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Biden Stokes Division and Fear While Trump Rallies Hope for the Future

Posted on Friday, September 29, 2023
by BC Brutus

AMAC Exclusive – By B.C. Brutus

Chalk board Illustration of Donald Trump and Joe Biden with American flag pieces as background

While the second GOP primary debate dominated most of the headlines this week, the more important story may have been the contrasting visions for the country and the future outlined by runaway Republican frontrunner Donald Trump during a speech in Michigan on Wednesday and President Joe Biden during remarks in Arizona on Thursday.

Biden’s speech, which CNN called a “preview” of the president’s 2024 message, was another vague and aimless diatribe slandering conservative Americans as a “threat to democracy.” Trump’s remarks, meanwhile, offered a specific plan for the country that everyday Americans can unite around.

In other words, Biden doubled down on the tribalism and identity politics that have in part made his presidency a complete failure, while Trump returned to the conservative populist message and hopeful vision for the future that first rocketed him to the top of the political world in 2016.

After Biden’s infamous Independence Hall speech last year, which produced striking images of the president angrily denouncing his political opponents as “extremists” in front of a blood-red backdrop while flanked by U.S. Marines, it was clear that the president’s team wanted to avoid a similarly high-profile event this time around. Instead they chose a standard American Flag backdrop in Phoenix, Arizona, and had Biden deliver his remarks in the middle of the day.

Despite a far less dramatic setting, however, the substance of Biden’s speech was largely the same. After offering a few remarks honoring the late Sen. John McCain (a transparent attempt to insulate the president from accusations of partisanship) Biden proceeded to once again describe Trump voters as “extremists,” claiming that the GOP is “intimidated and driven by MAGA Republican extremists.”

Without offering any specific evidence, Biden alleged that so-called “MAGA Republicans” are “attacking the rule of law, fomenting voter suppression and election subversion,” and banning books.

“These extremists have no idea what the hell they’re talking about,” Biden continued, specifically targeting Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville for holding up military promotions over the Pentagon’s promotion of CRT and other far-left ideologies within the ranks. “This MAGA threat is a threat to the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions. It is also a threat to the character of our nation.”

Biden then claimed that he has made “the defense and protection and preservation of American democracy the central issue of my presidency,” while also making vague overtures to “protecting the Constitution” – even as his administration and allies in Congress have pressured Big Tech to censor Americans online; used the FBI to target parents, Catholics, and pro-life activists; worked to strip Americans of their Second Amendment freedoms; launched attack after attack on the Supreme Court and the American judicial system; and tried to abolish the Electoral College, end state control of elections, and pass a host of other anti-democratic, unconstitutional policies.

Biden notably made few direct references to Trump – another sign that he views the “MAGA threat” as encompassing not just the former president, but everyone who opposes Democrat policies.

When Biden did mention Trump, it was only to repeat discredited media lies like the debunked narrative that Trump referred to fallen U.S. soldiers as “suckers” and “losers.” While rich in ad hominem attacks, the president’s speech was conspicuously absent of any specific policy vision – no doubt because his own policies are deeply unpopular.

Despite the media portrayal of Trump as driven by revenge and personal grudges, the 45th president’s remarks the day before Biden took the stage were focused on the plight of everyday Americans since 2020 (in particular the striking auto union workers he was speaking directly to) and concrete plans to improve their lives – a stark contrast to Biden’s speech which was actually driven in large part by a personal grudge against Trump.

Instead of speaking in abstractions about the supposed evils of his opponent as Biden did, Trump pointed to specific Biden policies that have harmed American workers and how he would reverse them.

“Biden’s cruel, ridiculous electric vehicle mandate will spell the death of the U.S. auto industry,” Trump declared. Later, Trump listed Biden’s history of policies that have devastated American labor, including how Biden backed NAFTA, backed China’s entry into the WTO, backed the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and time and again sided with globalist interests shipping U.S. jobs overseas.

“To the striking workers, I support you in your goal of fair wages and greater stability—and I truly hope you get a fair deal for yourselves and your families,” Trump said. “But if your union leaders will not demand crooked Joe repeal his electric vehicle mandate immediately, then it doesn’t matter what hourly wage you get because in two to three years you will not have one job in the United States.”

“On day one, I will terminate Joe Biden’s electric vehicle mandate, and I will cancel every job-killing regulation that is crushing American auto workers,” Trump promised. “I will unleash a thing called American energy, stop the ban on the internal combustion engine, and we will ‘drill, baby, drill.’”

Trump also reiterated his pledge to pass what he has called the “Trump Reciprocal Trade Act,” which would implement an equal tariff on any country that imposes a tariff on U.S. goods. “Under the Trump presidency, patriotic protectionism will be the new American way.”

“By the time this battle is over, the rusted-out factories will not be here in Michigan,” Trump concluded. “The new buildings and production lines will be built in Lansing and Flint and Sterling Heights and Grand Rapids.”

Trump’s speech made clear once again that what animates his politics is a desire to build a better future for America – both literally and figuratively. His speeches are remarkably specific because his vision for the country is remarkably clear. Trump in Michigan was Trump at his best, speaking the common language of prosperity and optimism for what America can be.

Biden, meanwhile, confirmed that he is consumed by a desire to cling to power – so much so that he is willing to use lies to attempt to scare people into believing that their family, friends, and neighbors are a “threat to democracy” just because they might support Biden’s chief political opponent.

So much for returning “honor and decency” to the White House.

B.C. Brutus is the pen name of a writer with previous experience in the legislative and executive branches.

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1 year ago

Excellent article contrasting Biden’s destructive policies vs DJT’s specific plans to build up our nation and its people.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

As usual, the Senile One describes himself and his woke followers who are the REAL threats to democracy! He and his followers cannot name ONE thing which we patriots have done to damage democracy but we can give him a list of things that HE has done!

1 year ago

Strange that a person who doesn’t know that the United States of America is a Republic, not a democracy, should hold the highest office in the land.

1 year ago

The marxist democrat party and joebama, have been exposed as utilizing the most divisive, racist, hateful policies and class warfare to divert attention from their planned destruction of America. At the same time feeding their appetite for an insatiable grab of money and power for themselves.
They care not one bit for Our Country, Constitution or Citizens.
I’ve never seen such a blatant abuse of government , to un- apologetically attack decency, faith,family and freedom.
The evil they represent must by CRUSHED and NEVER again allowed to poison OUR COUNTRY!
America FIRST, now and forever!

1 year ago

I had to stifle my anger while watching and listening to the Democrats try to make the Impeachment Hearings more about Trump than LYING CROOKED JOE BIDEN!

But All This as LYING CROOKED JOE BIDEN calls CONSERVATIVES a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY! I fear an armed resistance is approaching because they, the so-called Democrats, will AGAIN CHEAT and STEAL the NEXT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION TOO!

1 year ago

It’s your choice American’s Ethier Fear and hatred of America by low life Biden or you can Elect a real president that has Hope and Respect for America by Electing President Trump or someone with Trump like policies.
People say President Trump has a big mouth, I don’t care, I don’t want to kiss him, I want him to use it and fight back on my behalf!
God Bless America – Long Live Freedom!

1 year ago

Freedom… a beautiful thing. I choose to believe everything is for a reason. Know what you want and don’t want. Freedom means fighting for what you believe in. This President isn’t for the people clearly only an agenda. Fight, stand, protect, and fend your rights and when wronged (too many to mention) stand up to the end. Each state must protect itself for what is right.

1 year ago

Biden did dividing this country from day one while at the same time stating to the leaders of the world “time to make America last” were his own words…NEVER in the history of this country has a sitting so called President bowed his hate and disdain for its people…sick Democrat Party…

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Saving Democracy? I think that was what Hitler said when he assumed power….

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
1 year ago

Not so much just Biden, but the Progressive Democrats overall want to bring about a Socialist control of the U.S. that will destroy the freedoms of American citizens as those freedoms are guaranteed US by the U.S. Constitution.
Conversely, Trump must battle D.C. Swamp dwelling Republicans and Progressive Democrats to get the U.S. back on track as being a free capitalist nation that is a democratically achieved Constitutional Republic, the way the U.S. was designed to be and the way the U.S. achieved such great stature over a relatively short time span.

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
1 year ago

I don’t know what to do do with this garbage I’m hearing and reading LGBTQ Want take away Parental rights in California, Bidenomics is killing the economy of the of the United States,If Trump doesn’t go to jail pollsters and politicians and the media say it would the worst thing for the country overland the C40 organization of mayors around the world want us to stop eating red meat because it contributes to Climate change.And sexual abuse ,Pornography, and full frontal nudity, crime, and abortion has caused this country to go stark raving mad.And if Washington D.C. and the clowns controlling this country we should all become robots that can be controlled by the push of a button.But people are to stupid ,shelvish and worried about what about me and what I want, To vote for what’s right for this country.. We used to be the Land of the Free and now we’ve become the Land of IDIOTS & FOOLS !!!!

Will Eskridge
Will Eskridge
1 year ago

Biden attacking people who vote for trump makes him look like an unhinged old man. It’s like he forgot about the American people who he hurt by closing the pipelines. Costing Jobs .

1 year ago

What are people expecting from FJB, he is a hard left progressive, it is what they do and believe.

1 year ago

Comrade Punkydoodle, just factsless drivel from the brainwashed Communist wannabe who HATES AMERICA!

Marc Ziegler.
Marc Ziegler.
1 year ago

The dark view that is coming out of the Democratic Party, mainly Biden, is on purpose. All the party wants to do is destroy our way of live and replace it with a Marxist Socialistic Cabal, with its only outcome is our misery. The Democratic Party as far as I can remember has been on the wrong side of every important issue. If this continues, America will never be the same! Go Trump, MAGA!

Charles Assimos
Charles Assimos
1 year ago

Ignore the bot boy.

Charles Assimos
Charles Assimos
1 year ago

Bot boy.

1 year ago

Biden only does what Biden knows. Only what he is told. We can all see with our own eyes the difference in vitality and hope between Biden and President Trump. Age has nothing to do with anything. A sound mind, common sense and love of our country is what President trump brings to the table. The socialist democrats have become a party of hate and destruction. They work hand in hand with the global communists. They will have to re-brand after the next election, if they survive that long.

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
1 year ago

President Donald J Trump was not 100 percent but he didn’t quit his job.

1 year ago

Hey AMERICA HATER, afraid to use your real name. Why? Because we might find out that you’re REALLY 15 YEARS OLD?

1 year ago

Comrade Punkydoodle just HATES AMERICA!

1 year ago

Classy , it’s the definition of a loser right?

1 year ago

I can’t really blame Biden for sticking to a winning formula. It worked for him last time, not having to leave his basement, just spewing lies, and living in a leftist town like Tucson and seeing how stupid these leftist really are… will probably work for him next time too.

Morgan, Job K.
Morgan, Job K.
1 year ago

We didn’t elect this lying, traitorous, feckless b****. He has no plan that isn’t given him by his handlers.–Creed2You

1 year ago


1 year ago

Excellent summation of the events of last week. Hopefully, and I think they do, Americans are catching on; obviously, enough clues are on display for people to understand that what they are witnessing is “The Greatest Show On Earth!”

1 year ago

Please everyone, wake up and realize we are all watching a movie.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Dictator Beijing biden is giving his OVER 700,000 Illegal Alien Terrorist, AMNESTY. That’s right. So he can get that OVER 700,000 Illegal Alien Terrorist VOTE. But under Law they have to be a RESIDENT for AT LEAST ONE YEAR BEFORE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE.
Bottom Line: RIG the 2024 Presidential Election with another Illegal VOTES for the democrats.
This is a Pure Political Move by Dictator Beijing biden (13 months before 2024 Presidential election). You watch, he’ll sign another Illegal and Unconstitutional executive order (200 ) to cover it up and will still expect you to continue giving YOUR Tax Dollars to his Continuous Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion.
Just this alone is why I am Voting for President Trump. At least President Trump had the Border Secured and FOLLOWED the Law and U.S. Constitution including his Oath of Office.
Dictator Beijing biden has done NONE of that since 1-20-21.

1 year ago

I hope the 82,000,000 chuckleheads who voted for this miscreant are happy now.

Henry D
Henry D
1 year ago

I just hope OnOne in the audience showed any respect for this derogatory speech by Biden by applauding

1 year ago

The difference in Socialist and Republican has never been more front and center. Socialist believe all problems can be solved by “you” making sacrifices and everyone sharing in those sacrifices. Republican conservatives believe in basic honest hard work to improve life for you and those around you. I may be wrong, but that was how I was raised and lived.

Marcus Antonius
Marcus Antonius
1 year ago

ah… I see… AMAC doesn’t stand for the “Association of Mature American Citizens”… that name implies the wisdom of years… but this article gives it away … a more appropriate name might be the “Association of Malevolent Americans”… the only thing you have going for you is your provide a platform for Mr Angry “with previous experience in the legislative and executive branches” to vent. I am sure he finds it therapeutic …Keep up the good work !!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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