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America’s Top General Surrenders to His Woke Confessors

Posted on Friday, August 6, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

At the end of presidential administrations, it is not uncommon for former officials to comment on and in some cases criticize the actions of outgoing presidents to journalists, authors, and other opportunists looking to cash in on previously unknown information. Typically, however, members of the U.S. military refrain from open rebukes of former Commanders-in-Chief. But since President Trump left office – and in some cases even before – Army General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has broken with that precedent. As Milley has undergone a transformation from loyal advisor to full-throated purveyor of progressive politics, several of his comments have left observers concerned that a mysterious figure or figures may have undue influence over the country’s top general.

In recent weeks, Milley has emerged as a major subject in the latest wave of “tell-all” books purporting to give the inside scoop on the final days of the Trump administration. According to one of these books, the General was apparently actively preparing for the possibility that Trump would refuse to leave office and attempt a coup d’état if he lost the election. While Milley admits that he had no proof of any kind that even remotely suggested the former President was planning such a move, the fact that he was planning for such a contingency has raised concerns.

Ironically, Milley first drew controversy for his support of President Trump rather than his criticism of him. On June 1, 2020, Milley stood by the President’s side as Trump visited nearby St. John’s Church, which had recently been torched by vandals. The square had recently been cleared by law enforcement—an action that the Department of Interior Inspector General recently reported had been planned long before the President’s impromptu walk, was fully justified by the circumstances, and did not involve tear gas, despite the relentless false narrative to the contrary.

The most senior member of the American military, standing by the side of his direct superior whom he is sworn to protect, after rioters vandalized and set multiple fires in the nation’s capital, would normally be an understandable action. However, as was the case any time someone stood by President Trump, the media attacked the General. They accused him, as well as Trump, of turning the military loose on the American people – despite the fact that later investigations discredited this fake storyline.

But, rather than affirm that he had acted appropriately, the General almost immediately changed his tune and sought to appease the media and the left. He distanced himself from the event, claiming it caught him by surprise, even saying that he had considered resigning over the incident. Less than two weeks after the controversy began, General Milley apologized for, quite literally, standing by the President’s side, stating

“I should not have been there. My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics…As a commissioned uniformed officer, it was a mistake that I’ve learned from, and I sincerely hope we all can learn from it.”

However, later statements revealed that these acts of contrition may not have arisen from Milley’s own allegedly beleaguered conscience. A spokesperson for Milley explicitly noted that Milley met with “several of his longstanding mentors to discuss his situation.” Who they were and what specifically they discussed, he refused to say.

Despite the fact that Americans have no idea who these shadowy “mentor” figures were, these conversations appear to have had a profound effect on Milley’s priorities as Chairman. Specifically, Milley thereafter seemed to develop a preoccupation with liberal social policies. For example, shortly following the visit to St. John’s Church, he gave the keynote speech to the National Defense University in which the majority of his comments were focused on issues of diversity and inclusion, saying “our military has a mixed record on equality.”

Now, Milley also appears to have bought into the left’s agenda on Critical Race Theory (CRT), including encouraging cadets to read CRT texts that, among other things, teach that America, the very country they are risking their lives to serve, is an inherently racist and evil nation. When asked by Congressional legislators about the spread of Critical Race Theory in the military, Milley replied:

“I want to understand white rage, and I’m white, and I want to understand it…So what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? I want to find that out.”

Milley’s newfound focus on understanding “white rage” and promoting concepts like “equity” rather than strengthening the country’s defense posture has undoubtedly won him favor with the new administration. In President Biden’s first speech to Department of Defense Personnel, outlining his priorities for our military, he stated:

“There is no aspect of our agenda of the 21st century leadership where the women and men of the Defense Department do not have a role — whether it’s helping curb the pandemic here at home and around the world; or addressing the real threats of climate change that already is costing us billions in impacts on our bases, on our national security; or being part of an ongoing fight for racial justice.”

While Biden also noted that he was prioritizing an end to ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as focusing on curbing the threat China poses to the free world, it’s unclear how forcing members of the military to digest radical ideologies like CRT would help achieve those goals. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has made similar comments to Biden’s. While many point to this focus on race as a sign that our military is being overtaken by woke culture, it’s possible the answer is far simpler.

President Biden has made it clear that all American military personnel will be out of Afghanistan by September 11. As the withdraw continues, a majority of experts agree that the collapse of the Afghan government is all but certain. Neither Biden, nor Austin, nor Milley have any answer as to what this means for the future of our military or the damage it will do to America’s international reputation. It’s possible that this aggressive focus on race may simply be a deflection. A smokescreen by which our military may hide the extent of yet another costly strategic blunder. As for who or what General Milley’s shadow mentors think of this embarrassing international humiliation, it remains unclear.

For now, Milley seems insistent that the future of our nation’s military revolves around diversity and equity as opposed to defending the country and protecting our allies. While Americans may never know who Milley’s woke confessors are, it is evident that they have an unsettling amount of influence over the priorities of a man entrusted to keep our country safe, and who has done more to politicize the military than anyone in living memory.

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3 years ago

I served in the military and retired after 28+ years, milley has revealed very openly that he has become politically driven and is cowtowing to the powers that be…our military and our nation will suffer for this spineless leader!

3 years ago

Anyone still thinking that the senior leadership within our military hasn’t been successfully taken over by the left is either delusional or a fool. It started under Bill Clinton in the 1990s, with the firing of any officer that dared question his policies and promotion of political yes men up through the ranks. The process was completely finished by the time Obama left office. What we have today are generals and admirals that are essentially glorified yes men committed to the Democrat agenda. Sorry, but that is the sad reality.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

As to Milley’s mentors, I can care less… Both Milley & Austin have flip flopped their notions on CRT in either case… They are the perfect ” yes ” men the captured WH administration need in place at the Pentagon…Another general that comes to mind with respect to dissing his president was General Mattis, I nor a lot of other people saw that one coming!
Until the ( 2 ) faux generals are removed from their faux positions, the correct kind of military leadership will missing from our armed forces, in those (2) positions at the Pentagon… I firmly believe we do in fact have the upper command structure in place, i.e. General Mike Flynn & other key commanders in our proud US Military whom are Constitutionally bound to ” Serve & to Protect ” America & every American citizen within it..
In conclusion: Watch the audits, watch the water & may God bless America…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

Conservative Veteran
Conservative Veteran
3 years ago

General Milley does not need to understand white rage! There is no such thing! There is a Marxist revolution taking hold and “blacks vs whites” is what is being used to divide the country. A house divided cannot stand. Everywhere it has been tried, there is something used to divide the populous. Typically, it is the haves vs the have nots. All result in much death and eventually communism. Biden and his administration are ushering in communism on all front. They have the childen thanks to the indoctrination at schools. They have the media to push their message. And they have big tech to silence the oposition and bolster a false narrative. Unfortunately, most people cannot see the big picture. Many no something is going on but do not care to take the time to understand it. Many others are just oblivious, happy to get their pay from the government, not realizing or not caring they are dependent. But then there are those who do understand. They are taking a stand and speaking truth to power. They are speaking out again the Tyranny of the left and if pushed to far, …

3 years ago

Most likely our military will wear flowers on their helmets and a rose stuck in the end of their rifles.

Fred Smith
Fred Smith
3 years ago

General Milley is a complete embarrassment to this nation and should immediately be removed from the Joint Chiefs of Staff! He has allowed himself to be completely indoctrinated by the known Marxist and racist lies of BLM and Antifa! If he is that gullable, he has no business in any position at the Pentagon!

Free American for now
Free American for now
3 years ago

When the generals start openly picking sides we move closer to civil war! See also: Pre Civil War circa 1860 and cadets leaving West Point and officers choosing sides.

3 years ago

Pulling out of Afganistan is a hugh mistake just as it was in failing to get an agreement from Iraq to maintain a standing presence. With Afganistan on one side of Iran and Iraq on the other, we had the ability to set up bases, and/or missles, that could easily reach Iran, leaving them, in effect, surrounded. But we blew the opportunity and continue to make the same mistake.

3 years ago

This clown should have spent a little more time reading and studying the Constitution rather than reading his favorite authors, Mao and Marx. Seems like his next, immediate duty station should be as a resident of Leavenworth.

3 years ago

this milley’ is NOT a solder’s OR general’ general ! ! ! ! ! thisTHING is a DISGRACE to the Military, Veterans and ALL LEGAL American citizens ! Reminds mr of that ‘vindman’ whistleblower WUSS ! !

3 years ago

Marxism/Communist goal is to infiltrate all societal institutions and take over. After the conquest, purge from within all “useful idiots.” When accomplished, rule with an iron fist.

Richard Kosack
Richard Kosack
3 years ago

Does anyone, beside me, wonder what generals Eisenhower, Patton, Schwarzkopf and many other unsung military heroes would think of the bozos running the army and defense department today? The military is supposed to defend America, not collude with any specific political party.

Tedd Kunkel
Tedd Kunkel
3 years ago

The Left must destroy our military, it’s part of what must happen for their rise to power. Nothing new here. They’ll reshape the military so that they will support the dictatorship and not the constitution.

Don Kincaid
Don Kincaid
3 years ago

I think ‘Millie’ is an unpatriotic, disloyal, woke, pandering vagina who needs to retire to some safe space.  

James Prohaska
James Prohaska
3 years ago

Milley’s conduct reflects that of another General with first name of Arnold – watch the dollars and we will find no integrity, trust or patriotism – he just wants a seat on Boards

robert manfre
robert manfre
3 years ago

seems like all in the slo joe admin, are friggen nuts, or a few cards short of a deck

Karen Schelhorn
Karen Schelhorn
3 years ago

There is a good chance that financial pressure was put on him. Can you imagine working all your life and expecting a certain amount and then find out if you didn’t go with the flow you may not get any of what you have rightfully earned?

Doug M
Doug M
3 years ago

If Milley wants to go into politics then he must resign immediately and take off the uniform that he is disgracing. He and some other military leaders have forgotten their solemn oath to protect and defend this country, rather than pandering to the left liberal loonies and trying to make the US military an ineffective politically correct social experiment.

3 years ago

General Milley is a complete embarrassment to this nation and should immediately be removed from the Joint Chiefs of Staff!. America’s enemies are watching and waiting for the opportunity to attack us. The weakness of our military leadership and President is very inviting to our adversary’s . God Help Us

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

What a shame, a West Point graduate who has made his adult life the goal of defending this country. Not all the blame should be dumped on Milley. The head of the Navy is in lockstep with the Army. Both these men need to resign.
Signed: Army Veteran

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

Who knows what Milley is thinking about other than protecting the country militarily? His entire focus should be on military strategy, budgeting increases in military spending to counter enemies of the United States, and hiring the best and brightest people to accomplish the over-reaching goals of protecting our country and our allies….PERIOD! All the rest of the CRT training is nothing but a leftist curve ball to screw up the military. He is taking his lead from the O’Biden progressive operatives behind the curtain, and that will only weaken our country’s preparedness. The threats from China, Russia and North Korea are real….the CRT garbage is a mirage. He should know that, and he has been gaslighted by the progressive left. His reasoning is flawed if he thinks he should purse this level of “understanding”. He looks weak in the eyes of our enemies and in the eyes of most Americans.

3 years ago

I would more liken Milley to general George B. McClellan. An avid critic of president Lincoln, he left the military to run against him in his second term campaign, Milley seems to be a weathervane as opposed to a trustworthy general.

3 years ago

The military has one purpose and that is to put the best qualified in the position so that we are the strongest force in the world. This new bull of quotas and political favoritism and bending over to the socialist liberals and their “woke” crap can not be allowed or tolerated. The defense of our country and the defending of the CONSTITUTION are the prime reasons for strong MILITARY LEADERS not ones who give in to the corrupt movements of the weak crybabies.

3 years ago

He is a tool wanting to be confirmed for the next two year position cycle. A clown and a disgrace to the uniform.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

“Milley” ‘Cyrus’ SHOULD step down. But he likes getting that $15,000 + a mo. to sit on his fat ass and be a turn coat. If I could, I’d like to slap his face in. He is scum of the lowest order.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

I want to surrender to China & Russia OK

Robert F. Ravelo
Robert F. Ravelo
3 years ago

This is not very complicated.
This so-balled “General” Milley took an oath on the Constitution to protect and defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic.
We are in the muddle of a revolutionary war by Marxists (Democrat Party) against our way of life (Conservatives).
Marxism can not be implemented while our Constitution is the primary law of the land.
So, where does that leave the so-called General, he took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, now he has side with the very forces that by ideological definition must DESTROY the Constitution in order to win and to survive.
Since this IS a war, this “General” has committed TREASON of the first order and, God willing, must be tried and convicted of this crime.
Look up the Uniform Code of Military Justice for the appropriate penalties, you will be very surprised of what awaits this traitor.
As I said, is not very complicated, all we have to do is go vote in person and in mass on 2022 and 2024 for Conservative* candidates.

*Note that I did not say Republicans, but Conservatives, since these are NOT interchangeable. A candidate can be a Republican and not a true Conservative. Don’t be fooled again.

Dave R
Dave R
3 years ago

This is dangerous, a top army general that can be bought and/or blackmailed into turning his back on America!

Dave R
Dave R
3 years ago

If General Patton was still around I am sure ‘Old Blood and Guts would have slapped Milley around to knock some sense into that traitor!

3 years ago

Invade the “Great Kenyan’s” basement and you will find the answers to most of your questions.

John Stiles
John Stiles
3 years ago

Legally, a building can’t be “assaulted”. The verb he was looking for is “vandalize”. And the perceived threat of unarmed protesters to “try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America”?
This guy is a gelding.

3 years ago

A product of liberalization and progressivism of the military in the late 70s and the 80s.

Dennis M. Struk
Dennis M. Struk
3 years ago

Can anyone here imagine General George Smith Patton EVER SURRENDERING to ANYONE?!?


3 years ago

What the Biden regime has done or tried to do to the military absolutely sickens me! While Russia and China are strengthening their respective militaries, the Pentagon is worried about whether transgender members of the military are being treated nicely enough, whether males can wear nail polish or earrings, etc., etc., etc. General Washington and those of the Greatest Generation would be disgusted beyond words with this lot. They are a dangerous joke!

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

Gen. Milley shouldd be demoted and removed from his post. He is not the type of individual who should be leading our military.

3 years ago

This guy must leave his balls at home on the dresser before reporting for duty each day. Wouldn’t want to share a foxhole with this guy.

3 years ago

Miller is a coward and democrat errand boy – embarrassing to Our brave American military men and women!
He should hide his head in shame and apologize to the Real Americans.

3 years ago

Nothing but an embarrassing democrat errand boy, without a spine to support Our Great Country.
Take away his rank and pension for treason.

3 years ago

Miley needs to be removed and reduced in Rank and that is exactly what should happen if the Republicans can take the Whitehouse back.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Nuthin ‘s been the same,since Rett left Scarlett.

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
3 years ago

He sounds like a traitor to me.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

Milley is proving to be a disgrace to the uniform.

Robert M Newbert
Robert M Newbert
3 years ago

General Milley is a progressive Democrat. Generals need to lead, not divide. CRT divides this nation. General Milley is a politician first, General second.
He should resign.

3 years ago

Milly is just one of those high ranking Generals who internally thinks he is just prepping for his role as GOD President! And the news media eats this kind of nuttiness up like a frog nails a flying insect a by sticking it out!

3 years ago

What do you call a person that weakens a group of people by demoralizing them so they are no longer capable to stand as ONE in battle to save the country they serve.? Results: there will be less men and women enlisting. Communist & Socialists are thrilled . I can hear their shouts of joy and laughter { and I am legally deaf } of American fools as our country as we knew it slips away just as they said, ” with out firing a shot we{Russians} will take their country “.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

I am a former military officer. When I was commissioned, I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. My oath has no expiration date. I expect General Milley took that same oath when he was commissioned. Unfortunately, he has either knowingly or unwittingly violated that oath since he is now actively supporting our domestic enemies rather than supporting the Constitution against them. Of course, we are referring to all the broad spectrum of Libtards infesting our nation and who are spewing their anti-American rhetoric and dystopian ideas upon us. This contagion includes socialists, communists, all the woke folks, anarchists, BLM, Antifa, the majority of the lamestream media, and all the remaining Demsheviks inclusively (especially the ones in Congress), to name but a few. That someone in his position fails to realize this failure is the real tragedy. It does not bode well for our military, or for America.

3 years ago

Things that are causing REAL actual white rage eg. General Cuck Milley ,Joe the Joke, Dizzy Nancy, etc.

3 years ago

What is going on in dc at this time in history is so wacky that you wouldn’t be able to to sell it, it’s unbelievable.

3 years ago

Lenin’s “useful idiots” can come from all walks of life, all stations in life.
This idiot is more concerned with preserving his own worthless career than doing what he swore an oath to do. This same thing has been going on for years in government as well as corporate “management”. It is just getting more blatant as the marxists get closer to their goal of total dominance.

Lou Drinka
Lou Drinka
3 years ago


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Demonstrators listen to the speaking program during an "Our Bodies, Our Sports" rally for the 50th anniversary of Title IX at Freedom Plaza on June 23, 2022 in Washington, DC. The rally, organized by multiple athletic women's groups was held to call on U.S. President Joe Biden to put restrictions on transgender females and "advocate to keep women's sports female."

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