Following a peaceful demonstration at an abortion clinic in 2020, 75-year-old Paulette Harlow, a mother of six and grandmother of eight with a debilitating medical condition, was just sentenced to two years – perhaps the rest of her life – behind bars as part of a ruthless crackdown on pro-life activists by the Biden Department of Justice. Meanwhile, the Biden administration has taken no action against the Hamas sympathizers who have illegally blocked highways and harassed Jewish Americans, the pro-abortion extremists who torched and vandalized churches and pregnancy centers, or the left-wing rioters who terrorized America’s cities and inflicted more than $1 billion in damage in 2020.
Harlow was charged and convicted for allegedly violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a 1994 law which is supposed to equally protect the right of pro-life and pro-abortion advocates to peacefully demonstrate. The law also outlines punishment guidelines for anyone who physically prevents someone from accessing an abortion clinic or religious building or intentionally damages such institutions.
In practice, however, the law has been weaponized by Democrat prosecutors and judges to target pro-life activists while allowing pro-abortion radicals free reign to intimidate and harass pro-lifers and target pro-life centers and churches.
As video of Harlow’s alleged crime shows, she and eight others were peacefully praying outside an abortion clinic in Washington D.C. when they were arrested. The Biden DOJ subsequently charged all nine defendants with a “conspiracy” to block pregnant women from accessing the abortion clinic.
Harlow was the final defendant in the case to receive a sentence. Joan Bell, 76, received 27 months behind bars. Jean Marshall, 74, also received a two-year sentence. Lauren Handy, whom the DOJ charged as the leader of the “conspiracy,” will spend almost five years in federal prison followed by three years of supervised release.
The protest in question took place at the clinic of a particularly notorious D.C. abortionist who has been accused of murdering full-term, viable infants and also leaving living babies to die. Handy’s group, Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, retrieved the bodies of at least five aborted babies from the trash outside the same clinic which they claim showed evidence of illegal late-term, partial-birth, and even so-called “post-birth” abortions (infanticide). The D.C. police and Biden DOJ both refused to further investigate the apparently obvious evidence that the clinic had broken the law.

Harlow’s sentencing in particular has exposed the cruel and vindictive nature of the Biden administration’s crackdown on pro-life activists and ignited backlash within the pro-life community. According to reporting from inside the courtroom, when her husband, John, begged Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly for leniency given Harlow’s declining health, the judge, a Bill Clinton nominee, instead mocked Harlow’s faith.
“In my heart, I think she’s having a hard time staying alive,” John said, according to LiveAction. “We’ve tried to be good people,” he later added. “I love my wife dearly… We’re throwing ourselves on the mercy of the court.”
But Kollar-Kotelly handed down a two-year sentence anyway, coldly commenting that she believes Harlow will “make an effort to remain alive” because that is a “tenet of her religion.”
Harlow and her alleged “co-conspirators” are hardly the first pro-lifers to be targeted by the Biden administration. Back in 2022, Biden’s FBI conducted a dawn raid on the home of Mark Houck, a father of seven, for defending his son from a violent pro-abortion activist outside an abortion clinic in October 2021. A jury subsequently acquitted Houck, and he has since sued the Biden administration.
The harsh treatment received by Harlow, Houck, and other pro-lifers at the hands of the Biden administration, Democrat prosecutors, and liberal judges presents a stark contrast to the leniency shown to left-wing activists guilty of far more violent acts.
Perhaps the most glaring example of this hypocrisy is the Biden administration’s failure to prosecute those responsible for burning and vandalizing churches and pro-life pregnancy centers following the Dobbs Supreme Court decision in May 2022, which reversed Roe v. Wade.
As Mary Margaret Olohan has reported for The Daily Signal, since then there have been “at least 236 attacks on Catholic churches and at least 90 attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers.” But despite this alarming rise in attacks, the Biden administration has charged just five individuals with FACE Act violations for targeting pro-life centers.
The Biden administration also reportedly explicitly told law enforcement to not arrest the pro-abortion protestors demonstrating outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices – despite multiple death threats against the justices and the fact that such protests are a clear violation of federal law.
More recently, even while pursuing charges against elderly peaceful protestors like Harlow, Biden’s DOJ has looked the other way as pro-Hamas rioters have shut down major highways and airports – another blatant violation of federal law.
Following the Black Lives Matter riots in 2020 which caused an estimated $1-2 billion in damage and left at least 20 Americans dead, the Biden administration also largely failed to hold any of the left-wing criminals accountable. Even those who were arrested often received shorter sentences than the ones Harlow and other pro-life activists now face. For instance, Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman, who used Molotov cocktails to torch an NYPD car in May 2020, received sentences of just 12 and 15 months, respectively.
Yet as these actual criminals walk free or escape with shockingly light punishments relative to the violent nature of their crimes, individuals like Harlow will languish in prison for daring to defend unborn life and pray for pregnant mothers – such is the moral perversion of Joe Biden’s America.
Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.
This is the worst administration in my history. Terrible. If we don’t get these democrats out of office and clean up our system we are domed. God help us please.
There is no other way to describe this injustice other than it’s Bul—it, where has our love of life gone, how did we get to a place that we can destroy that which God has created and no one can care and say it’s wrong.
We all need to pray for this grandmother and do everything possible to see she is set free, and her record wiped clear, and make her whole again.
She needs to be pardoned at the least.
The Biden Department of Justice! Is that equivalent to the Hitler Department of Justice?
We have become like the enemies of humanity we fought over eighty years ago, and will come to the same fate as they did. God is watching these sons and daughters of Satan and will move against them in his time.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights governments are instituted among men, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed; that whenever any government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it…” Declaration of Independence
You know, the law that created the United States of America.
In our now banana republic, the only crime seems to be opposing the radical agenda of the Biden administration and working to defeat him and his corrupt cronies in November.
The Communists’ weaponization of the law and government agencies against their perceived enemies continues unabated. All Christians must get involved in the political process, including voting against all Communist Democrats in November. Otherwise, this evil will continue and get even worse soon.
The Obiden regime makes its own laws and punishment for those that dare to have another opinion. Be it abortion, the border, Ukraine, human trafficking, criminality. As long as you support them you have nothing to fear. Beating people up, throwing them in traffic or under a subway train. You are treated as a pariah and the perp is the hero. This regime has orchestrated racism against the white race and any and all those that oppose them. Remember if you don’t vote for ole Joe you ain’t black. It doesn’t matter any opinion opposite of ole Joe and his minions will get you arrested sooner or later. He treats his opponents like so much trash. You know he is following a page out of Hitlers play book. Kill any and all opposition. He is anti parents, anti religion especially Catholics, anti white, and anti reps for that matter anyone who does not obey his mandates and orders. Everything is weaponized to keep the opposition in control. These grandmothers are an example to warn the rest of the grandmas go ahead and defy me this is what will happen to you. Obiden is evil. VOTE TRUMP. AND LET THE GRANDMOTHERS GO FREE.
I think only American, taxpaying citizens should have the right to vote in any of our elections. Further, only citizens 25 years old or older should be eligible to vote.
I am 89 years old and a Vietnam combat veteran. I have watched, over my years, 1 1/2 political parties liberalize The United States such that now we have a $36 TRILLION dollar national debt. I think a lot of that money was stolen by politicians and given to their sponsors. Do some research and you will find out.
Two things in life never change: 1. Nothing is free. 2. Human nature, over the centuries, has not changed. All the bad human traits, greed, envy, jealousy, etc. are the same and these traits drive some people to do awful things to their fellow humans.
I remember paying 12 cents for a gallon of 100 Octane gasoline for my car, and 5 cents for a candy bar that now costs over $2 dollars. I also remember when politicians used to talk about million dollar national budgets that are now costing us trillions of dollars: and I might ask, for what?
Today is “D” Day. Back in 1944 we didn’t have instant news nor television. The radio and news papers gave us information and Americans didn’t know our initial losses on Normandy.
Guess I have rambled a bit, but America’s history is so interesting and wonderful and a great reminder of what happened to other great nations before our Founding Fathers gave us this great nation, America. Work hard to save it and watch out who you vote for.
“After its enactment by Congress, President Bill Clinton signed the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act into law. Fines for violent offenders for their first offense can be as high as $100,000, with prison sentences of one year.” Notice the wording: Violent offenders. None of these people were violent, aggressive, or hostile. They were praying.
Elections have consequences, and they can be catastrophic as we currently see. Voters need to give Conservatives a genuine majority across-the-board. To borrow from DJT, “What’ve you got to lose?”. I will NEVER vote for any DemocRAT, liberal, “progressive”, or “woke” candidate for ANY elected office whether local, state, or federal!
The hypocrisy of this administration is so blatant!
BUT Garland claims we have NO 2 Tier Justice system.
OK Garland Prove otherwise
Scary times we live in-“Courtesy” of our own government!
And yet, come November, Demdums and other leftists -almost HALF of our country, will still vote dumbocrap!
There is no leadership, we have abandoned God and his laws and replaced them with Belial doctrines. We stand for; sodomy, murder, drug addiction (pharmaceutical use) stealing elections, persecuting the righteous, and rewarding criminals.
I have thought the same as you. Look at what type of citizens are in this country now. Look at those illegally coming into the country thanks to the POTUS. They will never feel the patriotism of those who have lived their whole lives here with respect to the American flag, the traditions, the culture and of course respect for the history and founding of this country. We are experiencing the dumbing down of this country now!
Our “President” is nothing but a “child grown older”, with no sense of responsibility, humanity, or when to come in from the rain. He was certainly a highly influential role model for his troubled son.
How can anyone with a shred of decency support this type of behavior?
O I forgot!!!!
Totalitarian Fascist Racist Communist Democrat Party comrade’s and all there ignorant supporters.
They hide behind laws, that they misinterpret on purpose to continue there sick agenda of Genocide.
I fear that even if we win the election in November for freedom and liberty, the Democrat minions ( comrade’s) are too deeply implanted in our government.
The only way the course could be reversed is if Trump gets in If there were even remotest possibility for that to happen the frenzy that goes on would not be happening It is happening and dems are determined to get in at any cost by any means Cheating stealing lying anything goes as long as it gets them “elected” It will be a different world Not the one men in Normandy died for
This is bad for Grandma! Nobody cares about her problem I guess but me!
There has never been a worse administration than the democrats that are running this country into a third world country. Any democrat that can defend what is going on today is either living under a rock or they are in on the idea of destroying the USA. If you can’t see the difference between 2016 to 2020 and 2020 till now you must be nuts. joe biden is the worst president we have ever had.
My grandfather was KIA in February 1945 near Cologne, Germany. Like all those who gave their lives in that great struggle against global tyranny, and in all the wars in the history of our Repiblic, he was and will always be a hero to me. He left behind a wife and 3 young children, including my mother, who never got to know her father. For all these heroes and their families, we must remove the Communists positions of influence and power that allow them to destroy our Republic. The blood and sacrifice of so many demand that we don’t sit idly by but instead, get involved, stay informed and resist the Communists at all levels and in all our institutions.
We are not the United States as we knew it anymore. We are dying as a nation. If the right person does not win this next election, the US is gone forever. Our beautiful country. I never thought I’d see this day. So sad and painful to watch.
LT Beale, I chuckled at your analogy of the country split at the Mississippi between Germany and Japan. Very few people know that there was a plan between the two countries to divide our nation when it was defeated. Of course, this treaty would have never held because eventually they would have to prove who was superior.
Satan’s army of demon-crats are hard at work
I have read all the comments. Not one mentioned that this President who is out of it both physically and mentally could somehow be running the country. Are you al afraid to mention the head devil that is really running the country?? Is there any one decision in almost 4 years that Biden has made that the head devil would not approve?? Hint: His initials are BHO!
Fair and equal justice no longer exists in the USA. What possible threat is a 75 year old grandma to anyone?
That brain dead, and pitiful man isn’t far away from an awful forever life in hell. It isn’t making me happy to know that truth, but at least he won’t be helping those women be murderers. How heartless can a person be, especially the women who hate their own much that it doesn’t bother them at all to put a precious darling baby through the pain it takes to murder them.
Only in Democrat America is blocking an entrance to a building where they kill babies a crime! Side note: Joe Biden, on his last day in office, will pardon Kermit Gosnell, whose only crime is doing what every “reproductive health physician” does every day: murder children.
Outrageous! They need to contact ACLJ, Judicial Watch, or another Christian Conservative group for appeal!
Amplifying the unfair double standard is what we have to do since it is so easy for the left to ignore. Every example must be spelled out on a bill board. Blatantly unequal justice is not a justice system. Hold on. Help is on the way.
Please get the story straight. I fully support peaceful demonstrations and I am against abortion in any circumstance. The other stories I read said the demonstrators were inside the clinic and chaining themselves to doors. If so this is wrong. Can you please check other sources and correct this story if it is false.
This is absolutely disgraceful. I have no faith or belief in a fair judicial system anymore. Totally one sided. If they can do what they did to Trump they can an will do to anymore.
Can you say Banana Republic? Or 2 tier justice system.
We must vote this baffoon out of office immediately. He is destroying America, it’s values, and it’s freedoms.
My father . . . A survivor of the Normandy Beach invasion would not recognize the AMERICA we live in today. He was shot in the knee, they patched him up and went right back into combat. I really think this so called president has a deal with the devil. This is the twilight zone people and the only way to stop this nonsense is to vote in November for President Trump. God Bless AMERICA.
Put the contact information out for the Governor and let’s flood their office with demands to commute these sentences immediately! WE will not let this stand!!!
I agree with you LT. Beale, my uncle is in the cemetery at Normandy. He paid the ultimate price for our freedom. His life ended at 19 years old on June 6, 1944. We have a marker in out local church cemetery in Bellevue, Ohio; someday I would like to see his real grave in Normandy.
Because of men like him, we have to protect our Country; but today it is from the enemies from within; the democratic party. Our Country is falling like the Roman Empire, from corruption within our Government.
This is one more reason the democrats party needs to be dismantled and replaced with a different party. A party that will follow the constitution.
I totally agree with your opinion. I recently read an on line opinion verbalizing that WWW iii has begun !
This article clearly communicates some of the many reasons that the current administering is definitely not leading the United States APPROPRIATELY!!! Far too many good laws are ignored. ! And bad governance is promoted snd permitted!!! OMG!
Likely, everything you have said is true. I am a teacher and the best thing I can do is transmit the information. It would be helpful if you would cite sources so I can do that. Thank you so much.
Biden belongs in jail along with Merrick Garland. Their day is coming we need do elect Trump and prosecute the terrorist. How anybody can vote pro Democrat is beyond me
I read articles like this about what the dems are doing and I believe they have lost their souls so they can pretend to be woke but in reality, they are asleep and time is running out for them. They are on the losing end and don’t even know it.
Biden wuill spend eternity in Hell if he doesn’t ask for forgiveness for his murderous abortion stance.
Watch out Biden, what goes around will come around, it is a spiritual law, let see if you can get away with that one. By the way seems to me you are a fake Catholic also.
The Biden Group should be behind bars..not good people who want to save lives.
The American Gestapo (DOJ/FBI) carrying out their orders from their master.. the father of all lies Satan????
We will see God’s authority over Satan and his evil minions doing his bidding! It will be at a time of His choosing, but complete and powerful!