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AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber and Real America’s Voice Host John Solomon Interview Top Presidential Candidates

Posted on Thursday, October 19, 2023
by The Association of Mature American Citizens
2024 Republican President Candidates - Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis

Bohemia, New York – AMAC is partnering with renowned journalist John Solomon to host a series of townhall interviews with the top presidential candidates. The interviews will air on Real America’s Voice.  The first interview is scheduled to air this Thursday, October 5 at 6pm EST with Vivek Ramaswamy. The second interview is scheduled to air on October 6 at 6pm EST with Donald Trump. Additional interviews will follow in the upcoming weeks. Rebecca Weber and John Solomon will interview the candidates and some of the questions will come directly from AMAC members.

To watch the interviews, click here.

“We are thrilled to speak directly with the top presidential candidates and to hear their plan to address the national challenges that are critical to AMAC members,” said AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber. “This will provide an opportunity to have in-depth conversations on issues such as the economy, border security, healthcare, Social Security, and social issues that are often largely overlooked by the mainstream media and even the Republican debates. We won’t be focused on gotcha questions—we will be focused on the real issues that concern hardworking Americans and American seniors.”

“AMAC is one of the most influential grassroots groups in America, and its millions of members have a large stake in the issues at the heart of the 2024 election, from the future of Medicare and Social Security to the porous southern border that is now afflicting every community in America with drugs, crimes and depleted resources,” John Solomon said. “I am excited to partner with AMAC, Real America’s Voice and the candidates to create these conversations to help educate voters before they cast ballots in a few short months,” he added.

Hundreds of AMAC members have submitted questions for the candidates.

For background on hosts Rebecca Weber and John Solomon, see below:

Rebecca Weber is the CEO of the Association for Mature American Citizens (AMAC), the premier conservative grassroots organization for Americans over 50. Founded in 2007 by her father, the late Dan Weber, Rebecca helped grow the organization from a brilliant idea into a two-million-plus member association. AMAC is now the conservative alternative to AARP and is the fastest-growing conservative group in America.

As editor-in-chief of the AMAC Magazine, Rebecca has grown the publication to reach more than 1.7 million American households bimonthly. She also hosts the Better for America podcast to hear from leading conservatives on the most important issues facing our nation. She is the president of the AMAC Foundation, serves on the board of AMAC Action, and is a member of the Texas Border Coalition.

In addition to her role as CEO of AMAC, Rebecca serves as president and CEO of Hometown Insurance Agency of Long Island and Hometown Firefighters Services, the leading provider of retirement accounts and benefits for volunteer firefighters in the state of New York, Virginia and Connecticut. 

John Solomon is an award-winning investigative journalist, author and digital media entrepreneur who serves as Chief Executive Officer and Editor in Chief of Just the News. Before founding Just the News,  Solomon played key reporting and executive roles at some of America’s most important journalism institutions, such as The Associated Press, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, Newsweek, The Daily Beast and The Hill.

Solomon’s executive experience includes helping to build the successful Hill.TV video platform as the newspaper’s Executive Vice President and serving as Editor and Vice President for Content and Business Development at The Washington Times, where he oversaw the transformation of the company’s content, audience, and revenue strategies.

Beyond his executive roles, Solomon has continued his role as one of the country’s most impactful investigative reporters, breaking stories that have resonated from the campaign trail to the White House and across the globe.

Before joining the Times, Solomon worked for two decades at The Associated Press, where he became one of the youngest news editors in the cooperative’s history at age 22 and rose to become the No. 2 executive in its Washington bureau. His award-winning investigative stories won wide acclaim for exposing what the U.S. government knew about terrorism threats prior to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

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John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

The fact the Democrats are doing everything in their power to bring down and destroy Trump tells me everything I need to know…Trump 2024!
The Dem’s aren’t worried about any of the other Republican candidates and there’s a reason for it. What I’m worried about is if Trump is not jailed and he actually get back into the White House, will he be able to clean house of all the treasonous Dem’s and Rino’s that have worked against him and continue to do so…not to mention the FBI, DOJ, HLS and the other alphabet departments that have all been infiltrated, or will it start all over again with the obstructing of everything he tries to do for this country?
The American people need to be more involved this time around after Trump wins. I’m talking the people need to be demanding, marching in the streets and shouting at the top of their lungs. Make sure the swamp is truly drained this time around so none of this ever happens again.

Bruce R Christy
Bruce R Christy
1 year ago

No need to interview anyone but Trump. You don’t see the Democrats hating on any of the other candidates, because they are not worried about them. You shouldn’t either.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Id avoid: Christie, Pence, Haley as DC Estd types.
Wary of Vivek

Jeff Bengtson
Jeff Bengtson
1 year ago

John is a great reporter, but being 60 pts ahead of everyone, Trump will win, if the democratic party fails with their cheating and they will cheat, again, against any Republican.

1 year ago

Wake up people!! We all know there’s only one person who can save our country and that’s Donald Trump! Everyone, including the candidates, should get behind President Trump now. Let’s all rally around him. We know he’s the only person who can save this great country of ours. He did it once before and will do it again! President Trump now knows who he’s dealing with. Let’s all come together and get behind Trump for 2024 or we won’t have a country any longer!! Look what’s happened to our country in only two years under Biden – it’s unrecognizable! He made America great once and he’ll do it again!!

Gary Dickerhoof
Gary Dickerhoof
1 year ago

Drop the farce, these guys need to quit wasting money and back Trump and start working to beat dems and election integrity

Sharon McNatt
Sharon McNatt
1 year ago

There are only two candidates I would vote for, and Trump is #1. Nix on vivek and burgum and everyone who follows them. And Trump will be the candidate. This time around he will need an army working for him to fix the country.

1 year ago

An article that I won’t have to read. 3 of those clowns are “also ran candidates”

1 year ago

I’ve seen two interviews, Ramaswamy and Trump. Both were interesting and I thought John and Rebecca were good at their jobs. However, I think Amac should consider the image portrayed as well as the content. Rebecca mildly resembled a fetching wall flower during the Trump interview, probably the wrong focus. Just saying….

Chris Schiller
Chris Schiller
1 year ago

Ask Vivek who purchased his failing Pharma company and how the stock soared from $3 to $300 per share overnight? He’s been bought and paid for by the NWO Nazis.
Very sad indeed
answer: Blackrock

1 year ago

Waste of time! Trump is the only one you need to interview. The Democrats aren’t the least bit afraid of the RINO WEF Uniparty undercover democrats running against him.

1 year ago

Trump , stop being you. I mean the name calling of our own Republican Party members. It is unpresidential. We , as a country want u to be popular. David

Meg Mano
Meg Mano
1 year ago

There is only ONE candidate and that’s Donald J Trump. All others pale in comparison. Trump 2024????????????????❤️

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
1 year ago

There is only one top candidate Rebecca. The rest are just looking for name recognition in the future.

1 year ago

President Trump is clearly in the lead by an enormous amount. To entertain these other people running for president is a waste of precious time and resources for everyone. These other people are incapable of doing the job at the level President Trump has already proven he does with excellence. They should all concede and get behind the GOP front runner. This is an election season like no other. More is at stake this time around than simply a four year term. This time our way of life and sovereignty are at stake. AMAC, why would you encourage and support something like this when you are supposed to be the conservative organization for mature citizens? This causes me to question whether I will continue my membership with you. You are making a terrible error in judgment at a time when we conservatives cannot afford it. Wake up! Everyone should watch the Victor Davis Hanson interview by Tucker Carlson, Ep 27, at for the most insightful and concise description of what is happening to our country at this time.

1 year ago

The only interview John Solomon should be conducting is with Donald Trump. Stop wasting time and money on this nonsense. Donald Trump is our choice, the only choice.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

The best thing for everyone, not just AMAC customers, is a strong, decisive America, a robust economy with low interest and minimal inflation, affordable energy, economic opportunities in poorer communities to deter crime (and if that fails, swift justice), and a secure border. Or… the opposite of that which we are not getting now!

1 year ago

People need to realize Donald Trump is done he is going to jail. We need to put our support behind Ron DeSantis the only one acting truly presidential at this time.
I voted for Trump in 2020 but you need to know when is time to walk away..

1 year ago

There are only two candidates I would vote for, and Trump is #1. Nix on vivek and Burgum and everyone who follows them.

Diana M
Diana M
1 year ago

There’s never been a question in my mind for Trump, may God protect him! What an incredible team Trump and Kristi (or even Kari) would make!
Not sure about De Santis even with all the great work in FL. He’s much younger than most of the “old guys”, which we need, but to me he just “seems” weak somehow. I’d know if I could shake his hand.
Vivek though young, and granted he is an unknown right now, and is trying to make his name known. Hope he’s gracious enough to bow out when the time comes!
Since Nicki Haley voted to impeach I crossed her off ANY list for anything I’d be interested in.
I’m just not interested in the others.

Diana M
Diana M
1 year ago

Are you pointing the finger back at yourself? Do you not recognize all the good Pres. Trump did for our country?
Being Republican, Democrat, Liberal, whatever one labels themselves, doesn’t matter when it comes time to vote.
Also, you (we) are not forgiven just for “going to church”. Christians are born again through Christ & Christ in them. By water baptism we are symbolically dying (going under the water & washing away our sins up to that day). Coming up out of the water, symbolically raises us up & being born again.
All sins were forgiven when Jesus died on the cross. Now we prepare for the final judgement. We repent & pray for forgiveness & try to follow God’s Word as we wait. Every time a priest “forgives” you, theologically, you are crucifying Jesus again.
Right NOW we a fighting for our American way of life by the way we vote. Votes (like 2020, stolen or not) have consequences. Be careful of what you wish for!

1 year ago

Christopher Columbus planted the American flag in New York City in 1492 and there has been freedom ever since.

1 year ago

The interviews should all be done because we may have multiple future presidents. Christopher Columbus would approve.

1 year ago

If Christopher Columbus were alive today he’d be a Republican because the Republicans love freedom just like he did.

1 year ago

Excellent interview today with Ron De Santis. He was articulate and had policy answers on every question hexes asked. He will be an excellent president if elected.

1 year ago

Hi Kathleen hope you’re doing well I thought you might like this article I hope you join AMAC

1 year ago

These Republican Primary candidates cannot win anything it’s another typical neoconservative donor class failure and anti Trump movement from the rich rhinos…

1 year ago

Without Haley and Scott you are ignoring the top candidates

1 year ago

We all know what Trump will do. He made promises, got elected, and made good on his promises. He is the first to ever make good on election promises. All the others are probably liars and probably put there by the swamp.

1 year ago

Why bother? The outcome is obvious! TRUMP!

1 year ago

Why are debates even happening? Trump is the leader of the Republican Party and candidate.

Lisa Skinner
Lisa Skinner
1 year ago

Trump has always been my choice.
Trump 2024 (insert American flag here which for some reason always comes out as question marks on this app)

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Put Trump in as Speaker of the House.

FEMA papers and american flag
RNC - republican and democrat logos
Trump Signs Executive Order Intending To Abolish Education Department
the panama canal

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