AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

At Joe Biden’s press conference last week, in one of the rare instances when a reporter asked him a tough question about his record, the President responded with a question of his own: “Can you think of any other President that has done as much in one year? Name one for me.” Following his botched Afghanistan withdrawal, a crisis at the border, skyrocketing inflation, supply chain woes, a crime wave, and a pandemic that is still ongoing, Biden might have a point – although not the one he thinks he does. In terms of positive accomplishments after year one, however, Biden need only look to his most recent predecessor to see an example of a president who indeed did do far more, in the face of far greater hostility.
Comparing the early presidencies of Joe Biden and Donald Trump can be challenging, as the media narratives surrounding their respective tenures couldn’t be more different. The night of the 2016 election, when it became clear that Trump was likely to win the presidency, political pundit Mark Halperin said that “outside of the Civil War, World War II, and including 9/11, this may be the most cataclysmic event the country has ever seen.” Mainstream pundits heralded the election of Donald Trump as the coming of America’s darkest age. The stock market was predicted to shatter, and we were told that our economy would never recover and the election would embolden American adversaries to attack us and our allies.
Of course, none of this came to pass. In Trump’s first year, the Dow rose 31% and the economy grew steadily. While there was strong rhetoric, the United States engaged in no new major military conflicts. Trump’s first year also saw several domestic policy successes, including confirming Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, the first of Trump’s three Supreme Court nominees. He also signed into law the historic 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, a major boost to working and middle-class families, and embarked on the most aggressive deregulatory campaign since Ronald Reagan, repealing a litany of federal regulations that he argued were limiting job growth in America. These pro-worker policies set the stage for America’s lowest unemployment rate in 50 years and one of the strongest economies in recent history.
President Trump’s first year also saw a number of foreign policy successes. His immediate withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership was celebrated for prioritizing American manufacturing over imports. Additionally, he withdrew from the Iran Deal, the Paris Climate Accords, and recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. All of these moves were heavily criticized by mainstream media outlets, but set the stage for later successes like the Abraham Accords. Again, the media’s predictions that disaster would follow such actions were proven to be pure fantasy. The measures were popular with the American public and did not lead to significant diplomatic fallouts or conflict.
By contrast, the mainstream media hailed the election of President Joe Biden as the outright victory of “good over evil.” Pundits and media professionals forecasted that, under Biden’s leadership, COVID would be a thing of the past and America’s international standing would improve. The widespread deployment of the COVID vaccines (a direct product of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed) buoyed this analysis. The expectation was that Biden’s administration would be one of competence, compassion, and national healing. The talking point that “the grownups are back in charge” was invoked heavily surrounding Biden’s inauguration.
The reality that has become increasingly clear over the past year, however, is that the media should have saved their melodramatic meltdown for when Joe Biden took office.
Everything the media incorrectly said would go wrong under Trump has actually gone wrong under Biden. On the pandemic front, an overreliance on vaccinations while largely deprioritizing other harm reduction methods left his administration completely flat-footed when the Delta and Omicron COVID variants hit American shores. Increased testing access, increased hospital support, COVID therapeutics, high filtrations systems for schools, and higher quality mask distribution were all largely left by the wayside. As a result, the second year of the pandemic (under Biden) has seen more deaths and infections than the first year (under Trump).
On the economic front, most Americans see the Biden economy as a failure. It’s true, as Biden is so fond of saying, that his first year has seen record job creation, a drop in unemployment, and an economy whose GDP numbers are generally back to pre-pandemic levels. However, Americans are smart enough to understand that much of the job creation results from business reopening following the government-mandated lockdown. In more concrete terms, Biden’s economy has been ruinous for many Americans. Record high inflation, sharp decreases in purchasing power, and recent drops in the stock market have left the average American struggling to keep food on the table. Additionally, the consistent supply chain disruptions have caused food shortages in supermarkets across the country, triggering severe anxiety in American families.
Biden’s first year fell far short of his promise to increase American standing on the foreign policy front as well. The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan was a massive international humiliation that mortified our allies. Not long after, France – America’s oldest ally – recalled its ambassador after the Biden administration botched its handling of a submarine deal with Australia. China has grown more aggressive in its posture towards Taiwan and other key American allies in Asia. And now, a Russian invasion of the Ukraine appears imminent, even as Biden meekly offers “economic sanctions” as a solution.
To be sure, Biden’s first year in office hasn’t come without some successes. The COVID relief package passed early in his tenure, although it had little to do with actual COVID relief, was generally popular and well-received by the public. Congressional Democrats also passed a major infrastructure bill which Biden later signed, another broadly popular piece of legislation. But even these two supposed wins undercut Biden’s narrative of success. Thanks in large part to other poor economic policies, the COVID relief package and infrastructure bill – totaling more than $3 trillion – exacerbated rising inflation, something which played a role in sinking Biden’s proposed $3.5 trillion Build Back Better Act.
In short, the case that Trump had a far better first year in office in terms of accomplishments is a strong one. But perhaps even more intriguing is how both presidents fared compared to their expectations. For four years the media and cultural elites insisted that Donald Trump would be the end of democracy and the world as we knew it, criticizing his every word in what would come to be known colloquially as “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” Yet heading into his final year, Trump had actually improved his approval rating and appeared poised to cruise to reelection until the pandemic hit.
One year in, even with the media firmly on his side, Joe Biden appears to be headed in the opposite direction. Most of those who voted for him did so on the promise that he would be moderate and measured as president. His failure to be either has left many Americans with a sense of betrayal; that the media, the political elites, and Biden himself all sold them a false bill of goods.
Based on the comparison of their records, it should be no surprise—although it is still amazing—that a majority of voters now say Trump was a better president than Biden. That’s not the way Biden or his media enablers expected him to end his first year—that much is for sure.
Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.
I miss my great President Trump. Please vote in 2022. KAG
No matter how it is spun, President Trump was not the first choice of many Republicans. But once he took office he did great things for all the USA. And get over his “mean tweets”.
Come on, Man! List these side by side, in a chart, graph, table – make it green (good) and red (bad) it’s more impactful! The turd pretending to be the President hasn’t done one single good thing, and Trump had very few failures. His only failure was trusting / relying on Fraudci and any three letter agency, and is that really his failure or theirs?
Biden F
Trump A: for policies.
Like his get in your face when confronted but bad timing & Deep State hurt
Deep State was always trying to dump Trump then
Liked His abrasive personality when needed
No I cannot think of any other President that has “done as much in one year”!
He has accomplished more to destroy the country in one year than any other president, he’s
even out done Carter!
It would have been nice if the reporters in that “news” conference had the balls to challenge, and truthfully answer his question!
Comrade President Jackass Josef “Lyin” Biden will go down in American history as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER!!!
I miss President Trump. He ran the government like a NY real estate office. That is why heads were exploding in D.C. He expected results – or – You’re Fired! Works that way in my office. Some o fhis tweets made me cringe – most did not. I would be laughing my head off. He knows how to needle the establishment. Frankly, I think our Founding Fathers would be proud of him.
I accidentally caught a brief conversation on CNN where the pundits were cackling about new revelations that voting machines were deliberately programmed to fail so that the Republicans could add to their claims of election fraud. The Biden Presidency has been a disaster from day one, and this is what we get when an election is rigged. Bottom line is that there is no comparison between these two Presidents: Donald Trump, by far, did more than any American President to increase the quality of life in this nation. Joe Biden, in contrast, has done more damage in twelve months than any President in history, bar none.
Biden is not qualified to lick the bottom of Trump’s shoes. That’s as polite as I can be when comparing the two Presidents and I use that term very loosely in Biden’s case. How’s that for a honest comparison?
Rather than talking about the popularity amongst the media talking heads and the Democrats, as if that is some kind of accurate barometer of real accomplishment, put up a side-by-side charts of things accomplished that benefitted the American people and improved our standing around the world. Yes, Trump could be abrupt at time, but that is how most highly successful business people are in real life. They make commitments and get things done and they don’t suffer fools or those that seek to obstruct them well. Get over the fixation on some mean tweets. I would rather have Trump in office, as we wouldn’t have had to endure the disastrous first year of the Biden administration.
Ha ha ha ha
Next week: comparing the Stone Age with the Industrial Revolution
Just remember Trump was a business man, not just a run of the mill polaticin. Kyle L.
If we don’t win back the House and the Senate in 2022, America is HISTORY.
Trump has a vivacious personality. Biden you can look everywhere for a personality; (search in every nook and cranny calling: “Personality Where Are You?”) A Complete Void Abyss. Trump has personality and a great deal of common sense. Biden has no personality, no common sense, and too much forehead makeup. What to do? Something in a Simple, Personalized Impeachment!
Joe Biden is living in a LA LA land and he is a demonic controlled man
I am tired of hearing conservatives refer to Biden winning the election in 2020. He absolutely did NOT. The evidence shows that the 2020 election was fraudulent with manufactured votes, more votes counted than registered voters, paper ballots with no signatures and no ability to validate. In addition there has been but one forensic audit conducted (Arizona). Why, because the secretaries on state are either biased, democrats or were funded by George Soros. The Arizona audit proved fraud occurred and a non-forensic audit in Wisconsin showed similar results. Finally the proof lies in the efforts on the democratic congress to allow illegal immigration, ramp up the debt, eliminate states rights, change voting laws so democrats will be the sole winners of “elections” as well as to prevent forensic election audits (because they know what the results will be). Finally they are ignoring the Constitution because no one will prosecute them.
Pray that we can stop the steal.
His comment comparing himself with any other president proves Biden is out of touch with reality, much like our main stream media.
On Gutfeld last week, in response to Biden’s question what president has accomplished more in his first year than I have, a guest quipped, Zachary Taylor has. Hilarious.
Trump was a leader, what we needed, and loved his country
Biden is a politician.
The End
Good assessment. But with the mainstream media still controlling much of the narrative and Congressional swamp at a loss to do anything meaningful things will not change.
Wisconsin became the 16th state to pass legislation calling for a Convention of States sponsored by the COSAction grassroots effort. Where does Amac stand in support of such an effort?
Under Article V; the States (the people) can put forward Amendments. The goal is:
– Impose fiscal restraints on the federal government
– Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government
– Limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress
Has Amac looked at this or considered taking a position?
You forgot to mention the many unborn lives saved and those of the future by Trump’s policies and actions. He was the only president in many that attended right to life rallies, set up the Mexico city accord and other baby saving measures. Biden on the other hand is fighting against every state and law set up to protect the innocent! And fighting against any attempt to overturn roe v wade in the upcoming vote by supreme court. This is just the tip of the iceberg of Bidens attacks on American citizens born an unborn!
Biden’s the Failed Polluting Sewer Plant compared to the Only Prospering President this country ever had.
Comparing Trump to Biden is like comparing the brightest light in the universe to darkest black hole, comparing sanity to insanity and comparing superior human intelligence to the intelligence of an amoeba. Let’s get serious, in 2020 we replaced the most experienced President in modern times with the most incompetent one. One thing the last election made clear is that we as American must pay more attention to who we elect. One thing that a democracy cannot guaranty, and is most apparent with the election of Biden, is that weeding out stupidity from the electoral process is not a priority. MZ
Not only is Biden stupid and demented, he’s clinically delusional.
Mail in Ballots , absentee ballots, fraudulent ballots, PLANDEMIC ballots, dead people voting ballots, Domioin voting system errors? ( how many millions of times and where?) Biden Basement rallies. TRUMP LEGITIMATE 75 million citizens legally voting for our real and legitimately elected president? Hmm. Tough one?
Well welcome to the party! Of course Trump was better resident much than Brandon. The Party he represents, Lied, cheated, had voting done in an unsecured way and stole the election. I don’t anybody saying now they voted for Brandon. The American people are stupid when it comes to governing the country. We need a Businessman and Leader not a senile old man running the country along with his Commie, Progressive Democrats who are running this country by Committee through the Bureaucracy which is run primarily by democrats who are dug in like ticks in DC and the surrounding swamp. 95% of all donations from them went to Biden what’s that tell you. It’s all about Power and they weld it to want to control your welfare while they get rich and become the ruling class in China 60 million controlling over 1 Billion
And to think what more Trump could have accomplished if he didn’t have Paul Ryan, John McCain and many other RINOs fighting against him?
“insisted that Donald Trump would be the end of democracy” – come on AMAC, you know better, the Founders created a “Republican Form of Government” Art IV, Section 4.
“Democracy is the most vile form of government. … democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property: and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. It is universally admitted that a well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people.” James Madison (1751-1836) Father of the Constitution, 4th President of the U. S.
“We are a Republic. Real Liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of Democracy.” Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) Signatory to the U. S. Constitution, Secretary of the Treasury & Secretary of State
“A simple democracy is the devil’s own government.” Benjamin Rush (1745-1813) Founding Father & Signatory of the Declaration of Independence
“Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.” —Benjamin Franklin
“Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy; such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mold itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable [abominable] cruelty of one or a very few.” John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States and Patriot
“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd President of the U. S.
The policy of American government is to leave its citizens free, neither restraining them nor aiding them in their pursuits. —Thomas Jefferson
“A democracy is a volcano, which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption, and carry desolation in their way.” Fisher Ames (1758-1808) Founding Father and framer of the First Amendment to the Constitution
“We have seen the tumults of democracy terminate, in France, as they have everywhere terminated, in despotism.” Gouverneur Morris (1752-1816) Statesman, Diplomat, writer of the final draft of the Constitution
“In democracy … there are commonly tumults and disorders … Therefore a pure democracy is generally a very bad government. It is often the most tyrannical government on earth.” Noah Webster (1758-1843) Father of the Dictionary and an American Patriot
“But between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.” John Marshall (1755-1835) House Member, Secretary of State and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
“Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate (lost all regard to good principles, virtue or decency, dashed, broken or ruined in morals, shameless in wickedness) are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them.” Joseph Story (1779-1845) Lawyer, Supreme Court Justice & influential commentators on the U.S. Constitution
“A decline of public morals in the United States will probably be marked by the abuse of the power of impeachment as a means of crushing political adversaries or ejecting them from office.”
Alexis de Tocqueville, 1835
“The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty, especially as the sheep was a black one. Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of the word liberty; and precisely the same difference prevails to-day among us human creatures … and all professing to love liberty. …” President Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Jackson was the, founder of the Democratic Party and the first President to be elected from the Democratic Party (1829–1837).
The Democrats of today have immersed themselves in the revolutionist socialist Karl Marx’s “The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital” anti-capitalist ideas that stymies free market economic grown and freedom of the individual and instead have created a strict elitist class (Bolshevist) to rule the citizenry.
It was the Socialist President Woodrow Wilson and his cronies who systematically began to changed our Republican Form of Government to a Democracy. He lead the Democrats in creating the “Income Tax” and the taxation of “Inheritance” pursuant to Karl Marx’s Ten Planks of his Communist Manifesto. In essence the Democrats want to disarm us, control our healthcare, police our thoughts and words, and tax us into DEPENDENCE.
When one examines the Amendments beginning with the16th (the Income Tax Amendment) all the Amendment since were adopted during Democrat presidency and administrations i.e., the 16th (Income Tax)Wilson; 17th Wilson, 18th Wilson, 19th Wilson, 20th F.D. Roosevelt; 21st Roosevelt, 22nd Truman; 23rd Kennedy; 24th Johnson; 25th Johnson; and 26th Democrats. All of these Amendment to our Constitution in combination changed our Government from a Republic to MAJORITY rule as exemplified in this analogy:
Two wolves and a sheep are in a meadow – Wolf 1 asks Wolf 2 “What’s for lunch?” This is the short version of Democracy.
Today the Karl Marx Democrats are hell bent to eliminate the Electoral System so as to allow the heavily populated states such as California, New York, Texas, Pennsylvania and the North Eastern states to completely control the election process and to hell with the smaller states like Idaho, Montana, Arkansas, Maine, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Iowa, etc.
A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC is what we were GIVEN. It is up to US to keep it.
biden needs to go back into his cave – this is a fact – he is a zero
It has become true that joe is getting senile, his handlers are pushing in the wrong direction and joe doesnt know what the hell is going on.He has never had any situational awareness and it couldnt be clearer. Apparently, those closest to him dont love him enought to save him from himself and are using him to fulfill their leftist wet dreams. They dont love our country and these marxists clearly want to destroy our nation. Thanks comrade xi. and thank you joe.
President Donald Trump will go down in history as a great president. Look at his record in just four years. Joe BIDEN will go down in history as a huge FAILURE. FAILURE, CORRUPT, FOOL who took advantage of the America tax payer.
Do a graph (side by side comparison column ) to show corresponding days/weeks of each Presidents achievements/failures- shares, fuel, wages, unemployed, immigrants legal/illegal into the country, Patriotic attendances to functions/families, world peace negotiations etc
Who is the puppeteer for Joe? (pulling the strings, making the decisions, that these are obviously beyond his mental capacity) Just saying !????????????
Good article because it has substance rather than just opinion, often worded exactly the same by the liberal in the media despite different “affiliations.”
#1. Biden was installed, he was NOT elected and we have seen proof in Arizona and Pennsylvania and Georgia that there was a lot of voter fraud and machines that were flipping the votes….some people have gone to jail for this and there should be a lot more joining them. So Biden is not a legitimate president #2. Joe Biden is owned by China, he is a corrupt liar and could care less about the American people, but he surely likes his pocket book being filled with money from China. #3. Biden is a senile, corrupt puppet that Soros, Gates and Obama are pulling the strings….he can hardly walk by himself and he makes no sense when speaking even when he has his notes to guide him #4. Biden needs to be back in his basement or in a nursing home instead of the White House….he is an embarrassment to America and a spit in the face of the 75 million Trump voters as Trump is really the legal president,.
I appreciate your communication. It’s refreshing to NOT see truth for a change instead of lapdog media fawning after Biden. Trump received such negative AND misleading press it is a wonder he accomplished as much as he did. I miss HIS press conferences. Biden’s are a JOKE.
Thank you Denise… You have eloquently summed up the current CORRUPT administration to a tee, JRB in particular…
Bill… :~)
Along with too many American corporations, educational institutions, the corporate media, and all kinds of entertainment. Greed fuels dictators and corruption!
If you put trump and Biden on scale 1-10 .trump would be a 10 and Biden would be a 1. Biden has failed in everything. Trump made it greater.
Biden did do more in the first year of his presidency he has totally destroyed the American dream, supporting illegals and not our country and failures in foreign policy. Trump for speaker of the house and put Biden out of office
Joe Biden is the biggest failure as a president in only one year. Not to mention being an illegitimately installed president, to begin with.
So true Biden blows
Wish the tv press would tell the truth re Trump vs Biden.
Just watched on Fox as illegals were let in the country
The future may allow us to experience some degree of healing
I miss my great President Trump. Please vote in 2022. KAG
No matter how it is spun, President Trump was not the first choice of many Republicans. But once he took office he did great things for all the USA. And get over his “mean tweets”.
Come on, Man! List these side by side, in a chart, graph, table – make it green (good) and red (bad) it’s more impactful! The turd pretending to be the President hasn’t done one single good thing, and Trump had very few failures. His only failure was trusting / relying on Fraudci and any three letter agency, and is that really his failure or theirs?
Biden F
Trump A: for policies.
Like his get in your face when confronted but bad timing & Deep State hurt
Deep State was always trying to dump Trump then
Liked His abrasive personality when needed
No I cannot think of any other President that has “done as much in one year”!
He has accomplished more to destroy the country in one year than any other president, he’s
even out done Carter!
It would have been nice if the reporters in that “news” conference had the balls to challenge, and truthfully answer his question!
Comrade President Jackass Josef “Lyin” Biden will go down in American history as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER!!!
I miss President Trump. He ran the government like a NY real estate office. That is why heads were exploding in D.C. He expected results – or – You’re Fired! Works that way in my office. Some o fhis tweets made me cringe – most did not. I would be laughing my head off. He knows how to needle the establishment. Frankly, I think our Founding Fathers would be proud of him.
I accidentally caught a brief conversation on CNN where the pundits were cackling about new revelations that voting machines were deliberately programmed to fail so that the Republicans could add to their claims of election fraud. The Biden Presidency has been a disaster from day one, and this is what we get when an election is rigged. Bottom line is that there is no comparison between these two Presidents: Donald Trump, by far, did more than any American President to increase the quality of life in this nation. Joe Biden, in contrast, has done more damage in twelve months than any President in history, bar none.