By: Daniel Roman

In the early months of 2022, the habit of Congressional Democrats and the media to cast their opponents as “enemies of democracy” has escalated to the point of absurdity. Between a ridiculously melodramatic observance of the January 6 anniversary of the Capitol riots, Joe Biden’s speech in Georgia painting Republicans as on-par with Jim Crow-era segregationists, and claims that Donald Trump must be prosecuted and arrested for his rally speeches, each breathless warning is more overwrought and histrionic than the last. The party has clearly settled on the narrative that Republican voters’ doubts about the conduct of the 2020 election constitute a threat to the survival of the republic.
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IiberaIs shouId aII retire….Mussolini-styIe.
True, Putin is a heartless, Godless, satanic man. But, so are the members of our Demo/Globalist party. Biden, Schumer, Harris, & Pelosi are of equal character, morals, integrity, & honesty as Putin. They have no conscience. They care not one bit about human life. The Demos are also Godless and simply want to see America destroyed militarily & economically so they can “Build Back Bolshevik”. They don’t care how many women, elderly, children, or pregnant women Putin kills. The only thing that matters to them is the Globalist agenda of one-world government. All of this is satanically inspired. My personal opinion is that “Cackling Kamala” is one of the worst of them. Look into her eyes and you see pure evil.
the democrat party should be taken down. it is really a communist party of people who are gods in their own mind and consider us their slaves. the money that this party has should be frozen and given back to the people of this country.
At what point do we look at the constant attacks on our way of life and our inalienable freedoms and finally pick up a firearm and take the fight to the real enemy………the leftist Democrats?
The one true enemy of democracy (as stated by President Trump) is the MSN. With some true and honest reporting these democrat/communists could not get away with the crimes against our country. Their constant barrage of propaganda has influenced to many of the weak minded idiots who follow them.
1776 R.I.P. AMERICA 2022 The Cowards who call themselves Americans Gave Up the Country.
When are people going to learn we do not have a democracy, but a constitutional republic.