WASHINGTON DC, Feb 2 — AMAC Action is the senior advocacy initiative established by the Association of Mature American Citizens to enable its members – and all of America’s seniors – to have a voice in national and local political issues.
AMAC’s CEO Rebecca Weber points out that “this land is our land” and we have an obligation to ensure the future for our next generations. Recently, she reports, 1,877 AMAC members took part in a campaign in Ohio to stop Governor Mike Dewine from blocking a bill that would protect gender-affirming care for trans youth and prevent transgender athletes from playing in women’s sports. In the end, the Ohio House voted 65-28 and the Senate voted 24-8 to override DeWine’s veto. “It was a win for parents and their children, providing them with the means to protect themselves against radical leftist efforts to promote transgender initiatives,” Rebecca noted.
Similarly, AMAC Action initiated an effort to aid the large numbers of college women who find themselves pregnant. Rebecca explains “It is estimated that as many as 50 percent of young college women have unexpected pregnancies and many of them are often unaware of the protections that currently exist in the law. Thus, they rush to terminate pregnancies due to academic pressure and a fear that they’ll lose scholarships. It’s an issue that prompted AMAC Action to promote passage of the Pregnant Students’ Rights Act, H.R. 6914, a pro-life piece of legislation that passed in the House of Representatives in January. It was a great win for expectant mothers attending colleges and universities, a great win for their unborn children, and a great win for the sanctity of life.”
Rebecca explains that nearly a third of abortions in the U.S. are performed on college-aged women and oftentimes they are not aware of the protections that currently exist in the law. “This bill simply requires universities to provide information about the rights of pregnant students at the start of each period of study via email and in orientation packets.”
She points out that these efforts are part of the Association’s stated objectives. As she put it, “We strive to make our nation stronger. Thus, our goals are simple and direct: the promotion of free, fair, and secure elections, the defense of our constitutional freedoms and our rights as Americans, and the protection of every human life, from the unborn to the elderly.”
John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.
Im old enough to remember when it was common for the entirety of American media to decry what they said was the old Soviet Union using abortion as a means of birth control and how evil such practices were
Well, fast forward and the regions that were once the old Soviet Union are now doing everything they can to promote children and the family and it is the collective west led by the alpha dog America that proudly promotes using abortion as a primary means of birth control and instead of relying on home born citizens for the future workforce instead we import the illiterate and unskilled and criminal prone dregs of outside invaders.
America is broken and I sure don’t see it getting fixed.
Significant accomplishments made in this article – ‘ To Make Our Nation Stronger ‘ – Well Done Rebecca , praise for everyone working with Amac Action . The spirit of respect for Faith , Family and Freedom – the noble cause to make the United States of America stronger is appreciated .
So many names never given to these innocents , wondering what achievements they may have accomplished.
Isn’t anyone else bothered by the fact that the picture is of a MAN and NOT THE CEO?
Why is there never any mention about BIRTH CONTROL ?
Social media, news articles, ect. talk about abortions, but do not mention how to not get pregnant to begin with.
If there were ads everywhere about birth control, the abortion rate would drop drasticly.