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“Bidenomics” Falls Flat on Its Face

Posted on Thursday, July 27, 2023
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


Ahead of his re-election bid next year, President Joe Biden is desperately trying to sell his economic record as a success story, trumpeting the supposed triumph of “Bidenomics.” But polling shows Americans aren’t buying it, and state-by-state data reveals serious flaws in the White House’s arguments.

As inflation has cooled this year from 40-year highs in 2022, elected Democrats and the mainstream media have proclaimed that Biden deserves credit for “lowering inflation.” But as conservatives have been quick to point out, a lower inflation number doesn’t mean things are getting less expensive – they’re just not getting more expensive as fast as they were one year ago. Inflation also still remains above the Fed’s two percent target rate.

Moreover, it was Biden’s gargantuan spending plans that sent inflation spiraling out of control in the first place. In touting “Bidenomics,” Democrats thus appear to want credit for (slightly) solving a problem that they themselves created.

Other metrics also paint a far less rosy picture of the economy than Democrats want to admit. Despite Biden’s claim earlier this month that “real wages for the average American worker is [sic] higher than it was before the pandemic,” a simple check of available economic data reveals that real wages have actually decreased slightly since March 2020, from $11.15 per hour to $11.05 per hour.

Another analysis from the Heritage Foundation earlier this year found that the average American family has become $7,400 poorer under Biden. Many business leaders are still predicting a recession in the near future, and layoffs in sectors like the tech industry are an ominous sign. U.S. business activity growth also slowed to a five-month low in July.

Most of the “Bidenomics” argument rests on comparisons between the economic state of the country today and during the depths of the pandemic – an intentionally dishonest comparison that ignores the unique situation Biden inherited as president.

For example, in December of last year, Biden claimed that he had created “more jobs than any administration in history at this point in his presidency.” But these were not “new” jobs being created. Rather, those numbers reflected workers returning to their old jobs. According to the New York Post, “In January 2020, per Federal Reserve data, there were 152 million non-farm U.S. employees. Last month, just 153 million.” In this context, Biden is actually far behind other recent presidents (and especially President Trump) in job creation.

Public polling suggests that the American people aren’t being swayed by Biden’s victory lap on the economy, either. Just 37 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, two points worse than his poor overall approval rating. Consumer spending is slumping, and small business sentiment remains subdued.

On questions that matter for working families—like whether they can afford to buy a home or a new car—Biden’s inflation has driven interest rates so high that many are struggling, the president’s deceptive claims notwithstanding.

Under the most generous interpretation, the American economy is doing… okay. It is true that the country has (so far) avoided the catastrophic economic collapse many experts feared. However, families are still struggling, and uncertainty continues to be the defining feature of Biden’s tenure.

Beneath the national numbers, there is another story that further undermines the “Bidenomics” argument. One of the biggest reasons the country’s overall economic numbers have looked somewhat positive is the relative prosperity seen in red states – which have rejected the “Bidenomics” model and liberal economic policies in general.

As the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board noted earlier this month, Biden “has Republican-led states to thank for the resilient U.S. economy and labor market.” While the White House has excitedly reported a 5.4 percent rise in earnings between the first quarters of 2022 and 2023, a state-by-state breakdown reveals that liberal states like New York, California, New Jersey, and Illinois saw much slower growth (2.6, 2.9, 4.3, and 4.6 percent, respectively) compared to red states like North Dakota, Florida, Nebraska, and Texas (9.7, 9.1, 8.6, and 7.7 percent, respectively).

Population trends also show that Americans are flocking to red states like Tennessee, Florida, and Texas, while fleeing liberal havens like California, New York, and Illinois. Lower taxes and less regulation in red states are clearly spurring growth, while classic tax-and-spend liberal policies – the basis of “Bidenomics” – are hampering growth in blue states.

Far from the typical narrative parroted in the mainstream media about blue states “subsidizing” red states, it appears to be the success of red states that is masking a far more dire situation in blue states – and lending “Bidenomics” a thin veneer of legitimacy.

If Biden truly wanted to have the U.S. economy humming again and build an economic record to be proud of, he would do well to follow what conservative lawmakers have been doing from the beginning, rather than trying to leech off their success.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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1 year ago

It is a waste of space to continue to post articles on so-called “Bidenomics.” That is a ludicrous label affixed to what is simply your standard, top-down, runaway spending, increased tax and regulations agenda concerning every Democrat wish list item of the last 50 years. That it has resulted in the highest inflation in 42 years, an economy that is now growing at under 1 percent annually and a sense that “things aren’t working” should NOT be surprising. This is how all social welfare countries in western Europe are run. We are now merely adopting all their bad socialist policies as our own and achieving the exact same results.

The last paragraph of the article is of course laughable. This is NOT an accident or the result of some unintended or unforeseen consequences. This is the planned result, and the Democrats are not even close to be done with what they want to do to remake this country. Of course, the solution is to undo all the bad economic policies put in place over the last 2 1/2 years, but as long as any Democrat sits in the WH and at least one of the two chambers of Congress is controlled by Democrats that is NOT going to happen. This is what happens when you allow to a soft coup to succeed.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Bidenomics is a fairy tale wrapped in a riddle.
My grocery bill rises every week.
Prices are still rising on many things. Not on all but this week it is butter and bread next week it is meat and vegetables. The staples you need. Nothing fancy. And don’t even talk about detergents, toilet paper or any other cleaning products. That takes care of 50 dollar out of your grocery budget. Sloppy has never paid for groceries or his ice cream personally in his life. Plus he has 17 million dollars in bribe money. That pays for a lot. Only we average Americans feel the inflation every day.
And I don’t belief unemployment is that low. How many are still staying home because they are scared of the COVID and they receive unemployment. Bidenomics is a house of cards like the whole administration is.

1 year ago

this was the dems plan all along, destroy america and we will control the sheep, baaa baaaa.

1 year ago

Let’s call Bidenomics exactly what it really is: COMMUNISM! For this Bozo to LIE to even the dumbest of Democrats who know that costs of everyday essential items such as food, gasoline and utilities are double from when Trump was President is just another example of how stupid the Democratic Leadership thinks the general public really is! Jackass Joe Biden, the Unifier! He DID PROMISE TO UNIFY THE COUNTRY and guess what? The country is NOW UNIFIED AGAINST HIM!!!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Bidenomics = Constant INFLATION/RECESSION and jobs go to Communist China and Illegal Alien Terrorist.

Rod Noll
Rod Noll
1 year ago

37% of Americans approve of the way Biden is handling the US economy ? That is alot of stupid people who are clueless !

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
1 year ago

Hindsight. As a Senior Citizen you begin to see the ‘Panorama of Change’. The past of seventy years or so… It is sort of like a picture puzzle. And then, you say years later; suddenly waking up: “Where did God, the Bible, Family, The Pledge of Allegiance To The Flag, Education With: Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, Courtesy, Manners, Phone Operators, Respect For Police; and Respect for Our Founding Fathers go?” You really get a shocker; when they are carting off Our Historical Statues, and other National Memorabilia! After all, our history is Our History collectively. As far as economics is concerned; this all has been carefully orchestrated by a communist agenda; for at least the last seventy-100 years. Others may have caught on decades ago. Some of us however; have only begun to ‘see the light’. May God Help Us To See Through The Mud; and Gaze At The Stars. God Bless President George Washington & Our Founding Fathers & May God Bless The United States of America!

1 year ago

The potato along with his incompetent appointees have managed to F up everything they have touched…….Everything!

1 year ago

Democrats will post whatever “facts and figures” that will fit their agenda and many Democrat voters will simply believe – be the sheeple that Democrat politicians want to see! But intelligent voters want to SEE exactly where their numbers came from! Remember Reagan’s “Trust but verify” – well, a lot of people don’t trust Biden and Democrats so then there is definitely a need to verify. But we can’t verify fake numbers, lies or falsehoods!! I never believe any numbers coming from the feds because I don’t think they know what they are doing. Plus, in my opinion, the methods they use to gather any of their numbers are sometimes antiquated and sometimes they intentionally make them up!! In my book, Democrats are not trustworthy, they have an agenda that doesn’t include the majority of Americans!!!!

Patricia VanBuren
Patricia VanBuren
1 year ago

I want to know if his money plan is really going to happen where all our money is online and they can tell exactly how much we spend and for what. I think this is criminal and no one’s business. It keeps saying he has given the treasury department the go ahead on this. We will no longer have paper money or coins. everything will be on computer. Is there really any truth to this. I see it online every few months.

1 year ago

What is now termed “Bidenomics” plainly is the sheer absence of an economic strategy, while increasing the tax and spend agenda to meet the Cloward-Piven national bankruptcy level which is the rabid, lunatic left’s goal. Clinton’s gargoyle in light of truth in advertising now would have to adjust their slogan from “it’s the economy stupid!” to “it’s the collapse of the economy stupid!”

1 year ago

Was it ever upright?

1 year ago

it is pitiful to hear of such nonsense as
BIDENomics. This is the family that has compromised our national security, sold us to Ukraine and has a DOJ and 87 IRS
hentchmen terrorizing the average American.
we live w a boot on our neck. We need pilots… but they will not let the unvax. Even for religious Liberty go to work. BIDENomics
is a tool to take take freedom away. It’s the long arm of dictatorship and the mob.
a disgrace.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
1 year ago

“Bidenomics” is nothing more than Socialism and Communism on steroids, trying to put lipstick on an economic pig; pushed by a corrupt Moran that has no moral conscious or compass. The Dem’s are nothing more than the party of lying, destruction and despair. I only hope that 2024 will end this political plague on American politics and return us to the rule of law and some sanity! Go Trump, MAGA

Sevcik Vern
Sevcik Vern
1 year ago

What is never said is inflation figures are a “ year over year” number. That means today’s 5% is 5% over last year, the real inflation rate for the last two years is actually 5 + 7 = 12%. But of course the progressive politicians will never own up to the damage they have created

1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

I was actually using the term Bidenomics for close to a year in a derogatory way. Every time I was at the gas pump, grocery store, etc. I was shocked when I read he was using it … like it’s a good thing !! He’s completely delusional. Anybody that actually works for a living and pays bills knows how bad the economy is. The only ones that think it’s great are the ones getting free money and mooching off of tax payers. That includes the politicians that support him.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

of course it does. bidenomics is as stupid a concept as all other leftist concepts are. leftists never think. they are so busy trying to not going along with the normal thing they come up with stupid thing after stupid thing.

so bidenomics fell flat on its face like biden climbing stairs.

1 year ago

I suspect without Covid, Biden would not have been elected. Now it is convenient to credit him with the recovery. Many people will not understand the economy so they will either believe his claims or not. Understanding their own finances should be part of the skill-set of high school graduates, but our education system is not that practical.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

Bidenomics falls flatter than joe climbing a set of stairs.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Fails day 1

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

This is the only possible outcome Post mortem is pointless

1 year ago

I hope I am right, but I may be wrong in that it seems like the Fed hikes are starting to slow down inflation. One big difference is Biden admin is not bashing Fed every time they raise interest rates & Trump was proud that this was close to zero interest & attacked the Fed for any rates at all. One must read history of how Fed tamed inflation back in early 80s which was a lot worse than today. This is a fine line & cannot survive at zero & cannot survive at 1000% or we will be like the superinflation countries that suffered in history.

1 year ago

Our government is completely pathetic. Full of evil swamp rats. They all need To go. I can’t believe the costs of products. AND, because of the evil swamp rats, most business owners are following suit and raping the people of this once grand country. I just don’t see it changing.

1 year ago

My wife and I went shopping this AM. Everything we bought and everything we looked at, was up AGAIN!! Biden had never shopped for anything. He had absolute no concept of an economy!!!

Mitch McConnell
Mitch McConnell
1 year ago

actually falling flat on my face is my job.

1 year ago

I didn’t know that schools in Delaware were teaching new math in the 1950s. Sure seems like it was when you hear numbers for the Biden government! Equal is equal when they say it is and facts aren’t truth either!

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