By: Ian Gargan

Last week Congress voted on a $1.5 trillion-dollar bill that was a whopping 2,741 pages long. Given the fact that there was barely 22 hours in between the posting of the bill and the vote, my guess is that nobody had time to read the whole thing (even the best of readers can only process about fifteen pages of legislation per hour.)
This bill highlights what many are calling Biden’s ‘America Last’ policy, and further demonstrates what we already know – Democrats are only looking out for their own self-interests and the interests of other countries. The initial purpose of this bill was to keep our government-funded before our self-imposed government funding deadline expired. Marketed as a relief bill to offer aid to Ukraine, we are providing $6.5 billion to send troops and weapons to Eastern Europe, and $6.8 billion on economic aid to allies and their refugees. But what are we doing about the refugee issue in our country? And why are we suffering the highest inflation in 40 years if we have billions to spend on foreign aid?
Do the math. We have $1.37 trillion remaining. So, what are we going to spend it on? Securing the border sounds like a win, right? Democrats like the idea of securing borders, just not the one between the US and Mexico. Not the one that has all the fentanyl coming through it, killing our citizens at an alarming rate. Nope, not that border. Democrats would much rather enhance border security in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Oman, and Pakistan. Seriously, it’s right there on page 1,497 of the bill. It proposes we give funds to Pakistan under the heading “International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement.” And with record-high overdose rates in the US, why wouldn’t we direct those funds overseas?
Once again, America comes last. But let me not seem ungrateful. The Biden Administration’s best effort for the drug problem at home was to give out free crack pipes and needles. Because the best thing to do when you want someone to quit using is to give them a new pipe and fresh supply of needles, right? I may be missing the connection here, but this is a slap in the face of the American people.
And while the Left tries to steal elections in America with laxed voting laws and pushback on voter registration, they look to establish a democracy in Sri Lanka, and send a total of $55 million to Venezuela and Nicaragua to go toward democratic programs in those countries. When you have a minute, check out page 1,519 of the bill, where we give Colombia $471 million. I get it, we are a generous nation, but in our own time of struggle, does it make sense to splurge on democracy for all? What happened to the rule about securing your own oxygen mask before helping others? It seems that the wicked always find a way to line their own pockets.
But all is not lost. The bill did have a few domestic allocations sprinkled in. There’s $6.3 billion for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. You think to yourself, that’s a smart move. Especially after the last few years, putting more money toward the research of infectious disease can’t be wrong. But wait, who’s the director of this institute? You guessed it – Dr. Anthony Fauci! The COVID rule fool himself has been the director of the NIAID since 1984 and stands to receive yet another boatload of money to benefit his noble work.
I can’t help but wonder if I am the only one thinking about how we are going to pay for this. Aren’t we already $30 trillion in debt? Well, we did spend $675 million to increase the IRS budget and to boost tax enforcement. Looks like when the government spends too much of the money, they just ramp up the IRS workforce and come back to the taxpayers for more.
Before I forget, there’s another Easter egg hidden within the 2,741-page bill that nobody read – the overturn of President Trump’s Protect Life Rule. This Title X program will once again be directing $286 million to abortion providers. But that’s not all, what would a good Democrat sponsored bill be without a little gun control? On page 2,207, Section 925B, you’ll find that if you are denied the purchase of a firearm by the instant criminal background check system, you will be reported to the FBI and state authority. Not only does this cleverly buried nugget encroach on our Second Amendment rights, but this portion of the bill has nothing to do with Ukrainian relief or keeping the government-funded.
Shall we sum things up? Instead of spending money on the US economy to make life better for millions of struggling Americans, we are protecting the Pakistani border. We are also calling for democracy in Venezuela while supplying Fauci with the funds he needs for his infectious disease greatest hits tour. That’s it. Did we need a nearly 3000-page document to tell us that the needs of the American people rank low on the priority list of the Biden Administration? Apparently, yes.
Well considering the bill was dropped on the floor of Congress with less than 24 hours to vote on it or cause a government shutdown (that both sides have convinced the people would be the end of life as we now know it, which it of course wouldn’t be), what the H did you expect would be in the bill? Seriously!!! Mitch McConnell gave the Democrats two extensions to this budgetary process in the past 7 or 8 months, without getting any concessions from the Democrats, to supposedly prevent the very thing that just happened yet again. That being putting a massive spending bill, that NO ONE ON THE GOP side has had a chance to help craft or review beforehand, up for a floor vote at the very last minute.
I honestly don’t blame the Democrats at this point, because this is what they do every single time. It’s who they are. I blame the idiot Republican leadership we have in Congress that keeps falling for the same Democrat play over and over again and expecting some sort of different outcome. I’m sure as the weeks roll on, that we’ll hear about all sorts of additional items that waste millions or billions of taxpayer dollars on things of no fundamental benefit to the average American citizen. It’s how the Democrats always craft their massive spending bills. Undermine the United States through bad fiscal policy and then promise to “fix the problem” via yet another massive spending bill that only makes things worse.
For all those out there that think putting McCarthy and McConnell in charge after the midterms is going to produce some sort of magic return to sound conservative fiscal values, keep this bill in mind. Yes, we have a potential to stop the reckless spending of the Democrats, but not with McCarthy and McConnell in charge of any Republican-controlled Congress. They both need to be replaced by people actually willing to the do the job they’re elected to. Not just play the Washington two-step game.
I just wonder if anything would be different then it is right now if we did shut down the government. Americans are being ignored for anything we need or want. If we shut down the government we could save some money. We, the Americans, aren’t getting anything right now. Biden and who ever is in the basement pulling the strings might have to take a break. The war will stop when God says so, the border will close when God says so. It will come to an end. I hope we can live to see the other side of this mess. I guess enough people aren’t tired enough of this crap yet. Stubborn. I heard a democrat lady say, ” I voted for him, and i feel i need to stick by him”. And of coarse she hates Trump. I guess that explains it. Sad.
Ian Gargan… As an ” outside contributor ” I’m not sure who you are truth be told, perhaps this is due to my ignorance, however most of what is printed here appears factual based…
In typical Democrat & RINO fashion this Bill gets presented at the last hour & most people in both the Houses will NOT have the time to read it all the way through where all those little surprises wait to be enacted into codified law, i.e. once again, We The People get screwed & tattooed with more unnecessary tax increases…Make no mistake about it folks & this is the primary reason why members of both Houses, on BOTH sides of the aisle, turned a blind eye to all the FALSE allegations leveled against a sitting president, i.e. Donald J. Trump…
All those billions of dollars in ” perks ” sent to off shore bank accts for all those foreign nation beneficiaries are under the control of Congress & it is those funds that conveniently get re-directed back to the members of Congress, giving them an ” unlimited ” line of credit to draw from, making them filthy rich, this is what draws these parasites to Washington, DC in the first place & Trump did indeed point this out for all of America to see just how these people operate, right under our very noses…
Bill… :~)
Marjorie Greene was incensed with this when it came out, showing us on Facebook the audacity of it, showing there was no way people could read it and then vote on it. I’m not her constituent but not surprised they buried this junk in it. I knew “they” did something like this.
Dear God! I truly hope this bill does not pass in the senate! What a bunch of evil crooks…and yes, on both sides of the aisle. It is very clear that this administration has a destroy America agenda!
Two changes to law would be of great help to end this BS at ALL levels, by BOTH CORRUPT parties!
1) Term limits
2) Law or Constitutional amendment limiting bills to one funding item per bill filed. End the PORK spending they use to buy votes to maintain their jobs!! (Yes, they will have more votes, boo hoo, but will also be more accountable for their decisions.)
Been last since took office day 1, need to dump RINOs too
How can ANYONE “lead from behind?” The whole premise is STUPID. Even before he went senile, Joe was the dimmest bulb in the Senate. And he represented (?) the second smallest state in the Union. How about you Delawareans wise up?
Every bill that is presented for a vote should have to be read in its entirety with all members of the body (house/senate) present. No exceptions of excuses.
If our lawmakers from Washington State vote for yet another Biden sellout then I’m going “all in” against our politicos in this state. I’ll be waiting and seeing what shakes out via these latest Biden and his handlers continued efforts to destroy our Constitutional Republic from within. Biden’s whole “America Last” promise is coming to fruition. He’s reducing our country to a third class, third world country via his “open borders” and his spendthrift ways…
Joe Biden is not our friend. IMHO
MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!
Wake up America! Voting RED will help clean up DC.
If these complete dirt bags and losers are not pork filling bills with earmarks for favors and cash, they are doing insider trading on pending policies and economic information they get ahead of time. Truly disgusting are most of these flesh sacks!
Face it folks, ‘We the People’ are going to painfully struggle to keep ourselves fed, clothed, and housed until we get the Anti Americans out of our government! We can begin this elimination in November of this year and finish it off in November 2024. That is, if #1. We get a nonfraudulent election each time and, #2. If everyone votes with their brains and not their emotions! God Bless America! TRUMP 2024 MAGA!!!
If I am given a document to sign, and let’s say it is 100x less at 20 pages, and I am not given the time to read the document before I sign it…
I Refuse to Sign
This has actually happened to me personally in the past. The world did not end because I would not sign. They simply had to give me the time to read, before I put my signature to the document.
Should there not be some sort of “rule” that unless a document/bill is read in its entirety to all voting members, it cannot be presented for vote?
I guess we are the idiots that don’t demand these half wits to read the whole thing. They just too lazy or cant be bothered, afterall, they live on nice cushy salaries and wats the bill probably dont affect them financially at all. If we, theworkibg class treated oyr job like that we be booted out so fast our heads would spin. So why isn’t there any push back for time to read this from thos who represent us. This country has gotten so so sad with gvt taking advantage of we the people. There should be term limits in all phases of gvt…like re elections every two yrs to keep these ingrates on their toes they get too fat and comfortable.
If the government is denied our constitution rights, it’s time for a war against the government and the democratic parties one way or another
I sit here and just shake my head asking (where does the money come from). From the local governments all the way to the Federal level giving moneys to any and all with a stroke of a pen. I know that my money tree was cut down by governments years ago. I looked at a chart that pointed out every tax payer would have to send in $241,000.00 or ever person $91,000.00 just to balance the buget for one day, then back in the hole we go again. I don’t feel bad for myself because I know I won’t be here forever but I truly worry and feel bad for the future generations.
Biden wants every US citizen to be a drug-immoral fool like his son Hunter.
Surely, no one expected a bill that would help America? The demo/globalist party is succeeding wonderfully at their plan to bankrupt and destroy America’s military. This was the plan to begin with. Once America is a third-world nation, it will be easy to get us into the one-world government. So far, I see little resistance to the agenda. The feckless GOP is doing little if anything. Half of America seems to be buying into it. At least it seems we have stopped listening to evil. satanic liars like Fauci who parrots nothing but what he is told to say by the Globalists.
How much of this money is being borrowed from China?
This is EXACTLY what I was explaining to my wife while watching Lester Holt tonight (I know the news and media are all corrupt). They had a story explaining how FEMA won’t approve money for all the Americans whose lives were destroyed by weather disasters because they live in poverty areas. Then had Fauci blabbering more about Covid. I feel better after my rant to the TV and my wife, then reading this article, knowing others feel how I do. Why are we letting the Democrats get away with giving OUR tax money to all these other governments? Shouldn’t it be “take care of Americans first, then if money is left over, consider it for others. I proud to be an Amac member!! Thanks for all you do.
Now here’s an interesting thought……this 2,700 page bill……who generated it….I mean how long does it take to put together 2,700 plus pages of stuff? For all we know this bill, along with others, perhaps yet to be seen….are just waiting to be introduced…as they have been put together long before this current set of circumstances. Do the leftists have a stock of bills already printed up, ready to be sent out?
I just wondered… do they come up with these thousand page bills seemingly overnight? Unless they have some group working around the clock….it seems to me these bills have already been put together…..only needed a few tweaks to make them ready at the drop of a hat. Why do our legislators continue to do things like this…….what’s to stop them? Whose going to push back? Repubs seem to be as inept as the dems are ept.
Spend, spend, spend . . . All on Socialist, Democrat driven agenda items that are lining the pockets of those that do NOT have Americas best interest in mind. Hell, why not just allow the Democrats to access the money coffers directly to fund their communist agenda where they THINK they will be in charge . . . Guess what? They will find they will be subservient to those in charge (China) when the hammer drops and we no longer have a constitution. Sad.
Biden and his Democratic peers are the Tax and Spend politicians who think by spending they can resolve all the American ills while cutting the rug from under us. Closed pipeline here and allowed Russia to move theirs into Europe. Kept lockdown mandates going way too long. Buying too many products from China and oil from Russia. So our tax dollars are going to fund the war on Ukraine. What’s with the bio research labs reported in the Ukraine? Is this another Wuhan?? Funding a private company whose profits come from killing unborn American babies with tax dollars.
Thanks for highlighting some of the crap that lawmakers voted for. Probably it was approved by 100% of democrats. A smaller number of Republicans probably approved it. Every single one of them should be thrown out of office to send a message that we the people don’t want bills like this! They must do the hard work of debating every item and proving to voters that they know how to be fiscally responsible. If not, what are they good for?
I’m with Becky!
Useless joebama and the marxist, anti america democrat party are just he’ll bent on destroying Our Country,Freedom and everything that Real Citizens cherish!
They are greedy,power hungry traitors and must all be removed!
2022,2024 and beyond We the People MUST hold them accountable for their crimes by REMOVING them ALL from office.
In Michigan this govenor half-whit is an overbearing, Marxist failure who follows the lies corruption and destruction of America with all the other democrat traitors.
She must go this year!
Goodbye and good riddance!
Bill on the Hill is correct. I blame the Republicans for allowing this evil cancer to be unleashed on the USA and our citizenry. All they had to do was support the greatest President in my lifetime and this nightmare wouldn’t be happening. I expected the Commiecrats to act like they do! Thank you President Trump for revealing who these devils are, as well as the main stream media.
Biden is the worst President (which he is not legally) in our history. He is trying to get us in a war, and turn our country in to socialism.
To read this is to either become enraged or sob uncontrollably. I prefer the former. It’s a much greater motivator when it comes to doing something about the Democrats and their liberty-usurping agenda they’re imposing upon We the People.
Furthermore, the Left’s strategy to turn America into just another inferior globalist state under the supreme authority of New World Order elites has succeeded in “progressively” turning good into evil and evil into good.
Consequently, it has become obvious that to follow Thomas Jefferson’s exhortation (or whosever it was) to refresh the Tree of Liberty, as necessary, from time to time… is now considered by Democrats to be evil, unconstitutional, and treasonous.
You see, the Tree of Liberty will be forever known as a symbol of nationalism, individual freedom, and independence – three descriptors that are the diametrical opposites of the Left’s New World Order, to which the Democrat Party aspires to.
Besides, when the people fear the government, there’s tyranny. When the government fears the people, there’s liberty.
This group of clowns, the marxist democrat party hates America and its Legal Citizens.
Everything they do is immoral,corrupt,destructive to Our Country and the Citizens they work for.
Wake up America, all their divisiveness, racism, gender insanity, corruption, anti freedom agenda is being SHOVED DOWN YOUR THROAT.
Save Our Country, DEFEAT this marxist, hateful democrat party of America’s demise.
The more of us they get rid of through whatever means, the bigger the slice of the pie for them.
Worst President ever and ever and ever to infinity!!
Well considering the bill was dropped on the floor of Congress with less than 24 hours to vote on it or cause a government shutdown (that both sides have convinced the people would be the end of life as we now know it, which it of course wouldn’t be), what the H did you expect would be in the bill? Seriously!!! Mitch McConnell gave the Democrats two extensions to this budgetary process in the past 7 or 8 months, without getting any concessions from the Democrats, to supposedly prevent the very thing that just happened yet again. That being putting a massive spending bill, that NO ONE ON THE GOP side has had a chance to help craft or review beforehand, up for a floor vote at the very last minute.
I honestly don’t blame the Democrats at this point, because this is what they do every single time. It’s who they are. I blame the idiot Republican leadership we have in Congress that keeps falling for the same Democrat play over and over again and expecting some sort of different outcome. I’m sure as the weeks roll on, that we’ll hear about all sorts of additional items that waste millions or billions of taxpayer dollars on things of no fundamental benefit to the average American citizen. It’s how the Democrats always craft their massive spending bills. Undermine the United States through bad fiscal policy and then promise to “fix the problem” via yet another massive spending bill that only makes things worse.
For all those out there that think putting McCarthy and McConnell in charge after the midterms is going to produce some sort of magic return to sound conservative fiscal values, keep this bill in mind. Yes, we have a potential to stop the reckless spending of the Democrats, but not with McCarthy and McConnell in charge of any Republican-controlled Congress. They both need to be replaced by people actually willing to the do the job they’re elected to. Not just play the Washington two-step game.
I just wonder if anything would be different then it is right now if we did shut down the government. Americans are being ignored for anything we need or want. If we shut down the government we could save some money. We, the Americans, aren’t getting anything right now. Biden and who ever is in the basement pulling the strings might have to take a break. The war will stop when God says so, the border will close when God says so. It will come to an end. I hope we can live to see the other side of this mess. I guess enough people aren’t tired enough of this crap yet. Stubborn. I heard a democrat lady say, ” I voted for him, and i feel i need to stick by him”. And of coarse she hates Trump. I guess that explains it. Sad.
Ian Gargan… As an ” outside contributor ” I’m not sure who you are truth be told, perhaps this is due to my ignorance, however most of what is printed here appears factual based…
In typical Democrat & RINO fashion this Bill gets presented at the last hour & most people in both the Houses will NOT have the time to read it all the way through where all those little surprises wait to be enacted into codified law, i.e. once again, We The People get screwed & tattooed with more unnecessary tax increases…Make no mistake about it folks & this is the primary reason why members of both Houses, on BOTH sides of the aisle, turned a blind eye to all the FALSE allegations leveled against a sitting president, i.e. Donald J. Trump…
All those billions of dollars in ” perks ” sent to off shore bank accts for all those foreign nation beneficiaries are under the control of Congress & it is those funds that conveniently get re-directed back to the members of Congress, giving them an ” unlimited ” line of credit to draw from, making them filthy rich, this is what draws these parasites to Washington, DC in the first place & Trump did indeed point this out for all of America to see just how these people operate, right under our very noses…
Bill… :~)
Marjorie Greene was incensed with this when it came out, showing us on Facebook the audacity of it, showing there was no way people could read it and then vote on it. I’m not her constituent but not surprised they buried this junk in it. I knew “they” did something like this.
Dear God! I truly hope this bill does not pass in the senate! What a bunch of evil crooks…and yes, on both sides of the aisle. It is very clear that this administration has a destroy America agenda!
Two changes to law would be of great help to end this BS at ALL levels, by BOTH CORRUPT parties!
1) Term limits
2) Law or Constitutional amendment limiting bills to one funding item per bill filed. End the PORK spending they use to buy votes to maintain their jobs!! (Yes, they will have more votes, boo hoo, but will also be more accountable for their decisions.)
Been last since took office day 1, need to dump RINOs too
How can ANYONE “lead from behind?” The whole premise is STUPID. Even before he went senile, Joe was the dimmest bulb in the Senate. And he represented (?) the second smallest state in the Union. How about you Delawareans wise up?
Every bill that is presented for a vote should have to be read in its entirety with all members of the body (house/senate) present. No exceptions of excuses.
If our lawmakers from Washington State vote for yet another Biden sellout then I’m going “all in” against our politicos in this state. I’ll be waiting and seeing what shakes out via these latest Biden and his handlers continued efforts to destroy our Constitutional Republic from within. Biden’s whole “America Last” promise is coming to fruition. He’s reducing our country to a third class, third world country via his “open borders” and his spendthrift ways…
Joe Biden is not our friend. IMHO
MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!
Wake up America! Voting RED will help clean up DC.
If these complete dirt bags and losers are not pork filling bills with earmarks for favors and cash, they are doing insider trading on pending policies and economic information they get ahead of time. Truly disgusting are most of these flesh sacks!
Face it folks, ‘We the People’ are going to painfully struggle to keep ourselves fed, clothed, and housed until we get the Anti Americans out of our government! We can begin this elimination in November of this year and finish it off in November 2024. That is, if #1. We get a nonfraudulent election each time and, #2. If everyone votes with their brains and not their emotions! God Bless America! TRUMP 2024 MAGA!!!
If I am given a document to sign, and let’s say it is 100x less at 20 pages, and I am not given the time to read the document before I sign it…
I Refuse to Sign
This has actually happened to me personally in the past. The world did not end because I would not sign. They simply had to give me the time to read, before I put my signature to the document.
Should there not be some sort of “rule” that unless a document/bill is read in its entirety to all voting members, it cannot be presented for vote?