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Biden’s Sinister, Demented Soul Revealed to All in His Soul of the Nation Address

Posted on Tuesday, September 6, 2022
by Matt Kane
Photo Credit: Doug Mills

Last week was a rare occurrence for the Biden Administration. During Biden’s “Soul of the Nation” speech, on behalf of whoever is writing the speeches he regularly stumbles through, he spoke his view of TRUTH to the American people. The truthful statements in his “angry old man speech,” as Mike Huckabee referred to it shortly after its conclusion, were disappointingly (but unsurprisingly) aimed in the wrong direction.  

Here are Biden’s TRUTHFUL key points that stood out that highlight many of todays’ problems in America:

  • “Too much of what is happening today is not normal.”
  • THEY are working as I speak to undermine future elections.”
  • THEY tried everything last time to nullify votes.”

It was truly refreshing to hear, after nineteen painfully long months enduring the lies of this administration, words of truth in an uncharacteristically coherent way come from Joe Biden, but sadly they were not a confession of his own destructive leadership.

More characteristically, he was simply wrong to whom he was airing his phony grievances. Phony because if he were truly angered by any of these problems he would have resigned long ago since he has played a key role in causing them. This commentary provides an analysis into all the hypocrisy and contradictions littered throughout the entirety of his gaslighting and marginalization filled speech.

Let’s begin with this quote:

  • Biden: “Our Democracy is under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.”

When a plethora of questions arose as soon as midnight on November 3rd, 2020, Biden’s understanding of a democracy clearly does not allow for genuine discourse, cross examination, and transparency to address the questions of many concerned Americans. Instead, he hurled attacks at anybody who simply used their First Amendment right to question the results after irregularities were brought forth. Another indicator of democracy being under assault would include the very COVID-19 mask and vaccine mandates Biden himself forcefully implemented, which when not complied with resulted in termination of employment, preventing Americans he swore to serve in good faith from providing for their families. So, while he is correct that democracy in our republic is under assault, he should ask his cronies and himself why they are doing it.

  • Biden: “Too much of what is happening today is not normal.”

Another very valid point, although he again misplaces what he sees as “not normal.” Have you ever seen a President consistently conduct meetings in a set of the White House with camera crews and light fixtures as opposed to the White House itself? Perhaps providing the leader of the free world with elementary level instructions for basic tasks is normal to Joe. And on a more serious note, it is completely abnormal for a president to use the Department of Justice as an arm of his authority against his political opponents. It is normal in third world countries, not in America.

  • Biden: “THEY are working as I speak to undermine future elections.”

Another truth, but this should have been aimed at his allied partisan operatives and “big media.” Unlike many of the other topics the Left takes exception to, any mention of election interference (aside from the Russia Hoax) is usually avoided at all costs, especially during a primetime television event. Their usual strategy of “don’t ask don’t tell” to avoid drawing any attention to the issue was surprisingly cast aside last week despite more evidence of wrongdoing in 2020 being revealed regularly. Perhaps they feel very few people tune in to listen to Biden? Unlikely. What is more likely is their desperate desire to control the narrative by framing issues before others beat them to the punch is what drove their decision making.

Working to undermine future elections, Joe? You mean by opposing voter ID, which irrefutably would be a major aid in preventing illegal votes that wrongfully influence elections? Does federalizing elections sound like something that may undermine an election? Would allowing the federal government that is currently in power to overrule what states determine to be the best course of action to conduct the fairest election possible undermine an election? I would say so. Unfortunately, Biden, with that sinister black and red backdrop, again lied to all of America, including the likely small crowd in attendance, that it is the “MAGA Republican Extremists” working overtime to undermine our next elections, despite actions he has already taken that have made this a potential reality.

  • Biden: “THEY tried everything last time to nullify votes.”

THEY did- that is, his cohorts really did. And up to this point they have gotten away with it. Nullifying a vote involves the cancellation of true, legitimate votes from legally registered American citizens by certifying votes that count errors from machines, illegal ballot harvesting, unconstitutional altering of election laws not approved by the state legislatures, and ineligible voters voting in addition to many other examples in years past. So once again they did, but Biden’s understanding of who they are is the opposite of who they actually are. In this world of pronoun confusion perhaps that is where he lost his way in understanding reality, but these are mistakes the President of the United States simply cannot make.

Now that we have covered the contradictions, we can focus on the easier to understand portion, which essentially encapsulates the life of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr: the lies.

  • Biden proudly proclaimed that under his rule, he has built “An America more prosperous, free and just.”

Prosperity is the condition of being successful or thriving especially: economic well-being.

Quite literally, 8.5% inflation directly contradicts economic well-being. Middle- and low-income Americans are suffering at the hands of Biden-caused inflation. Businesses large and small and sole proprietors, and workers for whom driving is critical to their livelihoods are really hurting. Consumers – families – of all goods are also paying a steep price for Biden’s feckless energy policies and reckless runaway government spending, which are directly causing inflation.

Economic opportunity and prosperity are essential to preserve freedom, liberty, opportunity and choice. The federal governments’ imposing of mask and vaccine mandates which proved to be an ineffective power grab eliminated any freedom of choice. Instead, forcing a “masked society” caused substantial harm to American school children.

Justice? The Biden Administrations’ sense of justice is “rules for thee, but not for me.” Colluding with “Big Tech” to silence conservative voices throughout mainstream and social media is not a “just” practice for a government. But Biden calls MAGA Republicans “extremists”- and says they threaten the republic? In other words, Biden is saying “do as I say not as I do,” and if you do not, you are engaged in an ongoing “insurrection.” This is reminiscent of the fascism we fought in WWII.

Following the MAGA blame, Biden further attempted to convince the country that the majority of the Republican party is not comprised of Trump supporters. If this were true, most Trump-endorsed candidates likely would not have won their primaries, many times convincingly. A simple search for CPAC Dallas’ recent straw poll would have showed Biden’s handlers Trump holding a 69% approval amongst attendees. Any demographic you look at certainly shows greater than 50% (often times significantly greater) support for Trump within the party.

Laughably, Biden said as President, he feels it is his “Duty to tell the truth.” He doesn’t have a track record that supports that claim. He has been misleading the public for decades, including during his first run for the oval office in 1987, where he admitted to plagiarism and lying about his class ranking. More recently he misled the public so greatly on the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccinations that even CNN refuted his claims. He followed this with more falsehoods about how Americans would not cover the bill for student loan forgiveness, which forced another media ally to reveal research proving that claim to be false.

Shaping the Narrative. In sum, the tactic used in this speech is no different than the one that too many Leftists and Democrats have been using for ages: “Shape the narrative” and stifle or deflect debate on the hard questions.

You can hear it with his repetitive use of the new buzzword term “Extreme MAGA Republicans.” This is not limited only to Biden’s most recent speech, see “baseless claims of evidence.” Just days ago in a possible Freudian slip, Biden claimed that he will “Make sure nobody can steal an election again.” Clearly, he was insinuating Trump would try to steal a future election after unsuccessfully “stealing” the previous one and was projecting this onto the American public. In doing so, he drew many to analyze his own “election” and puts others into question – a matter the radical Left fights so hard to keep under wraps.

In trying to program the country by framing the future and referencing Trump supporters, Biden claimed “They refuse to accept the results of a free election, January 6th was a preparation for what they intend to do in 2022 and 2024.” This is clearly a desperate attempt in the face of all polling consistently indicating strong disapproval for his administration, including polls from Democratic voters who prefer he not even seek the oval office again.

Biden rambled on that “The will of the American people will not be overturned by wild conspiracy theories” that are “baseless and evidence free.” Such evidence, however, has continued to surface. Indeed, the real conspiracy theory is the intentional dismissal of facts and evidence that don’t fit their narrative.

For a president who claims to represent ALL Americans, Joe Biden sure has an odd way of showing it. Democrats have long placed the blame of divisiveness and alienation they caused on conservatives, Republicans and specifically – President Trump. But when looking beyond their messaging, is there any question who the true divider of the United States is, and always has been? Biden and his companions should look in the mirror. Thursday night’s “Soul of the Nation” address did not provide the country with an accurate view of the soul of the United States of America, but rather a crystal-clear look into the soul of Joe Biden, and it is a dark and sinister place.

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2 years ago

One can only hope that the majority and reasonable voting public have seen the facade of Pres. Biden and the evil cronies and will vote in representatives for the people and not a party.

2 years ago

Are there not laws against hate speech such as biden made???… Arrest and prosecute him and the rest of his administration for!!!!…..

2 years ago

The fact that his own party wants him to not run says it all. Trump are you ready?? Time to warm up Your engines. Let’s protect the vote this time.Gooooo Trump.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Same for his MD & Union PA speech all the same tone

Nico Bonthuys
Nico Bonthuys
2 years ago

I did not watch the clown show, but I did not see any American flags on the videos and photos at all. Only the CCP look alike setup; was that intentional to intimidate people

Kyle L. Smith
Kyle L. Smith
2 years ago

I dont ghots no I D . I be mista Bidens slkave. I has a write to vote. Kyle L.

Elizabeth Misa
Elizabeth Misa
2 years ago

Biden needs to be impeached for destroying our country. Since when are the majority of Americans domestic terrorists! Really! They call us who they actually are! The 8.5% inflation rate is a lie because this figure does not include food and gas! Without food and gas we can’t eat nor can we drive to work! But that is the point!

2 years ago

As we witness this final transformation of our country from the Constitutional Republican government founded into some kind of democratic national socialist Marxist ideal, we must continue to seek God’s help and Revival. This is the greatest thing in the preparation for what lies ahead. The total turmoil possible for us lies with the TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, SO HELP US GOD. The father of all lies has gripped the lives of many people in America. We may have been a virtuous people before, but evil itself has come to divide and conquer with full control over illegal leaders. Spiritual Warfare is not the same as the military battlefields, but I fear those may be ahead for us, as our enemies see the weaknesses and they are exploiting them. Just consider the grafts, greed, thefts, lies, destruction, chaos, death, and threats of more violence to everyone who doesn’t follow their demands and direction. Such was Biden’s speech, which was more divisive and hateful than any other in my life. To those who are ready to fight, it’s good to prepare and remain vigilant, but should Maga types instigate such as the antifa blm idiot thugs do? No. Avoid that as long as possible. We will need our country’s largest number for the enemies interested in bringing the war in our country. Hence, the justification of open borders and illegal aliens flooding the public. I’ve come to a realization that all hell will break loose when TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SO HELP US GOD is fully aware to all Americans.

2 years ago

As “Lyin” Biden stated: “THEY tried everything to nullify votes” . . . NO, JUST TO NULLIFY “ILLEGAL” VOTERS! . . . These wannabe Communist Democrats LIE about everything!

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

All states in the US should have in person voting with a valid identification. Mail in voting should only be allowed in extreme emergencies. We now have a third world voting system which lends itself to rampant corruption. All the people who scream that needing a valid identification is racist are actually the ones who are racist — plain and simple. Most minorities are perfectly capable of getting valid identifications. Those who can’t, should be able to get helped by local government personnel.
It’s time to stop the insanity. Clean, ethical elections should be a fundamental part of any Constitutional Republic. Organized, lawful national borders should be as essential to our country as having the right to live in cities of peace and safety. This is logical, rational, and decent. The US should be a first rate country with a first rate political class. Sadly, we have room for much improvement.

Duffy Spies
Duffy Spies
2 years ago

It’s time for the most famous words in motor sports!

2 years ago

America has not had a collective “soul” for many years.

2 years ago

This is the same commen I made t to another article.
I wrote a long piece that appeared on the blog

Here is the link to copy and paste:

2 years ago

This Administration is completely corrupt! Biden and his cronies are looking in a mirror. The American people are not stupid., but we can not assume a Red Wave. We have to get out and vote, because the left is doing everything they can to stay in power. If this regime is not stopped in November, we’re done!

2 years ago

Biden is a Buffon he sold his sole to the highest bidder years ago, he is nothing but a puppet for much darker influences right now.

Maxine Olson
Maxine Olson
2 years ago

It has been my experience that whenever the democrats accuse the Republicans of some wrongdoing, it is because the democrats themselves are doing it. All the condemnations Biden levels at Republicans should be leveled at democrats.

2 years ago

Lucifer on full display if there ever was a doubt! Sorry to see that the Marines got drug into it.

2 years ago

Sounded like a demented tyrant. What an example for other countries to see. A disgrace to our country

2 years ago


Gabe hanzeli kent wa
Gabe hanzeli kent wa
2 years ago

The stage is dark.

Blood red flowing from the ceiling

Demons silhouetted in the background.

The undead joe biden emerges from the depths of hell and slithers toward the gates of hell.

As his slithering recedes the hells spokesman biden begins to spew out his venomous screeching.
“nothing is normal, Muaga is not normal, ulter muaga is terrorism”. .

Having exhausted his energy to maintain human form the biden turns and descends back through the gates of hell and to the depths from which he came.

The Demoncrats bare witness to their religious renewal.

As the biden descends the demoncrats applaud that go forth to commit new violence and hateful acts renewed in their knowledge that their is life after death for the demoncrat true believers.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

I read the whole damned speech after I heard it. Replace the words Maga Republican with the word Jew and then guess who it sounds like. Joe just didn’t have many troopers behind him. Do these “progressives” think we are really so stupid? I do fear there are too many Americans who are.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

Joe, the things that are not normal that are happening today are because of the demented old fool in the White House. That would be you and your administration Joe. You and your administration are a Clear and Present Danger to the Security of these United States.

My prayer for your leadership is that God will execute his vengeance on your corrupt, lawless and misdirected administration, before you destroy America!

Cheryl M Wood
Cheryl M Wood
2 years ago

It is very discouraging that the left has such a pulse on everyday life. Wake up America and use your voice and vote to rid our country of the evil. Help each other to realize the real values of our life, our families and country. God, Family and Country!

Martin Plecki
Martin Plecki
2 years ago

This is a really good article. It’s conclusions are supported with obvious facts. It’s too bad that a wider audience doesn’t get to see it. Really, that is the problem. Most liberals are not stupid, but they never see this kind of information so they’re conclusions are hugely tainted by biased news sources. Fix that and we go a long way to saving the USA.

Douglas C
Douglas C
2 years ago

Character actor Joe Biden should get an Emmy for his impressive portrayal of a mean, neurotic and dangerous villain pretending to be President of the United States. His loathsome and vile Soul of a Nation speech shall, as another President once put it, ‘live in infamy’ and shame the office of President forever. 
The ultimate question American’s need to ask themselves: Nationalism-America First, or Globalism with the Uni-Party.  Not Republican, not Democrat, not Green, not Libertarian- but Nationalism can save us.   The Uni-Party seeks to erase national identity.  You must ask yourselves, where do you think is your best chance for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?  Where will your children live free and prosperous for generations to come. In the greatest nation state in world history, America, our United States; or under the thumb of Uni-Party globalists in the shadow of European snobs and Chinese dictators? The great generations that came before didn’t work hard and smart, die in conflicts, and otherwise provide the foundation of our good life, to see their progeny throw it down the toilet of globalism. Humanity is nowhere near ready for this kumbaya fantasy utopia. Over a very, very longtime humanity may organically come together in a cohesive whole in the image of Godliness and ascend to harmony. That time is not here. The decrepit, avaricious, and deviant mob pretending to lead the American people, must immediately be replaced by the vote of the people. Do not be afraid. The future is ours, if you have the courage to take it and shape it. Time is very short. Your peaceable vote won’t last much longer.

nick patriot
nick patriot
2 years ago

I want to ask everyone on this forum: Where are the Republicans? Where is the outrage?? Many seem to think this mid term is in the bag. IT’S NOT!! I’m tired of hearing “dems have all three branches of the gov. They could at least run commercials denouncing this hatred from obiden and co. Have you seen any? Neither have I. McConnell and his gang are not going to save the USA. In PA, they already have the voting by mail fraud system in place for November. The country will not make it to 2024 if the democrat communist party prevails this fall.

2 years ago

Pray for our country, and that demented soul Joe will repent.
Jesus is always our hope.

Douglas C
Douglas C
2 years ago

Character actor Joe Biden should get an Emmy for his impressive portrayal of a mean, neurotic and dangerous villain pretending to be President of the United States. His loathsome and vile Soul of a Nation speech shall, as a past President once put it, ‘live in infamy’ and shame the office of President forever. This was no American reviling half his fellow citizens. This was Marx and Engels from the grave, and World Economic Forum Globalist America haters resurrected and channeled through their best living disciple, Joe Biden. Our very own Sith Lord.
This is not about Ds and Rs anymore.   It is about having a nation or not. Follow the Uni-Party to oblivion or keep your nation. The ultimate question American’s need to ask themselves: Nationalism-America First, or Globalism with the Uni-Party.  No Rhino Republican, no Democrat, no Green, no Libertarian will save you, but perhaps America First can.   The Uni-Party seeks to erase national identity.  Nationalism seeks to preserve the best of it. You must ask yourselves, where do you think is your best chance for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Where will your children live free and prosperous for generations to come. In the greatest nation state in world history, our United States.  Or, under the thumb of Uni-Party globalists in the shadow of authoritarian European snobs and Chinese dictators? The great generations that came before didn’t work hard and smart, die in conflicts, and otherwise provide the foundation of our good life, to see their progeny flush it down the toilet of Globalism. Humanity is nowhere near ready for this kumbaya fantasy utopia. Over a very, very longtime humanity may organically come together in a cohesive whole in the image of Godliness and ascend to harmony. That time is not here. The decrepit, avaricious, and deviant mob pretending to lead the American people, must immediately be replaced by the vote of the people. The future can be ours, if you have the courage to take it and shape it. Time is very short. Your peaceable vote won’t last much longer.

Douglas C
Douglas C
2 years ago

OOPs. I didn’t mean to repeat.

Virgil Victor Snoddy
Virgil Victor Snoddy
2 years ago

The strength of the globalist system right now is that it really has no human face to which its opponents can rally against. It has national puppets, but this is a global system with no visible global leader, at least not yet. The closest thing to that would be Klaus Schwab but most average Joes still don’t know who he is. And even if they do, they’re not going to take him seriously because he’s too old and almost cartoonish in his villainous style of delivery

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
2 years ago

The U.S. Federal Government is looking more like a mash up of Stalin’s Communism and Hitler’s Nazi movement every time Biden mouths what his billionaire Socialist and Communist Chinese handlers want him to say. Fear our new government!

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