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Democrats See Their ‘House of cards crumble and Kamala Harris start to tumble.’

Posted on Friday, September 20, 2024
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON DC, Sep 20 — Attorney Ed Martin has served as a member of the Republican National Committee and as Chairman of the Missouri Republican Party. He co-authored the New York Times bestseller, The Conservative Case for Trump. In a new Better For America interview with Association of Mature American Citizens host Matt Kane he predicts that presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ house of cards is likely to collapse. The Democrat Party is “stuck with her and they know it. They know they’ve got someone who’s not strong on the stump, not strong in interviews, far too liberal on a bunch of stuff, and they’re just hoping and praying that they can make [the election] all about hating Trump.”

But when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joined the Trump team it was “kind of signal that people can say, I can go there with this guy Trump and vote on that. I think it’s a big deal,” Martin said. “Meanwhile, Democrats are stuck with Harris and they know they’ve got someone who’s not strong on the stump, not strong in interviews, far too liberal on a bunch of stuff, and they’re just hoping and praying that they can make it all about hating Trump.”

Meanwhile, he said, the real threat to this country right now is what’s known as “lawfare,” the strategic use of legal proceedings by the Democrats to intimidate or hinder an opponent. Martin noted that “there are 23 pro-life protesters sitting in federal prison for protesting, not for violence. It is not alleged that they hit a cop or security guard. They were just prayerfully protesting. There’s a real fear about how the government is used against the people, whether it’s Catholics who are being told, if you go to traditional mass, you’re going to be targeted and, if you are the Little Sisters of the Poor, you’re going to have to pay for health insurance products that include things that go against your conscience.”

How did Kamala Harris get to be the Democrat Party’s choice for the presidency? Martin says “Democrats I know were saying, Hey, we could get somebody younger and energetic, a fresh face that will look solid in this spot. What happened was that Biden was forced out and they knew they couldn’t skip picking Harris. And so she stepped right in there. She grabbed it and now they’re stuck with her and they know it. They know they’ve got someone who’s not strong on the stump, not strong in interviews, far too liberal on a bunch of stuff. And they’re just hoping and praying that they can make it all about hating Trump and somehow get to the finish line. I think we’re at 60 days or so out. You’re going to see the ‘house of cards’ crumble and Kamala Harris start to tumble. And you’re going to see dramatically, that this is going’ to be like Dukakis in 88. There’s not a real race, even though they’ll still talk about it. She’ll win the blue States, but she’s not going to win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia and other places where voters are not going to go for her and for what she’s selling.”

John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.

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2 months ago

We need to REMEMBER that Democrats didn’t LEGALLY. Win the last Presidential Election either…but everyone sat on their duff and let them take over!! They’re not particular about whether it’s legal or not, only if they can get away with it or now. REPUBLICANS need to grow a Backbone and prepare for this possibility ahead of time. For Goodness Sake don’t let this happen again! Think Positive! God Bless America! God Bless that President Donald J. Trump will lead us to Victory!

2 months ago

Hopefully, the swing states voters will see the light in Pres. Trump and favor him. But, again, there will be much cheating in these states where the voter’s criteria are still weak and have not been corrected in these states.

2 months ago

Hope and pray he is correct. I’d love to see Trump do an upset in several unexpected states as well. He just may!

2 months ago

Most modern polling is largely immaterial to determining real voter sentiment, because of the intentional over-sampling of the Democrat voters that skew the results in almost all polls conducted today. So, the real purpose of most modern polling is to simply encourage Democrat voter turnout, while also discouraging both Republican and real independent voter turnout. It’s a tool that has been corrupted to attempt to sway the outcome to favor Democrat candidates by most polling companies.

Secondarily, polls are done to give the MSM another opportunity to run endless stories about how wonderful the Democrats are doing and how anyone else is just sh*t. The 24×7 news cycle needs to be filled with something, so endless biased polls being discussed by the talking heads on TV helps the MSM in that department.

2 months ago

There are enough stupid people in this country who are of voting age to make Harris make a showing. Standing around with their hands out waiting for the next big stimulus. Until they get their heads out of the sand and realize that they can and do control their future but not with the government telling them every move to make. The current regime wants to control everything. From pricing, energy, healthcare and even down to the appliances you put in your house irregardless of peoples different situations. I can take care of myself and make my own decisions. I don’t need or want someone telling me what I need or want.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 months ago

Excellent article. 85 percent of her and biden’s Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion are released into the United States. Also where’s the immediate investigation to Iran and democrats collusion?

Archangel Mikey
Archangel Mikey
2 months ago

I am worried more about what will happen AFTER Trump wins! I do not trust these communists not to lay traps for Trump during the weeks between Nov 5th and Jan 20th. These dirt bags have a bottomless bag of dirty tricks and they will use them, including rioting in the streets like 2016 on steroids.

2 months ago

Everyone must be mobilized, all legal voters. Win big to beat the rig. Big time cheating has been established since CoVid 19 and 2020. We must make it easy to vote but HARDER to cheat.

John Lemley
John Lemley
2 months ago

My neighbors do not know this. They are enamored with Harris. Her signs are all over. How can I help them see reality for what it is? Seeing through hate filled glasses is distorting their perception. What makes it frightening is that hate-filled people vote.

2 months ago

The problem for poor Kamachamelion is that she’s not selling anything. Nothing—no ideas, no direction, no intelligence and no explanation for why she hasn’t already done wonderful, nebulous things she keeps alluding to but not naming. Speaking of empty suit—her $1000 pantsuits are as empty as they could get.

Butter and guns
Butter and guns
2 months ago

The left will not be able to cheat their way out of a loss to Trump and they know it. Take that to the credit union. That’s why they keep trying to assassinate Trump.

2 months ago

Kamala is just regurgitating her word salad evertime she opens her mouth. What a putz

2 months ago

Ever time i try to repost one of these articles on Face book ‘Something went wrong”. We are being censored.

2 months ago

Nice to read an informative article by a very experienced and intelligent man. TRUMP is going to pull a Ronald Reagan on Comrade Harris–320 electoral and heads will role in the DC Swamp, wars will end, our country will prosper again!

2 months ago

We can only hope! Pray for President Trump

2 months ago

Just hopping Trump really does win. We are at a turning point in this country and I am too old for another wasted years like these last 4yrs. When the Lord takes me I would like to see a better country to leave for my Grandkids. Not this liberal mess we have now with the lies and hiding the truth of what a mess they are really making of this country. God help the USA.

Timothy Michael
Timothy Michael
2 months ago

KH is an empty pantsuit, i.e. no managerial experience, no accomplishments of any sort, no military experience, no business experience, and the list can go much further to describe her emptiness. She is the least qualified candidate to lead our nation that anyone can imagine. Total absence of merit! Her candidacy would be laughable if not for the fact the Democrats have pulled out all the stops to elect her.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
2 months ago

Never underestimate the dem’s ability to cheat and steal an election.

2 months ago

All the left knows is lies and lying – they have absolutely no concept that there is truth.

Bernard Paul Giroux
Bernard Paul Giroux
2 months ago

We have had New Bedford, MA postal carriers attend our Republican Town Committee meetings around and near the city. They all have the same story about the last election: they delivered up to a dozen mail-in ballots to apartments where there was only one occupant. This went on all over the city. Imagine what was going on in the rest of the U.S. If the Democrats try it again, we should, by all rights, revolt against the reprehensible Democrats. They are, without a doubt, anti-American.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
2 months ago

I think most of the people voting for Kacklin’ Kamala are doing so because they follow the celebrities who always back the Dems, they have no idea what is going on in this country, they don’t care what is happening with the economy or their expenses because they are living off the government anyway. There are still a few, especially women who will vote because she is part-black and a woman and they have been brain-washed that abortion is “healthcare for women”. It enrages me that so many women want her regardless of how Marxist she is. They make all women look stupid. I pray somehow, someway we can stop enough cheating by the Dems to that Trump is elected.

2 months ago

I hope you’re right and Trump wins in a huge landslide.
Does anyone bother proofreading articles before publishing?? This article is a mess!

2 months ago

Kamala could have written this article. The phrase “someone who’s not strong on the stump, not strong in interviews, far too liberal on a bunch of stuff” was used three times. This is word salad about the word salad queen!

2 months ago

Harris is the least impressive candidate I’ve ever seen. Logically Trump should win, but I am skeptical of the intelligence of many voters that could push her over the finish line.

2 months ago

Everything he says is absolutely true! As we get closer to the election you’ll see the polls swing closer to the truth. If the posters turn out to horribly wrong they will not get hired again. Whether they like or not they have reflect the truth when they get closer to the election. Until that point, the pollsters are trying to influence the election with bogus numbers. When you look at poll numbers and say to yourself that can possibly be true, it isn’t. I would believe my sister telling me the electric fence is turned off go ahead and touch it! Before I would believe anything the pollsters or the media tell me.

2 months ago

She can’t win Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, etc.–neither did Biden win any of those states. But the Rats, the CCP, the UN, WEF, islamists, etc., will certainly commit any and all crimes and atrocities to STEAL them, just as they did for Biden..

Richard Barnhart
Richard Barnhart
2 months ago

The fact remains that Biden/Harris and the Demoncrats have plunged our country into a disaster and ruined it in just three years nine months!
one can see that it is not coincidence but a deliberate act of deception to destroy our nation by elitists and cow towel wages to a even line across blue and white collar jobs so that elites can put more in their pockets.
Americans are blind to the fact that the corporatists elites have evolved the the Democratic Party because they can control it. They abandoned the Republicans because it’s too independent and not easily filled nor manipulated.
The democrats have become what the republicans once were.

2 months ago

I pray to God every night that this prophecy comes true.

2 months ago

Kameltoe is a figure head propped up by powerful men all her life. She follows their guidelines and she hasn’t come into her own. Only an extremist who will govern as a dictator. By mandate and executive order. Throw money at the problem and starve and break the legitimate citizens. Abortion she talks about the rights of the women to decide what happens with their bodies. Where is the responsibility after a night of fun. Most abortions are not the result of rape. But responsibility is a word not in their DEI handbook. Trump is speaking for the unborn. They deserve a voice in this. Kameltoe lies, repeats her lies and sound bites they taught her. And talks and talks only it has no substance to the questions asked. We can’t have a president that tells us the children of the community are the children of the community. No Kamala they are children of their parents. Community has nothing to do with the children. None. And telling Putin to have joy is not cutting it. Everything she proposes is a disaster for America and the people. You can’t expect an empty vessel to become an person of substance.

2 months ago

Of course they are lying. Before Jokin’ Joe was cast aside, Harris polled worse than Joe, now we are supposed to believe she is on top of it? No, the polls are designed to make conservatives believe they have no chance of winning so you might as well just stay home on election day and not even vote. Crap on that.

2 months ago

I hope that all the dumocrats who allowed their primary votes to be voided and stolen by Cackula will WRITE IN Joe Biden’s name for President in the November election. OR,
better yet, VOTE for Trump !

2 months ago

i hope and pray this is true. even if it is every republican must get out and vote to make sure the US of A continues at least 4 more years. do it, vote for trump. you dumb as craps can vote for trump too, just to make sure.

2 months ago

I don’t know about you guys out there, but I really think this lady smoked too much pot. Her childish mannerisms her inability to Carry on a substantial conversation, then you have her goofy running mate waltz. There should be no way this team ever sees the White House.

George Holzman
George Holzman
2 months ago

I can’t believe that there are so many Stupid People in this country ,who would vote for This stupid woman who can’t answer any questions and has no ajenda

2 months ago

God willing he is right. I have been saying the same thing for a while, now we are going to have a repeat of Reagan in ’88. I don’t trust the polls,

2 months ago

we hope so. we don’t want ww111

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 months ago

I’m not convinced that the house of cards will collapse for one simple reason: There are a whole bunch of Never-Trump republicans (Dick and Liz Cheney just to name two) in addition to the democrat party and the corporate media who will do everything they an to prop her up/

2 months ago

The odor of all that BS must permeate the fabric of their clothing. I would hesitate to recommend riding in a car with one of them, unless all the windows were at least a bit open…

2 months ago

I enjoy reading your articles and I try to pass them on using Facebook and Twitter. The problem I am having is that I can’t post them on Facebook. Is there something I am doing wrong. I hope that you would check into this and see if anyone else is having this problem. Thank you

2 months ago

How did Kamala Harris get to be the Democrat Party’s choice for the presidency?”

She sold her soul decades ago.

Jo Ann
Jo Ann
2 months ago

Yeah!!! Best description…A House of cards!!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Why? Have these ppl heard her speak off-script? To call her an “empty vessel” is insulting to flower pots. When she’s actually asked a question, I keep waiting for some point in the pre-canned, word salad resume of her “accomplishments” to tell me how “Whapner is on in 7 minutes” and she’s a “very good driver”…

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 months ago

The polls and media lie for her she knows nothing she will never run this country she would be president only in name it will be Obama and others that will run this country just like for Joe he never ran this country and neither did Harris she knows nothing. We need fair elections and we do need President Trump back in office maybe some do not like the way he talks but he did run this country and people need to see what the Dems are doing to stay in power lie after lie.

2 months ago

I hope we can have an honest VOTE without any issues. Our country needs to have this so the American Electorate can have confidence again.
Seems like since the last female ran for the presidency there at least seems to be an issue of honesty.

2 months ago

I just hope everyone who is able will vote.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 months ago

What to worry about now is the i,mmagrents voting. The Dems will use them if they can get away with it. LKyle L.

2 months ago

Hey John G., I’m going to get a sign made with a big red circle and line going through it. Inside the circle it’ll say.

2 months ago

Best news I’ve heard all day!

2 months ago

Maybe, trying to emulate Kamala’s word salad?

2 months ago

Why did we see the same quote THREE times (They know they’ve got someone who’s not strong on the stump, not strong in interviews, far too liberal on a bunch of stuff.) in this opinion piece. Say what you mean to one time and get on with it, or give us internal polling or something. Not the quality I’m used to seeing from AMAC.

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