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Abusive Oversight is Not a Strategy – Democrats Should Put America First

Posted on Tuesday, April 30, 2019
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Abuse of congressional oversight is not a strategy.  Nor is reckless impeachment talk.  In the end, the Democrats are in a bind – and should cut their losses, admit errors, and put America first.  National Democratic leaders are stuck.  They have one message: Repudiate President Trump.  The message is emotional, intentionally provocative, and overtly divisive.  It is not reasoned, but reviling and invites violence.  Humility, bipartisanship and putting America first would go farther.

Whether the messenger is an avowed socialist, vaguely utopian communist, lively senators who promise wand-waving debt forgiveness, free medicine, free college, legalized drugs to “spread joy,” late term abortion on demand, and government control of weather, or old Joe Biden, caught red-handed giving another man’s speech as his own, shameless demagogue and master of the misspoken word, apologist for unwanted kisses and hugs, does not matter. 

Democrats have painted themselves into a corner.  They were sure Trump’s 2016 win could be blamed on “Russian collusion.”   They awaited the finding.  But after 1.5 million documents, 500 interviews, and 35 million dollars in taxpayer money, they were left flatfooted.  They remain shell-shocked.  The “Mueller Report” found no culpability by Trump for Russian interference in the 2016 process.

They were doubly down when no recommendation – on top of a missing predicate – for obstruction of justice.  President Trump had, on the facts, not obstructed Mueller’s Investigation.  The nerve of the former FBI Director and Special Prosecutor to speak unadulterated truth, instead of assigning guilt, was infuriating.

Worse than infuriating, the development is becoming politically scary.  Democrats invested two years in the wrong message.  They wanted President Trump removed, condemned by Mueller, impeached.  There were no findings to support that outcome.  The political crater is deep.

Mueller’s report gives just hen scratching, a colorful list of complaints by Mueller’s largely Democratic team of prosecutors that Trump complained incessantly of being falsely accused.  Of what?  Of a crime they could not find and concluded he did not commit. 

This must be hard to fathom for Democratic voters.  Their leaders misled them.  The same leaders remain unrepentant.  They overplayed their hand, overstated facts – based on nothing.  No predicate crime existed.  Every document and witness requested was produced.  It must leave the left uneasy.

What does the Democratic Party run on for 2020?  More overstatement, insinuation, and empty allegation?  Impeachment?  Dead-end “socialism for all?”  They put all their eggs in one basket, and Mueller stepped on it.  

The Democratic messenger – whether an inveterate socialist or dozing Joe – faces a steep slope.  An impeachment vote, even in the House, comes with risks. Only 37 percent of Americans even want the topic discussed.  Impeachment is a loser. If they sidestep impeachment, the slope remains steep.

Democrats must contend with the best American economy in three generations, record-breaking growth and unemployment (including for minorities), high labor participation, dollar value, rebalancing of trade advantages, and wage growth. 

To that, add Trump’s uncompromising protection of the US border, attention to international disentanglement and focused national security engagements (including in the Middle East, Far East, Europe and combatting global socialism), record of putting constitutionalists on federal courts, advancing quality healthcare (lower premiums and coverage for pre-existing conditions), insistence on transparency within law enforcement and intelligence, and ending morally repugnant policies, like late term and at-birth abortions.

Many Democrats feel painted into a corner, divided over whether to push impeachment, press a losing argument by politicizing their subpoena power, or taking another course.  There is another way.  Democrats could take a deep breath, and recognize that much of what this President supports – stronger defense, selective international engagements, fair trade, border protection, economic growth, tax cuts, less regulation, and moral compass – is what most of America wants. 

Most of America is not interested in impeachment.   Democrats could put America above party.  They could stop the socialist nonsense, field a candidate who cuts back toward center, try to beat President Trump by adopting his own positions – arguing they can implement them better.   They can draw distinctions at the periphery.

But do not count on this.  The Democratic Party is in a funk.  House leaders are divided, demoralized and deaf to anything but anti-Trump sloganeering.  Withdrawal from their political addiction is hard.  They have conditioned their base and media to berate, harass, resist and remove a President – reversing an election.  They call this the top national priority.  

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 years ago

Dems ONLY want power & to Hell with America & the average Joe. Common sense Dems have No power in DNC unless they shift to GOP?
Keep Dems divided,we take House again maybe unless GOP cleans out RINOs.

Michael cozzi
Michael cozzi
5 years ago

Democrats don’t want to make America great they want to tear it down

Richard Wildhirt
Richard Wildhirt
5 years ago

The Democrats need to stop wasting my hard earned money. This is not what I pay my taxes for. What’s the big deal if a Republican is doing well with this country? It doesn’t mean the Democrats are bad. Just accept it, celebrate how well our country is doing, and move on. Yeah, move on.

5 years ago

If Democrats continue with this path they will completely destroy America..I think that they want another Communist Utopia where only they have the power ,the wealth and the privilege.

5 years ago

The Democrats have proved that they DO NOT love America. Anyone who votes for them also dose not love America, I will never never vote for any Democrat for any US Government. State, County or Local position.
Democrats hate President Trump so much that they would rather let our country be destroyed than to give him a win on securing our border.

Steve Weeks, Sr
Steve Weeks, Sr
5 years ago

You should not describe the Democrats as Democratic as they are far from it.

Charlene Denney
Charlene Denney
5 years ago

Facebook wouldn’t let me share this message.

5 years ago

Absolutely the best article I have read in a long time. Totally agree

5 years ago

Stop the slurs you accuse the Democrats of making. This article jabs at Biden ( maybe with truths) are totally democratic methods by the way it’s written.
Remember your own words America 1st

5 years ago

I first voted in 1964, did not vote for LBJ, when the democraps pushed the 1968 gun control act through I swore I would NEVER vote for a democrap and to date I have not and I never will! But it`s getting that the republicans are almost as bad. We definitely need to take our government back from the Politian’s and give it back to the people.

5 years ago

Last week the RNC called and I managed to speak to a live person and I proceeded to complain to him about the republicans NOT backing President Trump and do you know what that POS said. “we`ll just put you on the DO NOT CALL LIST.”

5 years ago

These are NOT Democrats! I was a Democrat and I would support who ever was elected President, then work on building a platform for the next Presidential Elections! An American, always moved to support the President that was elected, that was the only way to ensure a Strong America! It was Never the Democrats agenda to Destroy the country when we lost an election! These are subversive individuals who have infiltrated our Congress and have only one intention! That is to Gain power for their Party Leaders while pitting American against American! This is a Vile Group of people bent on destroying our way of life,,, Not Democrats,, and Not Americans! Subversives that need to be Weeded Out! This mess started with the kidnaping of our educational systems. Term Limits should have been in place a long time ago!!

5 years ago

Liberals care only about the liberal cause and hate this country, our freedoms and our God. They will answer for their treason when they are burning in hell.

May Isobel Oxx
May Isobel Oxx
5 years ago

Your articles are ‘spot/on’ & well written! Thanks.

Neal Christensen
Neal Christensen
5 years ago

I would like to assume that most Democrats (not those on the national stage) are moderate, good Americans who wish the best for America. But, it doesn’t matter if they are or even if they do far outnumber the radicals because the radicals are in charge and have all of the MSM trumpeting their message. And in the end, these “good” Democrats will help the radical faction consolidate their power because they will vote for the candidates put forward by the party.

John Ignacio
John Ignacio
5 years ago

Full disclosure. Who funds AMAC?

5 years ago

Any one who would vote for a Democrat after what we have seen the past two years must have lost their mine. Or didn’t have one to lose

5 years ago

The dems cant put america first because their loyalty is to an international order of elites who recognize each other as the legitimate rulersof the masses. Their vision is of a trans national aristocracy vested with absolute power. This is why they try so hard to eliminate any vestige of independence in the people over whom they have control. This is why they despise anyone who has accumulated any wealth via their own efforts. What they offer is a system wherein all human freedoms are traded for a crust of bread and a bottle of vodka. Many will take that deal. The plan is to relentlessly increase that number and to punish those who want to build their own lives.

5 years ago

Another fantasy article from the author. Calling on Democrats to admit their mistakes, abandon their hate of both President Trump and the Constitution, and work for the betterment of all Americans is asking Democrats in Washington to put something they aren’t. That being patriotic citizens of the United States and completely abandoning their self-serving ways and list for power. Sorry, but it just isn’t going to happen and no wringing of the hands by the author is going to bring about such a transformation.

John villyard
John villyard
5 years ago

Amazing great writing and a capture of the elements!

5 years ago

Would be nice but will not happen till we get these democratics, socialist, communist, muslums, atheists, satanist out of our government and pass Laws that any of the above can NEVER Hold office in any part of the government including Courts Judgeships, Governor, mayors, Common Sense let perverted Un-Americans in our government we will have Chaos, these crazies are trying to destroy America must be held accountable for their Treasonist actions, trying to remove a standing President to trying to change our voting rules and laws, to trying to distort change municipalitie our CONSTITUTION as WRITTEN all are Treasonist acts we must demand accountabilitie for this and punishment should be doubled for breaking the sacred trust we put in our politicians they must be held to a higher standard so that means double the sentence

5 years ago

Democrats are a losing brand. Nothing new. Get rid of Trump. That is all they know or care about. Why they still have a base is beyond me. Some Americans must be as dumb and ignorant as a door.

5 years ago

If no one has figured it out yet, the reason that Democraps and many Republican D.C. denizens hate President Trump is because he is NOT one of them. He is SUCCESSFUL. They are pulls on the teeth of the American taxpayers. He is OUTSPOKEN. They are showboating do-nothings that talk out of both sides of their mouths. He uses COMMON SENSE. They have no sense, but lots and lots of hatred for people that are not in “the good ole boys club” of Washington hierarchy. He was exposed them for the frauds that they are. Make no mistake about it, the Democraps and the RINO’s are trying harder than ever to re-usher in the Socialist way of life that the obamanation and his minions had tried to start 10 years ago. It means THEY WILL CONTROL YOUR LIVES. Wake up people. Are you so blind as not to see what is REALLY happening. TYRANNY lives in the hearts of your political “hired help” in Washington. In the 60’s, a famous Russian said “we will bury you without firing a shot”. His prophecy is coming true. The Socialist/globalist trash in our government are seeing to it.

Rick J.
Rick J.
5 years ago

The 2020 election, will be the do or die point in our countries history. If democraps retake the oval office
and the senate, the USA so many of us grew up in and love, will be lost. If Republicans can retake the house,
and if President Trump can win reelection, the country will have bought some time. To save the the country,
will take years of Republican leadership, to rebuild a solid democratic foundation.

Big Al
Big Al
5 years ago

Not much of a question as to what the Democrats intend to accomplish.

5 years ago

demos and rhinos can’t play their games with president Trump in office and blocking all their money grabbing scams all for them and nothing for America

Patricia VanBuren
Patricia VanBuren
5 years ago

Most Democrats won’t even listen to the facts about Trump and our economy. They just close their ears or walk away saying we will be sorry because he is bad for our country. They are so jealous that he is really doing what he said he would. He is great for our country.

5 years ago

Has anyone here, tried writing to these Democratic congresspeople and expressed how disappointed you are about their activity in Congress? I follow a site that shows how active each Congressperson is in any voting activity and how they vote. Every time my congressperson votes on something stupid (like creating a committee to impeach Trump, I send a comment to their site because calling their offices results in the phone being hung up and I demand response for them to explain why they are wasting time doing this instead of actually working. My Congressperson got an email for every day the government shutdown was on. When my Congressperson claims they are holding town halls in the area, I ask them why I never see them anywhere on my streets. They claim to represent all but the only people they cater to is the big money lobbyists. Since my Congressperson has been in office since 1989, I have records of how his views have changed from being pro-people to become radical liberal and I let him know how disappointed I am in his current stance. Unfortunately, no one runs against him and some dummy Democrat voters don’t realize that you can vote against him by writing in any name to not vote for a single Democrat
This article talks about, all the new Congress has done in their last over 100 days is trying to find some way to block any Trump, plus now with the release of the long-awaited Mueller report which proved none of their objections, they’re stuck in place. Every time I get sent an email requesting funds to help a politician endorsed by my elected officials from another state that’s not mine, I delete the email. I didn’t vote for politicians who spend more time running their re-election campaign, than actually spending time in Washington. They get more breaks from Congress sessions in Washington D.C. than children who go to school.

5 years ago

The Democrats are
Anti Trump
Anti Catholic
Anti Jews
Anti Nature
Anti God
That’s why I am
Anti Democrat

Tony Cosenza
Tony Cosenza
5 years ago

while I am a mature American, I teach university courses and “our” generational take of the world is so different than the indoctrinated, collectivist view of my students. “We” were brought up respecting individual liberty and the personal responsibility that goes along with it. The generation I engage with are cultural collectivists, relativists and borderline hedonists. They feel that they are not personally responsible for their behaviors, since they have been taught that social expectations of behavior are a result of a racist, sexist, capitalist system and a Constitution that is woefully outdated and written by slave holding OWM’s (old white males).
So when the neo- communist left, aka democrats, promise free everything and dissolution of their debt it is “fair” so that we are all treated “equally.” They are fine with never having to make a decision and have the government bureaucracy make all the decisions for them so they can have the time to enjoy their video games and social justice warrior meetings. To democrats, entitlements are not tied to responsibility and contribution; if you can breath, breed and vote for the democrats (whether a citizen or not) you are “entitled” to have a claim against others sweat equity (work) and government (tax payer and borrowed funds) largesse.
Lenin said the goal of socialism is communism and a lie told often enough becomes he truth. For my students the term socialism is benign and positive in that it seems to reach the nirvana of equality. We need to stop calling what the gems want as socialism and take Lenin at his word -it is neo-communism

Greg Russell
Greg Russell
5 years ago

demon-crats hate America, they hate all our freedoms and individual liberties, and they abhor our values and principles.

Helen Saunders
Helen Saunders
5 years ago

I really think the Democrat party has lost their mind and are not working with the country’s best interests in mind. They are blinded by their raging hatred of Trump and acting like fools.

Bob L.
Bob L.
5 years ago

With all of the things the democrats have done since 2009, from the White House to the janitor at the DOJ, that is public knowledge due to whistle blowers and other leaks the Republicans should be on the attack to bring a bunch of them to justice instead of ignoring all of the crimes the dems have committed.

5 years ago

Democ rats will never,ever admit that they are wrong.They have become a very vindictive entity that is leaning very close to communism.Its time to tell these entities that their far left bull exhaust will NOT work in this country,there are still a lot more real AMERICANS than the democ rats realize.

Thomas H
Thomas H
5 years ago

Here in Baltimore, the (d)’s media has done its job. Most of my neighbors, co-workers, and acquaintances are eager to vote against Trump next year because…. well, because the media said that he is a liar and a racist, and “If its in the news, then it must be true”. After seeing what the (d)s have done immediately after taking back the House, if our side doesn’t vote next year, we deserve the (d)s taking back the Senate and the Presidency and forcing us to bow down to their way of life!

lou drinka
lou drinka
5 years ago

Its a shame, Roosevelt and Kennedy would be kicked out of this party. 25 years ago I became a republican when a lady and her kids bought got 2 shopping carts of stuff and I saw steaks in their, and paid with food stamps . I could only get a pound of ground beef and a 6 pk and I paid cash. What put it over the top is when I saw her putting the food in a high dollar late model car and I looked over to my 20 yr old pickup and I’m paying for her food!!!!

Uncle willie
Uncle willie
5 years ago

The Democratic Party is now the demonic party .All they ever think about is there self and a way to spend money that belongs to the American people.I don’t believe there is one that can help America until they get on our level.

5 years ago

No collusion but there was Democrat interference in both the 2016 and 2018 mid term elections. Both times the Democrats committed fraud, destroyed ballots, registered thousands of illegals and the dead as voters and 2020 will be worse if voter ID does not become the law of the land. Already many states are issuing drivers licenses to illegal invaders which is all it takes to vote. A new federal ID needs to be implemented. We must also stop the newest democratic scam of prisoners and 16 year olds from voting.

The OLD Warhorse
The OLD Warhorse
5 years ago

The Dems, especially the new, young bunch of America haters cannot help themselves. They have convinced themselves that Trump is the Great Satan. They keep talking about the Russians hacking into their computers, BUT I wonder if they even know who hacked their stuff. Remember that Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz would NOT allow the FBI to look at their servers to try to find out who hacked them. Instead, she hired some Dem friendly company to investigate and THEY said it was the Russians. But, was it? Who knows? The wickileaks guy says they did not get their information from the Russians. He won’t say who they did get it from buy insists it was not the Russians.

Linda Hutson
Linda Hutson
5 years ago

Senator Grassley was Correct in his statement to the press: The Democrats and the press have been pushing Snake oil for over two years. Now the jig is up, Deal with it!

Carole R
Carole R
5 years ago

Instead, they put themselves and their agenda to get back in power ASAP before the good of America

steven jacobs
steven jacobs
5 years ago

Unfortunately this “advice” to the Democrats runs contrary to their Agenda Dogma-therefore it is falling on deaf ears. Which is all the more reason for SANE/PATRIOTIC Americans to remain resolute in protecting America from what is just Lenin on Steroids.

Ed Schrade
Ed Schrade
5 years ago

If you will notice how much trouble the RINO’s have given president Trump and how few have come out to help him and castigate the socialist democrats then we know that over half of the Republicans are no better.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
5 years ago

Stop calling it the “Democrat Party;” that’s long been dead. The phoenix arisen is the Progressive-Socialist Party, and they are NOT about to put America first.
They are a foaming-at-the-mouth pack of Leftists, who care only about securing their stranglehold over the country to implement their destructive agenda.

The anti-Trump idiots on the Left use the catchword “#Resist.” You Bet we’re gonna resist.

Tony V
Tony V
5 years ago

It would be great for all American if the Democrats in Congress really cared about our country and follow R.B. Charles’ advice. However, these Democrats seemed to be more interested in getting power over the citizens, and destroy our way of life so that they can introduce socialism ideology. We, the citizens, believe in our Freedom, our democracy, our constitution, and we must wake up and resist their socialist and near communist ideology. WAKE UP AMERICA

Jack Thomas
Jack Thomas
5 years ago

The Democrats in Congress today have gone too far. Unhappy and disillusioned with the findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, they’ve launched a new offensive now directed at Attorney General Barr with calls to charge him with contempt of Congress. Why? Because he rebuffed the House Judiciary Committee’s demand that he turn over the full Mueller Report, including sealed grand jury testimony and other sensitive info that he cannot legally make public? This is “political theater” at its absolute worst; it turns the core principles of our Constitution upside down and it distorts the fundamental fairness of the democratic process and replaces it with an ugly power struggle that doesn’t serve the best interests of the American public.

Kathy Thompson
Kathy Thompson
5 years ago

Loved this article. It pretty much says it all. The dems have pretty much lost their minds. How anyone with values and morals could support them is beyond me. You may not like his personality, but he has done great things for this country and for Americans. And I am so tired of listening to their diatribes. Get a life dems.

Seal of the United States Department of Education. The seal was introduced on May 7, 1980, and is described in law as: Standing upon a mound, an oak tree with black trunk and limbs and green foliage in front of a gold rising sun, issuing gold rays on a light blue disc, enclosed by a dark blue border with gold edges bearing the inscription "DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION" above a star at either side of the words "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" in smaller letters in the base; letters and stars in white. More information here and 34 CFR Part 3.
Man in handcuffs
DOGE closed down more than 200,000 government credit cards
Writing note showing Disruption Ahead.

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