Joe Biden may still hold the office of president of the United States, but the media are treating him like he’s anything but a newsmaker. For much of Biden’s presidency, reporters were much more energized to cover the apparent menace of Donald Trump than agitate the officials who were always hiding Biden.
Now, he seems invisible.
On Dec. 15, the president spoke to a Democratic National Committee holiday party. Any reporter would expect a pep talk, with all the echoes of “We’ll get them next time.” Biden simply lied about the state of the country.
In discussing PolitiFact’s latest Trump-trashing “Lie of the Year” campaign, Matt Kittle of The Federalist reracked this doozy:
“One thing I’ve always believed about public service, especially about the presidency, is the importance of asking yourself, ‘Have we left the country in better shape than we found it?’ Today, I can say without, with every fiber of my being, with all my heart, the answer to the question is a resounding yes,” Biden said.
That sounds like dementia, not truth.
Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic ended … and all of Biden’s policy failures began. A few sentences later, he added, “I fully believe that America is better positioned, because of all of you, to lead the world today than [at] any point in the last 50 years of my career … Again, not hyperbole!”
None of the broadcast networks covered this oratorical face-plant on-air—ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, or NPR. It came on a Sunday, a slow day. But published what sounded like a sterile press release from Michelle Stoddart. She repeated this blatantly false quote—that Biden left the country in better shape—and helpfully added, “Biden did try to make the pitch that many of the benefits of his actions in office won’t be fully felt by Americans for some time.”
Keep hope alive, Joe.
In all my searching, I couldn’t find an Associated Press dispatch on these remarks. The Monday papers didn’t have it—not The New York Times, The Washington Post, or USA Today. However, the Post and USA Today both quoted Biden’s self-defense fromthe previous Tuesday at the Brookings Institution. Both must have been written before Sunday’s DNC speech.
In his “Biden touts his legacy” piece, Post reporter Cleve R. Wootson captured this similar claim 19 paragraphs deep in his dispatch:
“I know it’s been hard for many Americans to see, and I understand it. They’re just trying to figure out how to put three squares on the table,” Biden said at Brookings. “But I believe it was the right thing to do, not only to lift Americans out of economic crisis caused by a pandemic, but set America on a stronger course for the future. And we did that.”
Like Jimmy Carter-style inflation never happened? “Many Americans” are blind to reason?
Wootson added that Biden recounted an insanely supportive quote from Time magazine: “President-elect Trump is receiving the strongest economy in modern history, which is the envy of the world.” That came in a Nov. 14 piece headlined “Don’t Give Trump Credit for the Success of the Biden Economy.” It was an opinion piece by Yale officials Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Stephen Henriques. Fun fact: Sonnenfeld donated $2,800 to Biden in 2019.
This piece also mangled the facts, as they claimed under Biden, “prices continue to fall as wages rise.” Prices haven’t fallen. The rate of inflation has, but not prices.
The American electorate rejected Biden’s policies at the polls. The distraught Democrat reporters would rather forget that happened. So, Biden can lie about his legacy without consequence.
Tim Graham is director of media analysis at the Media Research Center and executive editor of the blog
Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Tim Graham
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.
Good riddance to an inept, plagiarizing, lying, and corrupt president. Biden, harris, and the left-leaning media can hold hands as they hobble out the door and pat each other on the back, thinking they did a great job.
The deceptions of the lying mainstream media is enough to make anyone sick. Yup, Biden left us with rapid inflation, wars, an unsustainable debt of $36,TRILLION (the highest in U./S. history) with $1,Trillion in interest alone in every 100 days, and a twice devalued ($) currency that’ll make inflation much harder to cure. And that’s what he and his admin. are proud of? CRAZY!
Anyone that thinks Bidumb did an acceptable job as President of these United States is beyond delusional and must have been living under a rock these past 4 years!
just think, if he hadn’t found politics he would probably be in prison for being a con man.
maybe he will end up there yet. we can hope.
A Joe Stalin style 2020 election with an invisible candidate and four years of a behind the curtain administration should have everything it did entirely scrubbed from the records as though it never existed.
One thing I’ve learned in my 76 years, You can Never embarrsse a Career Politician regardless of what they get caught doing. They always try to lie lie lie.
As Dr. Jill said after the debate, good job,Joe. Ha hahaha!
Shame his daughter he fondled in the shower, doesn’t put a pillow over his face and grind on it.Fitting termination of that presidency.
Let’s be honest, Biden was never president and never will be. This was Obama’s 3rd presidency. He’s still trying to decimate the United States from the shadows and can blame sleepy Joe for it all. Thank God we didn’t elect Kamala and give him a fourth term.
The Democrats are already setting the table for when Trump turns this horrible economy around, reduces the national debt, de-regulates our lives, strengthens our military and creates real jobs, not just government jobs! Passing on the “strongest economy in modern history” is the biggest pile of bunk I think I’ve ever heard! These people (Democrats) are so devoid of any morals or character whatsoever, if it wasn’t so darn funny, I’d be absolutely frightening!
Biden’s legacy is FAILURE, PATHOLOGICAL LIES, AND THE WORST PUPPET FOR BARACK HUSSAIN OBAMA. History will show how stupid the people in Delaware are. Another state that is insane, expecting things to change!
Obama’s & Biden’s, sail off into the sunset to never be heard from again.
Biden’s Pinocchios are hardly surprising. He’s been lying for his entire 4 year term in office. So has his White House press secretary, and all his other senior officials. It’s been the most persistent effort to gaslight the public in American history. Worse, the leftist media has covered up the many lies from Day One of Biden’s presidency. Which brings to mind a quote from George Orwell, “Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten. The lie became truth.”
A miserable senile old man AND most of his family! They Biden name will be only remembered in infamy…
He is leaving an unforgettable legacy.
Any historian worthy of the name will excoriate Biden/Harris and his Cabinet of stooges when pen is put to paper.
Joe’s agenda is horribly felt now and will also in the future. Unless we right the ship now, it will fill with water and sink.
He is the only president, at least in my lifetime, that you rarely saw — unless it was on a beach, eating ice cream, etc. Even Obama was visible…granted it was as a guest on TV shows (since he thought he was some kind of celebrity instead of just the president) but he made his ego got fed.
Just doing his best to follow in Obama’s footsteps.
I just went to the grocery store today. Two more products that I regularly buy were up over 10%. Then I heard on this evenings news that chocolate had gone up 38% and chocolatiers were going to have to raise their prices. So much for the “robust Biden economy.” Obama-Biden spent 8 years blaming Bush for their lousy economy, now Biden has trashed our economy and blames Trump. The Labor Participation rate was 68% when Trump took over, it went down to 58% during covid and is at a little over 62% now. So people are still out of work. Biden is both delusional & lying.
Why are Democrat lies given the “It’s no big deal” treatment while Republicans are treated as consistently telling lies even when the truth is what they’ve said?