We’ve all heard the same phrase echoing throughout the U.S. when discussing the 2022 midterm election: A BIG RED WAVE IS COMING!
This would seem to be the obvious outcome seeing what this country has endured over the past 18 months under the rule of the party that controls not just the White House, but both the House and the Senate. But let’s not forget the “irregularities” that got us here in the first place.
We all witnessed President Trump’s 2020 election night lead grow by wider margins than it did in 2016, in numerous swing states he won just four years prior. Then the real “Big Lie” unfolded according to their perfect plan, which included both the exploitation of mail-in ballots used under the guise of COVID-19 safety precautions and some questionable voting machine “glitches.”
A water main break in Fulton County, Georgia halted the counting of ballots until it was more convenient to continue on. In Pennsylvania they counted ballots that had been post marked after the approved deadline, which violated state law. The State Supreme Court would later rule the Commonwealth’s mail in law unconstitutional. Michigan had a sudden influx of mail-in ballots arrive around 6 AM on November 4th, which conveniently had just enough votes to flip the state from Red to Blue when it was all said and done. This past July in Wisconsin, the State’s Supreme Court ruled that ballot drop boxes outside of polling places were unconstitutional and had been when they were used during the 2020 election. And in the early-called state of Arizona, where Biden allegedly won by just 10,500 votes, an audit completed in September of 2021 found at least fifty-five thousand fraudulent votes, or five times the margin of “victory” for Biden. All of these “coincidences” turned Trump leads of 7.5 points in Georgia, ten points in Michigan, fifteen points in Pennsylvania and five points in Wisconsin into razor thin wins for Biden delivering him, as the leftists and Obama acolytes expected, the Presidency.
Just in case you’re thinking that they would only go to such lengths for a presidential election, look no further than the subsequent Georgia Senate Runoff Election that took place just two months later where more vote counting delays occurred.
So now that we have covered the ever-painful reminder for the key reason so many Americans are worried about our country’s direction, we can address the obvious. Of course, this country is poised for a massive red wave. In fact, it is likely that was the accurate outcome less than two years ago. To see how internally battered this nation has become as a result of Biden, Schumer, Pelosi and leftists’ “progressive” actions, such as-
- Causing inflation’s crushing impact on middle and lower income Americans,
- Lawless “sanctuary cities” for both illegal immigrants and criminals resulting in lawless chaos,
- Intentional division stemming from radical social policies,
- Wokism destroying freedom of speech,
- Comfortably and regularly lying to the American people,
only reinforces why a red wave is likely. However, a red wave this November depends upon election integrity protections and voting to ensure this election truly results in an outcome that reflects the will of the American people. To get there, the American electorate must pay attention and must actively examine what is actually happening across the country and not limit themselves to only what is discussed on clearly leftist manipulated mainstream news.
As I mentioned earlier, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled ballot drop boxes for elections outside of polling places unconstitutional, which is a major victory since they now will not be in use during the upcoming midterm vote. Arizona has implemented voter ID, which should be an obvious defense against voter fraud in all 50 states for both parties, but partisanship has stymied these efforts elsewhere. And if Georgia can simply find a good plumber, the Peach State should be all squared away too (wink wink)! However, Pennsylvania inconceivably upheld their no-excuse mail in voting law, so that is a state to keep a close eye on come November.
But perhaps the most significant movement happening throughout America right now are the preliminary injunctions to BAN electronic voting machines from our voting process. Now avoided like the plague (or COVID) on mainstream networks, members of both parties have expressed their concerns about machine vote tampering. On August 26th in Arizona, a federal district judge dismissed a suit arguing that voter machines, because of their vulnerabilities, should be banned and return the state to paper vote counting only. The plaintiffs are expected to appeal. Likewise, a similar issue is pending in Alabama, where a state court judge will hear evidence on August 30th.
Mike Lindell, yes, the MyPillow (and now MyCoffee) guy, has been the Paul Revere of voting machine vulnerabilities. Lindell’s quest has led to injunctions in numerous other states with the goal to have them banned in all 50 by the midterms. Lindell has also organized numerous events that have displayed how the machines have altered election results. These events include state election workers and IT experts who spell out the irregularities that occurred in the 2020 election. These initiatives have played a major role in state audits, supreme court cases and now preliminary injunctions that are underway. His documentaries Absolute Proof and the recently released Selection Code further expose these issues in easy-to-understand film format, similar to the groundbreaking 2000 Mules documentary.
More action is taking place with groups in Arizona, Michigan, Montana, Texas and Wisconsin by rejecting the Biden victory. Republican groups have passed resolutions that acknowledge Joe Biden only as “Acting-President,” and reject his questionable at best election victory. Some state legislatures have gone as far as bringing resolutions to decertify the 2020 election results. As undeniably awful as the Biden administration has been in all aspects, complacency does not lead to victory. Elections are not typically won by opposition to one party, but rather enthusiasm about another. Republican’s sitting idly by will not be what wins this election, but all the work being done behind the scenes certainly will.
AMAC Action has certainly acted by helping to pass election integrity laws in Kentucky, Florida, Arizona and Texas. AMAC members also played a huge role in opposing national efforts to federalize our elections by helping defeat the “For the People Act” and the “John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.” Furthermore, AMAC members are stepping up to ensure there is greater scrutiny of our elections by working their local polling places in states across America starting in Virginia’s gubernatorial election last November and continuing into this year’s primary and midterm elections.
These efforts firmly display the heart of America. A rogue government comprised of leftist gas lighting and big tech censorship has mobilized a nation of patriots. In tandem with local and state officials they have refused to roll over and accept the United States of America’s systematic destruction. All indications reveal the previously silent majority of America resisting this government overreach to reclaim our God-given rights, just as the founding fathers envisioned. The lefts’ attempts to silence America and to force acceptance of a defeated, socialist lifestyle is failing miserably. There is plenty of hidden hope spread amongst this country because for the first time in centuries, we are using our constitutional rights to make sure America remains a government OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND BY THE PEOPLE.
Hound EVERY Voting place. Video EVERY Democrat Vote when Votes are counted and WHO IS COUNTING. Video EVERY Democrat polling place watching any vehicles bringing in any boxes or crates or anything unusual.
Watch for FAKE water main breaks or any other excuse they will try to stop counting.
Make sure that counting does NOT STOP at any time until ALL Votes are counted after Polls close. Make sure that NO other votes are counted that are Not Verified by signature including mailed in and ZERO Ballot Harvesting.
They try to stop counting they know they lost and then all of sudden there’s thousands of votes that magically show up putting them in lead.
Above all, don’t believe FAKE News since they Flip numbers in middle of election counting. We ALL WATCHED cnn do that LIVE in 2020 Election.
Don’t forget that DICTATOR Beijing biden will try to come up with some FALSE National Emergency to Cancel Election and Declare Martial Law so he can maintain CONTROL OVER YOU.
There is never any cause for complacency. Compete in the election like you are 10 points behind, regardless of what The Polls say. I personally doubt this election will resemble the “wave” elections of 2010 and 2014, or even 2018. If a “red wave happens”, it will be very different from those years. In 2010 especially, the Republican voters were energized and the Dem voters sat on their laurels, and overall turnout was low. That isn’t going to happen this time. Today, both sides are energized, and I expect record turnout for a midterm. It is just a question of which side is energized more, does a better job of getting their voters out, and a better job of persuading swing voters. And swing voters are conflicted because they hate everything the Biden Democrats are doing, but they are terrified of losing the option of a quick and easy abortion if their teenage daughter gets pregnant. Those affluent suburban parents will vote Democrat if they think a Republican Congress is going to enact a nationwide abortion ban, regardless of any other issues where they are with the GOP. If the GOP wants to stop the Biden agenda, those voters must be convinced that a GOP Congress will leave abortion to the States.
The article’s author uses the following as proof of complacency:
“A water main break in Fulton County, Georgia halted the counting of ballots until it was more convenient to continue on. In Pennsylvania they counted ballots that had been post marked after the approved deadline, which violated state law. The State Supreme Court would later rule the Commonwealth’s mail in law unconstitutional. Michigan had a sudden influx of mail-in ballots arrive around 6 AM on November 4th, which conveniently had just enough votes to flip the state from Red to Blue when it was all said and done. This past July in Wisconsin, the State’s Supreme Court ruled that ballot drop boxes outside of polling places were unconstitutional and had been when they were used during the 2020 election. And in the early-called state of Arizona, where Biden allegedly won by just 10,500 votes, an audit completed in September of 2021 found at least fifty-five thousand fraudulent votes, or five times the margin of “victory” for Biden. All of these “coincidences” turned Trump leads of 7.5 points in Georgia, ten points in Michigan, fifteen points in Pennsylvania and five points in Wisconsin into razor thin wins for Biden delivering him, as the leftists and Obama acolytes expected, the Presidency.”
In reality, each instance was an example of how election interference was used to inject “just enough” ballots marked for Joe Biden into the mix to be counted. Here in the People’s Republic of New Jersey, we are used to “last minute” ballot finds or “amazing coincidental actions” that always happen to aid the Democrat candidate achieve a close victory over a Republican. It’s NOT complacency, but rather well-practiced voter fraud.
Personally, I fully expect we will see many instances very similar to the 2020 elections cropping up as ballots are counted in 2022 and 2024. The Democrats have no intention of allowing something like the will of the people to stand in their way
We put PRESIDENT TRUMP in Office because he’s NOT a life long CORRUPT Politician like DICTATOR Beijing biden.
It doesn’t matter how you feel about abortion, Democrats are using that to create a Blue Wave
Any republican who stays home is helping democrats. And please, vote in person in November. That way the democrats have No idea how many votes they have to make up to steal the election.
If you don’t vote in person because of ANY reason, then you’re a MVP for the Left and tyranny.
Trump and WILL win again!
I am already seeing this complacency from republicans. They are not out there campaigning hard, campaigning on what they will do if elected. The ‘red wave’ will not happen if this continues.
Why is there no information about Matt Kane, the outside contributor? I would share this article with others, but only if I could verify who Matt Kane is. It’s difficult to defend his position without knowing anything about him. And I’m not disputing his facts–I believe there was widespread election fraud in 2020.
Still think that the best way to change things is to make sure you know who you are voting for at the local level. This includes state legislatures, county commissioners, city council members, mayors, etc. If you get people who will push for voting integrity, elimination of suspect machines and know the faces, they will be more apt to consider your desires and you can hold them accountable. They also can have an effect on the performance of the state congressional delegation.
The Bill of Rights would have to be amended before Washington could federalize elections:
The 10th Amendment
The debate over states’ rights started with the writing of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. During the Constitutional Convention, the Federalists, led by John Adams, argued for a powerful federal government, while the Anti-federalists, led by Patrick Henry, opposed the Constitution unless it contained a set of amendments specifically listing and ensuring certain rights of the people and the states. Fearing that the states would fail to ratify the Constitution without it, the Federalists agreed to include the Bill of Rights.
In establishing American government’s power-sharing system of federalism, the Bill of Rights’ 10th Amendment holds that all rights and powers not specifically reserved to Congress by Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution or to be shared concurrently by the federal and state governments are reserved by either the states or by the people.
In order to prevent the states from claiming too much power, the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Clause 2) holds that all laws enacted by the state governments must comply with the Constitution, and that whenever a law enacted by a state conflicts with a federal law, the federal law must be applied.