AMAC Exclusive by Shane Harris

The United States is losing the new space race – but it looks like someone forgot to tell Joe Biden.
Late last month, China announced that it plans to send a crewed mission to Mars as soon as 2033, followed up by more manned missions in 2035, 2037, and 2041. China also said it intends to build a base on Mars to extract resources and shuttle them back to Earth.
In addition to a potential Martian base, China is eyeing a permanent presence on the south pole of the Moon and has already sent Chinese taikonauts to its unfinished space station, raising the alarming specter of a network of Chinese outposts across the solar system.
China’s growing presence in space has caused concern among many scientists, who fear that the United States is in danger of losing its status as the world’s leading explorer of the cosmos. David Burbach, an associate professor of national security affairs at the U.S. Naval War College, recently told that “China is quickly catching up to become a very serious player in deep space exploration.” Even some members of the Biden administration have sounded the alarm, with NASA Administrator Bill Nelson saying that China is a “very aggressive competitor” in space.
President Biden himself, however, has shown no indication that he or any of his top advisors view U.S. leadership in space and competition with China as a top priority. Instead, Biden’s space policy has largely consisted of lip service to popular Trump-era achievements like the Space Force while quietly redirecting NASA and other space-related agencies to focus on climate change. Biden also indefinitely delayed the timeline set by President Trump for returning American astronauts to the moon, casting doubt on the future of the Artemis program.
Biden’s willingness to abdicate U.S. leadership in space to China is not altogether surprising given his past statements. During his failed 2008 presidential campaign, Biden said that he thought China should be a “full partner” with the United States in space exploration, rather than a “frustrated new entrant” that “has to catch up.” Just over a decade later, China has shown that it is more than capable of catching up to the United States, posing a very real threat to American interests in space.
While China’s ambitious plans may sound like the stuff of science fiction, the Chinese space agency has already achieved a series of successes in its space program in recent months. On July 4th of this year, Chinese taikonauts completed their first ever spacewalk. This past May, China successfully deployed a rover on the Red Planet, ending the United States’ distinction of being the only country to have successfully done so. Perhaps most alarmingly from a national security standpoint, intelligence reports from last September suggested that China may be secretly developing a reusable “space plane,” which, among other things, could be used to research hypersonic weapons.
In contrast to President Biden’s approach, the Trump administration presciently recognized the potential threat that China’s space program posed to the United States and took decisive action to set the country on track to regain leadership in space.
Shortly after taking office, President Trump reestablished the National Space Council, appointing Vice President Pence to head up the group. “We’re going to lead again,” Trump said at the time. “We’re opening up and we’re going to lead again like we never led before… The next great American frontier is space.”
At the direction of the Council, NASA accelerated its timeline to return astronauts to the Moon and began preparations for a manned mission to Mars. During a rousing speech at a meeting of the Council in 2019, Vice President Pence issued a warning about China’s lunar ambitions, saying that China is trying “to seize the lunar strategic high ground and become the world’s spacefaring nation.”
In recognition of the power of American industry, the Trump administration also forged landmark relationships with private companies, opening the door for a new chapter in space exploration. In May of last year, with President Trump in attendance, a rocket developed and operated by SpaceX successfully launched NASA astronauts from U.S. soil for the first time since 2011.
President Trump also recognized that, beyond merely damaging national pride, ceding leadership in space to China could have dire consequences for U.S. national security. China has made no secret of the relationship between its space program and military, as both are under the direct control of the People’s Liberation Army. When Trump officially unveiled the Space Force in 2019, he specifically mentioned that China “started off a lot sooner than us” as an impetus for the creation of the new military command.
Under President Trump’s leadership, NASA also led the way in updating decades-old international law governing the use of outer space by introducing the landmark Artemis Accords, which promise to promote “sustainable and beneficial use of space for all humankind.” Eight spacefaring countries, including the United States, have signed the Accords so far, but it is currently unclear if President Biden plans to move forward with Trump’s framework for the agreement. China has so far yet to sign.
At a time when domestic crises like rising crime rates and runaway inflation dominate headlines, scientific advancement and space exploration often take a back seat in the public conscious. But Americans should not forget that it was victory in the first space race in the 1960s and 70s which helped speed the downfall of the Soviet Union and secure American military and economic preeminence in the decades since. President Trump recognized this, understanding that American leadership in all areas of global competition, including space exploration, is necessary to ensure the country’s increasingly tenuous status as the world’s single great power. Winning the next space race would require Biden to heed that lesson and follow Trump’s example, rather than continue the placid complacency he has shown thus far.
You are surprised this administration is letting this happen ?????
The Biden administration is too busy working on managing the decline of the Unites States to be concerned about anything else. Don’t you know he has to crush our economy to fight climate change with the “Green New Deal” and higher taxes and new regulations. All while China gets a complete pass on having to participate in that multi-trillion dollar scheme and spends its time buying up the world’s resources for eventual control of the world’s supply chain in almost everything. It’s not like Biden can walk and chew gum at the same time you know. Either one is very difficult for him to do alone.
So of course China is racing past us thanks to all the technological IP they’ve managed to steal and re-engineer from us over the last three decades. We also have dropped all actions to re-balance our economic imbalance with China and there is no global effort to hold China accountable for Covid-19. So China is free to focus on achieving their plans for world domination by 2035. After all, they’re not the country that is stupid enough to allow a career politician with no real accomplishments after 47 years in office and is now suffering from dementia to occupy the office of POTUS. That one is squarely on the American people for allowing that situation to continue. Choices have consequences.
The first sentence of the last paragraph of your article, where you point out rising crime and inflation, is all a result of bad Democrat policies being enacted and this is only the first six months of the Biden administration. They are just getting warmed up. So unfortunately expect to see China widen the gap over time as we become consumed in how best to run ourselves into the ground.
Biden will continue to turn the other cheek where the CCP of China is concerned, both globally & in space…Trump clearly understands China’s ambitions & he also knows full well China will take ownership of the Moon, Mars & space in general if left unchecked. Currently numerous other nations that do NOT represent America’s best interests are walking into our nation unchecked & mixing within our society, this includes the military aged men ‘ only ‘ from middle east countries & elsewhere making the trek northward from central America up to Del Rio Texas & flown to a military base just east of them…Fox News recently reported on this surprisingly enough & the flights stopped, not surprising in the least… Could this be the secret invasion none of us will see coming? Red Dawn comes to mind here… MSM will NEVER report on this, go to MonkeyWorx-Millspec Ops…
I can’t begin to explain just how dire America’s situation is with Washington, DC now a ” captured entity ” under the current Biden/Harris regime on the payroll of the CCP of China & other nations…
Biden & company will NOT lift a finger to help the American people, in fact it is the exact opposite, simply take a look at the ” poison campaign ” taking place across this nation…
Biden will continue to enrich himself as he has done over the last ( 50 ) years with China being the primary payer which makes Biden nothing more than a bought & paid for TRAITOR… :~(
Bill on the Hill… :~)
The space race is not the only thing this country is losing with joebama and heels up Harris at the wheel!
Of course biden will do nothing for America , the biden criminal family has been selling out the U.S. for a great many years now & still is – Many counts of HIGH TREASON with them !
And NOBODY is fighting to counteract these communist criminals , for America ! They should have been arrested years ago , but obama has infiltrated the whole gov’t , for the last 12 years , with his criminals to negate all the checks & balances to protect America .
Wake up Patriots !! We are losing our country. We need protest marches and mass rallies to show these sons of bitches in DC who really is AMERICA ! Forget 2022 will be rigged also.
Pray to GOD for courageous leadership.. Trump can’t do it by himself.
The glory days of the Apollo missions are ancient history.
We retired the space shuttle without a replacement, relying on the good graces of Moscow to do our heavy lifting.
Alarmingly, China put a rover on Mars shortly after we did.
When the Brit Robert Scott reached the South pole in the early 20th century he discovered the Norwegian flag firmly planted there.
He and his comrades succumbed on their return trip.
What will we discover when we set foot on Mars?
My guess, it will be red.
Okay, seriously, does anyone really think that the puppet dictator will do anything at all, especially anything positive, with the Space Force?
Does anyone actually believe Joe the Jerk Biden is actually alive/ That also goes for his liberal loser cabinet choices and then we have the Giggle Queen Kamala and Hatchet Face Pelosi//and lets not forget Chuck the Nose Schumer//This group of zeros will not compete for anything, but they do know how to give the world away/2022 will give the Republicans the House and Senate back and then these pitiful excuses for a human being will be put to rest in Hunter Biden/s living room//
Biden Mind B Gone , need Pelosi Mind Meld some how His brain fossilized after 50 yrs service
Interesting that the outsourcing of jobs and the transfer by major corporations of entire manufacturing companies to other countries to increase profits by hiring cheaper workers under worse working conditions….and Biden had nothing to do with that. Corporate interests have created the present labor conditions and present manufacturing conditions in the USA.
Are people in this country not concerned about how much power China has in the world, is no one not concerned that our own Military says that in a war with China we would probably lose the war, this is what we get for letting the Demonrats and the Communists ( these two words are inter-changeable ) steal an election.
I think this is the goal of the left and their GUN CONTROL, fix it so no American citizen can even fight back to save our country, that’s why Japan was afraid to invade America, they said there would be an American with a gun behind every blade of grass.
Just think only 3 1/2 years left for Joe Biden, and the damage he has done in just 6 months.
Biden doesn’t even know where he’s at most the time, how is he suppose to know China is doing anything???? He (and Kamalhair and Pelosi) are a disgrace to this country.
He can’t talk back to his Masters, they won’t by the crackheads paintings!
You know what ? They can have damn outer space. It’s a financial dumphole. And that idiot Kelly who came back from space can go back out and stay there. He can take his anti 2nd amend. old lady with him.
Joe Biden does NOTHING period…..except make people wear masks. He IS NUTS!!! And we are stuck with him.
All those who expected Creepy Joe to do “something” about “anything” please stand on your head. Creepy Joe does not make a move without his handlers telling him what to do. He needs to be in a home somewhere doing jig-saw puzzles and sniffing the nurse’s hair.
Anyone who voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are lacking brain matter and take medication or use drugs. The number of terminally stupid people in this country is staggering!
Biden is probably planning a ride to mars with China. I can say one thing about that, that will probably be the closest he ever comes to heaven unless he mends his ways and starts acting like the president of the United States instead of our enemy
I hope I get to witness it
At the rate they’re going, we will be lucky if the United States remains a country at all
In view of the fact that he has screwed up every move he has ever made regarding foreign policy, we might be better off if he continues to do nothing.
His actions (or inaction in this case) is exactly what the CCP is paying for.
well said, Denise.
Hard for me to believe that Hidin’ Joe Biden does nothing … which really characterizes in one sense of analysis as to his overall activity as POTUS. More likely he is instructing his staff to try and help China as much as possible, including giving them secret info .. in exchange for a kickback to his personal and family wealth. That’s the documented way to describe his prior dealings with China.
C’mon AMAC, what do you expect him to do? He’s still waiting for his pop tart to come out of the toaster.
His role is, and always was
Biden’s role is and always has been to act as “The Imposter President” for the Left’s utopian dream of Socialism. He is protected as long as he pretends to be President.
Our first President George Washington, in his second inaugural address, stated quite clearly what would happen to this nation when it turned away from God. The Founding Fathers are saying: “TOLD YOU SO!”.
Why would Biden want to do anything that would become a problem to China. They helped him win the election! Plus, China can AFFORD to race into space. America has to borrow all the money it can get to finance the illegal and social programs that they will force down our throats. We simply don’t have the money to race anywhere, much less to space.
The BIGGEST Race for Space is the HUGE vast empty void between President Puss For Brains ears!
Because rhinos have no balls to stand up to them. They love to service demonrats on their knees
The Chinese are educated by OUR universities and professors who do research for NASA. They are very dedicated and driven students. And who knows what cyber hacking they have done to learn everything we know. I wouldn’t doubt that with their manufacturing capability, they will sail, no zip by us.