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Biden’s Blunders Are No Longer a Surprise

Posted on Friday, July 15, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

Is there an expiration date when the establishment and media stop feigning surprise when there is bad economic news, or when President Biden makes embarrassing and often dangerous remarks in front of the world?

It has been 18 months of Biden blundering his way through this country like a Tasmanian Devil behind the wheel of a monster truck. From day one his actions indicated a presidency based on revenge against the citizens not for just daring to elect Trump, but for thinking for ourselves and rejecting the garbage and destructive agenda of the Democrats.

Why is anyone surprised that a man so delusional and incompetent had to be hidden in a basement while running for the presidency, is also the front for an administration who is destroying the country economically and socially?

And yet like sleepwalkers, who are able to engage in conversations even when completely asleep, the establishment and legacy media keep reporting on the disasters unfolding around us as though they’re completely shocked by the not-so-surprising daily catastrophes.

“Surprised” and “unexpected” must be the most used words during the past 18 months. The latest was last Friday’s inflation data which Reuters reported on using the words “blistering” and “grim” in their title. Then predictably in the body of the coverage they framed it as ‘surprising’ news.

“A surprisingly hot inflation report for June is darkening the outlook for markets, as investors brace for more hawkishness from the Federal Reserve and continued volatility in stocks and bonds. Wall Street met the number, which showed consumer prices rising by a greater-than-expected 9.1% in June, with a collective groan. Analysts at Wells Fargo called the report “rotten to the core” while BofA Global Research strategists said it confirmed their recent call for a mild U.S. recession.”

This 9.1% figure is the highest since 1981, one of many grim aftermaths of the Carter disaster which Reagan had to clean up.

You won’t remember warnings about a recession because we never got one. And then inflation wasn’t happening, until it did. Everything for these people is so unexpected and surprising. And now what they’ve done to us has morphed into a grim thing for which we all must brace. Maybe the leprechauns in charge of monetary and all other policy have turned a jaundiced eye toward the American people. Or… it could be the old, tired, angry, and idiotic policies of the Marxists and Democrats designed to take this toll.

We all know the Hans Christian Anderson parable The Emperor’s New Clothes. The tale conveys the story of an emperor convinced by grifters that they could provide him with magnificent clothes affording him great power and insight. The problem was there were no clothes, just flattery, lies, and blind arrogance. In the midst of a society refusing to speak the truth about the emperor’s condition for fear of retribution, a child ultimately did so unaware there was a price to pay for honesty. In our case, all the tiny tyrants and little emperors are fully dressed in $5000 suits. Unfortunately for us their character, integrity, and decency are the important missing factors, and we face the same retribution should we dare speak of the hole where a soul should be.

New polls are making it clear that the American people have had enough of naked Joe Biden. Some polls and research indicate grassroots Democrats are beginning to understand they were lied to about Biden. One thing is for sure: Americans have learned that the Trump success wasn’t because of the system, it was despite it, and that leadership matters. Right now, Biden’s average approval rating via Real Clear Politics is 38.5 percent. Even more stunning are the results of two recent polls. The Washington Examiner reports, “A stunning 18% of voters want President Joe Biden to pursue reelection in 2024, marking the lowest figure to date as his approval rating continues to plunge, according to a new poll. Roughly 64% of recipients surveyed said Biden should step aside in 2024, and now, even a plurality of Democrats, 41%, say that the president should hand the baton off to someone new, eclipsing the 35% of Democrats who would like him to run again, Yahoo News/YouGov poll found.”

Moreover, a New York Times poll released on Monday found that 64% of Democratic Party voters want a different candidate to head the 2024 ticket. That may give you the impression the Democrats are turning on Biden because of the issues but hold on. The main narrative is that Biden is too old. The problem with that fantasy is that Democrats voted for Biden in 2020 knowing he was an older man, but what was kept from them was the extent of his cognitive decline. That cat is now out of the bag.

But the Democrat Party needed a man who would want the position but wouldn’t insist on actually doing the job, mostly because he simply couldn’t. It’s the perfect situation for a political bureaucracy that has always imagined itself as a collective president and, by golly, they were finally going to run the show. Too bad that show consists of pouring the last bit of gasoline on us and lighting a match.

The funny thing is, old man Biden isn’t making the decisions that are ripping this nation, our national security, and our economic stability to shreds; it’s a bunch of people considerably younger than he is. Just as they used Biden the “Mystery Man” in the basement as the one who would save everyone from Trump, the Ron Klains (Biden’s Chief of Staff) and Susan Rices (the Director of Biden’s Domestic Policy Council) of the Democrat Party will now throw Biden, the Old Man, under the bus to save themselves.
This new narrative about age is a convenient trope to use against Biden but it is meant to distract from the deliberate malevolence encased in their agenda and to strike at Trump as well. But like with everything else in life, things are relative. It’s not age that’s the issue, what matters is health, vitality, and ability. Some people at 50 should not be in charge of anything while some in their 80s continue to do remarkable work in their fields.

The Democrats know it’s not about age. If it was, Dr. Anthony Fauci would be out on his ear as he is older than both Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden. Menaces like Fauci and Nancy Pelosi who continue to be lauded by Democrats, should be fired for what they have done, not because of how old they are. And the people, regardless of any sliver of their identities, who are using Biden’s age to escape responsibility about policy and incompetence, should be named and never allowed in any position of power again.

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2 years ago

The “BLAME” game continues. Nobody in this administration wants to take responsibility for the chaos and mayhem that has been created that is destroying the nation. Part of this article reminds me of the biblical King Solomon, who despite being wise, moved away from the ways of God as he taxed the the people to the extreme to support himself and harem. After his death, the next King Rehoboam got the elders and younger representatives together to set a new course for the state. The elders advised the king to lower the taxes and the people would follow and honor him. Instead, the king took the advise of the younger generation that led to even higher taxes and the destruction of the state. This article clearly states that this situation has been happening to this country as Biden clearly is being led by the young advisers who could care less what happens to the nation as they line their pockets with $$$$$.

2 years ago

If I were POTUS you would write my speeches.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Not to mention DICTATOR Beijing biden’s TERRORIST Open Borders INVASION.
DICTATOR Beijing biden’s ‘1994
But they did do Two things…1st, THEY PLAYED AMERICANS EMOTIONS AGAINST THEM, 2nd, ALL So-Called Anti-gun laws and So-Called Red Flag laws ARE ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

2 years ago

Amen to all of that.

2 years ago

Excellent piece.

2 years ago

Spot on! The only ‘surprise’ that still amazes me is when the polls say anyone actually approves of this President. They must be asking people that don’t eat, drive or have a savings account. Like his dead voters?

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

I still think that Biden will call it a day and announce that he is not running for re-election sometime during the 3rd/4th quarter of 2023.

Some eighty year-olds may be able to run a large corporation or represent the people through elective office but he is clearly not one of them.

2 years ago

Blah, blah, blah! Another article complaining about the state of the state without saying what to do about it!! Is it just me or are other Americans unwilling to wait until 2024 to DO something?!!
Let’s make it clear that we need to have the Democrats GONE from their positions of power. Decisions and actions need to be made and carried out NOW before this downward spiral gains any more momentum!!! It’s not ONE old man!!! Anyone with a -D next to their name has be given a pink slip and sent packing!!! Forced to leave!! As in physically!!

2 years ago

Let’s Go Brandon needs to be removed from the office since I wasn’t elected, this was shown through 2000 Mules. Plus everything he touches is failing. If he had just left what the rightful President Donald J Trump put into place he’d look like a hero. But instead he reversed everything and now we’re in an economic disaster.

2 years ago

Yawn… Another story of how Biden is unfit for the office of POTUS. Something anyone with the capacity to think and reason knew well before the election. Since the American people decided to put up with this nonsense, we have another 2.5 years of this demented old man wandering about as his handlers lead him from one disaster to the next.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
2 years ago

The entire democrat party is nothing but stupid corrupt fools.

Anyone still supporting the democrats deserves to be beaten on sight for the damage they have caused to each individual in america.

If you are a liberal you are the problem and the problem will be fixed when you are put in prison for life.

2 years ago

Boring. What a disgusting president of a great country. We the people must suffer through his awful administration. So harmful to taxpayers!!!

2 years ago

Biden is destroying America so many ways now , more stressed , weaker people will be going nuts , then combine the FACT BIDEN HIMSELF created the “Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990” left American school kids unprotected / vulnerable to the 92% of mass shootings ever since. The children’s blood is on this socialist  / communist criminal of a fraudulent , irresponsible “president” as much as the nuts shooters !  This all is factual ,recorded history now & should be brought up at every chance . All real Americans should know these root causes of situations , not just the shallow , superficial “feelings” they seem to have now that are opposite of the real truths !

kevin s
kevin s
2 years ago

It’s a race to the bottom: Biden’s gaffes vs Harris’s word salads. I can’t call what’s worse, but that BOTH are indicative of just how mentally deficient this administration is. Oh and morons surround themselves with Idiots.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

Presidents should not take naps in public, that privilege is reserved only for members of congress and senate.

2 years ago

This is just another BS article by AMAC i guess we are running out of things to print ,, LOL,, we better hope this old man can last until the end of his term ,, no matter whos making the real decisions now ,, should something happen to him the next one in line would be much worse ,,, again all we can hope for is to slow the NWO down in Nov. but hat will take all of ,,,WE THE PEOPLE TO VOTE AT THE POLLS NOT THROUGH THE MAIL,,,

Linda Baker
Linda Baker
2 years ago

Excellent Article, very insightful. Tammy brings up a good point about the propagandists touting Beijing Biden is too old and not that he is corrupt and mentally incompetent so that when President Trump decides to run again, he may be considered to be “too old.” This will be ingrained in some people’s memory by the 2024 election. The tactics the Marxists use can be, unfortunately, very effective.

2 years ago

As usual, Tammy Bruce has hit the nail right on the head. Never wrong and never pulling punches, she let us know Joe would, without hesitation put a stake through the heart of our democracy in a heartbeat. The mystery is still who is really pulling the strings of this puppet. Is it one man or a committee. A diabolical maniac like Soros, or the whole darn Democrat party?I s it One World Order or the CCP? I know democracy is at war. I know Joe Biden is a mental cripple. I want to know who my real enemy is. We can’t continue to fight in the dark.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Pure comedy & laffs

2 years ago

My FIL has frontal lobe dementia. Joeblow’s behavior is identical to FIL’s. There is nothing that can be said or done to slow the progression. The day is coming that we can expect violence. We leave no one in the room without one of his son’s or grandson’s who are strong enough to counter an attack.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

That’s a kind way of putting it, calling them simply Blunders!

2 years ago

Clearly entirely the fault of the marxist democrat party policies and tge inept, destructive,failed politicians named joebama,pelosi and schumer!!
Collectively the democrats have destroyed everything good that President Trump did. They are a clown show of failure!!

2 years ago

I love the analogies she used in this article.
And the “surprised” and “unexpected” part – correct, the Left always plays dumb.

Debbie Maxwell
Debbie Maxwell
2 years ago

This hits the nail on the head! We are tired and it’s just gonna GET WORSE??!!!! SOMETHING has to happen. These idiots are making our great country CRASH!!! We can’t stand by and let these greedy , hateful and disgusting people continue this rampage!

James J
James J
2 years ago

first it was the Mooslum half black obambi bowing to the camel jockeys Apology tour.
Now its this pos Demented Old Fool Destroy the United States Mooslum Puppet Pedo biden

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
2 years ago

Among the many excuses made by Democrats when they lose is that, according to them, they have a messaging problem. No, Democrats. Your policies stink and don’t work because they cannot work.

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
2 years ago

We’re now experiencing Obama’s 3rd term played out with Biden as the puppet. All of the behind the scenes collaborators of this 2008 economy are still in place. Susan Rice & Valerie Jarratt are making the decisions while fulfilling Obama’s NWO campaign. No one on Biden’s team knows anything about how business, economics and foreign policy work. They’re adherence to the Green Energy & Climate Cult have brought our once vibrant economy to a halt. There is no common sense with any of these people! We are decades away from electric cars. Our climate is cyclical as we have scientific proof. It’s just a ruse to make Americans feel guilty about our prosperity and drive us backward. They don’t care how many Americans suffer with high energy prices and inflation. People who used to live paycheck to paycheck can’t make ends meet now. Charity Food Distributors are seeing huge increases in applications from people who never, ever needed these services. I can’t see how anyone believes in these Democratic policies and doesn’t demand an immediate return to Trump’s Policies to get us on the right track again.

Guy Cooksey
Guy Cooksey
2 years ago

This evil man is a fraud and everyone with half a brain knows it. And “2000 Mules” proves it (with more proof coming out!). Biden is controlled by a Global Elite cabal that wants to control the world and is now making its move. They stole the 2020 election (which Trump won in a landslide) and are now crashing the system to usher in their Great Reset. Alex Jones WAS right. We need to stand up and NEVER comply and get locally involved so that we can turn this whole ship around before it is too late and tyranny is permanent for us, our kids and grandkids. Remember, NEVER COMPLY with these wicked people. They are thieves, cheaters, liars and killers!

Richard Minetti
Richard Minetti
2 years ago

Wonderful job of journalism Tammy. Factual and to the point!

Old Silk
Old Silk
2 years ago

Right-o – Bank of America “called for” a mild recession, but what they don’t understand is that big banking is only in control of their own little world, and it is going to get bad.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

biden was purposely put in place to bluster and blunder his way through 4 years of a disastrous Presidency. His purpose is to deflect the blame away from his handlers. In that, he is the perfect straw man.

2 years ago

Senator Ted Cruz sent letter July 11th asking AG Garland to explain why Judicial Dept. has failed to stop protesters from intimidation at SCOTUS justice homes. These protesters are breaking a Fed Law & should have been arrested then & now. These protests must stop before someone is hurt or killed.

Rob Wells
Rob Wells
2 years ago

A very big little word
Who is our president working for?

James P.
James P.
2 years ago

Most of us can’t wait until November.

We also can’t wait until November 2024. It is like running a marathon on one’s hands and knees, all uphill!

But think of this: Once President Trump announces his intent to run in 2024, imagine the massive overwhelming wave of optimism that will sweep across the nation just knowing this nightmare of incompetency will have an expiration date you can mark on a calendar in ink!!! The glass will become half full again!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Age isn’t the problem; DJT is almost as old but he is COMPETENT and ACTIVE. There are plenty of 80-year-olds who are in better mental and physical shape than a lot of these woke punks today. It’s that Biden has NEVER been bright and now his light is going out permanently!

2 years ago

You hit on almost every single action that these tyrants are vetting against America and it’s citizens. I have to believe that bill gates jeff bozo bezos and china are somehow connected to the scam

Gail Tubbs
Gail Tubbs
2 years ago

The main person behind this is socialist George Soros. He is in league with Gates, Bezos and other socialist billionaires. These are the ones who made sure that multiple Democrat run election offices around the country did what they said by paying them off BIG!! The white House is full of Soros socialists, that is why bad stuff keeps happening. And Soros knew exactly what kind of shape Biden was in and he knew how crooked the Biden family is, that is why Biden was picked. All those crooks, from Soros on down, are not going to stop until they are exposed.
I don’t know if DeSantis can stand up to them, but I know that Trump can. He did it for 4 years.

2 years ago


2 years ago

None of this is surprising, is it? Our country is being run by socialist/communist traitors who DO NOT CARE about America or her people. Their destructive agenda is all that matters to them. Creepy Joe is a figurehead only, & who knows who is really running this show?

2 years ago

Nancy Pelosi, Schumer, all demorat officials knew Biden had mental issues and was not fit for the Presidency from the first. They are guilty of treason. Pray we get a Republican House majority in this fall and get some answers and revenge. When he visits another country and meets with the leaders it is so humiliating!! The leaders just smile and humor the man and wonder how Americans could be so stupid!! EMBARRASSING!!

Ron Fausnight
Ron Fausnight
2 years ago

What did Wells Fargo analysis’ mean by the economic report being rotten to the core?
The report was incorrect or the actual events are a disaster?

2 years ago

A lot of companies quit paying retirement benefits or sometimes benefits at all when employees reach a certain age such as 65.
I often wondered why companies had this provision in their workplace. Since senile Joe has become our clown of embarrassment, I completely understand why some companies have this provision!
Americans need term limits and age restrictions on elected officials to avoid just such an embarrassing situation as we now have with our elected officials that are ruining this country!

2 years ago

Bravo, Bruce… You put the Biden WH staff… and the Political Elites who arranged his nomination and election…
on the barbecue spit… and turned it ever so nicely…

2 years ago

Biden is on his way out God will not put up with evil people and he is against everything God is trying to do.Christians need to pray that God will remove Biden from office.

LGB (Let's go Brandon)
LGB (Let's go Brandon)
2 years ago

There is no surprise. He is performing exactly like I expected him to perform before he was “elected”. Anyone with an IQ above 80 could have seen this coming well before the election. The only thing I was mistaken about is that he has not stepped down to let the hyena take over yet.

2 years ago

Biden is a crook, thief, and a plagiarist to put it succinctly. He represents all that is undesirable in a political or other leader. He won this election because he was affiliated with a political party that subscribes to Communistic actions and rigged an election because no one else in the DemocRat party was dumb enough to run in an honest election against Trump even after they bombed his integrity with lies and false claims. But looking at the likely good side …. most honest God-loving Constitutional-governance believing American citizens now know without any reasonable doubt the havoc the DemocRat Party is willing to put this Nation thru just to maintain their Commie RULE over the citizens of this Nation. I truly despise the DemocRat Party for its embracement of Joe Biden and rigging the election to put him in office. We have a Constitutional Democracy, and the DemocRat Party no longer fits in that role.

2 years ago

Lest we get too wrapped up in Biden’s integrity and ability, don’t forget Pelosi, Shumer, Obama, Hillary C, and a very few other Dems (and a very few RINO Repubs) when evaluating their political performance, opinions, and tactics. If the election of Biden doesn’t scream out the need to clean up the Nation’s voting system, chaos and anarchy will continue to stick their ugly heads into our Constructional Democracy. FIX THE VOTING SYSTEM … it showed how bad a rigged election can be in the aftermath. And somehow the public must begin to realize that term limits are needed for Congresspersons and Exec heads (e.g., IRS, DS, HLS, CIA, etc.). Congressional reps are supposedly only at the discretion of the voters of their state … but their actions and performance affect everyone outside their home state as well. Thus, term limits give some protection and influence over the effect that they do have on the Nation’s political affairs. Of course, the present members of our Congress will not support such an amendment unless that amendment grants them personal immunity against the application of such a term limit amendment. But in the long run our democracy will be better served with term limits.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

This says it all, i.e. ” Why is anyone surprised that a man so delusional and incompetent had to be hidden in a basement while running for the presidency, is also the front for an administration who is destroying the country economically and socially? “…
Sums things up in a simple enough question, one would think… (?)
Bill… :~)

Patricia McGuirt
Patricia McGuirt
2 years ago

I still wonder how did he win over Trump? Our Fore Fathers would really turn over in their graves. I know we are to respect our official Officers, per God’s word, but this is becoming a joke on America from all other countries. It makes me sad to think what we will be leaving our offspring. He needs to be impeached quickly, then, we wonder what will become of our Great Country with this laughing hyena is taking over his office. We really need America to turn back the clock and ask our Savior, Jesus, to come back to us.
It really angers me to know what kind of salary we are paying this office to destroy our nation!!!! I pray that God will help turn us around again. God Bless America.

2 years ago

I think what surprises me most is the fact that the American people are not able to do something about the whole mess of the White House President and staff. Are our hands really that tied and are we really unable to do “nothing” Every individual person has the ability to take care of themselves in some matter and to correct things that come into our lives daily; This is just one more “thing” that has come into our lives and is a “big” thing to destroying America…..we should be able to correct this error.

Democrat Blue Donkey Rivalry of Republicans and Democrats in 2024 U. S. Presidential Election.
many shell casings from bullets of different caliber in the background chaos concept in the world

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