Backdoor to Illegal Voting?

Posted on Wednesday, June 19, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

A wildfire is sweeping blue states, a backdoor into illegal voting. The scam would permit these states to get more federal money and more congressional representation at the next census if it works. If it spreads to red states, the stakes get higher, in federal and state elections. Here is how it works.

Already 17 major cities, including Washington DC, Chicago, San Francisco, and Oakland, plus parts of small states like Vermont and larger ones like Maryland, have officially adopted resolutions allowing illegal aliens, called everything from undocumented migrants to “New Americans” to vote.

However, the catch is – because state and federal constitutions reserve the vote to citizens, although few forbid non-citizen voting (as no one thought of it) – the vote cities give to illegals is “only” for local voting, mayors, judges, [prosecutors, school and select boards, dog catchers.

Notably – and Democrats have tipped their hand with proposed legislation – Democrats in many states, including Maine, want to give illegals the right to vote in state races, eventually federal. That of course, confounds our Founders’ intent for the vote, and each illegal voter cancels a citizen voter.

Never mind, that is the longer term. Think with me about the mechanics of claiming – as these 17 cities have – the only vote they are giving illegals is for local elections, so no problem. Is that so?

When you go to a polling place to vote, town office or school, or when you secure an absentee ballot to vote, do you have different ballots, one for local, one for state, one for federal officials?

No, of course not. Constitutional issues would arise if different people received different ballots, a nightmare on top of a nightmare, with endless configurations enabling fraud. So, what do you get?

You get one ballot, with local, state, and federal races, ballot initiatives on bonds to social and fiscal policy. There is just one ballot, and there will always be, even if illegals are permitted only to vote locally.

Now think with me, again. Whether you are an illegal alien or a lifetime citizen, you get that ballot. Part of what comes with that ballot is a pledge of secrecy, meaning your vote is yours to see – alone.

That means the illegal alien’s ballot, given to that illegal only to vote in local races, is also secret. If he or she is told to vote in all races, US President, US Senate, and House, fill in everything from soup to nuts, and is practiced on who to check off – exactly who knows they cheated? No one.

Will they be honorable and not vote for anyone except a local representative? Were they honorable in how they entered the US? Are they honorable when 90 percent miss asylum hearings? Are they honorable if they permit Democrat-affiliated voter registration groups to tell them how to vote?

So, here is the slick new plan. Get as many illegal aliens into as many states, blue, red, and purple makeup, as possible. Start with the 18 states with these clever “New Americans” offices, the formation of which is coordinated by a national network tied to Democrats. Push as many as possible in now.

Then, work to get local voting rights given by local ordinance to all these illegals, once they have a residence under state housing plans coordinated by “New Americans” offices, which for example in Maine involves Democrats giving up to 75,000 illegals free housing and benefits for two years.

Now, use local Democrat cities to push “local voting,” get ballots into the hands of these illegal aliens, and instruct them on how to fill them out – noting no one sees if they go higher than local. The system is so simple, deception constitutionally protected by secret ballot, plan ingenious, unless someone figures it out and bars it state by state, or in red and purple states. So, there you have it. Those without ethics and integrity do not quit when caught; they just look for other ways to do what is prohibited, like getting into the country illegally. Integrity must stay one step ahead.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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