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7 of the Biggest Political Takeaways from 2021

Posted on Friday, December 31, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive By Seamus Brennan

The end of the year is always a time to take stock—and as years go, in terms of politics at least, 2021 was a doozy. But with all its chaos, fighting, and drama now behind us, we can see more clearly the major stories beneath all the headlines—and how they might impact our year ahead. Here are 7 of the biggest political takeaways from 2021.

Donald Trump’s Political Career Is Alive and Well

Though it may have seemed unlikely in the early days of 2021, former President Donald Trump has returned to center stage. Just weeks after his second impeachment and amid relentless media focus on the events of January 6, Trump reemerged to a hero’s welcome at CPAC in February, where he delivered the first political speech of his post-presidency and won the 2024 straw poll. Since then, he has held six major campaign-style rallies and endorsed more than 70 candidates for Congress, governorships, and other state-level positions in an attempt to steer the Republican Party in a more populist direction. Most significantly, he is polling as high as 13 points above Joe Biden in a potential 2024 general election matchup, further solidifying his frontrunner status as the next GOP nominee should he choose to enter the race. But regardless of whether or not Trump seeks to reclaim the presidency in 2024, it remains clear that he is the unquestioned leader of the Republican Party.

Conservatives Can Win on Culture War Issues

No issue has dominated the airwaves in 2021 quite like Critical Race Theory (CRT)—a Marxist ideology that suggests all of human history and social identity ought to be viewed through a strictly racial lens, and that the United States and indeed all of Western civilization is irredeemably racist and evil. But that message of division received a resounding rebuke with Glenn Youngkin’s victory in the Virginia gubernatorial race, a state that Biden won by 10 points in 2020. For the GOP, the takeaway was clear: embrace the fight for America’s culture.

Youngkin’s win—which came in large part due to parents’ growing concerns over CRT and Democrat Terry McAuliffe’s insistence that parents should have no say in their children’s education—should serve as a clear signal for conservative candidates everywhere. Though some Republicans remain permanently convinced that the GOP should avoid hot-button social disputes and stick only to ‘soft’ issues like tax cuts, 2021 proved not only that Americans care about culture, but also that cultural issues can be the most important to voters, and win campaigns for Republicans.

After Just One Year, Joe Biden’s Legislative Agenda Is Dead in the Water

Instead of following through on his campaign promise of governing as a consensus-building moderate, Joe Biden has instead governed as an ultra-left radical, keen on remaking every facet of American society—and the results have been devastating for him and his party.

The so-called “Build Back Better” plan, which contained trillions of dollars in unnecessary social spending and has been identified by the administration as a cornerstone of the Biden agenda, was recently shot down by Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), who was Democrats’ last hope for getting the legislation through an evenly divided Senate. The legislation included amnesty for illegal aliens, $500 billion dollars for Green New Deal-type policies, an expansion of Obamacare, and countless other far-left wish list items for which the radical Democrats have long been clamoring.

Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats are Just as Radical (And Incompetent) As President Trump Warned

Although Biden’s signature socialist wish list is currently on life support, other Biden-led initiatives like the misleadingly titled “American Rescue Plan” and “bipartisan” infrastructure bill have wreaked havoc on the economy. In addition, the administration has pursued radical policies through unilateral executive action, threatening Americans’ constitutional rights and liberties.

On Biden’s first day in office, he signed executive orders that rescinded Trump’s 1776 Commission, reversed the Mexico City policy (which forbids taxpayer funding for abortion in other countries), mandated that federal government employees embrace radical gender ideology, canceled the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, and undermined the security of America’s southern border.

As if that weren’t enough, the Biden administration then proceeded to wage an all-out war on American energy, do nothing about spiraling inflation and a supply chain crisis, and blunder into a disastrous surrender in Afghanistan that has badly undermined American prestige and security.

Congressional Democrats have added their own slew of radical and disastrous policies, including an attempt to federalize elections, ban Voter ID, and destroy election security, add new blue states to the union in order to cement liberal majorities in Congress, betray Israel, and defund police departments amid an ongoing crime wave.  

If Biden’s sinking approval ratings and the double-digit advantage Republicans currently enjoy on the generic ballot indicate anything, it is that the American people are waking up to the radicalism of the Democrat party and are eager for a change in direction.

Trump’s COVID Plan Was the Best Path Forward All Along

In perhaps one of the most unexpected political turns of the year, Joe Biden has finally come around to essentially the same COVID strategy he ardently ran against in 2020. Though Biden repeatedly vowed to “shut down the virus, not the country” and accused President Trump of failing Americans on COVID throughout the campaign, more Americans have now died from Covid under Biden in 2021 than under Trump in 2020.

Furthermore, after causing a severe nationwide testing shortage, Biden has concluded that “there is no federal solution” to the pandemic and that it must be solved at the “state level”—even though the Washington Post reported that he would “fully use the federal government’s powers once inaugurated to speed the production and dispersal of vaccines and protective equipment” just a year prior (something Trump, obviously, also did to great success). A federalist approach to handling the pandemic, however, is precisely what Biden campaigned against in 2020, and is the latest in a long series of revelations this year demonstrating that Trump’s record on COVID was far more impressive than he was given credit for.

Cementing a Conservative Majority on the Supreme Court Was a Transformative Event

Following indications that the Supreme Court may be prepared to revisit the landmark cases Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which have recognized and upheld the right to abortion for almost half a century, the historic and long-term significance of Trump’s three appointments to the Court is becoming increasingly clear. Trump’s three appointees—Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett—could provide the deciding votes in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the most significant challenge to abortion rights in decades. The Court will also issue decisions on high-profile cases relating to religious freedom and the Second Amendment next spring. Should the Court deliver a decision that takes another look at Roe and Casey next June, all of the credit will belong to Trump and the Republican Senators who braved fierce opposition to put strong Constitutional originalists on the court.

Democrats Have No Viable Bench of Candidates

Democrats’ 2024 outlook has become increasingly bleak. With Biden’s plummeting approval ratings and Vice President Kamala Harris’s status as the least popular sitting vice president in 50 years, Democrats have strikingly few viable candidates as they look ahead to the next presidential election. If Biden chooses not to seek a second term, all polling indicates that Harris—the presumed frontrunner in a field without Biden—would be unsuccessful against nearly every Republican presidential hopeful.

Prospects for other Democrat aspirants—such as Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren—look equally troubling. If Republicans take advantage of the obvious lack of talent atop the Democratic Party, the 2024 presidential election could very well be theirs to lose.

After a turbulent 12 months, 2022 could prove to be a banner political year for conservatives and the GOP, despite the political and cultural chaos inflicted by Democrats this year. As GOP pollster Robert Blizzard put it, “they’re running for the hills… I think they see the writing on the wall.” Democrats had all the power in the world, but they may have flown too close to the sun. And for that—perhaps as soon as next fall—they will have to pay the price.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Now to address 1-6 Comm & Tuckers Patriots Purge etc

3 years ago

The democrats don’t need “viable” candidates, they have a massive vote fraud network alive and well! “It’s not who votes that counts but who counts the votes” Stalin

3 years ago

Why has nothing been done about these traitors? They have done absolutely nothing constructive for Americans or America. They should be removed from office with no regrets. Incompetent idiot socialist/commies is all they are. And get rid of pelosi and scummer along with them. Never seen such rotten behavior from “so-called” leaders which they are “NOT”!

3 years ago

I’m afraid the Republicans learned nothing from the last Presidential Election. Unless they address the how’s of why the Democrats won and clean these all up, I can guarantee that “somehow” they will “win” again!!! . . . One has to learn from “mistakes” or you will learn the hard way from repeating those same mistakes again. . . . And I don’t see where Republicans learned anything yet!

3 years ago

I think you missed the elephant in the room: Democrat actions this year revealed their true hate America agenda. That they will say anything and do anything to achieve their ultimate goal with is to destroy this country (as we know it) and replace it with a socialist government run permanently by them.
While many people think the Dems are just incompetent idiots, everything the Dems do is a calculated step, and if you look at every one of their actions individually, they ALL make sense when viewed as a part of that overall agenda.

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
3 years ago

As Justice Thomas famously said, there is no Constitutional right to abortion. Therefore, whenever the word right is next to abortion, it should be typed as abortion “right.” Allowing the left to hijack the word “right” has been one of our major mistakes in the last half-century or so.

3 years ago

I think a big take-away from 2020 was that President Trump was correct on everything! But at least, there are no more mean tweets. I think of that when the cost of filling my gas tank is now twice what it was when America was energy-independent.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

It’s amazing that President Trump was right on everything, and the left was right on NOTHING, the only thing the left did right was committing the biggest fraudulent Election in American history, the left is the best at, lying, cheating, stealing, if you want to author a manual on how to cheat your way through life get advice from a Democrat. You will know when your mind is going, it’s when you start believing the crap the Democrats and their protectionist in the left-wing news, if you start liking to watch ABC, NBC. CBS, MSDNC, and
CNN, you need a mental evaluation. Bill Clinton must like blue dress’s Monika Lewinsky had on and I see Bill got one of his very own.

3 years ago

Democrats have become a big joke since Obama became president, and it has snowballed into becoming an unviable and wicked party. I am incredulous that there are still people voting for Democrat candidates; I blame this on our nation’s gradual departure from God and distractions caused by technology which has reduced a lot of people into inert apathetic masses of flesh. Americans must snap out of their trances and do something to rectify and fight all ethical, moral, and fiscal aberrations inflicted by the Democrat Party.

3 years ago

My concern is biden has been in office less than one year but the harm he can do for the next 3 is unimaginable. We need to stop this man before he completely destroys this beautiful country. If the BBB passes in 2020 the America we know will be bankrupt and will soon look like Venezuela.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 years ago

We no longer are dealing with democrats and that is the problem is there anyone who can match the ruthless march over dead bodies attitude

3 years ago

I predict Manchin will find a way to support the BBB eventually and ruin us with higher taxes on top of everything else. If he does vote with the dems on this, West Virginia should recall him at once and put in a Republican Senator and put a halt to the power of these certifiables in Congress,
We mustn’t allow the left to change election law in any way. The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they gave the State Legislatures the power to handle election law.

I have never been as pessimistic about our country as I am now. Stop these destroyers!

Joanne 4 justice.
Joanne 4 justice.
3 years ago

I do not want to see or hear news about th Socialust Dem DAMAGE to America !
I want action to get these dangerous treasonous perps out of
Wh and CONGRESS !!!!!!!!!

3 years ago

Ironically, the best viable candidate for the Democrats in the next election, as it stands, is the very one whom they have tried to demonize in recent months, Joe Manchin. In that case they, as a party, and all of the individual members of congress, would have to admit they were wrong in trying to pass the very things Manchin opposed. I don’t see that happening. They will pour everything they have into saving their power but, even with the propaganda machines in the mainstream media and the endless funding from Soros, Gates, Bezos and others, I think they are done if a fair election ever occurs again in our land.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
3 years ago

SLOPPY JOEY and handlers are a total and complete disaster for AMERICANS.

3 years ago

If you want people to truly understand what’s happening in American, start identifying “Progressives” with their true description and goal, “Destructives”. This isn’t a political group attempting to gain equality for Americans; no their sole interest is the destruction of the America way of life, our freedoms and more to the point, Americans, regardless of their race or ethnicity.Let’s look at some facts. First and foremost, race was becoming a none issue in America and that was causing some political groups to lose their base so, they developed a new branding to regenerate racial tentions and bias, their re-hate and divide programs, like CRT. Second, the people in these groups aren’t builders, they are dividers. Their goal is to generate hate toward anything American and to pervert gullible Americans into believing their narrative, with no regard for anyone or anything, other than their own thirst for power and elitist personal wealth. Third, these people are American haters, if they weren’t why would they be backing and promoting violent crime, by releasing known criminals back into our city streets, also why are they cramming illegal immigrants into our population, implementing resident voting instead of Americans voting in American elections, or the known corruption of the American educational system to instill their hate narratives on young minds.They are the “The new Destructive Party”, not the DNC. They pray on ignorance and reward stupidity solely to destroy Americans at any cost, America’s cost. If Republican’s are to lead, the truth has be identified to every American, above all the flash and bang made by the DNC Destructive Party and it has to be done before we reach the breaking point.

Rob Curry
Rob Curry
3 years ago


Simcha Arona
Simcha Arona
3 years ago

Ron DeSantis & Nikki Haley for President

3 years ago


3 years ago

Great topic. Thank you. The “progressive” left is scared to death of Donald Trump and have spent
most of 2021 lamenting Trump instead of presenting their agenda. To them, Jan 6 is the equivalent of Pearl Harbor or 9/11but there is little public interest. Biden is doing the best he can to carry out the left agenda but the republicans, to their great credit , have done so far a terrific job of curtailing the damage. Lets hope this continues. We are now in an election year when DC says they can do nothing. So maybe we can hold off the BBB social giveaway program until the election. Lets hope so.

3 years ago

“Critical race theory” and “voting rights” and ” Jan 6 insurrection correction” are going nowhere. Along with Covid, CNN has nothing else to talk about. Due to our narrow minded media we know
nothing about:
a. the civil war in Syria
b. the U.N.
c. Chinese govt repression
d. the steady decline of our education system
e. our wrecked economy which can’t find employees while millions look for jobs

Our issue ignorance is profound. We need other sources of information. Our media is inept.

3 years ago

Dims are frightened of federalism and believe that all decisions must be made in DC.
Even the Supreme Court handling of their revered “Roe-Wade” keeps them up at night.
They demand that voting law be removed from the states so they can focus their
hatred of this nation on DC where their buyoffs are irressitible .

James Walker
James Walker
3 years ago

In most areas people are running for city councils, school boards and other local offices, everyone should be paying attention and finding out what they stand for and where they are politically. If you want to change this is where to start, get involved.

M. Tiro
M. Tiro
3 years ago

It’s true that SCOTUS has a conservative majority, but with faux-conservative John Roberts as Chief Justice, the conservative majority is in continuous peril. Roberts lied at his confirmation–he said he was conservative. The only true thing that can be said about him is that he is not a far-left radical like Kagan and Sotomayor. Roberts could’ve killed Obama-care, but he refused. Enough said.

Dustin Hanson
Dustin Hanson
3 years ago

I loathe and despise leftists as much as any sane American, but this is partisan nonsense. Biden is not a far-left radical, if he were then we’d stop blowing so much cash on the military. And Trump is done-for, thankfully, fake conservative conman that he is…he will not be President again so hop off the cult.

3 years ago

Those leftist idiot’s doubled the cost of gasoline and fuel almost overnight. I want to punch them in their trashy leftist kissers.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Unless vote counting machines are dealt with any election result could be fraud. How to fix it or abolish machine counting ?

3 years ago

Good information for conservatives. We need to win 2022 and 2024.
If we can impeach Biden and Harris in 2023…even better.

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