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Biden Trashes the US Constitution to Muzzle Critics

Posted on Wednesday, July 12, 2023
by Outside Contributor

President Joe Biden has played his cards: all bluff, no aces.

Biden is the defendant in a lawsuit accused of what Federal District Court Judge Terry Doughty calls “the most massive attack against free speech in United States history.” Yet the appeal Biden filed on Monday is devoid of even one winning argument in his own defense. Count on it to go nowhere. Biden’s been caught red-handed violating the U.S. Constitution.

On July 4, Judge Doughty announced that the evidence produced so far indicates the president is operating a vast, illegal censorship scheme to muzzle his critics.

Doughty knows tyranny when he sees it. He’s got the goods on the Biden administration, and he laid out his evidence in 155 pages, all meticulously footnoted.

Biden, numerous White House staff and employees of 11 federal agencies are being sued for operating a whole-of-government censorship operation to prevent you — the public — from seeing social media posts that challenge Biden policies on a wide range of issues from vaccines to climate change, inflation and more. Not to mention any posts that mock Biden family members. Straight out of Kim Jong Un’s playbook.

Doughty cited ample evidence — emails, meeting notes, sworn testimony and correspondence — showing the Biden administration strong-arms media platforms into serving as government censors. The Constitution bars the government from censoring, so Biden is coercing social media to do the dirty work for him. That, reasons Doughty, is just as unconstitutional.

To halt this assault on freedom as an election nears, Doughty issued an order on July 4 barring Biden himself and dozens of White House staff and federal agency employees from any further communications with executives at Facebook/Meta, Twitter, YouTube/Google, WhatsApp, Instagram and other platforms “for the purpose of encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content.”

It’s damage control for the nation.

Biden’s lawyers appealed Doughty’s order, predicting “grave harm to the American people and our democratic processes” if the order goes into effect, but no specifics.

Grave harm? Only to Biden’s reelection dreams. In a free society, all politicians have to put up with criticism.

The White House denies coercing social media executives, insisting they make “independent choices.”

That’s risible. Doughty documents the demands made to social media and the coercive language that White House staff and other federal employees used. Biden officials met with tech executives regularly and flagged content they wanted removed.

Doughty cites numerous times administration spokespeople warned that the Biden administration would consider altering Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects social media platforms from being held liable for what they post or refuse to post. That threat is tantamount to holding a gun to their heads.

The purpose of the First Amendment, explained Doughty, is to “preserve an uninhibited marketplace of ideas.”

Tragically, liberal media are no longer champions of a marketplace of ideas. The New York Times blasts Doughty and warns the lawsuit could “alter how government battles disinformation, dangerous falsehoods and harmful content online.”

Tell the gray lady that’s not government’s job.

The Washington Post cautions that “after companies and the federal government spent years expanding efforts to combat online falsehoods,” this lawsuit might end that cooperation.

Collusion is more like it. Government shouldn’t be curating what Americans can say or hear. The First Amendment protects all speech, good and bad, true and false.

Left-wing media are characterizing Doughty as a “Trump-appointed judge” to discredit him. Truth is, Doughty was confirmed by the Senate 98-0 and has become a formidable defender of the Constitution’s limits on government. He halted Biden’s mandate that all health care workers be vaccinated, and a similar mandate requiring Head Start workers be vaccinated, not because he opposed vaccines but because both mandates exceeded the federal government’s authority.

Doughty has a strong case again.

He warns that the U.S. government “seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.'”

That’s a grave danger, but it won’t happen on this judge’s watch.

“If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation,” Doughty writes, quoting an 80-year-old precedent, “it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion.”

Listen up, Mr. President.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.


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Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
1 year ago

The Left has been shredding our Constitution, one little piece at a time, for well more than a century now. Their ultimate aim, as is always the case with Leftists, is to create a Leftist dictatorship. Our Constitution stands in their way, so they are doing what they can, slowly, to eliminate it. And very sadly, precious little has been done or is being done to stop them.

1 year ago

Thank God that not all in the judicial system are corrupt. Bless this judge.

1 year ago

We need to get this senile old man out at once. He’s a menace to our country.

1 year ago

There are no words in the English language to describe this thing. My only consolation is knowing God will sort this out.

1 year ago

A judge’s order to enforce the Constitution means nothing to the lawless left.

1 year ago

The Greatest threat to our republic and democracy is the Corporate Media, who fail to expose tyranny where ever it happens. In this case they are maliciously shielding and protecting the members of their “party of choice”. Then in equal terms propagate known falsehoods, (Steele Dossier) against those they dislike. It is only with an unbiased reporting of disclosed facts that people remain informed to make correct choices. CORPORATE MEDIA ARE THE ENEMY!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Good show Judge, awesome

1 year ago


1 year ago

Impeach the Sunny Old Boy and the same with the entire administration.

1 year ago

The old S.O.B. is a liar, corrupt, and a traitor who has sold the country out
to who ever has a buck to buy him. He doesn’t belong in jail, he should be
in front of a firing squad.

1 year ago

All the evidence in the world will not have an ounce of effect on this overly protected criminal.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Biden is only a medium that those who put and keep him in are using

1 year ago

So when is somebody going to muzzle the nitwit prez?

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

AMAC is the only news thingy, i am not censord on. . I told AOL Good morning once and they censord that. Kyle L.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

For this reason alone, main street Democrats, of which there are MANY, and all Republicans, and ALL Libertarians will and HAVE turned against him. This is HIS END! We just have to spread the word and the video on this!

1 year ago

What a F***in D*ck Head

1 year ago

Lenin absolutely despised our Constitution. While trotsky did come to visit The United States, lenin refused because he so despised our country! Why should biden(or his boss obama) be any different?

1 year ago

Hey Biden you Sick Pathetic Rancid Piece of Rotting Human Waste.
Quit Polluting the Earth with your Existence
You are Environmentally Un-Safe to Humanity
doe ray me fa q Joe Biden

1 year ago

So why are there still people who actually believe all Republicans are nasty traitors and liars and need to be squashed? I have read so many posts from people who continue to uphold and support this sick socialistic political party. Treading on our constitution should be viewed as an attempt of treason. We knew we were being censored and monitored throughout the entire “pandemic” where we were not allowed to go to school, go to work, attend family functions. But what did we do? We complied, like sheep. I truly hope we never, ever see this happen to this country again. It was the test of the radical liberals to see just how far they could push us, If this doesn’t make every one of us angry, then we’re not paying attention.

1 year ago

No matter the evidence NOTHING is every going to happen!

1 year ago

The Nation is on life support. We must vote this administration OUT before we go FULL ON cardiac arrest!

David L DeCarlo
David L DeCarlo
1 year ago

I wish people would stop saying Biden doing this or Biden doing that. He’s not. He’s not in charge. Everything has Obama’s fingerprints all over it, along with Susan Rice.

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