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Biden Becomes First President to Take Christ Out of Christmas

Posted on Saturday, December 18, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan


In the domain of presidential rhetoric, President Joe Biden has become the first president to take Christ out of Christmas.

In recent remarks at the lighting of the National Christmas Tree, President Biden paved the way for his hard-left political allies to resume their longstanding War on Christmas by excluding any meaningful reference to God, Jesus, or even the meaning of Christmas, which is among the holiest days of the year for Christians. Biden’s godless rhetoric surrounding the Christmas season stands in particularly stark contrast with the distinctively faith-based rhetoric of former President Donald Trump—and Americans of faith and goodwill are sure to take note of the glaring difference.

As a candidate in 2016, Donald Trump vigorously campaigned on ending the so-called War on Christmas and replacing the politically correct greeting of “Happy Holidays” with the more traditional “Merry Christmas.” As President, Trump delivered on his promise. During his four years in office, Trump’s remarks at the annual National Christmas Tree Lighting (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)—an iconic ceremony dating back to 1923—were filled with religious language and a deep sense of reverence for the birth of Jesus. “For Christians, this is a holy season: the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,” the former president said during the 2017 ceremony. “The Christmas Story begins 2,000 years ago with a mother, a father, their baby Son, and the most extraordinary gift of all—the gift of God’s love for all of humanity. Whatever our beliefs, we know that the birth of Jesus Christ and the story of His life forever changed the course of human history.”

One Christian newspaper was so grateful for President Trump’s first Christmas message that it produced an extraordinary and beautiful video of those remarks with music and photography.

Similar God-centered rhetoric—often accompanied by verses from Scripture—were a defining feature of Trump’s speeches at his last three Tree Lighting ceremonies as well. “There in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph held in their hands the Son of God, the light of the world–and, through Him, the promise of eternal salvation,” he said at the 2018 Tree Lighting, where he also invited the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist—a group of Catholic nuns from Michigan—to sing Christmas carols. “At Christmas, we give thanks to God and that God sent His only Son to die for us and to offer everlasting peace to all humanity,” Trump said at last year’s event.

Joe Biden, on the other hand, has decided to take a radically secular approach to the occasion. In Biden’s first Tree Lighting ceremony as president, after bizarrely appearing on stage a full two minutes after he was introduced—with no explanation—Biden then failed to mention or make any reference to the birth of Christ or the story of Christmas. In his remarks, he instead opting to reduce both the National Christmas Tree and the holiday itself to a secular and terribly clichéd “beacon of hope” and an opportunity to “find light.” While Biden did, manage to quote several lines of the Peace Prayer of St. Francis, he omitted portions of the prayer that make explicit reference to God. Biden also made mention of his self-professed “Catholic faith”—even though Catholic bishops have repeatedly criticized Biden for his pro-abortion stance and his longstanding pattern of diverging from Catholic Church teachings when it is politically convenient for him to do so.

The watered-down language of “light” and “hope” that pervaded his Tree Lighting speech echoes other remarks that President Biden has made on religious occasions—for instance when he incorporated his “Build Back Better” slogan into a Menorah lighting ceremony commemorating Hannukah. “That little bit of light,” he said, referring to the socialist spending plan during his cringe-worthy remarks, can “dispel the darkness” from our “democracy” and encourage us to “build back better or perhaps build back brighter.” During Biden’s remarks celebrating Easter at the White House this spring, Biden similarly twisted the Christian concepts of “resurrection” and “renewal” to encourage vaccination against COVID-19 and to remind Americans that the “virus is not gone.”

Clearly, when it comes to religious celebrations, Joe Biden is way out of step with the millions of faithful Americans he serves. In an age when national religious affiliation is plummeting to historic lows, President Biden is doing little to revive America’s deep-rooted religious spirit. In this regard, like so many others, he has failed where his predecessor succeeded. And yet as Trump said in Warsaw in 2017, harkening back to a famous refrain Poles had chanted under Communism, “The people of Poland, the people of America, and the people of Europe still cry out: ‘WE WANT GOD.’”

So do Joe Biden’s speeches.

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Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

If an asteroid were headed to earth, I’d throw a party to celebrate it all being finally OVER… “Idiocracy” isn’t so much a film as a documentary these days. See the movie then you’ll see where we’re headed as a nation.

Gail Mathews
Gail Mathews
2 years ago

Slime, that is what this family and dem party is. Also wouldn’t you say a little fake with the pope?

William Wood
William Wood
2 years ago

The only religion Taliban Joe has at this point in his very insignificant life, is his faith in Marxist ideology and screwing over the American people at every opportunity. LGB..

2 years ago

Biden is a godless ass who is puppet for the left.

2 years ago

He can try to take Christ out of Christmas, but then he’ll have to quit celebrating it. Christ is why there is Christmas. My family will always celebrating Christmas as the birth of Jesus Christ.

2 years ago

Biden is a CARD CARRYING STALINIST political animal. Indeed, as a matter of fact his whole so called ‘ADMINISTRATION ‘ are Salinist. To save our beloved Nation we must see to it they are ALL VOTED OUT, PURGING THE RADICAL DEMOCRAT GOVERNMENT BODY.

2 years ago

Hello, he is just an Obama puppet. Reality!! He proves it by his actions. Obama holds the title of the 1st President to take Christ out of Christmas. If we don’t get this evil out of leadership we will lose it all.

2 years ago

He may took Christ out of Christmas I will always keep Jesus in Christmas So Merry Christmas and I hope Jesus take care of all

Annette G.
Annette G.
2 years ago

I know people think he’s senile and feel he’s being taken advantage of, but I believe he knows exactly what’s going on at all times. He’s just a good actor. He deserves an Emmy.

Sally Duncan
Sally Duncan
2 years ago

He is a Godless anti-Christ who will NOT acknowledge Christ or God, in any way. His Catholicism is a joke and everybody knows it. We are in deep trouble with this man and, I think, most of us know it! We pray for our country every day because we direly need it. We pray for God’s help because He is the only one who can. Amen.

Johnny Bad
Johnny Bad
2 years ago

Wow, a story worth telling. Why is it that after one generation without a military draft, some Americans followed BAD information. WE HAVE TO FIX IT, the Democrats have demonized THE AMERICAN DREAM. I pray that all Americans follow THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, through these trying times. It’s our roadmap thru this mess. We’ve suffered enough with Biden’s policies

Ron Lippy
Ron Lippy
2 years ago

God has stated, Pray for these ignorant souls…. With God,s support and guidance, I will pray for joe Biden and, his friends, family to find Jesus!????????????????????????????????????????????????

Steve Nielsen
Steve Nielsen
2 years ago

Biden is just evil as well as Kamal

Ttudy Larsen
Ttudy Larsen
2 years ago

I can’t believe that our President is trying get Christ out of Christmas, without Christ’s there is no Christmas in my family’s friends.My family’s is Christians ✝️ and we believe in our loved Lord’s Jesus’.

2 years ago

…to no one’s surprise.

2 years ago

Socialists view government as their God and this administration is jam packed with diehard Socialists of all stripes. Virtually all Socialist regimes around the world hold that view and they actually view any form of religion as something that must be stomped out of existence. It is viewed as direct competition to the all powerful State and thus must be eliminated from society. You can read the history of virtually any Socialist regime to find that is the case. So it is not surprising that the speech some White House staffer wrote for Biden excluded any real reference to the religious foundations for Christmas. Beither the Democrat Party nor the Biden administration is hiding what they really are at this point, so Biden’s performance should be surprising to anyone out there. If the Socialists succeed in enacting most of their objectives, they will eventually eliminate Christmas as a holiday and then ban all forms of religion.

The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
2 years ago

IMAGINE . . . .
Getting 4 vaccine shots in one year,
and calling unvaccinated people crazy.
#MAGA Forever – Deus Vult !

2 years ago

This individual we have in the White House now claims that he is Catholic, but his actions tell a different story and the fake media is silent.
What a shame!

2 years ago

(3) words you will not hear from this admin. from the top down are God, Family or Patriotism
God ….is the Government
Family…. as they so define it to be
Patriotism…. where one does not have to stand or recite the pledge and standby as our historic monuments are detroyed before our very eyes with no consequences.

When we no longer believe we are a nation under God, then we are a nation gone under.

One proud veteran

2 years ago

We are one Nation under God!Christmas is Christ’s Birth.Biden being Catholic should be familiar with this.Biden’s Socialist/ Communistic views speak volumes to his character.President Biden, Put Politics above God and Jesus.

Beth Sills
Beth Sills
2 years ago

Taking God out of schools and all the other anti-God things the leftists have/are doing has caused most of the trouble we see. Having a liar for a president and vice president doesn’t help. The Devil is loose and stirring up trouble and chaos world wide. It’s almost past time to pray and get right With God! Thank you AMAC for telling the TRUTH and exposing the lies!

2 years ago

Democrats have bashed Christian traditions and beliefs in public for the last 20-30 years.

So, why do so many Christians still vote for Democrats?

[Most elected Republicans are little better. They talk the talk to get elected, then act like a pack of starving hogs at the government money trough.]

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

That may actually be a good thing. If not, his full amount of hypocrisy would be on display. Not even his press secretary could cover that. Ironically Biden may have abandoned God, but due to God’s grace He hasn’t abandoned Biden;…yet.

Matt Knighton
Matt Knighton
2 years ago

Biden can leave God out of the American picture if that’s what he chooses, but someone needs to remind him that if that is in fact “his final answer,” he will discover in due time that God will leave him out. Joe, you did not choose well.Matt Knighton

2 years ago

I wouldn’t know what to call this character. Certainly not “president!” So what do we call this person. He’s full of hate and disdain for this country. This person is an enemy of the state. A phony through and through…

2 years ago

Hopefully this didn’t surprise anyone? The man is a godless IDIOT.

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
2 years ago

Like I said before and I will say it again “the Devil is running this country”

2 years ago

Christian believers should remember what happened to the evil kings of Israel when they turned against God and led his people on a road to destruction.

God always removed evil Godless rulers in one form or another!
Usually God took their lives!
We as God fearing Christians should pray that Joe ( Stalin ) Biden turns from his anti-Christian ways ! Otherwise, God may see fit to remove this communist anti God from his throne of ruinous leadership. We Christians can only hope and pray that our God causes one of the two aforementioned events to happen!! Prayer cures all !!

2 years ago

I’m not surprized. Going to visit with the Pope should cover this.

2 years ago

This whole administration, and then some (meaning some Republicans) are corrupt and live everyday as a lie. I pray for them, as that is what we are called to do, but I do not have much hope they will change their ways. I know that I will live the best Christian life I can and leave the rest (of the judgements) up to God to deal with as he sees fit. I will stand my ground though, and wish everyone a Very, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

If ever did we actually see the GRINCH (who literally stole Christmas!) It’s PRESIDENT JOSEPH BIDEN! And trust me they stole a whole lot more ! Biggest heist ever was NOVEMBER 2020!

Diane M. Watson
Diane M. Watson
2 years ago

It is hard for Roman Catholics to tolerate President Biden, but Bill O’Reilly is also a problem for practicing Catholics. He was never in keeping with the church when he was married. Now as a divorced Catholic with unusual attitudes he does not help the issue of Christian values. I as a divorced protestant who late in life became Catholic did seek a decree of nullity from a high pressure teen marriage.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Its his Legacy like BBB, border, energy crisis, Immigration, illegal day 1

2 years ago


2 years ago

Without God WE WILL FALL!!!!! That squatter in the White House is a disgusting abomination of humanity and Americans. Total absolute waste of oxygen – total evil waste of oxygen!!!!!

Please bring back President Trump’s goodness, growth and grit!!!!!

2 years ago

Just a correction

2 years ago

Yeah, the Pope told Biden he’s a really good Catholic…

Rodney Ernst
Rodney Ernst
2 years ago

The reason our country is where it’s at is because God has been abandoned. It all started in the 60’s. Secular humanism has taken hold. People have taken the route of “We can fix the world ourselves” approach. All the progressive language is based on it. However, this may be what God is doing. We are a divided country now. God is separating the sheep from the goats and may be bringing things to an end. If that is the case, no political party or whatever will change it. His ways and thoughts are higher than our ways.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

When Biden sh*t his pants his brains went out too.

2 years ago

Biden is not the president and doesn’t deserve the title. It was a coup. So, nothing he says or does is legal anyway.

2 years ago

the whole demon rat party are all pagans commie/nazi rats who sacrifice the unborn to satan and into sex slavery of young women and children. Biden is not a Catholic or any kind of Christian. is god is money and power.

2 years ago

only a hateful, spiteful not to mention hypocritical person would do this!

2 years ago

idea knows not what he is saying… he just reads a script without thought. It is the shadow government which is taking Christ out of Christmas. Merry Christmas to all.

2 years ago

Unfortunately Socialism is Here

Scotty mom
Scotty mom
2 years ago

How sad
He’s not a good president at all. God help us, please.

2 years ago

Keep your heart and mind on Christ, the real ‘reason for the season’ and spread His joy and inner peace, despite this crazy stuff going in in the world. Read Matthew 10:28. Have a blessed Merry Christmas,

JR Fox
JR Fox
2 years ago

Obama did the same thing.

2 years ago

Nothing Comrade Joe does should surprise anyone. Btw, while were still able to say this…Merry Christmas.

2 years ago

Is this “POS” an example of a good CHRISTEN???? He is supposedly a a devoted Catholic yet he condones Abortions, supports the closing of churches, condemns any and all religious dogma and then expects US to believe him when he says he goes to church and receives the “BODY & BLOOD” of CHRIST, then comes out and puts on Satan’s mantra and condemns the rights of the people of this country through his (fraud) office and administration. And the worst is that we have a “Pope” who has endorsed this man and his actions which are in direct conflict with the teachings of the LORD in the Catholic Faith. “HIPOCRITS”!

2 years ago

It is obviously done because they are Communists and Communists don’t believe in God.

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