AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

Nearly 14 years after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as “Obamacare,” President Joe Biden is doubling down on some of the worst aspects of the policy.
Last month, Biden moved to eliminate short-term private health plans that currently function as a far more affordable alternative to Obamacare. These plans, which have flexible coverage periods ranging from 30 days to three years, can also be obtained any time of the year rather than just during the Obamacare open enrollment period.
The short-term plans are a legacy of former President Donald Trump, who eased restrictions on them in 2018. President Barack Obama had initially limited the term of such plans to three months in 2016 amid concerns that consumers would eschew the more expensive Obamacare plans.
Now, Biden is hoping to limit short-term plans to four months with no option for renewal. Notably, patients who are enrolled in such plans and lose their coverage won’t be able to enroll in Obamacare until the open enrollment period the following January.
According to estimates from the Congressional Budget Office, Biden’s proposed rule would kick 1.5 million people off their current plans, and 500,000 people would lose coverage entirely. So much for Biden’s promise that if you like your private insurance, “you can keep it.”
If Biden’s latest proposed rule takes effect, Americans with short term plans will likely see a repeat of the horrors that befell the country following the signing of Obamacare in 2010.
Much like Biden’s broken promise, Obama also pledged that Americans who liked their insurance could keep it (a claim NPR dubbed the “lie of the year”). In fact, a key talking point in the passage of the bill was that it would not impact existing health insurance plans at all.
Within months of the bill’s passage, however, millions of Americans were shocked to find their health insurance plans were canceled for not meeting the requirements of Obamacare. According to Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), an estimated 4.7 million people lost their healthcare in the first years of the Obamacare regime.
Another key promise was that Obamacare would bring down the overall cost of healthcare in America. In early 2010, President Obama stated that the bill would “cut the cost of a typical family’s premiums by up to $2,500 a year.”
In practice, healthcare costs saw a dramatic spike following the bill’s passage. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, from 2013 to 2017, the average individual market premium shot up 105 percent from an annual cost of $2,784 to $5,712.
Obamacare premiums are even more astronomical. The average cost of Obamacare plans for an American family today is over $18,000 per year. In 2021, when family premiums were $17,000, average deductibles were still nearly $8,000, making the policies worthless for the vast majority of Americans. A family might spend $25,000 in a year before seeing any major benefit.
Under these conditions, it is no surprise that lower-cost short term private plans, which President Trump allowed to be extended for years, were quickly making Obamacare obsolete.
Defenders of Obamacare point to the fact that more Americans got insurance after the bill’s passage. Yet this was largely due to the bill’s infamous “individual mandate,” which imposed steep penalties on anyone who did not purchase healthcare.
The individual mandate scheme was even more sinister given the fact that costs were artificially lower at the beginning due to government subsidies with sunset clauses. Once those subsidies ran out, people found themselves struggling under the weight of ever-higher premiums, so much so that many simply opted to pay the penalty rather than continue enrolling in healthcare coverage they couldn’t afford.
Short-term plans have provided welcome relief from this impossible situation. But now, Biden is aiming to crack down on healthcare freedom once again.
Congressional Republicans, meanwhile, have made multiple efforts over the years to “repeal and replace” Obamacare, to varying degrees of success. By far, the most substantive and effective effort occurred during the Trump administration. While the congressional push to repeal Obamacare failed, Trump and the Republican controlled Congress succeeded in reducing the individual mandate penalty to zero. They also relaxed some of the regulations so individuals could seek short-term plans with greater flexibility than the “once-size-fits-all” plans offered on the Obamacare market.
Yet, for all its shortcomings and failures, Democrats seem to believe that the only problem with Obamacare is that everyone isn’t using it. They claim that forcing all Americans onto one set of plans by government edict will give people greater leverage over insurance companies and lower costs. Or, put another way, they think eliminating low-cost plans will somehow make Obamacare plans cost less.
Thus far, however, all the evidence points in exactly the opposite direction.
Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.
Many of the options for medical insurance that are currently available are useless. They have exceedingly high premiums and deductibles. In addition, many physicians are not willing to participate in the plans because they reimburse them at absurdly low rates.
While the families that are “covered” by these policies have insurance, they have no benefits.
Obama did not do anyone a service with the massive insurance scam that he perpetrated, but he definitely deprived people of legitimate, quality medical insurance that actually covered medical care.
The writer correctly pointed out that insurance with an annual premium of $10,000 or more with a $7500 deductible is equivalent to having no insurance at all.
Obamacare is overdue for the scrap heap. I hope that when that occurs, it will be replaced with something that actually covers medical care!
We haven’t had health insurance since Obamacare went into effect and kicked us out of our plan. It’s cheaper to self pay at the doctor’s office. We paid the penalties for not having insurance and it’s way cheaper than the “affordable” plan “option.” Most, if not all, urgent cares, hospitals, and doctors offer discounts and payment plans for self paying patients.
Jackass Joe Biden LIES everytime he opens his mouth and speaks! I can’t stand to listen to anything he says! LYING JOE!
the old adage it can always get worse is true
How do Democrats sleep ? They lie on one side then the lie on the other.
Government controlled health care. Old get no care, young stand in lines. Doctors have no incentive, so only mediocre doctors are in practice. Us “pheasants” have no other option . . . I have seen this before, in communist counties.
ROFLO. The gall of a Federal Government that has never balanced a budget telling fly-over people they can manage money better than we can!
Obamacare raised my insurance payments by $800 per month and forced me out of retirement. Fortunately, and thanks be to God, I found a job that includes full coverage for both me and my wife.
This is what happens when government is allowed to control businesses. Every industry government has control of costs American citizens more while providing less. We must get government out of control of all businesses and industries so a free capitalist market will allow businesses to correct themselves or fail.
Every thing Dictator Beijing biden has done since 1-20-21, has been a constant attack against the United States and the American citizens.
O and Joe have proven they’re both liars and too bad if you don’t like it.They’re the worst ever to sit in the White House.
81M selfish Americans chose this for themselves, along with rampant inflation, open borders, increase in crime rates, and a more unstable world, increase in taxes, lower standard of living all in exchange for the promise of free stuff from the government. “What can my country do for me” is their motto.
More marxist democrat party destruction of America@
These hateful, useless scum must go!
Throw them out!
Could it really get worse? It’s useless!
The only reason Insurance was cheaper before the ACA, is because it was faux insurance. All the major carriers would kick you off as soon as you cost them too much, and getting reinsured was next to impossible once you got kicked off. real insurance costs more.
Well, sorry… Trump got cheated out of office… Such a shame on this country…
Ever since Biden took office, no one talks about how bad Carter was as President…
Government health care, in the form of Medicare not only killed my wife but forced her into a cesspit of a “skilled nursing center” to spend her last days. “Skilled nursing center” was called an “old folks home” most of my life but there she was forced when she “timed out” of Medicare coverage. It seems the government looks askance at what normally takes place after one “times out” of receiving Medicare where one has most of their savings and posessions taken then put into the Medicaide program where only the worst medical practitioners even agree to take the pittance that program pays. What happened was that despite the “skilled nursing center” being 5 blocks from the towns hospital it took 45 minutes for the ambulance to arrive to take her there. Too late as it turned out.
Whatever you do, if you are in any form of government healthcare or in any care administered in any way by our Ukrai-Nazi supporting government, do NOT get seriously ill. You will NOT get better. You will NOT be placed on the transplant list your spouse was told you were months prior. You WILL die.
Oh…….and if your spouse angrily confronts the staff of the provided “skilled nursing center”, he will have the police called on him for using the First Amendment when instead he should have utilized the Second Amendment.
We are being led like sheep to the slaughter by a government that spend tens of billions for the betterment of Nazis in Europe while killing its own citizens to “save money”. God bless America?
“They claim that forcing all Americans onto one set of plans by government edict will give people greater leverage over insurance companies and lower costs.”
Insurance companies and government are in league on this one stop insurance scheme. How would recipients have any influence on insurance companies? Propaganda for the crooked politicians to point at. Our health care system is already compromised. The same companies control health care providers. We do not have a chance for return to decent health care.
Just wait. I foresee this. Medicine, mostly pills. Due to fantastic markup. why don’t the govt. dispense them ,themselves. Now you will have to go to a type of warehouse for meds. Think about your b*tchin having to wait at a drugstore for 20 minutes. Maybe 30. The Govt. way. Take a number. Hour and a half later you are called up to be told they are out of your pills. And when will they be come in . Maybe 10 days. Most likely a month or 6 weeks . The surviving spouse can go get them. Money saved can be put on your funeral expense. Think about it folks. Kyle L. P . S. Since the profit is most of the druggist income, the d/stores will start closing.