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As Americans Suffer, Biden Administration Is All Smiles

Posted on Tuesday, July 26, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Claire Brighn

After more than a year and a half with Biden in office, nothing seems to be going right, from the border crisis to crippling inflation and sky-high gas prices. Poll after poll shows that Americans are pessimistic and desperate for some relief from the slew of debacles that have wreaked havoc on their lives. Yet just as they did with their botched Afghanistan withdrawal last year, Biden and his administration have with increasing vigor recast these calamities in positive terms, incredibly suggesting that everything is going exactly as planned.

No issue captures the disconnect between what the Biden administration is saying and what the American people are actually experiencing better than the sorry state of the U.S. economy. According to Gallup polling, 77% of Americans say the U.S. economy is getting worse – the highest number in over a decade. U.S. GDP shrunk by 1.6% last quarter, and most economists are predicting that the country is already in a recession. Business sentiment has plummeted to a nine-year low and consumer sentiment is at its lowest in 70 years. A Fox News poll taken July 10-13 shows that 70% of Americans say that they’ve had to cut back on their spending to afford basic necessities. More Americans are on food stamps; food banks are turning up empty shelves; and many people are delaying retirement, to name just a few of the ominous signs. 

But to hear the Biden administration tell it, this is exactly how things are supposed to be going. Earlier this month, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre proclaimed from the White House podium that the United States is now “stronger economically than we have been in history.” That’s right: in history. Likewise, Biden Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo recently said that “if you were to ask me what I think of the economy, I’d say we have a very strong economy.” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has similarly claimed that the economy is “growing at a very rapid rate,” characterizing Biden’s economic policies as a success. Biden himself has stated, “Under my plan for the economy, we’ve made extraordinary progress.”

When it comes to record high gas prices, the Biden administration – after blaming everything from the pandemic to Vladimir Putin – is now trying to spin the increases as a positive. In May, just as gas prices hit above $4.50 a gallon, Biden said the country was “going through an incredible transition,” alluding to the radical policy of phasing out oil and gas preferred by far-left Democrats.

The argument here is that as American families are forced to choose between groceries and gas, it will incentivize more people to switch to electric cars – never mind the fact that most working- and middle-class Americans can’t afford them. In one of the more tone-deaf comments uttered by a Biden official, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg told a House Committee last week that “the more pain we are all experiencing from the high price of gas, the more benefit there is for those who can access electric vehicles.”

But as on so many other issues, Biden wants to have it both ways on gas: after driving prices to historic highs, the White House is now bragging that after a modest fall in prices, Americans are “saving” money on gas. Either way, they apparently believe things are going just great.

The Biden administration is applying similar logic to the growing food shortages. Biden’s USAID Administrator, Samantha Power, has talked about “never let[ting] a crisis go to waste.” More specifically, she said that while “fertilizer shortages are real now…we are working with countries to think about natural solutions like manure and compost…and this may hasten transitions that would have been in the interest of farmers to make eventually, anyways.”

Democrats are telling a similarly fantastical story on the border crisis. Biden border officials continue to insist that the border is “under control,” even as June set a new record for illegal crossings. According to CBP data, there have already been more than 2 million illegal crossings in 2022, already outpacing the 1.9 million illegal crossings in all of 2021 and far surpassing any other year in history.

But despite the rosy picture the Biden administration wants to paint, Americans are not buying it. In an April Trafalgar poll, 39% cite “lowering inflation and fixing the economy” as their top midterm voting issue – a figure that is likely far higher now, even as Democrats appear increasingly unwilling to even acknowledge there is a problem. In a different May Trafalgar poll, 53% said the Biden administration is “intentionally letting gas prices rise to make Americans use less fossil fuels.”

Nevertheless, Biden and Congressional Democrats appear wholly unwilling to course correct – something which is bound to cause trouble not just in the midterms, but in 2024, too. With mountains of radical bills already drawn up, voted on, and more lying in wait in Congress, Biden recently said about his stalled climate and energy agenda: “I am not going away. I’m going to use every power I have as President to continue to fulfill my pledge to move toward dealing with global warming.” While the disastrous results of Biden’s policies are bad enough on their own, that callous attitude toward the destruction he and his fellow Democrats have caused is likely winning them no second looks among an increasingly disaffected voting public.

Claire Brighn is the pen name of a conservative researcher and writer with previous domestic and foreign policy experience in the Executive Branch.

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2 years ago

I am so glad God is in control and not these people.I hope they are ready for what is to come.

2 years ago

The majority of this administration need one thing: hanged for their Treason against America.
Make no mistake, where we are is by their deliberate design. This IS an attack against us and our country. And the goal is fatal to America.
Treason. Treason. Treason.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

No one is going to tell the emperor he’s naked because it’s his administration that makes him that way. Strangely, confident, no arrogant democrats act as if they know something about the upcoming election which airs an almost repeat of when Biden somehow won an election with no one showing up to support him. Democrats are predictable when using tried and proven methods to remain in power. I for one hope it’s not what we have been programmed to expect, another crooked election.

Laura Germani
Laura Germani
2 years ago

I have no doubt that we’re already in a recession. That’s right where this Administration wanted us. Global warming and climate change has been happening for as long as the earth has existed. This so-called climate change emergency is nonsense. It’s just another excuse to push their far left agenda. This Administration is fiddling while the country is burning, and they are the ones who started the fire! And I think pretty much everyone knows who is actually ruining this country. It’s just the third presidency of Barack Obama. Because Unfortunately, President Biden Doesn’t even know where he is half the time. The whole thing is just too sad.

2 years ago

Well so far, the Democrats haven’t experienced any real consequnces for their actions. Oh sure the majority of the American people may hate their policies and the results that they have imposed on the nation, but no one from the Biden administration or the Democrats in Congress have personally been negatively impacted in any way. Until that changes, I would expect most of the Democrats will continue to walk around with smiles on their faces as they do all sorts of things to personally enrich themselves at our expense and systematically destroy the country from within.

Albert W Myles
Albert W Myles
2 years ago

Joe Biden and his Administration and his Democratic and RINO Congress could care less about the American Citizens, He only cares about the Illegal Immigrants that he is allowing in, because he sees that it may be a way to get more votes even though they shouldn’t be allowed to vote. They all are a disgrace to this Great Country.

2 years ago

The administration, for ONCE, is telling the truth. This IS exactly what they had planned to do – to punish Americans and ruin the country for supporting Donald Trump. The people in charge are flat-out EVIL!

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

This is what an informed citizenry elects to high office?

James E Jones
James E Jones
2 years ago

Under Obama we had our first Muslim President. Under Biden we have our first Communist President.

2 years ago

The whole biden administration should be arrested for treason and murder!!

2 years ago

They must be mistaking the national economy for their party business with bribes, kickbacks, Chinese payments for treason, pay for play, money laundering, and the big guy’s 10% from the cartels from drug smuggling and trafficking,…Probably the most our country has ever experienced! So much crime, and corruption if Jean Pierre, and Yellen define that as “the economy” they’re right.

2 years ago

“There is no recession” — Joe Biden
“War is Peace” — Orwell

Dr Rene
Dr Rene
2 years ago


ADD BILLIONS TOBOUR NATIONS DEBT. Days after Jill Biden replied “Yes, isn’t it great” to a smile when reporters yelled “Biden is the worse President ever” & “Americans are suffering”.

2 years ago

I would love to focus on a single issue that the current Administration has gotten wrong but there are just so many………………….an unprecedented so many.

Ellouise J Adams
Ellouise J Adams
2 years ago

I am amazed at how so many people could buy the utterings of a do-nothing idiot liar of a veep could vote for such a ??? to be president of this country. Not only that they continue to put up with him as president 1.5 yrs later as our economy goes down the outhouse and our creditability as a peaceful people/country supporting nations goes down the outhouse, while Biden stands there with a —- smile on his face.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Smiles, lies, In your Face, “superior mindset” bumblers, fools

2 years ago

This is what you get when the occupier of the Oval office is “appointed” rather than elected…. AND “Barry” has inserted himself to a 3rd term to continue actively “attacking” our Republic.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
2 years ago

There is truth to what the Biden Bunch is spewing about everything is going exactly as planned! The country is being destroyed from the inside because certain politicians have been bought by other countries. It has all been strategically orchestrated, planned, and executed now by the Biden Bunch in Washington DC! While everyone was focused on all the hoorah involving Russia, Russia, the democrats and progressives were masterfully planning the takedown of America! Nobody seemed to notice that Barrack Obama stayed in Washington, DC for the 4 years of the Trump Administration. The 4 years was Obama’s 3rd term! Pretty deceptive but clever! Has anyone looked into what he was doing in his rental home of multi-million dollar value down the street from the capital? Apparently, the politicians learned nothing from 9/11 (and other events prior to) because now anyone from anywhere can come into this country just willy-nilly
no credentials are needed. Climate change! Climate change is not going to destroy the planet! Hellfire is going to be a whole lot warmer for a whole lot of people and that will be forever and ever and ever! So I say to the democrats and progressives, enjoy your stay in Washington and on planet earth. Continue your walk, your journey as is. Laugh at this paragraph. But to each of you, where will you spend eternity when you die? Food for thought for all of you well-educated people.

2 years ago

2.0 version of what long legged MacDaddy Hussein Obama began: Fundamentally transform America…and too many spineless RINO’s going along with it!

2 years ago

Is it time for an impeachment yet?! Biden shouldn’t be in the POTUS position in the first place. He’s not qualified and he’s most definitely not capable of running the country, let alone walking and talking at the same time. The fool’s a pathetic embarrassment, AT BEST!


MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

2 years ago

Biden administration: fools, dopes and haters. Biden the Terrible………

2 years ago

As Americans Suffer, China/Russia/Iran Is All Smiles”
“As Americans Suffer, Biden Administration Is All Smiles”
See the difference? No? That’s because there is NO difference.

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

Who is responsible for checking the “air quality” in the spaces between the ears of those in power in Washington?

2 years ago

Well,I hope the citizens who voted against President Trump and elected Joe Biden are satisfied with their choice. An inmate is now running the asylum. Our only hope is to flip the house and the senate this November and keep this degenerate at bay until 2024.

2 years ago

Biden is smiling because he just POOPED his pants(again) and he knows nobody going to do anything about it!

Pastor Ken
Pastor Ken
2 years ago

It is a tragic thing to watch what is happening, but what we must remember is that this is EXACTLY what Biden said he was going to do. The fact that conservative voters sat by and watched without a hickup, the most corrupt election ever in the history of the nation, testifies to the fact that we deserve what we have gotten. Until Americans wake up and turn back to the traditional values that made this nation great and the true Christian roots upon which our founding fathers build this nation, it will only get worse. If you haven’t read the book by Jonathan Cahn entitled, “The Shemita” you need to read it and you need to read it before September of this year!

2 years ago

I am very concerned that the Secretary of Treasury Yellen does not understand economics : when it comes to inflation & what is a recession. Look back at how USA came out of this mess around 1980 will give you a good history lesson. Right now,you might be letting a powder keg grow and grow.

2 years ago

Write you Senators & Congressmen & urge them to pass a bill that prevents foreign countries from purchasing USA properties & countries before this gets worse. Also urge them to get all of the Pork projects out of chip manufacturing bill so that this passes before we lose another year in this battle.
Back in 1970-80s, the United States was major chip producer in world & today is less than 30%. Plus , US needs to control chips so they are built with American security protections.

2 years ago

Is it any wonder that Americans are suffering when we have a pathological liar, a corrupt phony, a fraud and an evil man as President. Please people, vote for conservatives in the upcoming midterm elections. We have an opportunity to end this utterly leftist nonsense we’ve been fed by the Dems. Let’s seize the opportunity!

2 years ago

Should the Republicans win this fall and take back control of both the House and the Senate, the first item on the agenda should be impeachment and removal of Biden. But then, useless Harris becomes president, unless she is rightfully impeached and removed as well, in which case the Speaker of the House becomes president. So, the Republicans had better make sure they have a Speaker who is fully capable of assuming the reins of the office of president and able to turn this country around.

2 years ago

Reality will surface in November.

THX 1138
THX 1138
2 years ago

That’s alright! Let’em yuck it up as much as they can because this round of paybacks gonna be the mother of all paybacks!

Larry W
Larry W
2 years ago

Biden is a fake man with a fake smile and a fake agenda. He has done more damage to our country then any other President and he did it in less than 2 years.

2 years ago

It’s a list of idiots extraordinaire……Buttigieg, Yellen, Ms. Pierre, S. Power, the un-named border officials……marching lock step with Biden and the rest of the collection of leftists who now see on the horizon, the ruination of our Republic. Why would we expect anything else than lies upon lies and false hopes upon false hopes. The mess is worse, the solutions non-existent and the “GOP” is useless as usual. One has to wonder just how long this can continue before some kind of blow-back?
Of course we have a majority of citizens who could care less as long as they can still play their video games, tweet their friends, and facebook one another ad-nauseum. Apathy and selfishness prevail.
Too few really know and care about what is happening. The numbers will tell the tale. Less than 20 percent of the population currently acknowledge God and his Word. The decline from that perspective is chief among the causes of our nation’s demise. Give up God and he will give up on you. He has done that in the past….just examine the Biblical history…Oh I forgot, no one reads their Bible, if they even have one….so, it’s a mute issue. We are our own worst enemy now, and with no end in sight by the lack of action from the “right” aside from rhetoric and politics as usual, what should we expect?
Nuf said.

Neal Christensen
Neal Christensen
2 years ago

Everything is going according to plan. That is absolutely correct as the plan is to destroy what America was and turn it into a socialist paradise. When a Progressive says, ‘we are making progress”, he means progress toward the goal of that socialist paradise.

William Hodge
William Hodge
2 years ago

Obama and Carter are laughing their heads off!

2 years ago

Well the smiling will cease for EVERY marxist democrat party member in 2022 and 2024 when America’s Real Citizens THROW THEM OUT!!
This anti america,destructive, racist,immoral group if traitors will be removed and their defeat ,unprecedented in history.
We the People are sickened by the democrats and joebamas total DISREGARD for Citizens, Our Country and Freedom!
I hope and pray that America’s Patriots show these LOSERS Our resolve and desire to save what we all hold dear, Our turn to SAVE AMERICA.

George Dahlke
George Dahlke
2 years ago

You have to remember that, according to this administration, the Afghanistan withdrawal was a success. So they probably do think their economic, social, and foreign relations policies are all hunky dory and everything is rainbows and unicorns. No wonder they smile so much!

2 years ago

Please pray for America, we are being destroyed from within. Pray that the Lord places individuals in office that believe in our Constitution and securing our borders. America is about to collapse. I pray for God’s intervention in this matter. And I pray that individuals will stand up for righteousness and replace the corruption in Washington. Remember a smile can be deceitful. God bless America.

2 years ago

Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place,Keeping watch on the evil and the good.

John H
John H
2 years ago

What’s the question? The whole point of all this upheaval is to crash our economy and country…so the Communist/Socialist elites can rebuild it their way. It’s been the plan for many years. Their play-book has told us so. They have taken over our education system, much of the judicial system, are deeply planted in all of our federal and state offices, local ones too. All the socialistic anti-business anti-capitalism education for the past 20+ years have moved the majority of our youth/young adults to the left of center with the idea of eventually moving all of us to that side of the line. They are just having more trouble doing it these days because some of those on the right have noticed, and are making a fuss. Can we save our country? Remains to be seen…but we surely must try!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

As long as these minorety blacks get their checks, they are gonna vote Dem. no matter what. Kyle L.

2 years ago

Why do you have to point to race. There good and bad in all people. Let’s not Discriminate ,Let’s seek wisdom in God’s intervention.

2 years ago

Biden and his minions are on notice. Pink slips to all Democrats this November!!

Lisa Skinner
Lisa Skinner
2 years ago

The White House economic advisor Brian Reese, said “this is all being done for the “New Liberal World order.” This has been their plan all along. Everyone with half a brain knew this installed administration was going to do this to our country but the idiots of this world who were so butt hurt by mean tweets refused to see how good they had it under the Trump administration. Now we’re all paying this price

2 years ago

Everything is going as planned, it is just that the plan is to take us down. It is time to take down the networks that keep reporting this nonsense. The number of people that still believe what this admin is telling them is dwindling. The next plandemic is not taking hold, the number of people getting boosters is decreasing, we feel the pain at the pump and the grocery store, the EVs are sitting on the lots, with major problems and nobody can afford them. Time to vote differently, the progressive/socialist dems have proven they want to kill the American way, time to get them out.

2 years ago

we’re going to wipe that stupid smile of his dumbaxx puss.

Virginia Stewart
Virginia Stewart
2 years ago

The Biden administration are all liers. They don’t have to worry about the higher gas prices because they don’t pay for there gas the American people do.

2 years ago

The sad part is Biden isn’t creative enough to orchestrate this mess,he’s been hoodwinked by his own son and is a puppet president. We can keep guessing who’s directing this S–T Show or investigate and stop it

Beth Elliott
Beth Elliott
2 years ago

This makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. How dare these Democrats say things like this!! The economy is not getting better, but worse, inflation is higher than it has been in over 40 years, and going grocery shopping is like someone pulling a tooth. It is so sad that people have to make decisions about paying bills or buying food and gas for their families. Biden is a joke if he thinks that people will start buying electric cars if the price for a gallon of gas goes up and the Democratic cronies that agree with Biden, need their heads examined. Biden and his administration need to be impeached and we need someone to step up and start the process. Americans can’t keep going on like this.

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