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AMAC Statement of Support for President Trump’s Executive Order Protecting Women’s Sports

Posted on Thursday, February 6, 2025
by Rebecca Weber

On behalf of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, and our more than 2 million members, I proudly support President Donald Trump’s executive order, “No Men in Women’s Sports,” which ensures that women’s sports remain exclusively for biological women. This decisive action restores fairness, safety, and equal opportunity for female athletes and upholds the original intent of Title IX, which has protected women’s athletics for over 50 years.

AMAC was one of the first organizations to bring national attention to the injustice faced by female athletes like Riley Gaines, who was forced to compete against and share a locker room with a biological male. Her courage in standing up for fairness in women’s sports helped expose how radical gender policies are undermining the opportunities that generations of women fought to achieve. We have been at the forefront of this battle, demanding that leaders in Washington stand up for America’s daughters.

For too long, women and girls have been pushed aside by activist-driven policies that ignore biological realities. This executive order ensures that female athletes will no longer be denied their rightful place in competition, scholarships, and championships due to unfair and misguided policies. Women’s sports must remain a level playing field, and we are committed to defending the rights of female athletes at every level.

We thank President Trump for his unwavering leadership in standing up for common sense, fairness, and the true intent of Title IX. Women’s sports belong to women, and we will continue fighting to keep it that way.

Rebecca Weber

CEO, AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens

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Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 month ago

Very good article Rebecca, this action by President Trump promotes common sense and the idea of respect. Women’s sports will be played as should be – without the involvement from activist left wing intruders. In the spirit of Faith , Family and Freedom

1 month ago

This transgender stuff is just another example of the craziness that happens when people forget God. They create false gods in their own imagination and start believing things that are not true. Thank you President Trump for taking decisive action on this issue. I also thank courageous women like Riley Gaines for standing up and bringing national attention to this issue.

Judith Dunn
Judith Dunn
1 month ago

I’ve heard that Washington State is going to ignore this, Ladies sue now!

old fogey in Pa
old fogey in Pa
1 month ago

Just heard the State of Va is not supporting the President on this issue. Hope they lose every cent of funding they receive from the government

1 month ago

I think that the titles won by men competing in woman’s sports should have their titles taken away and given to the women who tightly won. Women’s teams with a biological man should also be stripped of the win.

1 month ago

Leave it to the Left to deny the rights of women athletes in the name of a conspicuous, misfit “ideology” of its’ own invention… which looks more like a full-blown cultural neurosis that begs for immediate intervention by well-trained, mental health professionals. Of course, denying reality has been the “democrat’s” go-to business plan for many decades now, but, this most-recent approach has long out-paced its’ own credibility in ways that offend even the most good-natured among us. November’s election results created many “teaching moments”. What is needed now, is a large-enough dose of common sense, maturity, and humility, on the part of our many “democrats”, to actually contemplate the reasons for this comeuppance.

Vietvet 6769
Vietvet 6769
1 month ago

Finally a wisdom that will prevail, hopefully sanity and safety will prevail

Mary Heffner
Mary Heffner
1 month ago

Simple biological science, leftists love science, the male body is genrally bigger and stronger than the female body. So, of course, they will win mostly when competing in sports. If a male feels female in his head, I am sorry, but he can compete against other males or find something else to occupy his time. When he insists upon his ‘right’ to compete against women, he takes away women’s ‘rights’ for fairness and equity. I totally applaud President Trump on this decision, and those states which refuse to comply–well, the citizens should rise up and get rid of the ruling bodies who refuse. It is simple science, simple fairness and simple logic. No men in women’s sports! Doesn’t require a mental heavyweight to figure it out.

1 month ago

President Trump is absolutely correct!!!! Men have no place in womens sports and if they “think” they do, they do not need to compete anywhere….

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 month ago

A great action by DJT. Next, we need to tell the DIMMs that 2+2=4. They seem to be IGNORANT of basic facts!

Lero H
Lero H
1 month ago

Restoring common sense.

Steve Eisenberg
Steve Eisenberg
1 month ago

Marxism, deconstructionism, and post-modernism (look therm up) are intellectual naval-gazing exercises which let the practicioner ignore reality as an “annoyance.” They’re all over college campuses. Up is down and down is up. That’s why you find so many otherwise intelligent people buying into this craziness.

Dave D
Dave D
1 month ago

This is a great start but our legislators need to turn this into law to ensure that the next administration can’t reverse it with an executive order!!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

There’s a reason the debate is men playing women’s sports and not the other way around. But then have you looked at Democrat women? No wonder they’re confused what one is!

1 month ago

The pictures shown on tv of Trump signing this law into effect, with all the sweet, different, various age girls is one of the greatest, heart-warming scene I have experienced of late. If Norman Rockwell was still alive today, he would’ve made a painting of that specific event. It screamed of what America is and should be about! God Bless America and ALL the greatness that is coming back and yet to come!

1 month ago

Guess the dog is wagging the tail, once again. There is balance in the universe.

1 month ago

Praise the Lord for POTUS Trump! If there must a trans-sporting thing, let “them” compete against each other!!!

Capitalist Avenger
Capitalist Avenger
1 month ago

Why do women rank so low on the intersectionality totem pole? When men who think they’re women go into women’s locker rooms or prisons, when Muslim parents honor-kill their daughter, when illegal aliens rape or kill women… progressives expect women to shut up and take it.

1 month ago

It’s about time common sense returned to the world.

Crumm Peatry
Crumm Peatry
26 days ago

May God continue to bless the nation by President Trump.

1 month ago

Two sexes, Male and Female. Women compete against other women. Men against men. That is the way God intended. Anything else is blasphemy.

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
1 month ago

You’re missing the bigger picture on what all this LBG-whatever crap is really about. Without going into detail here, study a little Marxist ideology and you’ll be awakened.

1 month ago

Women’s sports, restrooms, locker rooms etc, say “Women,” & they are not for men dressed-up to look like women. Otherwise why use the word Women? If men want to dress-up as women, I say go for it, but do not intrude your fantasies on society & expect society to pander to you at the expense of real women & their rights & safety. Start Trans sporting events, request your own restrooms/locker rooms etc, but leave off trying to force society to again, bend to your fantasies. In the mean time, we folks who follow Jesus need to remember praying for salvation of all.

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