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Backdoor to Illegal Voting?

Posted on Wednesday, June 19, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

A wildfire is sweeping blue states, a backdoor into illegal voting. The scam would permit these states to get more federal money and more congressional representation at the next census if it works. If it spreads to red states, the stakes get higher, in federal and state elections. Here is how it works.

Already 17 major cities, including Washington DC, Chicago, San Francisco, and Oakland, plus parts of small states like Vermont and larger ones like Maryland, have officially adopted resolutions allowing illegal aliens, called everything from undocumented migrants to “New Americans” to vote.

However, the catch is – because state and federal constitutions reserve the vote to citizens, although few forbid non-citizen voting (as no one thought of it) – the vote cities give to illegals is “only” for local voting, mayors, judges, [prosecutors, school and select boards, dog catchers.

Notably – and Democrats have tipped their hand with proposed legislation – Democrats in many states, including Maine, want to give illegals the right to vote in state races, eventually federal. That of course, confounds our Founders’ intent for the vote, and each illegal voter cancels a citizen voter.

Never mind, that is the longer term. Think with me about the mechanics of claiming – as these 17 cities have – the only vote they are giving illegals is for local elections, so no problem. Is that so?

When you go to a polling place to vote, town office or school, or when you secure an absentee ballot to vote, do you have different ballots, one for local, one for state, one for federal officials?

No, of course not. Constitutional issues would arise if different people received different ballots, a nightmare on top of a nightmare, with endless configurations enabling fraud. So, what do you get?

You get one ballot, with local, state, and federal races, ballot initiatives on bonds to social and fiscal policy. There is just one ballot, and there will always be, even if illegals are permitted only to vote locally.

Now think with me, again. Whether you are an illegal alien or a lifetime citizen, you get that ballot. Part of what comes with that ballot is a pledge of secrecy, meaning your vote is yours to see – alone.

That means the illegal alien’s ballot, given to that illegal only to vote in local races, is also secret. If he or she is told to vote in all races, US President, US Senate, and House, fill in everything from soup to nuts, and is practiced on who to check off – exactly who knows they cheated? No one.

Will they be honorable and not vote for anyone except a local representative? Were they honorable in how they entered the US? Are they honorable when 90 percent miss asylum hearings? Are they honorable if they permit Democrat-affiliated voter registration groups to tell them how to vote?

So, here is the slick new plan. Get as many illegal aliens into as many states, blue, red, and purple makeup, as possible. Start with the 18 states with these clever “New Americans” offices, the formation of which is coordinated by a national network tied to Democrats. Push as many as possible in now.

Then, work to get local voting rights given by local ordinance to all these illegals, once they have a residence under state housing plans coordinated by “New Americans” offices, which for example in Maine involves Democrats giving up to 75,000 illegals free housing and benefits for two years.

Now, use local Democrat cities to push “local voting,” get ballots into the hands of these illegal aliens, and instruct them on how to fill them out – noting no one sees if they go higher than local. The system is so simple, deception constitutionally protected by secret ballot, plan ingenious, unless someone figures it out and bars it state by state, or in red and purple states. So, there you have it. Those without ethics and integrity do not quit when caught; they just look for other ways to do what is prohibited, like getting into the country illegally. Integrity must stay one step ahead.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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9 months ago

I’m getting to the point of pulling my hair out! There just seems to be no end to the harmful tactics the Left will perpetrate on all of us to reach their goal of turning this once wonderful country into a “Liberal Utopia”, otherwise known as a third-world $hit hole! I am sick to death of the Left!! ????

9 months ago

This is Biden interfering in the 2024 election, making it an unfair election so that he can win again. THIS HAS GOT TO BE STOPPED BEFORE IT GETS STARTED!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Gee, I wish I was illegal so I had representation in Washington! Because citizens don’t…

9 months ago

So, I keep reading about all of these nefarious plans to allow illegals to vote…but what can we do to stop them? If the residents of red states and red cities who are working to allow this don’t put up a fuss, who will? Seems there are so many ignorant people who do not keep up with these issues, that they don’e even know it is going on! bodes poorly for the rest of us.

9 months ago

Everything the demonbrats scheme is designed to give them control so they can destroy our republic. Attacking our elections was one of the top items on their evil checklist. I’ve posted it before, but when they started printing ballots in Spanish to cater to the invaders who refused to assimilate and learn to speak and read English, I knew our elections were turning into a crap show.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
9 months ago

“Backdoor?” NO, they are using the front door, the windows , and the fire escapes to STEAL elections! DIMMs can’t win on their Communist/godless issues–they HAVE to cheat!

9 months ago

If illegals are going to be allowed to vote, we need groups in these cities/areas to sue and force these cities to provide both a citizen ballot and a non-citizen ballot. This alone makes it imperative now that an ID is shown to identify yourself as a valid voter, but also to ensure which ballot you can vote.
Its been obvious for years that this has been their plan since all elections, local, state, and federal on the same ballot.
Obviously, the correct and constitutional solution is only US Citizens are allowed to vote.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
9 months ago

I have seen requests for interpreters at polling stations. Registration forms and ballots should be only in English! We are in trouble if we have citizens who can’t read English.

9 months ago

The only hope to a Trump win is to stop the Dems from cheating in November!

9 months ago

My city does have separate ballots for local, state and federal elections. Staggered terms of office help, I think. To my way of thinking, the only was to stop this insanity is to have term limits for federal elections. Let them run for a second term, then bye-bye.

9 months ago

Do refer invaders of our country as illegals, they should be collected up and dragged out of our country! Anyone that does not agree should be dragged out with them. If invaders are allowed to vote the vote should be voided!
Im sick of the Socialist Democrats they need go with the invaders of our Country!

9 months ago

Why has a constitutional amendment not been proposed that would require every voter in every election to be a U. S. citizen?

Bill Smith
Bill Smith
9 months ago

Poll watchers need to be organized and posted in every precinct, surreptitiously–outta sight–to note and photograph those who personally appear to mark their ballots. Unfortunately, mail-in ballots and “harvested” ballots cannot be monitored at all. Those intent upon committing electoral fraud insist upon that method for the convenience of tabulating adjustments. Also, an intense move to restrict the counting of votes to be finalized by midnight of election day–period–must be pressed upon those representatives adjusting/amending/altering existing laws to enact legislation to restore the procedures to what have been usually pretty effective over the past two hundred years.

9 months ago

Thank you Captain Obvious! There is no fooling you. First illegals are counted in the census to totally skew representation ( why do you think Obama transferred control of the census to the White House from the Department of Commerce) next they are given the right to vote. Democrats say if you don’t vote for us Republicans will take away all your freebies. Democrats are Insidious. They take sheeting and lying to a whole new level. They can’t win unless they cheat and lie. They don’t care how many Americans are killed, how many die from fentanyl, and how many children are sex trafficked as long as they win. If they get away with this there will never be another Fair election

9 months ago

Bidenomics IS the Destruction of Capitalism! People, remember back when you were in school? There were a majority of dumb students! Dumb kids become dumb adults. Dumb adults become Democrats! But Democratic Party Leadership want to GUARANTEE they win elections to GUARANTEE THAT THEY ARE IN POWER! Lyin Jackass Joe Biden will charge his VP to Hillary Clinton and then after they “STEAL” the PRESIDENTCY AGAIN, Biden will step down and HILLARY will assume the Presidentcy! SCARY, HUH!

9 months ago

Shocked at the suggestion, but not surprised. If they were not, once again, claiming the right to take what is not theirs to take, they would not be “Democrats”.
We need answers on how to stop them from eliminating our rights to representation… before they hold a vote to take over our personal accounts and assets.

9 months ago

So the invaders will decide who our president is. Our Congress consists off. The governors and mayors. We citizens have no say. What about all those that came here legally. Paid to become citizens and waited 5 years before even be able to apply for citizenship in order to vote. But come here illegally old Obiden will make you a citizen by acclamation all free of charge. I think all those who paid for their green cards and citizenship should be reimbursed. Reparations so to speak.

9 months ago

One solution might be to make ELECTION DAY a Federal Holiday… And make all eligible voters vote in person on ELECTION DAY. NO EARLY MAIL IN VOTING . Only the military on active duty and hospitalized and nursing home patients may use Absentee ballots.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
9 months ago

I know my back is still wet,but can i vote. ??? Kyle L.

9 months ago

Oh, my gosh! Who is thinking up all this stuff? How underhand, and how intelligent of you to bring it to our attention. We probably are going to have to pass something at the federal level sooner rather than later precluding non citizens from voting, otherwise what is to stop mail in ballots where whole other countries are invited to vote in our elections. Talk about a slippery slope, this is a freakin avalanche!

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
9 months ago

Totally agree. Where is the action plan to counter this power grab? We are losing our country to the global elites. Do we have any leaders remaining in DC?

Reed Haviland
Reed Haviland
9 months ago

Makes me puke. Before long, our Constitution and all our values will be a fading memory. Spite politics has no place here. Biden has given this Country to foreigners who live to destroy us whilst folks have their eyes on their phones and their heads up their asses.

Gerald W Martin
Gerald W Martin
9 months ago

Won’t vote tallyer’s and poll watch overseerers be able to monitor these ballots as they come in and disqualify the incorrect ballots. My true feeling is if you’re not a citizen of the United States you have no right to vote at all. But for now we have to work within the current administrations tactics. TOO BIG TO RIG is the answer. Make sure your friends, your neighbors, and even your enemies are registered to vote

9 months ago

This article really educates myself and others about the voting tampering scheme! ;Unfortunately, this practice has increased more than 200 PERCENT !!! UNACCEPTABLE! To ALL LEGAL AMERICAN VOTERS INCLUDING MYSELF. Truthfully I do NOT KNOW OF ANY GLOBAL COUNTRY , INCLUDING MEXICO!!!! THAT PERMITS NON CITIZENS TO VOTE!!!!!

9 months ago

This Writer, This PATRIOT Got It Exactly Correct & It’s Exactly HOW ILLEGALS HAVE VOTED IN “”ELECTIONS, RACES & SEATS”” They’ve Been “INSTRUCTED” To VOTE IN…Since…TADA!! 2008!! Well Probably 1996. Yes You SAW This Correctly….It May Have Begun Prior to 2008 But It’s At LEAST WHEN THIS “”Slick PRACTICE”” Began! With FELONS, JAILS, PRISONS< Nursing Homes, Assisted Living & OH YES….GRAVEYARDS!!….Don’t Believe Me?? You Cannot Prove ME WRONG…Because THIS IS When They Began Using ALL…Including Those BALLOTS FOR ALL THE ILLEGALS, Criminals, DEAD PEOPLE & Multiple People Voting At ONE ADDRESS By Just Stating…”Oh I Have Multiple Family Members LIVING HERE”…UGH NO…They’ve Been Using ALL of the ABOVE TO STEAL TO INSTALL In Every Election, Seat & Race Since AT LEAST 2008, Probably 1996….To Ensure ONE Who’s Been 100% Instrumental At Forcing OUR Fundamental Transformations, aka BREAKING ALL Systems, Weaponizing ALL Dept’s, Agencies, Branches & Levels Of Gov + Every Institution, Local to….FEDERAL. Of course, The media & The Wealthiest Of PEOPLE For THEIR OWN….BENNIES…As in Contracts, JOBS, Grants, Kickbacks, BRIBES, Name It, They’ve Received MORE FOR THEIR AIDING IN ALL Of This…Since 2008….& If the TRUTHS Ever Were to Be Found Out, Probably Earlier, Like Since “O’s” First Election…as a Senator. Think Just Prior to…1996. Yes, Fundamental TRANS-Formations Take Time & Money, Lots & Lots of $$$$$$. Lots Of “Other People” They Can…Control, Manipulate & Well Hide Their BALLOTS From the REAL Americans, Not the “NEW” Ones.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
9 months ago

Dems WANT Illegals Voting More for Them

9 months ago

This is appalling, preposterous and thoroughly disgusting. We, as independent voters, are prohibited from voting in the Primaries. We are only allowed to vote for President, at least in Maryland where i reside. But a subject with no education, no knowledge of English, and most probably illiterate, that comes from a culture where elections are fraudulent like narco Socialist Venezuela of Nicaragua, will vote for a buck or two? Such subject does not love this country, and knows nothing about what goes on, except that he can be here illegally by virtue of diabolical dealings on the part of a so called Democratic Party. What a bleak future is being laid out in front of us by these sinister people.

Edward Michael Wheatley
Edward Michael Wheatley
9 months ago

Joe Biden’s dangerous world and how he created this. He betrayed the American people, and he knows this. He didn’t care about the death of those innocent American citizens in the hands of these illegals who came into this country illegally and believe they have the right to do this????? What in the world Joe Biden think his is?????? Who in the world Joe Biden think he is?????? He should never been elected. Now???? It’s up to us to vote to make sure that Trump gets more votes than Biden. Biden’s the most threatening man in the US.

9 months ago

The DemocRat’s open border invasion is by design and its only purpose is to add more entitled voters to their base and provide them benefits to help replace blacks and other minorities who are waking up and leaving the Party and blue states. Conservatives have to fight fire with fire and strategize ways to encourage the naturally conservative, many of them Catholic, illegal aliens to become Republicans. A good start will be the Catholic Church taking a harder stance on abortion and the trans insanity. That alone would have DemocRat caucus on the border building the wall themselves. ????

9 months ago

This all sounds very crooked to me! If the Republicans tried these shenanigans, there would be lots of screaming, protesting, burning down buildings, etc. by the Democrats. But since the Democrats are already in motion of these shenanigans, then everything is ok and legal??

R Jeffrey Savlov
R Jeffrey Savlov
9 months ago

The only way to stop this nonsense is for ALL Conservative voters get out and vote and if each one Drags one other with them, there is no way that the lbs could win without blatantly obvious provable fraud.Even the Blue states could not ignore the thousands of extra votes that have come in after the polls closed. There must also be verified voters counts at each and every voting location. There is no excuse for not voting in person by each and every eligible voter with early voting in virtually every precinct and a simple voter count would likely tell the captains how many more are needed to account for 100%. Requirements are too lax. In some countries if a registered voter does not show up to vote they are automatically cut from the rolls for the next election and to get back on the rolls, they must justify why they did not show up, in some cases with a notarized medical excuse. Voting is a privilege for all citizens not a god given right.

9 months ago

Conservatives need to go to the voting places with guns and signs warning illegals if they try to vote they will be shot !!!!!

9 months ago

In many states, there is no clear way to identify an illegal voter who has a driver license. State statutes and constitutions specify only citizens may legally vote in their state, but the Motor Voter law muddied the waters.
And with a DEMarxist administration in power who WANTS illegals to vote, can you really expect the Dept of Homeland Security to notify state election officials or Division of Motor Vehicles who is a legal citizen and who is not?
Gutless Republicans in the Red State of Florida failed to require driver licenses carry a “legal voter” symbol to use at the polls, and County Supervisors of Elections may use one of 3 ways to keep illegal voters off the registration list, two of which rely on external notifications.
Elections are more secure in 2024 than in 2020, but not by much.
Watch Sarasota County for an ordinance to hold officials accountable for violating their oaths of office…

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
9 months ago

Just like Bidet and his handlers thumbed their noses at the Supreme Court when told his student loan forgiveness was unconstitutional. He continues to do it anyway through backdoor means.

9 months ago

I want to know how J O’biden knows all these votes will be for him and his party? Certainly the cartels will have themselves voted in if it all works by vote like that. The m-slums in Michigan just did vote in a complete list of officials and declared surreal law enforcement. Kicked out the former police officers.
I noticed that the African rulers just seemed to always be the only ones on the ballot or that they got more votes than there was time to actually physically get that many people through the voting booth? Sometimes whenever they saw that they were not going to win they would just do away with the vote altogether.
Certainly all the illegals are now J O’bidens voting slaves, and he is helping himself to our money to keep his slaves in food clothing and shelter. That kind of activity will make a people stop paying taxes. After that this place will look like r-ssia or c-ba.

Joy Dannelly
Joy Dannelly
9 months ago

Not only is this a sneaky way to cheat and deceive, but local elections are important too! If enough people get elected at the local level, they can change the culture of the town or county. They have a platform from which to speak and, very importantly, they get name recognition! Some people simply vote for the name they recognize, caring nothing about their actual beliefs or values. It’s an insidious, albeit slow way of infiltrating the government.

American Believer
American Believer
9 months ago

I can only say that I pray this sinister plot will fail because someone steps up and exposes it to the American people. I expect this to be my last election, I can only cry about what our glorious country has become.

9 months ago

People, it’s not the illegals voting it is the illegals REGISTERING to vote. If they are on the voter rolls the mass mail in voting systems in Blue states will send out a ballot in their name. Ballot harvesters collect all these “extra” ballots and the left can then fill in and submit and there is no way to track it. Once the ballot is in the counting system it can’t be tracked back to the voter.

9 months ago

Thanks for this article. This proves to me that MY VOTE IS NOT WORTH A HILL OF BEANS!

David Nelson
David Nelson
9 months ago

This crap can not be allowed to exist!

9 months ago

if illegals are voting and i’m sure it’s illegal i want to vote a few times and also put my deceased relatives to vote. why should i be allowed to do illegal things to.

9 months ago

That’s what I like about the democrats they’re so patriotic.

9 months ago

Sounds like to me the people of America needs to take this to the Supreme Court time to sue the government for illeagel ballot harvesting , enough of this sherade, this is the people of Americas country not the government county its time for we the people to stand up for whats right.

Marilyn Peacock
Marilyn Peacock
9 months ago

Mr. Charles, don’t just point out the problem – please provide a solution, or at least present some possible ideas!

9 months ago

I just saw an ad in spanish to vote for Biden. Why in the hell would they advertise in another language if only citizens can vote. Citizens have to speak our language to become one. They’re going to cheat again and they are being bold about it. Lock and load!!

9 months ago

Democrats will cheat every day, every way.

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
9 months ago

Heard Loud and Clear – across this country and way, way past time. “Unless American citizens stand tall and stop this from happening, it will! Citizens still rule but have forgotten, too weak, not guts? They must take back by presence and demand, and huge numbers, and not allow these dregs of society to take away our constitutional Rights. They demand from us, take our money, and our rights, and now the underhanded actions violate the law, so enforce it and have the courage to do what is a right and the law. It is written and accepted and must be preserved.”
Wake up, people, your “slouch” harms.

9 months ago

We need Trump to win. It’s exciting to read about a new impeachment every week

9 months ago


9 months ago

Time for AMERICAN CITIZENS to stand up to this corrupt, evil government.

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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