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Americans Brace for Wave of Audits Under $80-Billion-Richer IRS

Posted on Monday, August 15, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Tom Campbell


The workforce of America’s most reviled federal agency is about to double in size. On Friday, the House of Representatives returned briefly from its August recess to pass the Senate’s massive tax-and-spend budget package. Included with the hundreds of billions of dollars of new spending is $80 billion for the IRS to hire 87,000 new agents to go after American taxpayers.

On August 7, after an all-night “vote-a-rama,” Senate Democrats rammed through the bill, misleadingly titled the “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA), on a party-line vote using the reconciliation process that bypasses the normal 60-vote threshold. This was after Majority Leader Chuck Schumer reached an agreement with West Virginia Democrat Senator Joe Manchin, who was integral in tanking the $2.2 trillion budget package passed by the House last November. At the time, Manchin objected to more spending and tax increases on Americans during a period of high inflation, a position that clearly changed given his green-lighting of a supercharged IRS this time around.

The money allocated to the IRS will increase the agency’s budget by 600 percent, making it one of the largest federal agencies. The surge in the workforce will make it larger than the Pentagon, the State Department, the FBI, and Customs and Border Protection combined.

While congressional Democrats argue that the huge increase in the agency’s size is needed to go after billionaire tax cheats, it comes as the federal government is projected to collect an all-time high $5.04 trillion in taxes in fiscal year 2022. The government is on track to hit this record without the additional IRS agents. Moreover, there are some 735 billionaires in the U.S. – making Democrats’ claim that they need 87,000 new IRS employees to deal with them even more outrageous.

But Democrats know full well the additional IRS agents will not be focused solely on scrutinizing wealthy individuals and businesses. The IRA authorizes roughly $430 billion in new spending, which requires new funding mechanisms. Of the $80 billion allocated to the IRS, $46 billion, or nearly 60 percent, is for “enforcement” purposes. While Senate Democrats have said increased audits are not “intended” to increase the tax burden on Americans making less than $400,000 per year, Senate Republicans have countered that agents will necessarily have to turn to middle- and working-class Americans to raise the $200 billion required by the bill. In fact, the Joint Committee on Taxation has said 78 to 90 percent of the revenue raised by ramping up audits will come from those making less than $200,000.

During the debate on the IRA, Senate Democrats further showed that they are not serious about their claim that low- and middle-income earners would not pay more in taxes. Republican Senator Mike Crapo of Idaho offered an amendment that would have prohibited any of the $80 billion for the IRS from being used to audit individuals or small businesses with taxable incomes below $400,000. The amendment failed on a party-line vote, with every Senate Democrat voting against.

No doubt the supersizing of the IRS will not just target the “rich” as congressional Democrats promise. The IRS will not be going so much after the millionaires and billionaires, who can hire accountants and lawyers to fight off audits, as they will low- and middle-income earners, who will be the easier targets because they do not have those same resources.

Equally concerning is that Americans do not have to go too far back in their memories to recall abuses by the IRS. In 2013, the agency admitted to targeting conservative organizations applying for tax-exempt status during the 2012 election, subjecting them to heightened scrutiny and delays. And in 2021, as Democrats were debating a new wealth tax, confidential tax information of private citizens was leaked from the IRS to the left-leaning outlet ProPublica.

It is difficult to imagine how doubling the size of the IRS would not lead to an even greater potential for abuse this time around – particularly with such a massive influx of funding for new bureaucrats who are overwhelmingly liberal. With an army of new agents, the IRS will have heightened ability to increase audits exponentially. The threat of those audits potentially targeting individuals, businesses, and organizations whose politics and policy positions are not aligned with the administration in power cannot be discounted.

As they continue to face the pain of inflation due to the policies of the Biden Administration, working Americans now have to worry about tens of thousands of additional IRS agents looking to squeeze tens of billions of dollars out of them to fund the federal government’s spending binge.

Tom Campbell is the pen name of a Washington, D.C.-based professional with more than a decade of policy and legislative experience at the state and federal levels of government.

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Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Vinnie the leg breaker just got hired.

Frank Maxant
Frank Maxant
2 years ago

EXACTLY! That is their M.O.

2 years ago

Of course the vast majority of the new IRS agents will be used to target the middle class of America. That is obvious. You don’t need 87,000 new IRS agents to go after 730 billionaires in the United States. You already have more than enough existing IRS agents on staff to accomplish that. Besides, the real money to be confiscated or should I say taxed by the IRS resides in the middle class, that cumulatively has more money than the billionaire class. So of course the IRS will be auditing a lot more middle class people each year. Each and every year going forward. After all, all these so-called climate change items that are also in this so-called Inflation Reduction Bill (what a joke that is huh?) all cost a sh*t load of money. So somebody, meaning us, has to foot the bill for this financial scam.

2 years ago

They need more workers to speed up their work and more to keep up with their mistakes.

2 years ago

I have ask many times, have never gotten any suggestions or ideas. How does the average middle class American fly under the radar? How do we protect ourselves? What actions can we take today? Someone somewhere has got to have some ideas or thoughts.

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

This is a prime example of government out of control. All they need to do is simplify the tax code and we would be saving billions of dollars. It’s ridiculous how complicated it is to file a tax return.

A Voter
A Voter
2 years ago

America is finished. Even if the Republicans take control of both the House and Senate in November, and even if they retain control in 2024 as well as take the White House, I don’t hear enough from most of them to have any confidence that things will change. Certainly with the likes of Romney, and McConnell still in play, the possibility that suddenly they will change their stripes and truly become conservative and fight for what they should fight for is quite dismal. We had such a situation during Trumps first two years as President. We had the House, Senate and White House all wrapped up. We had everything we needed to kill Obamacare and what happened? Nothing. I expect no more than this from Republicans now or after November. They are no different than Democrats in that they look out for themselves first, get rich second and watch each others backs third. It would not surprise me to learn that Democrat and Republican leadership sits around a table and discuss how they are going to play the people in the media. Democrat- “I’ll say this if you say that.” Republican- “OK, but only if you follow my comment with this.” Democrat- “That’s great, how about I follow you with this then?” Republican- “Man that works really well, we’ll look like we’re at odds and the voters will never know the difference.”

2 years ago

Well, when there is nothing but thieves, scam artists, liars, putrid filth running our whole government, what do you expect? They won’t be happy until the whole middle class is annihilated and there is nothing left but the billionaires and the poverty stricken who then must rely on the government just to get a roll of toilet paper to wipe our a**. There is nothing though that will break our spirit in this country and we will find a way to overcome this mess.

MAGA!! 2024

Irv C
Irv C
2 years ago

We are becoming Nazi Gerany 1937.
Politicians are the biggest thieves out there

2 years ago

We need more border patrol agents instead!

2 years ago

Anyone who itemizes AND makes charitable contributions to ANY conservative organization, such as The Heritage Foundation or Judicial Watch, will become a target for increased scrutiny. Has me worried!

2 years ago

It’s a farce to believe that these new agents are for audits. If you look deeper into the bill, these agents are to be armed and tactically trained. That’s not how you audit. These new agents are meant to be the brown shirts of the left. These agents will be enforcing climate lockdowns, race lockdowns, WEF mandates, WHO mandates, digital ID mandates, digital ID tracking, social credit tracking….and God forbid they come to your house. The IRS is now the face of the New World Order and the Great Reset.

2 years ago

Great article. Are you kidding, an Inflation Reduction. The Dem Communists are spending money we do not have. They are indeed killing small business and the middle class. This is Communism, because they also have guns. Let’s face it, we have no representation in Congress. Most of Congress are Corrupt and undermine our Constitution. Perhaps these new IRS agents can look into these corrupt Congressional officials and check their bank accounts. That I would be for.

2 years ago

The Democrats WILL pay for this typical behavior by the party that glad hands you on one hand, has their other hand in your pocket, all with a promise and a schitte eating grin and while projecting the blame for the very thing that they’ve plotted on the right.

The key? We must prevent them from cheating and intercept any and all mules n November 2022.

Timothy Yorgan
Timothy Yorgan
2 years ago

“Voluntary compliance” is an oxymoron, so start now looking up what kind of paper work you can file after they make an initial contact, using their own rules to keep them tied up in the civil arena. Remember they’re like a street thief, they want easy targets because they’re cowards and any resistance has them move on to someone else if it’s too unprofitable to pursue you. Remember, they’re not able to send you a “bill” because they don’t know what the bill is until you volunteer, so they send you an outrages assessment from thin air to scare you. If everybody ties them up with legitimate paperwork, it stalls them…that’s the real reason behind all the extra agents. See…they want you scared into thinking when they contact you…you do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars and go directly to jail…don’t fall for it! Be respectful, be honest, but don’t give them anything they can’t prove on paper and at your door they need a properly executed search warrant or don’t let them in your home.

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
2 years ago

87,000 new I.R.S. employees? Great! Now maybe I will see a refund check in my mail box. I have been checking for this since February.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Did they buy vests to go with the guns?

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

If the Republicans do not take Congress back and rescind the hiring of 87,000 IRS agents, they will be used oppress all conservative voices,
even those living on social security like me, who live on less than 25K per year:

Five times I have written Florida’s Republican Senators asking their views and have received replies on other topics I did not ask about.
The Great Reset would end personal liberties found in the Bill of Rights and effectively end the Republic! Why won’t Senator Marco Rubio and
Senator Rick Scott reply they will fight this?:

This is how financial freedom dies (CBDC)

What the WEF just did at Davos is insane, and we should all get ready | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Central Bank Digital Currencies Are scary : Maajid Nawaz

2 years ago

Well all who are working need to stop working and sit on their ass like liberals collecting welfare and watch this chit stop. Businesses need to let their workers go and stop doing business so no taxes are paid and watch those who were voted into office have to pay higher taxes since no one is working. Funny how the rich putz’s in government don’t pay taxes yet the peon workers are the ones who do and make them rich by voting them in just to have them screw their voters over. Makes one not want to vote or work to pay taxes doesn’t it

2 years ago

I wonder if those SOB’s will attempt to tax Veteran’s Disability checks. Won’t surprise me.

2 years ago

I look for audit on household employees, maids, pool cleaners gardeners, are you giving them a 1099? This is a redistribution of wealth and if you are audited unless you have the money to hire expensive attorneys, CPA’s you will be fined NO MATTER WHAT. Marxist democrats destruction of the American dream.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Soon to come, the New Green Deal Oxygen Tax.

2 years ago

Can this bill be overturned once the Republicans get the majority in Congress? How much of Biden’s damage can be fixed?

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

The civil war is coming and the Democrats have forced the issue. There will be a lot of people that won’t put up with the intimidation that’s coming. Read any and all forums and you will come to the same conclusion.

2 years ago

Firs thing Republicans myst do after winning House majority this coming election is to defund and disarm IRS. The radical left doesn’t like any weapons in the hands of our citizens, but loves it in the hands of bloated corrupt oppressive government. This says it all.

2 years ago


2 years ago

They’re coming for you, if you’re Middle Class, Lower Middle Class and Working Poor. So many people to take more money from; makes the politicians happy. What’s happening??????

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
2 years ago

biden are you and your motley crew going to pay your fair share or will you be exempt – liar in chief!!

2 years ago

If the IRS can make us all felons, the conservative vote is cancelled.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

Conservatives will be targeted for sure. This is criminal!!!!!

2 years ago

Hopefully, the next president can give them all a pink slip.

2 years ago

Maybe they can get all the illegals in construction to start paying taxes! With that many agents they could cuff and stuff some of the builders hiring the illegals.

2 years ago

If, by the grace of God, conservatives take charge of the House and Senate, they must reverse this “Brown Shirt” attempt by the Democrats to enforce their ungodly paganism on our country!

2 years ago

how is it lawful to pass tax and spend bills under 60 votes in the senate? this could be the final nail in americas coffin

2 years ago

Federal Income tax is a scam. I have paid into this system for years only to find out after retiring that all those years that I made a wage not a income as my employer did. With a wage no income tax should be paid. PROVE ME WRONG!

Frank Maxant
Frank Maxant
2 years ago

   87,000 new IRS agents? What scares most is they have the lawless power to assess our property,

An IRS assessment is a warrant having, in practice, the effect of a court order.

   Our federal Constitution’s 4th Amendment stipulates that “no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation”.

This makes an IRS assessment constitutionally unenforceable unless an IRS agent puts him or herself under the pains & penalties of perjury!


Our Constitution creates the first-ever government that governs citizens, not subjects. Only our Sovereign does not have the authority to resort to summary means to acquire what it needs to exist. Ours, alone, is a government of the governed.

James Madison makes this unmistakably clear. His writings are replete with the principle “power to the People”. At one point he asks, in effect, “Who would want to live where the government can arbitrarily take one’s property?” At another point he states words that became the 4th Amendment.

Reining in our IRS will most likely be through a lawsuit, the point of controversy being “Do the words of the 4th Amendment mean what they say?” The person who can bring this suit must have very particular characteristics, such that the suit is unlikely to be joined any time soon.

It is well worth searching for that person, then supporting him or her!

The award will include further perfecting, in a signifant and very important way, the protections of our liberties promised by our Constitution.


2 years ago

Aren’t you glad that you will not have to pay more taxes if you made less than $400,000 dollars last year? But unfortunately when Biden or his leftist crew’s lips move, they are lying, so we will likely all be audited and may be required to pay more on the spot since all the IRS agents will be carrying!
I don’t know why else the agents would need to carry a weapon.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

Welcome to the new world order. If you a registered Republican you might as well face the fact that you will be audited. The Obama administration also went after conservatives.
You can always tell when Biden is lying because his lips are moving. How does he sleep at night? He is so corrupt……………Such fools that voted for him.

2 years ago

“No doubt the supersizing of the IRS will not just target the “rich” as congressional Democrats promise. The IRS will not be going so much after the millionaires and billionaires, who can hire accountants and lawyers to fight off audits, as they will low- and middle-income earners, who will be the easier targets because they do not have those same resources.”

In 4 weeks – House Republicans must “DEFUND” all 87 billion. Without 87 billion, the IRS is back to square one. Without doing defunding this 87 million – aside from race, origin, and income level, small businesses will be put out business as many were individual states during the pandemic scheme. I’m not certain any American could or would support such criminal and moral failure to go after small businesses from the left. If you don’t remember clearly, let me remind you of the many “political opponents” to the Biden Administration and who has been raided for being just that.

Maybe it’s time to go back to standard voting protocol like the state of Tennessee. One vote, one , legal persons only, identification, one pen, in person, no ballot harvesting anywhere in America, and get back to “voting in”- The leaders that represent “OUR – “AMERICANS” – “We THE PEOPLE’s” best interests! get back to voting in the leaders that will help America and not hurt America. Then hold the government law breakers, extortionists, government individuals, who have financially gained from their “abuse of power” to held accountable in the court of Law.

#louisvilleslugger, #marjorietaylorgreene, #maralago #stevebannon #bannon #merrickgarland #chriswray #trump #hunterbiden #BHR #extortion #corruption #biden #obstruction #impeachment #borders #immigration #financialgain #politicalcorruption #fbi #january6 #pelosi #shumer #elites #china #ukaine

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