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AOC and Democrats – Off the Rails

Posted on Tuesday, September 22, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

AOCThis is a testing time.  Arguably, the strength of a democracy is toleration for mediocrity and mendacity.  That is, if we can tolerate dim bulbs and dark forces, but find our way home, we are okay.  By that measure, the New York barmaid turned Democrat gadfly – AOC – is putting our Republic to the test.

This week, she tweeted to those who work for a living, rise early, set late, have families, believe in the future, honor the past, and love America.  She wants us to understand “democracy.”

Spurred by Justice Ruth Ginsburg’s passing, the self-assured, blurt-and-run congresswoman – who considers herself an “economist” since she took a course – told us where things are at.

In a flurry of bungled words, she lit up the news.  “Our democracy is at a faint heartbeat; it was broken before Trump.  But so long as we can save lives, I believe we have an obligation to do so as we build a new world,” adding “after we work to command victory in November, I need folks to realize that there’s no going back to brunch.”   Hmmm.  Too much coffee?

From this tangled mass of socialist mush, where does go?  What would our Founders think?  How do you correct someone who is dead wrong and cock sure?  The first instinct is move on.

But more is owed.  Persuasion involves engaging those who do not see, were never taught, have forgotten, or are blinded by appeals to emotion, distraction, disaffection, resentment, or another dark force.  We owe it to our past to re-anchor lost souls in reason, history, and self-awareness.

Of course, it takes courage to engage those passionately committed to ignorance, content to be arrogant, disinterested in truth.  So focus on “democracy.” America is a representative democracy, a Republic.  People elect representatives to reflect their will and exercise judgment.

Our Founders believed educated, liberty-loving representatives, held accountable by elections, would guide the republic through times good and bad.  Direct democracy was rejected – since it was unbounded by law, allowing a majority to overrun minorities and individuals.

Moreover, our republic was designed to be self-correcting, not just through educated representatives, but a three-by-three block – three cross-checking federal branches, three layers.  As most know – although one wonders about AOC – the legislative branch checks executive and judicial power by oversight, spending limits (increasingly ironic), confirmations, and impeachment (recently misused).

At risk of boring readers – but for AOC-devotees – the executive checks the legislative by veto and executive prerogatives, chiefly in national security, foreign affairs, and administration.  The judiciary applies law to cases, checks executive and congressional overreach, protects minorities and individuals.

Now, if you were AOC, you would officially be a constitutional lawyer!  Since she did not take that course, however, what follows is a disentangling of her troubled tweets.

First, our Republic, is strong.  Why?  It is built around laws, protects against government overreach and mobocracy of the sort Democrats – gone socialist – promote.  In a second tweet, AOC suggests Americans “radicalize” themselves.  Apparently, she is modeling that process.

Limits on government and the citizens are clear.   A runaway mob, even a majority mob, cannot legitimately upend our laws.  We do not allow majorities or mobs to trample individual rights – under ordinary circumstances.  Recent mob attacks – justified by Democrats – are constitutionally unacceptable.  They upend law, are anti-American.

Our Republic will be strong – not “faint” of heart – so long as our rights are held inviolate, unsuppressed by government, majority, or mobs. That means we stay strong in proportion to how freely we can speak, exercise faith, assemble, defend ourselves, avoid unreasonable searches or seizures, receive due process, and respect the 9th and 10th amendments, which remind us power flows up from the People.

To be clear, if the Republic is at risk, the risk comes from socialist mobs and mayhem, tolerated by Democrats – not from defending constitutional rights or a restrained judiciary.

The threat to our Republic is the audacity of AOC, Biden, Harris, Sanders, Pelosi, Schumer, and their ilk, who want to aggregate power and usurp individual liberties.  The chief threat to our Republic comes from excusing violence, choosing emotion over reason, trampling core rights.

“Broken before Trump?”  Trump has nothing to do with the advance of socialism, communism, mobs, Democrat mayors allowing cities destroyed.  He has nothing to do with ideologues pushing violence as peace, fascism as anti-fascism, violence as healing, church burning as good.

If our Republic suffers fissures, they can be traced to progressive ideology, encouraging government dependence over self-reliance, state authority over individual responsibility, public corruption, endless spending, class warfare, and dictating social norms like old Soviets.

If AOC wants to heal wounds, un-break America, and “save lives,” study American history, relearn toleration for differing ideas – from which truth emerges. She might revisit humility, the capacity for self-correction.  That is what our Founders did.  They discovered government does not have the truth.  Limited government protects truths distilled by individuals.

“Build a new world?”  As a mentor once instructed me, look before you leap, appreciate what you have, be grateful for the sacrifice, and “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”  We do not need a new world, just greater appreciation for what we have.

Finally, AOC says Democrats will “command” November, and watch out.  “I need folks to realize that there’s no going back to brunch.” My dear congresswoman, this may come as a shock, but most of us are up early, put in an honest day’s work, live on wages or retirement.  We do not sleep late, lecture our neighbors, or roll into “brunch” midday.  That is not real America – that is AOC-privileged America, and you can have it.

In short, America is at risk – but not from phantom fascists or hard-working pursuers of the American Dream.  America is at risk from socialists like AOC, out of touch with constitutional process, up in arms about a Supreme Court justice, tweeting the world’s end, advocating people “burn down” the Supreme Court – which, incidentally, is marble.

Yes, AOC – and other anti-American socialists – “brunch” is over.  The Supreme Court will have a new justice and migrate away from judicial activism.  America will – after November – get stronger.  The test will be whether we, as a People, can tolerate such mediocrity and mendacity – and keep moving.  We have overcome worse, but these are testing times.

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4 years ago

Another well written article RBC. Just one correction. As hard as it may seem to fathom given her complete lack of any economic knowledge, AOC was actually given a BA degree in Economics from Boston University. That speaks volumes to the quality or more correctly the lack of quality of many of our so-called institutions of higher learning today. Of course she couldn’t land a job in the financial sector of NYC, so she ended up being a bartender in a restaurant. At least the private sector valued her economics background correctly. Which no doubt is part of the reason why she rails against capitalism so much.

As for the Democrats as a whole, the American people need to understand the real and present danger they pose to our country. We are literally just one bad election result away from these socialists being handed the reins of power to do everything they have clearly spelled out they intend to do. While I expect President Trump and most Congressional Republicans could win re-election easily, if we were all voting in a normal manner, many of the Democrats and their allies in the MSM have already spelled out exactly how they intend to try and steal the election.

The big money donors of the Democrats and owners of the six major MSM conglomerates, as well as most of Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable all want a return to “normal” where we look the other way while China steals our lunch and dinner and has unobstructed ability to expand at will around the world. These same people also desire an end to the current movement towards relative peace in the Middle East, as they want America’s attention focused on policing centuries old endless conflicts, while also unnecessarily depleting our military strength while China increases theirs. So even should President Trump win re-election, I fully expect none of these advocates for socialism will back off one bit.

These groups are acting no different than any subversive group trying to over-throw a government and impose a new socialist one in its place. They are using most, if not all, the exact same tactics that have been employed in other countries around the world to accomplish that task. That a significant amount of the public still thinks this is all just some passing phase, a few people acting out of control or that the left will just quietly fade away after the election is what is really dangerous. This is the same mentality that existed in numerous countries before they ultimately fell to a socialist order. People have to acknowledge the clear, well organized threat being posed in order to stand up and stop it before it is too late.

4 years ago

Boycott the public educational system. It’s too expensive, bureaucratic, and deficient.

Home School entirely through up through college – even “advanced degree” programs – for the most part.
Learn Trades in addition to a Profession. If you apply yourself, even in fields like medicine and engineering- you can outpace class attending students. Why be held back by the average? Plus all the time wasted going back and forth. Read widely, question everything.

Learn to live within your means. Put GOD first, family second, profession/trade third, then friends and extended family. Government is way down the list. However pay your taxes – don’t make a mistake of not doing so. (That’s one thing you can’t avoid) Obey all laws or else “they have you”.

Our country is already at least 70% Socialistic.
It’s even reaching into our churches and synagogues now more than ever.

Meem Kaplan
Meem Kaplan
4 years ago

“Direct democracy was rejected – since it was unbounded by law, allowing a majority to overrun minorities and individuals.” Actually, democracy is basically mob rule which is what we have been experiencing for years. The very loud minorities have been calling the shots through the democrats.
It’s time for AOC to take a class on the Constitution. It’s free through Hillsdale College. She has NO excuse for not knowing the Constitution and it should be a requirement before holding office!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

More riots more votes for President IF U favor L&O: Law & Order etc.
Each riot Costs Votes.

4 years ago

My personal opinion of AOC and her ilk is rock bottom. Not only are they disgusting and ignorant they have no business holding the offices they hold. Not so long ago a lot of what these people say and do would be considered treason. I think all Americans should have a say as to who our leaders are including the chief offender, Nancy Palosi! It may be hard to figure it out but we’ve figured out a lot more difficult issues.

4 years ago

Off the track? They never got close to catching the train!

Melbourne Mark
Melbourne Mark
4 years ago

Absolutely GREAT article! I agree that AOC is a Democratic embarrassment and how voters continue to support her is simply mind boggling! I believe President Trump will be re-elected however, by a very slim margin. It’s too bad some voters will continue to support people like Chuck “Chuckles” Schumer, AOC, even Pelosi, who seem to care only about creating disruption in our government. It’s time for them to ALL go home…and, stay there!

4 years ago

Maybe AOC could become Ruth Bader Ginsburg/s neighbor// She has got to be the biggest loser for brain shortage in the entire Democratic party also known as communists//The only one with less knowledge would be her brother Joseph Biden//Pure garbage for the USA////////

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

Or some professors give you points just for showing up to listen to their propaganda!

4 years ago

These Progressively Communist Democrats have gone nutz! Now that Ginsberg has died, they’ve really gotten Ruth-less!!! They know that Biden is going to lose and they plan on contesting the results and if Trump fills the vacancy they haven’t a chance of winning in the Supreme Court.

Kathryn DiPiazza
Kathryn DiPiazza
4 years ago

Excellent article, wish all young people could read it.

4 years ago

She is an ignorant product of the socialist professors in so calked upscale colleges. What a crock of crap she is.

4 years ago

Article 4, section 4 of the Constitution of the United states; The United states shall guarantee to every state in the union a Republican Form of Government,and shall protect them against invasion ; and on Application of the Legislature or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.
its not so much that this moron AOC is in the Congress, because she was elected by fools like her. We were never to be a democracy. democracy rules by majority (mob) rule, a republic rules by “Law”.
We have become a Democracy with no protection against domestic violence under the mental depraved clowns like AOC and her associates.

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
4 years ago

Great article, however, patriotic Americans young and old, need a plan on how to deal with these traitors after the election. You know what I mean. They will not leave quietly.

4 years ago

Wonderful article! Lifted me up and I sure need that at this time! Thanks!

4 years ago

She was recruited to run for congress, among others, by Justice Democrats, a marxist political organization. They are the ones pulling her strings.

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

AOC. POLITICAL SCIENCE EXPERT,ECONOMICS EXPERT,AND POSSIBLY A CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER. Pretty good stuff for a person who has her background. What or who are her constituents??? Her more entertaining episodes are when she gets to say “I’ve been thinking.” She has scared the hell out of Nancy Pelosi and has proposed that Hiden Biden can be steered correctly and fully to her line of thinking. She has a line of thinking about teaching democracy that has no foundation. Even Socrates( to paraphrase) stated that a true democracy being all Socrates is still just a mob. AOC and her gang, both in congress and locally, must be silenced/defeated. Avante! MAGA-KAG-KAF 2020

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

AOC is obviously one of the most visible inmates trying to run the Demshevik asylum. She is one of those who would have fit right in with Mao’s Great Cultural Revolution back when. And we all know of the convulsions it caused in China before it abated.

Gee whiz, AOC! I’ve heard that AOC actually stands for Always On Crack! This view is supported by her rantings, ravings, and pratings based on a foundation of abysmally profound ignorance. P.S. By the way, did she ever get her GED?

In the alternative, one could say to AOC “Lady, I don’t know what you’ve been smoking, but you better go back to your dealer and buy ALL that he has left because it looks like you are into some pretty good stuff!”

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

Ah yes, time to out the Marx Sisters.  The Congressional Squad of Four headed by AOC and the three other hags. AOC is the most despicable one (with the others not far behind); n.b., AOC is the lead phony in this infestation, a true Oracle of the Cesspool and the biggest piece of crap floating around in it. So, how long do we all have to hold our noses before this stench goes away?

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
4 years ago

I am becoming a strong advocate for drug testing.

4 years ago

Anyone running for political office anywhere should have to take a test on what’s in the Constitution. People like AOC seem to think just because they win an election they can make up rules to suit themselves and their agenda. Whoever promoted her should be jailed.

4 years ago

Very well written and accurate. I encourage everyone one to share it with others.

4 years ago

Where is Congressman McCarthy, he was an idiot but that’s what he would be dealing with!!!!!

Fred Roach
Fred Roach
4 years ago

Not only AOC. Maxine Waters deserves to be retired.

Linda K
Linda K
4 years ago

I think this is some sort of test for the general public to see just how much BS and total nonsense the left can spew before people say enough is enough. So, when is enough?

4 years ago

I don’t see any way AOC legally won her seat. I believe if the votes for her were checked all of America would see most of them were illegal’s. Why does anyone listen to anything she says?

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

We need to get to the voting booth on November third and cast our votes, go in groups of family and friends, wear masks and social distance, if we all vote on November three we greatly reduce the chance of the leftists cheating us out of our right to choose who is our PRESIDENT. RED, KAG, REELECT PRESIDENT TRUMP AND KEEP AMERICA FREE!

4 years ago

Well said. The problem is, one can educate ignorance as Mr. Charles does, but as he more aptly put it – you can’t fix stupid.

4 years ago

If democracy was broken before Trump, look no farther than muzlim ovomit’s freak show for reasons.

4 years ago

It never ceases to amaze me just how stupid AOC is, and there’s even dumber people that take her seriously!

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

If this Cortez broad had ANY common sense she would be arrested for smuggling.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The DemocRats, The Media, Teachers Unions, etc. try to make us believe they are invincible!  They ARE NOT!  Push back against the bullies!! Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Both the DemocRat Party and the National and International News Media belong to the One World Government/Communist Machine!! Turn them all OFF!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The DemocRats (Communists) have insulted every American Citizen by giving their nomination to a dementia patient and a left wing failure and still expect you to vote for them!  If the Communists win this election with this ticket, they will ensure that there will never again be a true election in their United Soviet States of America!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Big Tech and The Media believe they rule America!  The believe they can tell us what to say and do!  Show Big Tech and the Media they are wrong and we are a FREE PEOPLE!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

4 years ago

Well reasoned and I appreciate this piece.

4 years ago

Excellent article. “Passionately committed to ignorance, disinterested in truth” says it all !!!! Vote TRUMP 2020

john langan
john langan
4 years ago

i watched the UK.turn socialist after War 11.I was sponsored to come to the USA after my first degree.I saw such a difference.So i stayed to earn MS and PhD degrees .:become a medical school professor ,then started a clinical laboratory corporation –.the ALL-AMERICAN-DREAM.please note American.I could NOT have made it in socialist England!!!!!

4 years ago

For us conservatives, AOC is the gift that keeps on giving (rather like Hidin’ Biden). Both of them insert foot every time they open their mouths. The most embarrassing part of it for AOC is that she honestly thinks that she’s well-trained and well-versed about everything she says. She doesn’t even have the good sense to be embarrassed! The only people who have more reason to be embarrassed than AOC are the poor schmucks who can’t think for themselves well enough to realize that listening to her and supporting her are NOT to their advantage.

Doug G.
Doug G.
4 years ago

AOC and her “squad” are domestic enemies of the Constitution and a direct threat to democracy. The BEST thing to do is to VOTE HER OUT! If you don’t live in NY, join me and send a donation to John Cumming and support his message to remove this loon! The DNC Machine is pouring million$ in to save her. He has a strong case against her; she threw away thousands of jobs for her constituents and millions in tax $$ for the city/state. The good people of NY are also suffering from her advocating to “defund” the police! Send her back to the bar tending where she belongs!

Dino Deplorable
Dino Deplorable
4 years ago

Now why in the HELL should we believe the squad.Here we have dumb,dumber,dumbest and totally out of touch with AMERICA and the AMERICAN patriots.Which is which and who is what,take your pick.These idiots if not stopped will destroy AMERICA and they have a lot of help from the inept dense oc RATS.

Joanna Johnson-Smith
Joanna Johnson-Smith
4 years ago

Liberals are all SO crazy, it’s terrifying! There is ZERO sense in any of their views, ideas, or thoughts. It’s almost as if they all go to a common hypnosis class every week. As a Christian and student of the Bible, I can only explain it as Demonic . How else can we explain the fact that SO many people can all think exactly alike, share identical views and goals, etc.? If ONE Liberal in a roomful is holding a cat, but calls it a bird, the rest of them will admire it’s feathers. It’s downright creepy, and mathematically impossible.

4 years ago

When they passed out brains she thought they said trains……She went to the end of the line.

Ron R Graham
Ron R Graham
4 years ago

Hi every one. Excellent article by R B Charles. I’m going to make a couple comments that, I hope, will add to his comments. and have not been made by the many comments below.

The way I see it is President Trump has two monumental decisions to make real soon that will affect us for many years to come. This is a danger time for our country. The first decision deals with RBG Supreme Court replacement. He has some highly qualified women judges in hand and a sure vote in the senate. Why wouldn’t he go ahead and get her through the senate? Mitch McConnell, a member of the swamp, has decided to give the chosen Judge a three day senate hearing. I believe a three day hearing has less chance of serving than a snow ball in hell. Any body remember Brett Kavanaugh senate hearing, just a couple years ago. We are taking a sure thing and putting it back in harms way. McConnell is trying to play nice with the school yard bully and it’s not going to happen. I can only say that Trump failed this first decision.

The second decision deals with the Nov. 03 presidential election. President Trump will win the In-Person vote by a land slide. According to the Constitution the voting ends seven pm Tuesday night. Trump must call the election over at seven pm. If he lets it proceed past election day he stands a chance to loose the election when the mail in votes are all counted. Doesn’t Trump know the difference between him winning and loosing is socialism. Why do all these republicans try to play nice with the democrats. If the table was turned they wouldn’t hesitate a second to make these decisions in there best interest.

Trump failed the first decision. Lets hope he takes the Bull by the Horns and makes the second decision in our best interest.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

AOC is an idiot! Just because she took a course doesn’t mean she “knows” anything. Will be glad when she returns to being a bartender.

Linda Sweet
Linda Sweet
4 years ago

I am the granddaughter of Lithuanian immigrants who recall the Russians coming into their villages and burning native literature, and my grandfather was forced serve 7 years in the Russian army before coming to the USA. Therefore, I have only one comment – SOCIALISM SUCKS!

4 years ago

Correction: That’s Alexandria Ocrazyo-Cortez. Let’s make sure we get that right.

Many don’t know this, but in the process of what should be a normal physiologic and psychologic development, her maturity progression got stuck on the age 17 floor, where its been every since. What other level of maturity would believe that those who broke into and looted the multitude of stores in multiple US cities, did so because they were hungry and too poor to buy clothing.

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