AMAC interview conducted by Andrew Shirley

Over the past 50 years, few conservatives have been as influential as Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House and an icon within the Republican Party. He recently sat down with AMAC Newsline in an exclusive interview to discuss his vision for the future of the conservative movement and how his new initiative, The American Majority Project, can play a defining role in 2022, 2024, and beyond.
Read the Full Article in the Digital Edition of the AMAC Magazine
A more patriotic party ought to emerge as neither party is serving the American citizen. The Dems. Are controlled by Soros and the communist. The repubs.are sold out to the progressives.
Newt Gingrich on the Future of the Republican Party…Tremendous read here. Gingrich is a personal favorite of mine, he magically puts the correct words forward conveying the message to perfection…
We need more Newt Gingrich’s’ in the world today…
Bill on the Hill… :~)
Disillusioned here in WA state with All Politicians! Donkeys, bcause they live like asses
The Future for the GOP:
o No RINOs
o New Blood
o Inner City offices
o Diversity by race etc.
o United
o Vision
o Take Charge
Dump DC RNC types alone
Or No Change
Until we have term limits we will be ruled by greed and power. Until all Americans are knowledgeable of the founding of the USA, and the good of capitalism we will suffer. All other “isms” have negative results.
Totally agree with term limits and the situation in the state of Washington. How low they have gone in such a short time is only mirrored by Biden and his administration. Criminal acts….. BTW, the Republicans need to get together and get some balls…so to speak.
As a 67 year old Patriot I call this article responses by Newt “Rehashed Trash”.
There is not one response that has not been presented over the years and clearly no answers or even suggestions on how to defeat the left. Certainly, this nation’s majority of the people follow MLK’s desire of equality, not of outcome but of opportunity!
Until Republican politicians call today’s so-called Democratic leaders what they REALLY ARE . . . COMMUNISTS! . . . Nothing is going to change!