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At CPAC, Trump Urges Against Complacency, Offers Blueprint for Next Republican Congress

Posted on Monday, August 8, 2022
by Daniel Berman

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan

Donald J. Trump speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, Texas. – Photo Credits: New York Post

Following a banner week for Donald Trump’s endorsed congressional and state-level candidates in Arizona, Michigan, and Missouri, the 45th President returned to a hero’s welcome at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas, Texas, on Saturday, where he once again delivered the event’s keynote address.

In a nearly two-hour speech, Trump railed against the failures of the Biden administration, urged conservatives not to settle into a state of complacency going into the midterm elections, and outlined a robust set of policies for the next Congress and Republican president—which could very well be Trump himself.

“America is on the edge of an abyss—and our movement is the only force on Earth that can save it,” Trump said. “What we do in the next few months and the next few years will determine whether American civilization will collapse or fail or whether it will triumph and thrive frankly like never before. This is no time for complacency.” He then went on to urge Republican candidates to “run aggressive, unrelenting, and boldly populist” campaigns and to make the upcoming midterm elections “a national referendum on the horrendous catastrophes radical Democrats have inflicted in our country.”

In his remarks, Trump offered a novel set of concrete policy measures Republicans should take up as soon as they regain power in Washington. Among his most notable proposals was the abolition of the U.S. Department of Education—which elicited roaring applause from the audience—in response to the Biden administration’s advocacy of Critical Race Theory and gender ideology in K-12 schools. “Across the country, we need to implement strict prohibitions on teaching inappropriate racial, sexual and political material to American schoolchildren in any form whatsoever,” he said. “And if federal bureaucrats are going to push this radicalism, we should abolish the Department of Education.”

But the Department of Education was far from Trump’s only target in his wide-ranging remarks. Following the release of an Axios report last month—which detailed the former president’s plans to fire thousands of federal bureaucrats and reshape the administrative state should he be inaugurated to a second term as president in January 2025—Trump reprised his call to root out Washington corruption. “Another key priority for the next Congress and the next president will be to drain the swamp once and for all,” he said. “To remove rogue bureaucrats and root out the deep state, Congress should pass groundbreaking reforms empowering the president to ensure that any federal employee who is corrupt, incompetent, or unnecessary for the job can be told, ‘You’re fired.’”

Trump also took a moment to hone in on the nation’s soaring inner-city crime rates: “The streets of our Democrat-run cities are drenched with the blood of innocent victims,” he said. “Gun battles rage between bloodthirsty street gangs. Bullets tear into crowds at random, killing wonderful, beautiful little children that never even had a chance. Carjackers lay in wait like predators hunting their prey.” He also repeated his call to execute convicted drug traffickers.

Later in the speech, Trump took aim at the Biden border crisis, urging the next Republican Congress to “stop the invasion” along the southern border. “Never forget every death at the hands of a criminal, illegal alien is entirely preventable. This is all preventable stuff,” he said. “Republicans in Congress must make clear that on their watch, not a single penny of taxpayer money will go to funding Joe Biden’s open-border agenda.”

Just prior to Trump’s arrival in Dallas on Saturday, CPAC organizers released the results of their famous straw poll for the GOP presidential nomination, which Trump won overwhelmingly. Winning 69 percent of the vote—up 10 percent from the previous CPAC in February—the former president’s standing in the GOP is as strong as ever.

“I’ve said the last couple CPACs, I don’t think it can go any higher,” said Jim McLaughlin, who helps conduct the annual straw poll. “Matter of fact, what’s happening is he’s more popular than ever.” To the chagrin of the media, the Democratic Party, and “Never Trump” Republicans, by the time the next CPAC rolls around in February 2023, Trump could very well return as a declared candidate for president with a new Republican majority in Congress. But whether or not Trump launches a third campaign for the White House in 2024, it is becoming increasingly clear that—despite the mainstream media’s best efforts—Trump’s status as the most influential figure in conservative politics is not going anywhere anytime soon.

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2 years ago

Unfortunately, congressional Republican leadership doesn’t seem interested in doing anything bold or even moderately inventive in this midterm cycle. As usual, President Trump just highlights the massive contrast between someone actually advocating real solutions versus the “go along to get along” faction of the GOP, that just wants to not rock the boat either way too much.

Both McConnell and McCarthy seem wedded to having all the current congressional Republicans running for re-election rely on the deeply flawed strategy of just coasting to the finish line with minimal effort. All on the hope the general dissatisfaction with Joe Biden will automatically translate into Democrats being willing to vote for Republicans in very large numbers. What both McConnell and McCarthy completely ignore is the fact that most Democrat voters have been conditioned to hate everything they think Republicans stand for. Which of course is NOT a trival issue and why the GOP needs to do a much better job of articulating why Democrats should vote FOR Republicans in the midterms.

Anyway, with just a little over 90 days until the midterms, it appears congressional Republican leadership has managed to squander yet another golden opportunity to convert the reality of what Democrat rule produces into a massive Republican win. Newt Gingrich doesn’t even bother talking about the New Contract with America strategy anymore in interviews. So it is likely either dead or will be so scaled back and vague, as to be meaningless. We will still likely win a small majority in the House and we may even win a one to three seat majority in the Senate, but that is of course far short of the majorities needed in both chamber of Congress to override Biden vetos of Republican legislation for the next two years.

Mary Beatty
Mary Beatty
2 years ago

His policy on open borders was and is the best.There should be no open border!

Barbara Bronars
Barbara Bronars
2 years ago

I hope Congress pays attention to thses common sense reforms, especially to the Civil Service.Also fire all the newly hired IRS agents.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

President Trump’s ability to talk straight to the patriots who actually care about what happens to this country is a sharp and welcome contrast to the lying and incoherent babble that barely comes out of the mouth of a mentally and ethically challenged Joe Biden.

Martin Plecki
Martin Plecki
2 years ago

Pres Trump is right on all counts.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

The RHINOS do not like Trump because he wants the illegal taking money by politicians for things that they vote on, including insider trading to stop. Plenty of Republicans are just as bad as Democrats on that count. Trump is correct when he says this country’s problems can easily be solved. No one wants to do it because they don’t want to stop their own gravy train. Or offend criminals. And now we know there are criminals running our FBI, CIA, IRS, and our justice department. Some people like to call his tweets ( mean tweets), he wouldn’t have to tweet at all if it wasn’t because of the phony news media. Answering false claims from the media and Democrats is not mean tweets. It’s time for Republicans with balls to create a narrative not just answering the false narrative the Democrats put out there. It’s time for us to get rid of Democrats who want to ruin this country and Republicans who talk a good game but are every bit as bad as the Democrats. How do we do this by making sure elections are honest and getting rid of the voting machines. The purpose of the voting machines are to make things quicker and now it takes a machine 2 to 3 days to count votes and people can do it quicker. Just look at Arizona’s primary. A big joke it took longer because Democrats didn’t like the outcome. This has got to stop.

2 years ago

If Trump had ever had a united GOP like Biden has a united democratic voting block, he could have accomplished miracles. We would not be in the predicament we ae today. Stupid Republicans!!!

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

Even assuming the “R”s beat the cheat and manage to control both the senate and the house, that old worn out broken record of a party that talks BIG when they’re not the majority and does ZERO when they are will be voted back out by ’24 and we’ll be back to the stalemate that DJT faced in the 2nd half of his term. Everything will need to be accomplished within the confines of EOs (assuming a “R” POTUS wins in ’24…again, the election tampering will be in full force since no accountability has been held for a soft coup in ’20) and the second a dim “POTUS” is seated the pen whipping will begin on Day1, eliminating all of those EOs.
We MUST all vote, but I’m honestly not optimistic a “R” led senate and house will change much of anything. Their track record belies their BIG talk during election runups.
PS I’m not a pessimist…I’m a realist, and the establishment “R” party has let us down repeatedly.

2 years ago

It is time to hunt dow all demonrats,libturds, socialists and execute them to save the U.S.A.!!!!!

2 years ago


2 years ago


Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

Unsubstantiated attacks on President Trump make USA angry and afraid. What a way to dive into the mid-terms. Nothing good can come of this.

2 years ago

It’s true that no matter who is “the new kid in town”, they are groomed away from their honorable ideas for change they ran on. They’re poisoned by the immoral band of slick talkers and shown the ropes of corruption. A total takeover of a Convention of States would right the ship, establish a leaner, stronger representative government of the people (that’s us) and we can work with all volunteers from every responsible group to fairly implement a new, stronger form of self government that helps one another achieve a greater individual prosperity. Together we all belong to God and he wants us to succeed. Helping others should be our priority and we all share the improvement and prosperity that we would be blessed with. The US IS a blessing and the founders knew that it was a precious gift that no other nation had been bestowed upon it by its Creator. The opportunity was as unique as the successes that have piled up since its founding. No other nation has been enriched by its freedoms due to the governance that was created by these blessed men. Their foresight allows for corrective action when an oppressive regime fails to represent the people who they were elected to govern. The Convention of States is the safety valve that can restore the control to the governed.It’s time has come as the Socialist communists disguised as the Democrat Party has lost its way.

Ted L.
Ted L.
2 years ago

What a man. I hope DeSantis is not foolish enough to run against him.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

After the Trump raid yesterday, I am ashamed to be an American. I am disgusted by this country. I feel like I live in Russia.

2 years ago

Still hoping for a coup!

Harry Brower
Harry Brower
2 years ago

“Never talk about politics or religion. ” That was the beginning of the mess we are seeing today! Yes, we need to use tact in how we bring up our faith. It should be done civilly and with love for each other. But with that said, time is getting short and I fear, at times, that the “love of many “is growing cold! It is time for us followers of Christ to take action and “go and make disciples ” like never before! Jesus was willing to die for us, the perfect, for the imperfect. We need the boldness to warn others that the judgment of God is headed our way if we don’t wake up!

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