They say “perception is reality.” Not quite.
But what someone thinks is true will shape their behavior, even if it isn’t actually true.
If that weren’t the case, billions of dollars wouldn’t be spent annually on marketing and advertising products and services you don’t actually need but which “consumers” have been convinced they can’t live without.
The same goes for the world of politics. There are perceptions, and then there is the reality. And knowing the difference between them in 2024 will be crucial.
So let’s start with that awful word: “narrative,” because the historic Presidential election this year will be driven by whether existing false representations of Left and Right can be broken.
The conventional wisdom, the DC narrative about Left v. Right has been boiled down for decades as: “the Democrats care about the little guy, for minorities and women” and “Republicans are mean, selfish, greedy and elitists who look down on the working man.” Then 2016 happened.
Incredibly, a billionaire reality-TV superstar real-estate mogul came out of nowhere with a message about the “forgotten men and women” who had been betrayed by both parties and about how we have to “Make America Great Again.” And Donald Trump won, the first time he ever ran.
Clearly the establishment narrative had failed the Left. So, what was to be done? Up the ante. With the violent support of astroturfed, so-called, social justice “movements” like Antifa and Black Lives Matter, the spin-doctors, talking heads, and communication “experts” decided to go all the way.
Building upon Hillary Clinton’s original dehumanizing language of the “Deplorables,” which itself was a version of Obama’s “bitter clingers” slur, the Biden regime and its lacks doubled down. Instead of deplorable hicks who loved their Bible and their guns, the language switched to something much darker.
If you were one of the 60 million-plus Americans who originally voted for the billionaire from Queens, or the 70 million-plus who voted to re-elect him 4 years later, you were a threat. From his fascistic red-lit Marine Corps propped-up speech in front of Liberty Hall, to his speech Monday at the site of a church shooting which – strangely occurred under Obama’s presidency, not Trump’s – Biden has you as a MAGA-extremist, a domestic terrorist driven by White Supremacy. President Trump is described as an authoritarian who admires Mussolini, reads Mein Kampf, and is readying himself to establish a dictatorship.
This is all very strange, given that the man in question has already been President and took none of the actions we are told he is obsessed with when he already was in office. Instead of being a fascist or a Nazi, or a White-Supremacist, he was the most philosemitic President since 1948, a man who recognized Jerusalem and moved our embassy there, after 3 previous Presidents were too afraid too. As to White-Supremacy and general bigotry? In addition to black and gay cabinet members, President Trump initiated unprecedented justice and penal reforms to help minorities, in addition to historic support to Black colleges and universities.
So, who are the fascists?
Who deployed the FBI to raid Mar a Lago, the residence of a former President? Which administration arrested former Assistants to the President for “contempt of Congress?” Whose DOJ targeted a former President’s lawyers, including the former Mayor of New York? Whose FBI surveilled Catholics for being “traditional?” Who sentenced January 6 demonstrators for 20+ years for trumped up “obstruction of an official proceedings” charges? Whose DOJ used illegal surveillance 200,000+ times against innocent Americans? Whose Federal Air Marshals tracked Trump supporters simply because they support the former President. Unelected judges of which political persuasion are trying to take President Trump off the 2024 ballot? And which side has raised indictments totaling more than 730+ years in prison against the leader of the Opposition?
Yes, America is facing the threat of fascist dictatorship. But it’s already here. The Fascists are the Democrat Party and the Biden regime.
Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.
Totally agree with Dr. Gorka’s conclusion. But then he is stating what most of us already concluded.
The Democrats modus operandi is to accuse their opponents of the very things they themselves are guilty of. So their accusations against MAGA Americans as extremists & domestic terrorists are the Dems themselves. Just saying….
Michelle Obama is NOT terrified… she is terrible AND terrifying!
She wants to keep Republicans out of the “BULLY” pulpit. She complains about not having “CONTROL” and losing our democracy. The DemonRATS are obsessed with having CONTROL over every facet of our lives [our cars, our appliances, our children, our eating habits, what medicines we put in our body, etc.etc.etc.
Does that describe true democracy? Power for the “public”?
Democrat is a synonym for bully, despot, and wannabe dictator.
He forgot to add forcing an unapproved “Jab” on our military or GET OUT! … 8,000 kicked out… 43 returned… who’s the fascist?…
A cabal of billionaire oligarchs are trying to destroy America to create a One World Order; which they will use to rule the world. Everything the Democrats are doing is by design to accomplish these goals.
democratic does not describe the party democrats once were It is the absolute power that describes them at any cost even if the nation is destroyed There are no limits to what they would stoop to to achieve that If it means marching over dead bodies so be it Republicans are gutless these creatures are soulless
Yes, we’re talking about the Dem/RINO fascist conspirators that successfully instigated a coup against our country. They will use any and all means to maintain the power they seized. Of course it was Treason, and such collaborators should stand trial for high treason, and face the appropriate sentences for their crimes!
Peter Navarro, Rodger Stone, Steve Bannion, even former President Donald Trump, all arrested, detained, fingerprinted, and photographed by the DOJ and FBI, while CNN airs it as it goes down. And don’t forget James O’Keefe, the same, because another Biden “child” can’t keep track of their things. Hunter Biden laughs at them all sitting smugly in Congress today, FREE. Because Marxists take care of their own.
Dr. Gorka is 100% correct — the Democrats are the true fascists doing their best to shut down healthy political debate and destroying our rights as free American patriots. Biden, his handlers, and the Biden administration goons are nonstop spewing out lies, slanders, division, and hate. The unfair and Unconstitutional attacks that President Trump has had to endure at the hands of the Marxist Democrat Party is so overwhelming that an increasing portion of our political and legal system is functioning the same as a Banana Republic. Will the Supreme Court allow this criminal and corrupt behavior to continue indefinitely?
Always blame your opponent of doing exactly what you are doing.
Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxist
In my humble opinion, a lot of people simply DO NOT CARE and are oblivious to what’s going on around them; these are the hedonistic and narcissistic people who simply find the news boring, politics even more boring, and are only concerned with their whims and caprices. Then you have those who are partially interested in current events but are incapable of critical thinking and are too lazy to go beyond mainstream media headlines that solely carry the mendacious Leftist/Democrat narratives. These two groups consist of half, or maybe more, of our population.
To me, bringing God back into our culture is the key. It pains me how this fallacious “separation of church and state” argument is prevalent and persistent. If Rowe v. Wade can be overturned, can’t the Engel v. Vitale Supreme Court 1962 ruling — the banning of prayer from the classroom — that caused the collapse of morals and ethics in our culture be overturned as well? Look at what’s happening — we lost God from the classroom due to the objections of a handful while we now indoctrinate Transgenderism/Homosexuality in our children despite the objections of many.
There is mountainous evidence that our founders intended God as our core, not a footnote. And yet, we have not one single leader with sufficient perspicacity to see this and the courage to do something about it. Sad.
The lefty fascists have millions of otherwise smart people believing their propaganda that somehow, despite being a proven proponent of Americans FIRST and the Constitution, that Trump is the fascist dictator wannabe (and not the evil, lying, self-serving fascist traitors maligning, discrediting and destroying him, WHO ARE!). How people can be so duped, so stupid, and ignore REALITY…the truth that Trump is one of the most solid patriots to our Republic! Trump is the #1 nemesis of the fascist/globalist elitists destroying the republic that we and Trump love! President Trump was draining the evil fetid swamp; Trump won’t play their fascist/globalist traitor games, so the traitors MUST discredit and destroy Trump if there is any hope of them getting total control with THEIR TOTALITARIAN HELL. Decades of embedding traitors into prominent positions of power, education system indoctrination of our youth, lies on top of lies, fascists/globalists owning/running MSM spewing propaganda LIES every second, manipulations of the once justice system, screaming raciiist every time someone points out a traitorous lefty’s action…all this and more evil krap have created some of the dumbest, most dangerous useful idiots, parroting traitor’s lies about Trump who is absolutely NOT a fascist, but a swamp-draining 100% America patriot! The clueless rubes are too stupid to understand that they are supporting lefty evil monsters DESTROYING OUR REPUBLIC!
Sloppy Joe is campaigning, explaining what they have been doing, and then saying that is how Trump and his voters are. Jack Smith is saying before a court that Trump is going to start killing dems on day one. What? The dems plans to kill or incarcerate reps is what he is talking about? Sloppy Joe has done nothing else. All this is a diversion away from them. The bribes and Hunters business dealings. The weaponizing of the FBI DOJ HSD IRS on and on. If all their lies were listed from day one when Sloppy Joe was installed as president, he was not legally elected, although they keep saying it, because many judges were bought or compromised by Soros. This book would be larger than the Bible. Did we expect anything else from Sloppy Joe with O pulling the strings? People are waking up and hope they stay awake and see what Sloppy Joe has been doing to America and its citizens. They are the communists, Satanists. Talk to those people sitting in prison for years for just peacefully walking through the capitol which they were invited in by the capitol police opening the doors. The truth has not come out what really happened on that day. Only Sloppy Joe is trying to resurrect that day to get re-elected only people that were brainwashed into believing it was a coup are waking up. And himself comparing to George Washington is laughable especially when he allows statues of our founding fathers to be taking down. The man lies as easily as he breathes.
The radicals are the anti-constitutionalists. Starting with the various Muslims who object to an oath of office because they can’t or don’t want to support the Constitution. If that is the case, no matter how lowly their office, they should not be permitted to propose or to vote on any legislation, local, state, or federal. They can always move. Nor should they get upset when someone defends the Constitution, no matter the method employed. And none of them has been elected to represent the citizenry of a foreign country, no matter how many of their relatives reside there.
Thank you Dr. Gorka for your insights and courage. I would suggest that if anyone wonders how the German people hated Jews so much one has only to note that Hitler and cronies used the newspapers and radio to generate hatred daily against the Jews. We see the parallel today as the media manipulates emotions and stirs up hatred against Trump and regular people, the American patriots. Hatred when intensified turns to mental illness and eventually sheer evil. I hope we can return to nation of thinkers.
You voted for a guy who craps his diaper not me lol
We know this also..and soon it will be Communism..because Biden and Xi are too close for comfort.
Of course. Their 2020 Platform was almost a direct lift from Marx and Engel’s Communist Manifesto. Say no more!
The elites are working hard to be the slave masters over everyone that’s not an elite. Millions of Americans have died to keep everyone free… ????????????????
Good call Gorka truth
Mr Gorka has hit the nail on the head. I am reading about the Democrat party since its inception and what disgusting Political party it is. They infact were and are the party of slavery and you would think that the Minorities in this country would catch on to that fact. With the Media in the Democrat pocket and a complicit republican party we in effect now have a one party system. The Wefare Plantation is now the norm in this country This is indeed a sad ending to a once thriving Miracle which will never come again.
The biggest fear that the Democrats have is retribution. They have been exposed and now they have to do whatever it takes to keep Donald Trump from running again for President. Too little too late. When Trump does return to the White House Merrick Garland and his fellow cronies in the FBI, CIA and other agencies will be prosecuted for their numerous crimes against the Constitution and this country.
The democrats say they are saving democracy when they are the fascists they are trying to control everything and everybody. This should terrify anybody with half a brain. Sad that a lot of people are not paying attention.
I just don’t understand how Biden gets away with all that he’s done, from the corruption through his son, to taking documents with him when he left his VP role (not having presidential immunity), to fomenting persecution of his main political rival. How is he allowed to get away with HIS unconstitution, anti-democratic actions? Why doesn’t the military step in to stop this desecration of the Constitution?
Exactly. Well stated
O’Biden (O’Bama’s 3rd term) puts the dick in dictator, not TRUMP ! Dementia Joe signed more Executive Orders on his first day than most Presidents do in a 4 year term. He pushes programs, like college loans, knowing they are illegal, just to steal midterm votes. TRUMP’s border policies were working well till O’Biden reversed everything and put out the WELCOME MAT !! Over 10 + million of who knows what entered over the Southern used-to-be Border, Are the Cartels giving “the Big Guy” 10 % too ? This loser can’t follow the concrete path from the helipad to the W. H.. So, they’re going to skip over Cackles and slip in Mouchelle ? I’m still burned about her ? India trip and 400 of her best friends ! Would that be O’Bama’s 4 th term, isn’t that breaking the FDR amendment ?
So glad Dr. Gorka you are stating what is being orchestrated in our country.
My father taught Civics, Government, Amer. & European history, in the public schools & years ago said, “If you go far enough left you come back on the right,” as he made a big circle in air. The left has labeled regular citizens as far right, but that is not true. It is the left that has gone full circle just as my father said it does. And the left has turned into hating Jews as Hitler’s far right did. Suddenly the left has moved so far around it has created that circle and is now on the right as revealed by the hatred against the Jewish peoples. The extremes of left and right are the same.
It’s now quite simple. Good vs. evil. If you can’t figure out who is what, to you it really doesn’t matter. Think it through folks, it’s not rocket science.
If a sports team cheats, most people still object (I think)
But we have politicians who think it is fine – so long as it is their team cheating..
If these Marxist Communist Democrat leaders and their media arm could not lie, they would have to be mute. There is nothing they can say to defend their actions which speak far louder than their lies. What they have done to America to the detriment of all of oour citizens is unconscionable.
US Democratic Party projection is perpetual. They are guilty of all they project on MAGA, and far, far more. They would enslave all of mankind and exterminate all opposition. Then they would exterminate 3/4 of all who are left.
Excellent article! Hope everyone listens! How can so many people be so blind concerning the current regime?
Again the question arises. At what point do we deploy the Second Amendment for its true intended purpose?
Lots of folks wasting oxygen in DC sure would look a lot better hanging from lamp posts.
My eyes were opened to the real narrative when I heard Hillary call people like myself ( those of us who don’t have money to give but earn enough to live on), without any real need to “government assistance “ yet are radically criticized for complaining about being forced to share our limited resources with those who get all the “free” resources which are being paid for with the taxes we are paying in our paycheck taxes and in the sales taxes for services and products we buy. There is no discount on our healthcare premiums and out of pocket costs. We are being pushed out of the way because we don’t agree with the elitism ideas because they are under the illusion that ONLY their opinions are valid. Hence the current situation
I found myself reading this article in “Gorka” voice in my head. Sounded very good.:-)
You have that totally correct! VOTE TRUMP for a True Democracy!
There are definitely radicals to both extremes of the ideological scale. Extremists to either end have the tendency to be fascist minded in that they believe they have some right to dictate how others should be able to live. This attitude does not benefit anyone other than the fascist extremists, who then become the elite of society who are financially supported by those they believe are beneath them.
Oh boy, the truisms spoken to in this article will make Sebastian Gorka a target of the fascist scum he spoke of.
1. Democrats are evil.
2. Biden is controlled by (insert name here) [deep state, Russia, China, Soros, etc.]
3. Any election we/they lose is stolen.
Dan W. is right that everything is all due to three main factual talking points!