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Biden Weakness Emboldens Formation of Powerful Anti-American Coalition

Posted on Tuesday, February 15, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Simon Maas


After President Joe Biden warned all Americans to leave Ukraine late last week, Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced yesterday that the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv was relocating its remaining staff to Lviv, a city in western Ukraine further away from the threat of Russian invasion. The move comes as Biden administration officials say they expect Russia to attack Ukraine at any moment, something which, if true, could threaten to embroil the U.S. and its NATO allies in a hot war with Russia.

Aside from Biden’s well-documented failures in handling this specific diplomatic crisis, Biden and his administration also appear to be missing the bigger picture from a global geopolitical standpoint. Namely, that Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine is not just an isolated incident, but rather the product of Putin’s growing confidence thanks to much closer ties with Communist China. In turn, both China and Russia have recently ramped up trade, diplomacy, and military cooperation with Iran, sending a clear signal to Washington that the days of unmatched U.S. supremacy are over.

Just days ahead of the start of the Winter Olympics in Beijing, Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin met to discuss the situation in Ukraine, among other things. Xi didn’t explicitly endorse a Russian invasion, but he offered firm support to Putin. In a lengthy joint statement, both leaders sent a not-so-subtle message to Washington: Stay out of our way.

“Russia and China stand against attempts by external forces to undermine security and stability in their common adjacent regions,” the statement said. Both countries “intend to counter interference by outside forces in the internal affairs of sovereign countries under any pretext, oppose color revolutions, and will increase cooperation in the aforementioned areas.”

In the sweeping, 5,300-word statement, Xi also joined Putin in opposing “further enlargement of NATO” and called “on the North Atlantic Alliance to abandon its ideologized Cold War approaches.”

Moscow, in turn, endorsed Beijing’s position that Taiwan is “an inalienable part of China” and agreed to oppose “any forms of independence” for the island democracy, which the Chinese government views as a renegade province that must be brought to heel.

Xi and Putin then praised the relationship between the two countries in the joint statement, heralding a “new era” of the global order and taking clear jabs at the U.S., even if they didn’t call out Washington by name.

“Friendship between the two states has no limits,” the two leaders declared. “There are no ‘forbidden’ areas of cooperation.”

When pressed Sunday on whether he was concerned about China and Russia drawing closer, President Biden seemed to dismiss the question.

“There is nothing new about that,” Biden told reporters.

Experts disagree.

“This is a pledge to stand shoulder to shoulder against America and the West, ideologically as well as militarily,” Robert Daly, director of the Kissinger Institute on China and the United States at the Wilson Center, told the New Yorker. “This statement might be looked back on as the beginning of Cold War Two.”

Moreover, the numbers suggest that China and Russia are indeed growing closer. Trade between the two countries topped $140 billion last year — an all-time record, and more than double the amount during 2015. At Friday’s meeting, both countries also announced new oil and gas deals valued at an estimated $117.5 billion.

Biden didn’t seem to understand the show of solidarity between Eurasia’s two great authoritarian powers was a direct challenge to Washington.

Hours before Xi and Putin shook hands, the U.S. warned China against helping Russia evade sanctions related to the Ukraine crisis. The American warning came after Secretary of State Antony Blinken tried to push Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to keep China neutral or out of the Ukraine situation in a call last month.

Two weeks before the Xi-Putin meeting, Blinken met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Geneva. Lavrov proposed an interim deal to revive stalled talks with Iran over its nuclear program. The Biden administration has tried to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, from which President Trump withdrew in 2018. U.S. officials now say negotiations only have a few weeks left to produce an agreement.

“Russia shares our sense of urgency,” Blinken said. “We hope Russia will use the influence it has with Iran to impress upon Iran that sense of urgency.”

As Blinken was speaking, however, Russia was conducting joint naval drills with Iran and China in the Indian Ocean.

A day earlier, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi met Putin in Moscow. While in Russia, Raisi spoke before the Duma (Russian legislature) and blasted the U.S. for having a “strategy of domination,” which he said has “failed” and put America at “its weakest position.”

Raisi said countering U.S. sanctions requires a collective response from “independent nations” – a clear call for unity between Iran, Russia, and other adversaries of the U.S. He also parroted Russian talking points on NATO, saying the alliance “seeks to infiltrate various geographical areas with new alibis that threaten the common interests of independent states.”

Notably, Russia intervened militarily in Syria to help Iran keep its ally, President Bashar al-Assad, in power during the years-long Syrian conflict.

Trade between Iran and Russia isn’t huge, but exceeded $3.5 billion last year, a record, and appears to be trending upward.

Meanwhile, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian recently announced that the 25-year “comprehensive strategic partnership” between Iran and China signed last year just went into effect. As the core of the arrangement, China will invest significant sums of money in Iran over the next quarter-century in exchange for a steady supply of cheap Iranian oil.

China, which is Iran’s largest trading partner, is arguably the chief reason why Iran survived American economic pressure. By ignoring U.S. sanctions and purchasing oil from Iran, China was able to just keep the Iranian economy afloat – allowing their blatant human rights abuses and targeting of American interests to continue.

Both China and Russia’s bilateral relationships with Iran are pragmatic, to be sure, and are hardly ironclad. Indeed, there’s much debate inside Iran about the extent to which the regime should sacrifice its sovereignty to foreign powers, and Beijing and Moscow only support Iran to the extent that doing so advances their interests.

Plus, it should be noted, China and Russia haven’t formed a formal alliance and, due to their size and geography, will always be rivals to some extent. (For example, China’s growing economic relationship with Europe is also at odds with a closer Chinese-Russian relationship.)

Nonetheless, all three countries are clearly drawing closer and see the time is ripe to go on the offensive. Undergirding this effort is a visceral, ideologically driven commitment to upend the U.S.-led global order, which has been defined by an open global economic system, international institutions, liberal political norms, and American supremacy.

Shortly before Raisi met Putin, a spokesman for the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee stated what Iran hopes to achieve through its relationships with China and Russia.

“In the new world order, a triangle consisting of three powers — Iran, Russia, and China — has formed,” said Mahmoud Abbaszadeh-Meshkini. “This new arrangement heralds the end of the inequitable hegemony of the United States and the West.”

China and Russia have used similar rhetoric about forming a “new world order.”

In 2014, Putin delivered his annual speech to the Valdai International Discussion Club, whose theme for that year’s meeting was “The World Order: New Rules or a Game Without Rules.”

During his remarks, Putin said adhering to a U.S.-led global order is not an option, adding the world either needs to respect Russian interests or risk a world without rules.

“Either way, we can do whatever we like, disregarding all rules and regulations,” Putin said.

One year earlier, Xi told the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee that, among other objectives, they must prioritize “laying the foundation for a future where we will win the initiative and have the dominant position.” In 2017, Xi said China would “become a global leader in terms of composite national strength and international influence” and build a “stable international order” in which it can achieve “national rejuvenation.”

China, Russia, and Iran never accepted the global order that followed the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991. But America was too strong to do anything about it. So, Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran bided their time, gaining strength and waiting for the right time to strike. Perceiving the U.S. as weak, they seem to believe the time has now arrived.

Of course, this anti-American axis, led by China and Russia, has been willing to help others opposing U.S. interests.

Both Beijing and Moscow, for example, blocked U.S. efforts to sanction North Korea at the United Nations as recently as last month.

In the Western Hemisphere, China and Russia have also continued to support Venezuela and prop up its oil trade, despite the country being under U.S. sanctions. Nicaragua, to cite another example, recently revived ties with China, signing a series of agreements with Beijing and ending its relationship with Taiwan.

In short, U.S. power is under siege as a new, hostile axis forms that oppose everything the American people hold dear. Whether the Biden administration is up to the challenge remains to be seen. So far, however, it doesn’t look like China, Russia, or Iran is terribly impressed.

Simon Maas is the pen name of a writer living in Virginia. 

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2 years ago

China,Russia,or Iran are not impressed with the weakling in the White House. When this character was “elected” our enemies laughed and now think they can walk all over us. Going from strength and respect to one of a laughing stock. The resident in the White House is an embarrassment…

2 years ago

What is there to comment. The article lays it down. This bungling administration will continue to keep its head in the ground, showing that it does not have a clue or grasp on reality. The Chinese and Russians will continue to show its disdain toward this administration and the USA.

2 years ago

I think Biden and his administration are the leaders of the Anti-American Coalition. It is not inebtness, but their goal to bring this nation down.

2 years ago

I have a solution:arrest the entire Biden administration along with Pelosi, Schiff, and Schumer for treason. Restore the incumbent who won the White House in 2020, and he’ll for darn sure know how to deal with those two clowns.

Broccoli Free Zone
Broccoli Free Zone
2 years ago

Besides Russia, China, NK, and Iran, which are external threats, there are internal threats as well. Groups like Antifa, BLM (which is now totally underground) Don’t forget almost all the democrats, along with the RINOS, in congress and the senate, and the entire DNC. There are only about 7 in the congress, including the senate, that are loyal Americans.

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

When threatening another country you need to do it on camera with the leader of our military standing behind you in his dress so we look tough!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

& Biden does Nothing to resolve issues, Machine politics DC style
The Funny Farm Admin, Keystone Kops.
along with DNC RNC Estd DC elites

Steve Misner
Steve Misner
2 years ago

Biden and the democraPs have done so much damage to this country in 1 year that we will NEVER recover, GOD save the USA

ed mash
ed mash
2 years ago

I wonder with his limited abilities if he would get the message if everyone sent him 2 ping pong balls? (Forrest Gump).

2 years ago

America is being sold out to the highest bidders and Being Destroyed “From Within” Washington, DC (District Of Monumental Corruption and Tyranny) !!!!!!! The Republican (Lackey/RINO) Party Has Not Same Courage nor Fortitude to Aggressively Stand Tall to Save America !!!!!!! They can send our young men and women to some foreign country to fight and die, But they cannot Fight to the Death To Save America!!!!!!
Wake Up America, We Are In Very, Very Serious, Grave and Dire Danger “From Within” and From China, O’Biden’s Ally !!!!!!!!

2 years ago

Funny, Putin is worried about Nato, as he is being invaded by China. We are fighting off China bribery invasion in the states and it is taking all we got. Putin is worried about the united states NOT wanting his territory, US does not want other countries but have them stop killing each other. China invades other countries and enslaves or exterminates their populations and incorporates their geography and rapes the lands to feed itself from economic necessity. If I were Russia, that would terrify me. Its interesting China and Russia share an undefendable border and like Germany has a lot of things China wants, oil, water, food, technology and minerals. If I were Russia, I would take the Indian path and get lots of allies. Russia will need to be part of the allies like in WWII. China, like in Germany, Hitler needed to steal other peoples stuff to keep its defunct communist economy afloat and invaded every place it could. War of steal and exterminations were necessary for German economic survival, so I see it for China, we learned the lesson late hopefully we will overcome it and learn the old lessons. It seems Russia paid a heavy price trusting hitler, history seems to repeat itself with Russia trusting XI. China, wants Russian to invade so its resources will be drained so Russia can invaded easily. Tiawan seems like Brittan was to Germany. That island nation made of resilience. I would be surprised if Tiawan did not have their own home make nukes like north Korea after 50 years of conflict with China. History could repeat itself by China under estimated Tiawan like before and they won’t even need the us. Thank God, God is in control of the insanity. Hopefully US will be defended and guided by God again.

2 years ago

Comrade President Jackass Josef “Lyin” Biden has emboldened all our enemies to join together to scare the USA into a submissive behavior. . . . Geez, is anybody really surprised? . . . I’m not!

2 years ago

The truly sad part in all this is that it did not have to be this way. If Biden and his associates had simply maintained the standing of the previous administration, we would not have ourselves being handed our hats all over the globe. The greater danger is the alliance between our enemies that is now underway. Soon China will have taken over Bagran air base and gain further toe holds outside their borders, replacing the U.S. as patent power in the region. The next episode will involve Taiwan and that area of the Pacific….further encroachments. Worse yet is that even if better minds take over the administration (ie. congress and the White House) we may be too far down the road to recover….all most of us can do is hide and watch while our leadership flounders, flops and flips….even the repubs are part of this, particularly in their failure to act. Do I say the end is near? No, but the road there is being cleared daily, and if we go far enough down that path, we will reach that point of no return.

Janis Nimmer
Janis Nimmer
2 years ago

Not that It matters much what I think, but the Democrats are really making a mess of things. War is probably right around the corner. I hope I’m wrong. My father, God bless his soul, said the Democrats seemed to start almost all the wars we were involved in. I truly hope we are not headed for a war. This one could be global. Thats really scary. I’m beginning to think the powers in DC are out to destroy our great country. Again, I hope I’m wrong. God not only bless America, but help her.

USN Retired
USN Retired
2 years ago

Biden needs to go. Democrats need to go. We need Trump back, and the Republicans to grow a backbone.

2 years ago

Putin is not invading Ukraine right away. Remember that many Russian athletes are in China thru the Olympic closing Ceremony. Then they come back home and perhaps wait another couple of days for a cerebration parade for the Olympians. Then ALL CLEAR for an Ukraine invasion.
Empty talk from Biden means nothing to Putin as he knows how compromised Hunter (and the ‘big guy’ are from the past cagey KBG member).

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

Because America is so dumbed down, so is our leadership. Without a strong sense of morality and integrity in our politicians, our failures will always outway our perceived successes. Jesus said,

‘Without (Me) you can do nothing.’

What more is there to say at this point?

2 years ago

Dont forget that dems and rinos whose wives needed 5000$ dresses sold us out to china. Not enough of us refused to buy chinese goods as our manufacturing was sent there. For this alone nearly every congressperson should be replaced. The communist media went nuts on trump mainly due to his stated desire to get a different deal with china. That upset the applecart. We are being led by scum of the earth traitors on both sides. The effing rinos wanted trump gone as much as the dems and will do Nothing to pursue those behind the poison arrows aimed at trump.

2 years ago

It is a shame we have this man as our president. I worry, how much more harm will he cause our great country.

2 years ago

What a putrid piece of garbage old man sitting at a desk that should be occupied by a strong powerful man representing the USA as a force and not a person way past his prime in mind//spirit/body/ and mumbling when his mouth forgot what he was supposed to think and say/

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
2 years ago

We all know what biden is about and the next in line are even worse,if that’s possible.BRING PRESIDENT TRUMP back to save AMERICA.The denseocRATS are totally inept.

2 years ago

PLEASE. Pedo Joe and his communist/fascist Rat Party are the LEADERS of the Anti-American Coalition.

2 years ago

dont forget, a lot of USEFUL IDIOTS voted for this. Just point this out when everybody complains.
I did this back when jimmy carter was “president” and NO ONE ADMITTED THEY VOTED FOR THE A**HOLE!!!

Dave Smith
Dave Smith
2 years ago

There’s nothing more “anti-American” than the disease called the democrat party! It’s no wonder why the socialists infiltrated the lazy, handouts are the answer democrats! Support dumbing down schools, support criminals not victims or police, support rioting, looting and burning as peaceful protest, support unsustainable taxing to pay for the wishlists of the massively outnumbered, ignorant, arrogant but incredibly whinier minority and the worst of it…spend over 5 years creating, disseminating, supporting with hatred and animosity the biggest lie and treasonous actions against a sitting President in American history! Democrats are the disease killing America! Covid is Jr Varsity at best compared to them!

Steve G
Steve G
2 years ago

Everyone thinks that the coming elections will get rid of the demoncrats power, but will see, with the elitists & tech giants working feverishly to subvert the voting machines, the influx & spread of illegals throughout the country being paid to vote democratic, chief satanist Soros spending billions across the country to spread poison to our justice system & support a false racism in our country, the spread of hatred for America in our schools, the spread of cancel culture & wokism. I see the only way this country remains free is a revolution by the grassroots of hardworking Americans & forceably getting rid of the illegal media & the groups mentioned above. A large concentration camp in the desert of Nevada is where they can all be sent to of those that survive the bloodshed that is coming!!!!!!!

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

Seems like there will always be the wimpy politicians who don’t understand peace through strength. The best deterrent for war is having the military muscle to back up your words. Biden’s empty threats and political rhetoric will not do it.

james carlyle
james carlyle
2 years ago

NATO needs to reorient its charter to deal with the current bad actors on modern terms with modern technology and stratagems.

2 years ago

Biden completed what Hillary was suppose to do in 2016. The unresponsiveness of Republicans to the infringements on every guaranteed right for Americans leads me to believe that we have been lead by a single party for many years. One man, over through an entire country without leaving a mark. Greed and fear killed Democracy. As the world is quartered off and we become one land mass with Mexico and Canada. Is it really unreasonable that Putin wants his Country back? ” The world order” that he refers to (The New World Order) seems plain as day to him. If the greatest Democracy in the world doesn’t have to follow the Rules, ignores the Constitution and disrespects the people that elected their downfall, who the hell are we to cram Democracy up the a– of other soon to be land masses?.

2 years ago

Mr Biden is like a parrot that says anything he is told to repeat.We as patriots must get to the people behind him. As my dad always said. Just trace the money These Biden programs are making the invisible mouth pieces richer.. Money and power is their game . We must get out the vote and stop this mess from getting bigger. .Wait til they cut social security and va benefits to get money for useless programs. How many suitcases of money has been spread around? Didn’t we learn from the Clinton and their money games? Vote and protect our country’s future. If you are still reading my venting I thank you

2 years ago

Nothing surprises me with anything that loser Biden does. He’s being coached by the far left and the losers, Pelosi, Waters, Schiff, Schumer, Cortez and the three other creeps. Ignorant Dems always want war.

2 years ago

China,Russia,or Iran are not impressed with the weakling in the White House. When this character was “elected” our enemies laughed and now think they can walk all over us. Going from strength and respect to one of a laughing stock. The resident in the White House is an embarrassment…

2 years ago

What is there to comment. The article lays it down. This bungling administration will continue to keep its head in the ground, showing that it does not have a clue or grasp on reality. The Chinese and Russians will continue to show its disdain toward this administration and the USA.

2 years ago

I think Biden and his administration are the leaders of the Anti-American Coalition. It is not inebtness, but their goal to bring this nation down.

2 years ago

I have a solution:arrest the entire Biden administration along with Pelosi, Schiff, and Schumer for treason. Restore the incumbent who won the White House in 2020, and he’ll for darn sure know how to deal with those two clowns.

Broccoli Free Zone
Broccoli Free Zone
2 years ago

Besides Russia, China, NK, and Iran, which are external threats, there are internal threats as well. Groups like Antifa, BLM (which is now totally underground) Don’t forget almost all the democrats, along with the RINOS, in congress and the senate, and the entire DNC. There are only about 7 in the congress, including the senate, that are loyal Americans.

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

When threatening another country you need to do it on camera with the leader of our military standing behind you in his dress so we look tough!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

& Biden does Nothing to resolve issues, Machine politics DC style
The Funny Farm Admin, Keystone Kops.
along with DNC RNC Estd DC elites

Steve Misner
Steve Misner
2 years ago

Biden and the democraPs have done so much damage to this country in 1 year that we will NEVER recover, GOD save the USA

ed mash
ed mash
2 years ago

I wonder with his limited abilities if he would get the message if everyone sent him 2 ping pong balls? (Forrest Gump).

2 years ago

America is being sold out to the highest bidders and Being Destroyed “From Within” Washington, DC (District Of Monumental Corruption and Tyranny) !!!!!!! The Republican (Lackey/RINO) Party Has Not Same Courage nor Fortitude to Aggressively Stand Tall to Save America !!!!!!! They can send our young men and women to some foreign country to fight and die, But they cannot Fight to the Death To Save America!!!!!!
Wake Up America, We Are In Very, Very Serious, Grave and Dire Danger “From Within” and From China, O’Biden’s Ally !!!!!!!!

2 years ago

Funny, Putin is worried about Nato, as he is being invaded by China. We are fighting off China bribery invasion in the states and it is taking all we got. Putin is worried about the united states NOT wanting his territory, US does not want other countries but have them stop killing each other. China invades other countries and enslaves or exterminates their populations and incorporates their geography and rapes the lands to feed itself from economic necessity. If I were Russia, that would terrify me. Its interesting China and Russia share an undefendable border and like Germany has a lot of things China wants, oil, water, food, technology and minerals. If I were Russia, I would take the Indian path and get lots of allies. Russia will need to be part of the allies like in WWII. China, like in Germany, Hitler needed to steal other peoples stuff to keep its defunct communist economy afloat and invaded every place it could. War of steal and exterminations were necessary for German economic survival, so I see it for China, we learned the lesson late hopefully we will overcome it and learn the old lessons. It seems Russia paid a heavy price trusting hitler, history seems to repeat itself with Russia trusting XI. China, wants Russian to invade so its resources will be drained so Russia can invaded easily. Tiawan seems like Brittan was to Germany. That island nation made of resilience. I would be surprised if Tiawan did not have their own home make nukes like north Korea after 50 years of conflict with China. History could repeat itself by China under estimated Tiawan like before and they won’t even need the us. Thank God, God is in control of the insanity. Hopefully US will be defended and guided by God again.

2 years ago

Comrade President Jackass Josef “Lyin” Biden has emboldened all our enemies to join together to scare the USA into a submissive behavior. . . . Geez, is anybody really surprised? . . . I’m not!

2 years ago

The truly sad part in all this is that it did not have to be this way. If Biden and his associates had simply maintained the standing of the previous administration, we would not have ourselves being handed our hats all over the globe. The greater danger is the alliance between our enemies that is now underway. Soon China will have taken over Bagran air base and gain further toe holds outside their borders, replacing the U.S. as patent power in the region. The next episode will involve Taiwan and that area of the Pacific….further encroachments. Worse yet is that even if better minds take over the administration (ie. congress and the White House) we may be too far down the road to recover….all most of us can do is hide and watch while our leadership flounders, flops and flips….even the repubs are part of this, particularly in their failure to act. Do I say the end is near? No, but the road there is being cleared daily, and if we go far enough down that path, we will reach that point of no return.

Janis Nimmer
Janis Nimmer
2 years ago

Not that It matters much what I think, but the Democrats are really making a mess of things. War is probably right around the corner. I hope I’m wrong. My father, God bless his soul, said the Democrats seemed to start almost all the wars we were involved in. I truly hope we are not headed for a war. This one could be global. Thats really scary. I’m beginning to think the powers in DC are out to destroy our great country. Again, I hope I’m wrong. God not only bless America, but help her.

USN Retired
USN Retired
2 years ago

Biden needs to go. Democrats need to go. We need Trump back, and the Republicans to grow a backbone.

2 years ago

Putin is not invading Ukraine right away. Remember that many Russian athletes are in China thru the Olympic closing Ceremony. Then they come back home and perhaps wait another couple of days for a cerebration parade for the Olympians. Then ALL CLEAR for an Ukraine invasion.
Empty talk from Biden means nothing to Putin as he knows how compromised Hunter (and the ‘big guy’ are from the past cagey KBG member).

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

Because America is so dumbed down, so is our leadership. Without a strong sense of morality and integrity in our politicians, our failures will always outway our perceived successes. Jesus said,

‘Without (Me) you can do nothing.’

What more is there to say at this point?

2 years ago

Dont forget that dems and rinos whose wives needed 5000$ dresses sold us out to china. Not enough of us refused to buy chinese goods as our manufacturing was sent there. For this alone nearly every congressperson should be replaced. The communist media went nuts on trump mainly due to his stated desire to get a different deal with china. That upset the applecart. We are being led by scum of the earth traitors on both sides. The effing rinos wanted trump gone as much as the dems and will do Nothing to pursue those behind the poison arrows aimed at trump.

2 years ago

It is a shame we have this man as our president. I worry, how much more harm will he cause our great country.

2 years ago

What a putrid piece of garbage old man sitting at a desk that should be occupied by a strong powerful man representing the USA as a force and not a person way past his prime in mind//spirit/body/ and mumbling when his mouth forgot what he was supposed to think and say/

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