and betrayed. When the history of Biden’s presidency is written, his actions over the past three weeks will undoubtedly go down as one of the great disasters of his term, right alongside his botched Afghanistan withdrawal.
The blazes began on August 8 and have burned 6,400 acres. The historic town of Lahaina was completely destroyed, with total economic losses of at least $5 billion. With so many people missing more than two weeks after the inferno ripped through the town, it seems likely that the death toll could climb dramatically higher in the days and weeks ahead.
Yet as the entire country’s attention turned to Hawaii, President Joe Biden’s focus was anywhere else. Three days after the fires began, on August 11, Biden flew to his Delaware beach house for the weekend, where he twice told reporters “no comment” when asked about the blazes. As rescue workers were pulling burned bodies from the wreckage and begging for federal help, Biden was reclining in the sand 5,000 miles away.
Then on August 14 came the federal government’s paltry offer of $700 checks to families that had just lost everything they owned, which Biden touted on Twitter rather than announcing in person. After raking in $4.9 trillion in tax revenue last year, the Biden administration has so far only distributed an embarrassing $3.1 million to the devastated islanders.
On the same day he tweeted bragging about his administration’s response to the wildfires, Biden also announced another $200 million for Ukraine. That funding means the United States has now sent $113 billion to a country halfway around the world, but can spare just 0.0027 percent of that total for the American citizens on Maui. As an article from The Federalist pointed out, the $700 checks “won’t even cover each household’s portion of the $113 billion in aid packages the United States has billed taxpayers for the war in Ukraine, which averages almost $900 per household.”
A day later, on August 15, Biden finally broke his silence about the disaster during a speech in Milwaukee – a full week after the fires started. But his utter disregard for the victims was only just beginning. Three days later, on August 18, he departed for another vacation to Steyer’s mountain chalet. (For those of you keeping track at home, Biden has spent 39 percent of his presidency on vacation.)
With pressure mounting on all sides for Biden to do something to show empathy and compassion for the victims, the White House finally scheduled a trip to Maui this past Monday – only to see the president make things even worse.
When Biden arrived, it was already clear many residents were angry. As the president’s motorcade drove through the wreckages, there were shouts of “thanks for nothing!” and “traitor Joe must go!” Many held signs reading “no comment.”
After stepping up to a pristine lectern prepared for him in the midst of the wreckage, Biden still had one more slap in the face ready for the wildfire victims. As people who had just seen every one of their possessions and even family members and loved ones literally turned to ashes listened in disbelief, Biden compared their suffering to a small kitchen fire in his home two decades ago.
“To make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my ‘67 Corvette, and my cat,” the president said about an episode that the incident report shows he routinely exaggerates. The hopelessly out-of-touch comment also came just moments after Biden had cracked a joke about the “hot ground.”
One social media user succinctly summed up the response of many Maui residents to Biden’s self-centered ramblings: “You almost lost your cat? Go f*** yourself.”
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen Biden – whose main selling point ahead of the 2020 election was that he is a “decent” man – show a complete lack of caring for the suffering of Americans.
Earlier this year, Biden waited days before responding to a train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, that sent toxic smoke billowing into the air and poisoned the ground and water for miles in every direction. Biden repeatedly promised to visit the site of the disaster but has yet to do so, while also denying Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s request for further federal assistance in the clean-up.
A few months after the Ohio disaster, Biden again ignited outrage by making a bizarre joke about ice cream in the wake of a horrific mass shooting at a Nashville Christian school that left six people, including three children, dead.
And don’t forget Biden’s utterly contemptuous response to his botched evacuation from Afghanistan in 2021. Even though 13 American service members died and the country fell to the Taliban days later, Biden called the evacuation an “extraordinary success.” Just a few weeks ago, the mother of one of the Marines who was killed at the Kabul airport revealed that Biden had likened her son’s death to that of his own son, Beau, who died of brain cancer, not on the battlefield, and then asked her for a photo op in the Oval Office.
A common refrain in conservative circles throughout Biden’s tenure has been that the president’s handlers are keeping him out of the public spotlight as much as possible to hide his very obvious cognitive decline. But given his track record, it’s worth asking if Democrats and the media are also desperate to mask the fact that Biden simply doesn’t care about the people he is sworn to serve.
Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @ShaneHarris513.
Hawaii is pretty much a one party state and that is all liberal/Democrat/socialist. Unfortunately, it has taken a tragedy of major proportions to force them to realize what they have elected and empowered.
The very fact that he’s squatting in the WH is a historic disgrace; not to mention embarrassing and most importantly, totally destructive. ZERO redeeming qualities as a human being…NONE.
Of course he’s dumping billions of dollars to Ukraine, he knows Ukraine officials will let the world know just how corrupt he is if he doesn’t keep the hush money flowing. I’m sure eventually we’ll find but by then the billions will be gone. Probably some back into the Biden family’s pockets compliments of the US taxpayer.
Biden is disgusting white trash and his policies are DESTROYING America BUT enough Americans VOTED for him ..which makes “US” the problem!
“WE” also vote on Soros..procecutors and horrid school boards along with disgraceful Mayors so it’s NOT all on the politicians!!!!!!!!
If the “Climate” emergency, is mandated. We will be in serious trouble ..then they will pull the “Wealth Tax” and steal all our property including our home if we don’t pay the tax yearly!
The public has VOTED to destroy America and there is LITTLE outrage. We are a “STUPID ” population that covets our “STUFF” more than our FREEDOMS!
His whole presidency and cabinet is a historic embarrassment……
NOT my President!
Ole Joe hates people and especially MAGA people. He has no empathy, and no vision for America. After all he is beholden to the Ukrainian and Chinese where he sold himself to. He is trying to eliminate Trump, only after 4 made up indictments, 230 million people watched or took a peek at Trumps interview on X with Tucker Carlson and still climbing. People from all over the world like Trump, and know what is at play here.
The surrender at the Fulton county jail yesterday by Trump, was made into a spectacle of epic proportions by the dems. Just so the dems had many photo ops for later to use in their election propaganda ads. Roads were blocked, drones flying overhead motorcycle escorts hundreds of armed guards along the route. Everything done to make the image of Trump so bad and to eliminate him as a candidate. Ole Joe knows he can’t win a second time without irregularities. We are onto him.
HI Fire issues:
Winds & down power lines
Directed energy laser used
Media black out after fire
1 road blocked
Water shut off
Conspiracy to me
I don’t get why anyone is upset about the aid to Maui. Biden threw everything he could afford at it including his 20 year old burned up kitchen sink. Not many would do that. Thank god the corvette is okay.
What will go down in history isn’t the incompetence of the man given the title of president, but that so many Americans were dumb enough to vote for him, the party he represents and the administration organized by those who handle him. That there are close to 50% of registered voters who will still vote for him shows that ignorance is curable but stupidity is not. The Chinese, North Korean, Russians and Iranians are watching this madness of American’s division, the dumbing of its citizens per our media while calculating an inevitable military strike the like of which goes far beyond 9/11. “People stumble over truth and get up as if nothing happened.” Winston Churchill
I am so exhausted by people and the media that speak like they believe Joe Biden has or has ever had the skill set needed to communicate with the public. Maybe starting with that fact will better help people understand. Consider the source and the source is Joe Biden.
Why would anyone vote for a democRAT?
Excellent article on telling the Truth of Self-righteous Dictator Beijing biden who thinks he’s more important than the people who died in that terrible fire in Maui and the people he Killed in his Afghanistan SURRENDER and his INTENTIONAL DESTRUCTION of the United States of America with his ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION.
It is more important for him to Vacation EVERY weekend and eat Ice Cream, ATTACK a U. S. PRESIDENT with FALSE INDICTMENTS and take away OUR U.S. CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and SPY ON AMERICANS.
It’s the typical attitude of democrats we see EVERY TIME they ruin (run) the country into the ground when in office.
But don’t worry. Maui residents and those who died will get a WHOLE BIG $700.00 from the BIG GUY. Yet, Ukraine will get $BILLIONS while AMERICANS STILL SUFFER .
That’s the democrat party for you.
One last thing, the democrats are pushing to TAX YOUR INCOME AT 70%. NO BS.
The ignorant A**hole gives billions to Ukraine and a pittance to American citizens in Hawaii. Plus after waiting almost 2 weeks to go to Maui, he stops in Tahoe for another vacation….on taxpayers dollar. The man is a total disaster and embarrassment to this country. He (and his worthless VP) should be impeached.
What terribly cruel and unfeeling men he and his son are.
re: Biden’s scandalous response ro Maui disaster—–Billioms for student loan forgiveness –basically nothing for Maui
When he does a right and decent thing I’ll be shocked This is his normal
This CLOWN is the biggest idiot in America today””controlled by borrack nobummer and george soarass….
Biden’s track record since his first days in the US Senate, showed his utter contempt for everyone.
Like the Socialist billionaires, Communists Chinese and general Progressives, Joe Biden just doesn’t care about American citizens or the U.S. as a nation. HE JUST DOESN’T CARE! As long as Biden continues raking in millions of dollars for the Biden family, Lying Joe Biden could care less about anyone else. Biden is not just the worst president in history, he is also one of the worst human beings.
We have a blithering idiot in the White House and so is anybody who votes for him!! Couldn’t believe he went on & on about a small kitchen fire in his million dollar house! What a jug-head!!!
Not only did he almost lose his ’67 Corvette, he almost lost those boxes of classified materials piled up in his garage as well! Oh, the humanity!
Joe Biden is a disgrace and a pedophile
The end of his term can’t come quick enough. I hope the country can
survive the next 18 months.
Even though our government has helped destroy our republic for a century (think Federal Reserve), things have gone downhill much faster this century. History will probably credit Biden with the end of the U.S. as the successful freedom experiment. His ‘don’t give a shit’ actions are propelling us into oblivion.
Biden is just doing what Biden does. Pretty much nothing but making himself look foolish.
Great article, Shane. This word needs to be spread to the Democrats who have been ignorant of the truth for so long!
Hawaii is a demorat State, demorat Governor. They don’t care. The fricken island is surrounded by water and this happened? They are climate warming/changing hoaxter believers. They blame it on climate which is the most ridiculous assertion by these climate worshippers and innocent people lost their lives and property. There was also reports of billionaires that wanted that particular real estate for themselves.
If a President or Leader doesn’t respect Life especially the most innocent in the womb, who would have been the future in America, maybe would have been great scientist, Doctors, Presidents, etc, what God had planned for them. If he doesn’t respect Life, he will not care about the people under his Presidency.and it shows. No help for our homeless Veterans, ,etc..
God Bless America and Have Mercy!
Why don’t they send a cruise ship to house the homeless????
Biden has no compassion for others & does not have much common sense when it comes to relating to average Americans. He needs to get out of the 2024 race.
Perfect summation of what a cold, cruel, callous being “mr. Empathy” Biden Really is. His total disregard for suffering Americans under his totalitarian rule is stunning and appalling. He cares only for zelenskyy and that whole money laundering operation in Ukraine.
Senile, decrepit corrupt Creepy Sleepy Quid Pro Joe is not, and never was, a good man.
I just don’t understand how all these Democrats can vote for such a vile man and his wife is just as bad. Isn’t at least one Democrat with a brain that has the guts to not vote for such a vile person. I guess they all follow him like sheep even when they know deep down that he such a vile person. So sad that they follow such a person.
Biden is scandalous to us but not to dem robots.
I’d like Presidents in both Parties to try and resist the empathy junkets where Presidents ignore the nation’s business for a day or week or so to prove they CARE.
Work on fixing the Borders and unresolved policies – or hand out ice and paper towels. Simple. Media wants paper towels and diapers tossed to the masses, and the President as Healer-in-Chief giving dirge speeches after select terrible tragedies – picking the right dead schoolkids, the Hero Grunt who were maimed in an IED and get to jog on their stumps and prothesis with George Dubya Bush (who created limb-losing Neocon wars with Cheney and his deputy Victoria Nuland.)
Bad idea to send Sniffy. No political upside to the trip. Every time the demented guy opens his mouth he puts the black and Jewish Cabal of Obama Admin officials rule of the Executive Branch in jeopardy. Their frontman Biden falls, their power and wealth gaining is impacted.
They should have been smarter and sent Kamala to cackle her way around Maui, have lunch with Oprah.
What a GOMER!
biden is the worst president ever, he is even surpassing obama as the worst president. I did not think that would be possible. hopefully the dumbocrats are NOT going to be stupid enough to even consider biden for the next election!
Everything potato head Joe and his evil cabal manages to touch turns to sh*t. Everything!!!
Worst President ever. How can his family and party continue to let this man embarrass himself?
What a PUTZ! Infuriating.
It is very sad what happened with the fires on Maui. What is even sadder is the people of Hawaii by November 2024 will not remember that citizens have died, houses were burned, towns destroyed, and go out and vote for biden and other democrats. Not sure why, but Hawaii is a solid democratic state.
PS, Shane Harris, Ohio is still waiting for biden to visit and help out East Palestine mess. Guess that’s what happens when we have a Republican Governor, and voted for Trump in 2020.
Let’s Go Brandon!! Keep up the bad work until even your voters with the brains God gave a goose finally wise up! The corruption of the swamp is now so obvious for all to see and hear!
I would like to be able to empathize w/ our president, making allowances for possible Alzheimer’s Disease, strokes, white matter disease, etc., much as I would for any friend, relative or even a stranger. I find it very difficult. Mostly I’m upset with those who promoted his election, manipulated voting integrity and are now placing Biden in such embarrassing and humiliating situations.
All of this bizarre behavior is just who Biden really is. Biden has always been an inveterate liar and a career criminal who cares for noone except himself. His advanced cognitive decline, while being indisputable, is not as much of a problem as is his absolute moral decadence.
Biden is right there to send billions of money to help Ukraine right away but to help people in this country he drags his feet it just figures what he is all about a very weak so called president he was on vacation his whole time in the White House has been a vacation since he took office, he is nothing but a disgrace.
He is good for nothing but soundbites for the right.
Maybe one morning we will wake up and be a happy America again.