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Ban Sanctuary Laws

Posted on Wednesday, June 19, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Your kids aren’t safe even in broad daylight. An Ecuadoran migrant held a boy and a girl, both 13, at knifepoint in a park near their Queens school last week, molesting the girl and robbing them of their cellphones.

There is a remedy.                                                                                                                

In November, voters everywhere, including New York City, will get to choose between the Democratic Party’s open border policy and Republican former President Donald Trump’s promise to crack down on illegal immigration and deport millions who are here illegally.

But New York City voters deserve to have an additional choice in November — between keeping the lunatic “sanctuary city” laws that shield migrant criminals from deportation or repealing those laws. Repeal would allow migrant criminals to be deported after their first offense before they go on to rape and murder.

Last week, eight members of the New York City Council’s Common Sense Caucus fired off a letter to the Charter Revision Commission — the body with the power to put questions on the ballot in November — explaining that the City Council refuses to repeal sanctuary city laws. Since the City Council won’t act, let voters decide.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is ducking the issue. This despite previously voicing support for cooperating with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials. Now his office says it’s the Charter Revision Commission’s job to decide what ballot questions go before New Yorkers.

Wrong, Mr. Mayor. It’s your job, as the city’s top official, to stand up against the loony lefties in the City Council and support deporting migrant criminals after their first offense.

The Ecuadoran molester was nabbed on Monday when good Samaritans recognized him from sketches circulated by police. Jeffrey Flores pounced on the creep and dragged him to the floor with help from others. “I got two little sisters, and I’m about to have a daughter on the way,” Flores said of the assault. “I don’t like that.”

Across the nation, gruesome crimes are fueling opposition to illegal migration. On Monday, Trump blamed President Joe Biden for the murder of Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old mother of five, raped and killed on a hiking trail in Maryland, her naked and bludgeoned body found in the woods nearby. A 23-year-old illegal immigrant from El Salvador is charged. He is believed to have murdered a woman in El Salvador previously and attacked a 9-year-old girl and her mother in a home invasion in Los Angeles.

Only a tiny fraction of migrants are dangerous criminals, but the migrant-advocacy-industrial complex — including the American Civil Liberties Union — insists criminals deserve sanctuary from deportation even after they commit a crime.

Blame Biden for allowing ruthless criminals to come across the border. But sanctuary city laws are to blame for the epidemic of crimes by repeat offenders.

Not to mention New York’s over-the-top generosity. The Ecuadoran mugger gave a shelter as his address, as do many arrested migrants. He was walking around the Queens neighborhood, enjoying the good life, on our tab until he was recognized and captured.

Michigan Republicans are renewing efforts to ban sanctuary cities statewide after an illegal immigrant murdered a 25-year-old woman, Ruby Garcia, in Grand Rapids in March. The illegal who confessed to the murder had multiple arrests. Republican lawmaker Matt Hall explained that sanctuary laws “invite proven criminals like Ruby’s killer, to come where they can hide from deportation even if they’re arrested for another crime.”


When Biden and Trump debate next week, expect Biden to vilify Trump’s deportation plans. Substack’s Radley Balko blasts Trump’s deportation promise as the “cruelest, most illiberal, most openly authoritarian campaign promise in modern U.S. history.”

Truth is, Trump’s promise may be his most powerful political weapon. And it’s the opposite of authoritarian. Deporting illegals is what the law — enacted by the people’s elected representatives — requires.

The Immigration and Nationality Act requires that when someone crosses the border, claiming to seek asylum, the alien “shall be detained until their claim is adjudicated.” Most never qualify — only 14% in past years. But Biden is waiving in millions of pretend asylum seekers.

Biden is the authoritarian. But he’s ignoring public opinion at his peril.

A whopping 62% of registered voters favor deporting anyone living in the U.S. illegally, according to a CBS poll.

Trump has yet to lay out his deportation plan. But deporting criminals is the place to start. That will require the cooperation of local law enforcement and an end to sanctuary city policies that coddle lawbreakers.

It’s time to give the law-abiding public sanctuary and safety, not migrant criminals.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


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9 months ago

What we have going on right now with the erasure of our borders and the unrestricted inflows of millions upon millions of completely unvetted illegals annually into our country is the culmination of 50 years of benign neglect by both the majority of Americans and their so-called elected representatives to stand up to the left in this country as they incrementally and continuously undermined the country from within. It has now reached the point where we now have an administration in power that feels free to disregard all existing immigration laws while also claiming there is no problem at the border. Why shouldn’t they? To date there has been no accountability for any of the clearly illegal actions undertaken by the administration. So, the administration sees no downside and Biden just illegally granted Defacto amnesty to at least 500,000 illegals yesterday. Which puts those individuals on a path to both citizenship and voting in a couple of years.

The refrain from the Biden administration and all Democrat politicians is “Nothing to see here…move on, move on. Oh, and by the way, give us more money, so we can process the illegals streaming into the country at an even faster rate. Oh, and we need to raise your taxes more, because it turns out putting illegals up in fancy hotels, giving them free food and all sorts of benefits and cash each month is more expensive than we thought. So, dig deeper into your pockets you dumb Americans that continue to allow us to tear down your country from within.” All of which is being done to ensure a permanent Democrat super-majority in Washington, D.C. forever.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
9 months ago

The last sentence in this very important article is the heart and soul of this issue – the law abiding public needs safety and sanctuary from the despicable criminal invaders getting into this Country. Very good article Betsy, Well done ! I am 73, have been a toolmaker most of my life, born and raised in Philadelphia, lived in and around New York for five years – during the 1970’s. and 1980’s , lived in the Boston area for a few years and Rhode Island for about two years. Then back to Pennsylvania in the 1980 ‘s. Principles are what holds the Nation together. And clear , intelligent communication will help in achieving goals that will bring about needed improvements. Respect for Truth is vital to having a law abiding society. In the spirit of Faith, Family and Freedom God bless America , land of the free, home of the brave. The National Character is something that reflects the outlook, the ideas, the beliefs of the citizens and it is something that will indicate what the United. States . of America stands for.. Let right thinking people here take a stand on this sanctuary and safety issue and be victorious .For honor, honesty, integrity, courage and loyalty..

9 months ago

The ACLU should be supporting the American CITIZENS from the cruel – unusual- arbitrary attacks -rape and murder from illegals. Where is the sanctuary for the American CITIZENS? Where is our protection? Where are our guaranteed safety our rights? I do not pay taxes for the illegal criminals and their evil venue. Let them live with the demoncrats who want them here.

9 months ago

ILLEGAL ALIENS do NOT deserve a right to due process. They are CRIMINALS to begin with, so any physical harm—no matter how minimal or extensive—that an American citizen suffers at the hands of an ILLEGAL should result in severe penalties from confinement at Gitmo up to and including summary execution. It’s clear that deportation isn’t helping when they simply return and commit more crimes. It’s very sad that we even have to have this discussion. FJB has blood on his hands and he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about it.

9 months ago

Why so many cities became sanctuaries I do not understand.

9 months ago

Deport ALL illegals.

David Millikan
David Millikan
9 months ago

Defund ALL Sanctuary Cities and States. They are harboring criminals over the Safety of U.S. Citizens and attacking our Sovereignty by using Communism policies for political gain to bribe for votes. ALL Sanctuary Cities and States are CRIMINALS protecting CRIMINALS.

Bob Hellam
Bob Hellam
9 months ago

Agreed, and while we’re at it, either repeal all asylum laws or strictly limit their scope.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
9 months ago

As far as I’m concerned, the pro-sanctuary city crowd should be considered accessories to any crimes the illegals commit. They allowed these crimes to happen by condoning the fact that illegal aliens BROKE OUR LAWS when they came here and compounded their criminality by committing additional crimes such as robbery, rape and murder. Also, before Substack’s Radley Balko accused Trump’s deportation promise of being authoritarian, he should have read the law on illegal immigration. Since it REQUIRES that illegal immigrants be deported, all Trump is doing is promising to ENFORCE THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS! Something all presidents promise to do since the Constitution requires presidents to take care that the laws passed by Congress BE FAITHFULLY EXECUTED!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
9 months ago

These cities need to look at what they are doing people are being killed by illegals and they do nothing most it they do a crime the are released back into neighborhoods to commit more crimes it is time for judges to held and jailed for not putting these people in jail and keeping them there if more judges faced jail time when a illegal is released after committing a crime there would be better laws in place now we do not know what lives in this country any more because of the laws in place in blue cities and the blame is these judges who make up there own laws for illegals to cater to them just like Biden and Harris and the rest of the Dems in Washington do.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

“What? Illegals aren’t criminals but doctors, lawyers, and highly-trained white collar laborers seeking freedom from oppression… that’s racist!”

James DeBona
James DeBona
9 months ago

 “Repeal would allow migrant criminals to be deported after their first offense”
Why the heck don’t they consider entering this country illegally their “first offense”???
Every single immigrant here illegally needs to be deported, full stop, no questions or qualifiers! If we’re still a nation of laws and “no one is above the law” – prove it!

C Barnes
C Barnes
9 months ago

I dont think the american taxpayer should go to work and pay taxes for illegals to enjoy our way of life. This action must be stopped. The government needs to stop the ridiculous spending, we need a president to DEMAND A BALANCED BUDGET Soon or we wont have a country to worry about. Trump should focus on this fact, that would be a great talking point. Yes get the illegals OUT!

9 months ago

At a recent rally, Trump claims that a couple of South American countries have emptied their prisons & sent them to Southern border to enter USA. Is a fact or is Trump blowing smoke on this issue? If Trump knows this, then our Government must know this also.

9 months ago

You say that only a small fraction of migrants are criminals. How do you know this when it appears like nobody knows for sure who has entered this country from both South and North Borders. If they have a criminal record or commit a crime, then deport them immediately. They have no legal rights under our Constitution if they are not a citizen.

9 months ago

BS. Third world countries are emptying their prisons and Biden and his Rat Party are shipping them and their perverts and insane into the US. Hundreds of thousands–matbe milloons–are extremely dangerous, not to mention foreign enemy spies, assassins, terrorists, and military units coming in at will. JB and the Rat Party are accessories to every crime illegals commit.

Can’t do it
Can’t do it
9 months ago

lol states rights

9 months ago

seattle to hire illegal aliens as cops!

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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