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Biden is Losing—Will the GOP Have the Courage to Win?

Posted on Sunday, January 28, 2024
by AMAC Newsline
President Biden sitting at his desk

Biden is in a corner, and his handlers know it. The Biden Administration refuses to enforce the law of the land and has brazenly attempted to stop the Lone Star state from doing the job. Twenty-five states have announced support for Texas in the state’s struggle to secure our southern border. Biden really can’t come down hard on Texas in a way that would threaten the country’s peace, but allowing the coalition of states to win will show him to be a lame duck whatever the outcome of November’s election. So he is banking on the supposed Senate “deal” being negotiated by Senators Kyrsten Sinema (I, AZ), Chris Murphy (D, CT), and Jim Lankford (R, OK). By repudiating this truly raw deal and demanding that our border be secured, the Senate GOP can finally win one for the American people—and the party.

The United States went from a secure border under President Trump to a record number of illegal immigrants last month and a record over the last quarter of 2023. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) sources told Fox they finished December with over 302,000 encounters. This was the first time ever that the 300,000 mark was broken. This made 785,000 encounters from October 1 to December 30. Additionally, CBP has reported that they just caught 19 people on the FBI’s terror watchlist. This makes 50 already in 2024.

How many people have made it across illegally or have been admitted on a “catch and release” basis with an order to appear at a court sometime? It’s hard to say. Paul Bedard reported on a study released by the Center for Immigration Studies last fall showing that since January 2021 the foreign-born population has surged by 4.5 million people, a number larger than the population of 25 different states. Of this, they estimated that 2.5 million were illegal immigrants. This meant that whereas the foreign-born population grew at a rate of 42,000 per month under Donald Trump and 68,000 under Barack Obama, it has grown at a staggering 137,000 per month under Joe Biden. If the study is correct, then the U.S. appears to have more illegal immigrants coming in per month than all immigrants who entered the U.S. per month under Trump and even under Obama.    

Given Governors Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott’s strategy of busing just a fraction of the illegal immigrants allowed into their states to “sanctuary cities” such as New York, Chicago, and Boston, even American Democrats who were happy to virtue signal about their openness are now starting to feel the pressure that such an insane policy will bring. Stalwart DNC-MSM outlet CBS News reported with a touch of worry that Biden’s use of “immigration parole” has been astonishingly large with over 1 million people being let into the country under this particular power.

Americans are well and truly sick of the chaos such uncontrolled immigration brings. A Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll this week showed that immigration is now the top concern of the American voter, with 35% ranking it their number one and 64% saying the border has worsened since Joe Biden has been president. 46% say that it has made them less likely to vote for him and 77% say that Biden should make a deal with Republicans on border security.   

Despite that showing, it is clear that Republicans should not sign on to the Lankford-Sinema-Murphy deal. Donald Trump has recommended that Republicans reject the deal, calling for them to sign only a “perfect bill.” Most Republicans agree. Lankford’s own Oklahoma GOP has passed a “Resolution Condemning & Censoring Senator Lankford’s Open Border Deal.”

What’s so bad about it? After all, Biden has himself called it the “the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country.” Well, as CNN reports, under this bill he would gain emergency powers to act.

Under the soon-to-be-released package, the Department of Homeland Security would be granted new emergency authority to shut down the border if daily average migrant encounters reach 4,000 over a one-week span. If migrant crossings increase above 5,000 on average per day on a given week, DHS would be required to close the border to migrants crossing illegally not entering at ports of entry. Certain migrants would be allowed to stay if they prove to be fleeing torture or persecution in their countries.

It also provides for an expedited asylum process.

So let’s get this straight. DHS could shut the border if a week averages 4,000 encounters per day but would only be required to shut the border if there is an average of 5,000 per day. Added to this is the requirement that the border be closed if there are over 8,500 encounters per day. Given those incredible December numbers, this would allow the border to be closed now.

But here’s the problem. This is not draconian. That the border would only be shut if 35,000 crossings per week is reached means that we could potentially have 1.8 million per year without anything happening.

More importantly, Biden doesn’t need any new authority to close the border now. House Speaker Mike Johnson posted on X his own opposition to the reported deal, noting that at 1.8 million crossings per year, “America will have already surrendered.” He wrote that he had informed Biden last year in a letter that the President already “can and must take executive action immediately to reverse the catastrophe he has created”:

The Immigration and Nationality Act coupled with recent Supreme Court precedent give him ‘ample authority’ to ‘suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.’ As my letter stated, President Biden can begin to secure the border by ending catch-and-release, ceasing exploitation of parole authority, reinstating the Remain in Mexico program, expanding the use of expedited removal authority, and renewing construction of the border wall. The President must start by using the broad legal authority he already possesses to reclaim our nation’s sovereignty and end the mass release of illegal aliens into our country.

In short, Biden could simply put in place all the Trump-era policies that he abandoned—leading to our current disaster. As Governor DeSantis affirmed in a short video, backing Trump and Johnson, solving this is “a matter of will.” Why would Republicans sign any deal that looks like this, especially when Schumer, Biden, and the mainstream media are hawking it?

There is no reason. The Senate GOP must firmly reject any deal that looks anything like what is being reported. First and foremost, this is because we already have laws in place. President Biden is simply not enforcing them. Negotiation over new bills only serves to obscure this fact. President Trump is right: only a perfect deal would be acceptable. Given that this will never be offered and isn’t really needed, the only answer is to stand strong and force Biden to actually act or, at the very least, allow this burgeoning coalition of red states to begin the process of ending the chaos that is tearing our country apart.

Given the House’s power of the purse, Speaker Johnson and the GOP may well be able to do something much more powerful in March when the Continuing Resolution on spending ends. But for now, his Senate colleagues just have to grow a backbone and say loudly, “No.” 

David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, and is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative.

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1 year ago

It is not a matter about if the GOP will stand up, WILL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND ELGIBLE VOTERS STAND UP AND START FIGHTING AGAINST THE TYRANNY THAT HAS ENVELOPED THIS NATION? It is now time to save this nation and it will be an uphill fight all the way. The change for correction will take decades to implement and theadversary will fight against it all the way. People must recognize the deceiving untruths be addressed by POLI-TICKS and MSM. Too many people are still falling for the deception. WE ALL NEED THE PERSEVERANCE TO TAKE BACK OUR NATION FROM THE ADVERSARY.

1 year ago

Huh…Republicans with backbone! That’ll be a first.

1 year ago

I don’t believe China Joe will do anything about the border after he gets the money for the Ukraine. He lies, lies, lies. It’s just another empty promise to get his way. I’m sorry his handlers’ way.

Kay L Martin
Kay L Martin
1 year ago

Biblically, America has tossed out The God Who gave it to us, wrapped its arms around The Enemy.

John Mann
John Mann
1 year ago

We have a tyrannical and abusive government. This Federalism that Biden seems to foster is delusional and he conveniently forgets the people and the states is where the power is. Or at least it should be. Of course if he were of sound mind, he may even push back on this agenda. The government is not going to help us. I have no clue why new immigration laws need to be made when there is a immigration process that works. Maybe not at the speed of processing 302,000 illegals coming over the southern border in December. But it works with the protection of the American people in mind. All of this is election year theatrics. Murphy from CT is up for re-election. He’ll say if fixed the problem. But you can be a Monkey and be a democrat and get elected in CT. Biden is done. He can’t get out of this ‘corner’ in 7 months, especially if he acts on taking the hard line on Texas. The other half of the American people need to wake up soon!

1 year ago

The short answer is the GOP has no plan to control anything and it’s left to the States like Texas and Florida. The MSM is not covering the border invasion objectively or at all. Biden will soon be relegated to the basement to keep his incompetence showing to a minimum. Unfortunately the chance of President Trump returning to office and fixing this issue grows slimmer by the day. It may be martial law,pandemic, energy restrictions or something else,but the fix is already in the works. The establishment has too much to lose to let President Trump back in and a majority of Americans are just too complacent to care.

1 year ago

We are living in the final generation it’s called the parable of the Fig Tree generation in the Hebrew. We are under the Judgment from God because we remove the word of God from our government and our schools now our blessings have been exchanged for cursings, kids kill each other in school they can’t figure it out biblically illiterate I’m not judging them just the way it is. It’s a spiritual war we’re fighting here good against evil for the deeper Scholars the third that followed Satan in the first world age when we lived in a spiritual body that third are here now I’m not judging that third but they have disdain for the Lord what’s good is bad right is wrong it’s all upside down as it is written how about no one crosses the Border unless it’s done legally end of story

1 year ago

Impeach Mayorkas this week!
Listen up Republicans!
This is what Americans want.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

The very first action a President Trump must make is to close the border- period. Nobody else gets in until we sort this mess. The very second thing he should do is start using all those free phones that were given to the gate crashers to determine their physical location, and then go and arrest them, and then deport them. Let the media scream; we want our country back.

1 year ago

My feeling isn’t “Will the GOP Have the Courage to Win?” rather will the people have the courage to stop voting for RINO’s. I would rather vote for the Green party or the Libertarian’s than say Mitch McConnell, Romney, Liz Cheney or any other so called Republican’s that vote in lockstep with Demos, so will the voters have the courage, a vote for a RINO is a vote for a Demo.

Clifford U
Clifford U
1 year ago

The nation has undergone moral decay but there are some that are fighting that trend. Riley Gaines and Chaya Raichik are two young women who are absolute stars and should be given increasingly powerful positions. The liberal left is scared of them for good reason.

1 year ago

Biden will not be the candidate. The GOP needs to get over him and focus on contrasting conservative policies with the current policies that are destroying our nation.

1 year ago

Far as I know, nothing’s been done to assure me there won’t be another stolen election…

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

The GOP needs to tell nikki haley she is out. the GOP needs to tell kemp he needs to shut down wade and willis. the GOP needs to push for the new york judge to lose his law license and push to have the trial canceled. The GOp needs to push to put biden and smith on trial for smiths illegal appointment.

The fact the GOP is letting all this stuff slide tell you they really do not want to win.

Clifford U
Clifford U
1 year ago

Colleges need to be cracked down on. DEI should be eliminated nationwide. Those who support Hamas must be fired or expelled and jailed and deported where applicable. BLM which pushes DEI and Hamas should also be banned.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

NO DEALS of any kind till the Border is Secured and ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS are DEPORTED.
Our Border was Secured with President Trump.

Cliff usa
Cliff usa
1 year ago

DeSantis would have run over whoever the democart will be but he was throw under the bus. Not a smart move.

1 year ago

I wouldn’t believe anything from Schumer, he’s a sleazy liar and manipulator.

1 year ago

I am so very sick of the excuse “asylum.” I would bet 99.5% of the illegals are not running from any harm at all. They are economic opportunists and terrorists and criminals — period We should not be responsible for the world’s problems when we have plenty of unsolved problems of our own: homeless, insane, vets, the very poor, etc. The Biden Open Border is just adding to those we already have: more homeless, more drugs, more insanity, more terrorists, more poor, etc.

1 year ago

republicans win ? t hope so if they would only get a backbone and grow a set of brass balls. get rid of the rinos and stick together for once.look how long it took to elect a speaker! i hate the demorats but right or wrong(usually the case) look how they stick together. now if only the republicans would do the same. if they loose and condem the us to further destruction they only have themselves to blame! STICK TOGETHER for a change and save the american way of life. lead the way or get out of the way .our futur depends on you!

Clifford U
Clifford U
1 year ago

My foreign policy positions are unmatched.
Close the border no matter what it takes
No more money to Ukraine, it’s a money pit
Money and weapons should go to Israel to help them wipe out Hamas, but absolutely no aid to Gaza, they voted in Hamas
Crush Yemen
Do whatever it takes to cut off the terror network in Iran

Clifford U
Clifford U
1 year ago

The Republican elephant beats the Democratic donkey. It’s how nature works.

1 year ago

There is no gop; just Americans who believe in the constitution and people who dont

1 year ago

It should be of note that 25 states are supporting Texas in its attempt to control its border, in our world that is more than 50% of the USA ( I know Obama thinks there are 57 states but at last OFFICIAL count there are 50!) Biden is a lame duck (as well as a lame brain) and will be fighting an uphill battle to control this situation! IMHO

1 year ago

Great point. Its doubtful that the Repubs know how to go to war. Repubs ask.They never do. Repubs in DC are silent right now following the death of 3 US soldiers killed by Iran. Repubs need to attach to the new budget deal that before the budget is passed the US must give a missle enema to downtownTehran in Iran

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Oh let me see… the local media is perplexed by “low voter turn out” in Nevada where the STATE is holding early voting where Trump is not on the ballot but Haley (and Brandon) is. Meanwhile the PARTY has a caucus scheduled on February 6th where Trump is on the ballot but Haley (no Brandon) is not. No where on any GOP website can I find out: WHICH ONE COUNTS?! Or do any… I mean assuming one isn’t voting Biden?! Now tell me again about these “free and fair elections” I keep hearing about…

Clifford U
Clifford U
1 year ago

The entire Hamas caucus should be censured as a minimum.

Clifford U
Clifford U
1 year ago


1 year ago

????????????????????????????????????☮️ A new positive self

fulfilling prophecy!!! WIN, WIN

James 414
James 414
1 year ago

Bi Done, has been a loser the day it was born.. good riddance

Charles R Zimmerman
Charles R Zimmerman
1 year ago

We grew up with… WE THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE style of government. What the hell has happened? Biden, his handlers and the democrats obviously want government to control the power. That’s not only dangerous, but it is also what we have seen in other countries where dictators rule. Is that what we want? My generation is responsible to leave our country as good or better than the one we grew up in. (Growing up in the 50-60’s was incredible!) We have failed our future generations, if we cannot fix it by putting the greedy and blatant lying leaders in our government out. We should be pushing for TERM LIMITS for all in government leadership! Career politicians continue to get rich on the backs of all citizens while too many go without simple basic needs. Career politicians fall into lockstep by scratching each other’s back for votes on special ridiculous projects, regardless of party affiliation. I cannot imagine a single congress person who pledged to uphold our Constitution and protect our sovereignty that would support open borders, but they are there! We have weaponized our government! And yes, we have voters who support open borders! Why? Our radical propaganda media is guilty of feeding us a lot of partial truths and opinions – not truths. The media has succeeded in their quest to shape the radicals’ policies and agenda! And the gullible believe their lies! So many of us Veterans fought for our country – many died doing it. Do their sacrifices mean anything to our leaders supporting the tyranny they have created? God help us all, if we allow this to continue!

1 year ago

Oh, right republicans could do something via funding. Republicans only take action when it is meaningless or dead upon arrival-example impeachment of homeland security head. It will fail because the democrats will defeat it with help from rhinos. The republicans have not fulfilled any of their promises since Newt was Speaker!

Bill Fleming
Bill Fleming
1 year ago

…apparently… sad…

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

We need change up in the White House what they have done at the border is treason at the least they do not know what is in this country that is what is scary. This is what our great president is all about do nothing at all along with his so called team that includes more Dems and his great VP. All should be voted out of office there is nothing but corruption in our capital.

1 year ago

Joe “the puppet” Biden is doing exactly what he is told to do. Namely bring about the destruction of our “Republic” NOT our Democracy Our “REPUBLIC”. Voting Trump back into office is NOT the complete answer. Sadly we don’t have enough people in this USA that can think for themselves and STOP voting the same old Politicians back into their Senate or House position for 30 or 40 YEARS. Two terms is enough for the LOBBY and MONEY Men to corrupt 95% of the people in the DC SEWER. SWAMP is not low enough!
At present we have too many politicians in the “UNIPARTY” = RINO’S/Democrats/Socialists/Communists.
And 70% of the Republicans who are not RINO’S have no GUTS!!
My rant for the day on this subject!

1 year ago

If theres a pathway to losing the Rs will find it. Recall both McCain and Romney in the debates. Its almost as if they had Rove type advisers whispering about the glory of losing nobly.

1 year ago

he is a loser always was and always will be – proves it every day. when he was in senate ted kennedy said he was the dumbest senator ever – ya think??

1 year ago

We as conservatives must send armed militia’s down to Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California and close our borders period, because our United States government is and has failed to defend our country from an invasion.
Do you realize that terrorists are coming in small groups and then joining with their comrades once in the US and are preparing for terrorist attacks on a scale we have never seen before in our own country and the Biden/Obama administration could care less.
Get your heads out of the sand and see whats going on!!!!!

1 year ago

If the GOP nominates Trump to run for president, you can be sure of a secound Biden term. Only 50% of Republicans support Trump, and few if any independents or consevative dems will vote for him.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Is the Dominion ready ? Are the ballot boxes to be counted later stuffed already? If the answer is yes then we know that GOP has a chance of a snow ball in hell courage or nor

1 year ago

The GOP is a mass of moral, and physical cowards who are afraid of combat.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
1 year ago

The United States government in the hands of the Democrats and the deep state continues the war started against the country in 1861. At least 70 million Americans dead by their hands and that’s probably low-balling it. Plus the invasion of foreigners that the Democrats are bringing in.war, by any reasonable standard.
add to that the destruction of the value of the currency and the imposition of government dictates and it is abundantly clear that Liberty itself is under total assault.
The GOP has stood idly by and let this stuff go on for my entire lifetime (I’m nearly 75). GOP win? They won’t even fight, they’ll just whine!!!

Lisa Skinner
Lisa Skinner
1 year ago

Sorry, America is full! Close the damn border, build the wall, deport whoever came in under Beijing Biden’s watch!!
Trump 2024/MAGA

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Dump Uniparty
Dump RINOs, Never Trumpers
UNITE on issues
Purge RNC
Dump Ronna

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

could shut border if there are 400 encounters per day, shall close the border of there are 500 encounters per day, and required to shut the border if there are 8500 encounters per day?! ARE THEY KIDDING? we’re past that point right now! the fact that Biden will not enforce the law and secure the border combined with this so-called deal that Congress is claiming will solve the problem proves that NOONE in the federal government wants to secure the border and end this crisis.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
1 year ago

Not if the RINOs have their way.

Clifford U
Clifford U
1 year ago

I have the best resume. It’s very very impressive.
2020 – voted for Trump
2016 – voted for Trump
2012 – voted for Romney
2008 – voted for McCain
2004 – voted for Bush Jr
2000 – voted for Bush Jr
1996 – voted for Dole
1992 – voted for Bush Sr
1988 – voted for Bush Sr
1984 – voted for Reagan
1980 – voted for Reagan
1976 – voted for Ford
1972 – voted for Nixon
1968 – voted for Nixon

1 year ago

Need new stories. These old ones are getting old

Cliff FSZ
Cliff FSZ
1 year ago

Uncle Sam takes too much of my money

Cliff FSZ
Cliff FSZ
1 year ago

Trump has a major weakness being from New York

New York sucks

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