
National Security , Newsline

Watch Out for Iran – Absolutely No Appeasement

Posted on Monday, June 21, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Things are changing fast in Iran – and the Biden team needs to take stock. Accidental wars missed opportunities, regrettable world events often start with missed signals, converging currents, small events that turn out to be significant. Such events are afoot in Iran and beyond.

First, a high-fear, low-turnout “election” in Iran – controlled by a repressive Islamic theological cabal – just “elected” Ebrahim Raisi, that country’s new President. Departing President Hassan Rouhani had no third term while leading competitors were “disqualified” prior to the vote. Such is the power of a radical theocracy.

The ascension of Raisi raises serious diplomatic questions. He was sanctioned by the United States “for executing thousands of political prisoners in the 1980s.” This is the person with whom Biden, aided by backroom Kerry, would presumably since a second “nuclear deal,’ in Washington-talk “JCPOA” (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), or second money tree.

This alone should get your goat. Add a second fact, new concern. Earlier this month, undiscussed in most press, Biden reversed the sanctions Trump and Pompeo placed on Iran’s major oil players – in late 2020. You did not hear that? Few did. Thank the media.

Yes, the Wall Street Journal caught it on June 10, several outlets thereafter, but even in those stories, details were sparse. Biden – hard-driven in Geneva to reopen the nuclear accord – decided to lift sanctions on “three former Iranian officials and several energy companies amid stalled nuclear negotiations, signaling Washington’s willingness to further ease economic pressure on Iran if the country changes course.” See, e.g., U.S. Lifts Some Iran Sanctions Amid Stalled Nuclear Talks. Bluntly, nothing justified lifting sanctions on Iran.

Weakness begets weakness, and Iran promptly demanded more. They are not yet at a new load of Obama-Biden cash for nothing but want a swift end to Trump-Pompeo sanctions. They can smell blood. They think Biden-Harris, weak and off cue, are desperate for an unverifiable Nuclear Deal 2.0.

They want to squeeze Biden for all they can get – and are.

Notably, if you scroll back to mid-2020, Trump and Pompeo foresaw potential Biden backsliding with Iran, so they imposed the added sanctions. Trump hit Iran’s oil income – because it finances terror through Hezbollah and Hamas, which recently fired 4000 missiles to Israel.

In October 2020, the Washington Post called them “crushing sanctions.” Hardly. But they were another weight on the scale, what some in the media promptly called a Biden “bargaining chip.” Trump would not let Iran continue to finance terror – or nuclear weapons development – so kept pressure on. That set of later 2020 sanctions reinforced Trump’s prior resolve to trigger “snap back” sanctions for Iranian duplicity. See, e.g., Trump sanctions could give Biden a bargaining chip in deal talks with Iran.

In short, Biden quietly undid what Trump had done – sanctions holding Iran accountable, pressing them to come clean, end nuclear weapons, stop massive human rights violations.

Trump-like Reagan with the Soviets – called a spade a spade, as in China. Biden balked.

Third fact:

China is pushing Biden hard to lift all sanctions on Iran, saying Iran is justified in not re-upping a nuclear accord – if Biden will not lift Trump’s sanctions. The two countries are playing Biden, as Russia and China are. If it were not so serious, it might be a Broadway play.

Only it is serious. What we are seeing is the confluence of ambitious, radical leadership in Iran, a fading American president, and aggressive adversaries – a wolfpack of China, Iran, and Russia, prowling the perimeter of low-burning guard fires.

What does all this mean?

First, it means that Republicans – and many moderate Democrats who place country, national security, long-term stability above politics – should sit up straight and understand the stakes.

Second, it means Iran will push hard to get all sanctions lifted now – and Biden may bend, break, betray the principle of “peace through strength.” Liberal media are pushing Biden to cave. See, e.g., For Biden, Iranian Hard-liner May Be Best Path to Restoring Nuclear Deal.

Third, it means – like “shadows on the cave wall,” from Plato’s Republic – China sees what is happening, understands the meaning of Biden’s weakness toward Iran and Russia.

China has an opportunity to make hay.

China may place fighters on their artificial islands, take a shot at islands disputed with Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, and across the region, or test a Taiwan strike. See, e.g., Foreign policy experts divided on whether Putin-Biden summit emboldened China | Fox News.

Nor is China alone.

Russia sees all this, coming off a Putin-boosting, walk-over encounter with Biden. Putin is immoral but smart enough to see when the dealer is asleep.

Biden looked more asleep than awake and mostly asleep when he was awake. Result?

Watch for more “criminal” ransomware hits on US critical infrastructure. Watch Ukraine, and in the spirit of MacArthur’s surprise action at Inchon, watch for surprises, perhaps Russian action in the Baltics.

In short, Iran is a live wire, a threat to Israel and the region, but needs Biden-Harris to lift Trump’s sanctions – and refinance more terror and mayhem. China is egging them on, Europeans afraid of Iran, tight with China, dependent on Russia for energy. Russia is watching, almost drooling.

Biden needs to wake up, and his closest national security friends on the Hill need to wake with him, saying: Joe, hold the line now, understand this Iranian leader – see the horrors he committed, do not appease. If you do, China, Russia, and half the world will seize this moment. Accidental wars missed opportunities, and world history are rife with regret. Time to take stock, see how things add up, and hold that line. Absolutely no appeasement.

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3 years ago


You make very good points, but of course the Biden administration will heed none of them. Biden’s handlers have been tasked to get the United States back into the disastrous Obama era Iran nuclear agreement at all costs. Resurrecting the lone so-called foreign policy win of Obama is paramount. So the Biden administration will give Iran whatever it wants to achieve that goal. If that destabilizes the Middle East and threatens the security and world interests of the United States and its allies, so be it.

We don’t have an administration currently in power that is concerned with the long-term best interests of the United States and its people. That should be painfully evident after the recent G7 and Putin meetings, where the United States essentially adopted complete appeasement on all fronts. Yes, it is the completely wrong stance for the United States to take for a multitude of reasons, but it is none the less the reality we have before us.

Think of it this way. Say Chamberlain was replaced by Churchill after the disastrous deal with Hitler and then after a few years the people of England, for whatever insane reason, brought Chamberlain back BEFORE the war was over. While fighting was still intense and the outcome not certain. Rather than continuing to be part of the allied push to defeat Hitler, Chamberlain instead reversed course and adopted a return to his appeasement policies under a delusional mindset that Hitler wouldn’t push his advantage to conquer all of Europe. Even while Hitler was making daily speeches about doing just that. That is kind of what we have right now with Biden. The Mullahs are still screaming death to America daily and want to wipe us off the map and the Biden administration can’t bend over far enough to get us back into an agreement that would ensure Iran gets nuclear weapons and means to deliver them to us.

We had Obama make a one-sided deal with Iran, that essentially gave them everything they wanted and gives Iran a glide path to a nuclear weapon in 10 years. Trump comes in and rightly pulls us out of that insane agreement and imposes economic sanctions that cripple Iran’s ability to destabilize the Middle East. Now Biden wants to resurrect Obama’s agreement at all costs and is making it easier for Iran to generate revenue to fund terrorist actions throughout the Middle East. I fully expect the Biden administration will offer pallets of cash as a deal sweetener in the near future.

3 years ago

We are being very stupid. And it is going to cost us dearly. It may cost us our nation. The ship is filling with water from all the holes the Biden administration has punched in the hull And to top it off, he’s ordered the bilge pumps to be run in reverse as our soultion!

Janice Beaty
Janice Beaty
3 years ago

Biden as Obama and many others are selling us down the river. All deals made with ANY country should benefit the USA. If not then should continue to negotiate

3 years ago

Biden has done this with the backing of Obama. He is a traitor to the people along with obama. Why would anyone think they can appease the likes of Iran after all that has transpired. Pure evil cannot be appeased. You cannot reason with the unreasonable. They are idiots or also just as evil.

Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

It’s impossible to negotiate with an insane, radical religion/political power. Eventually, either saner minds in Iran will have to seize power and it will be bloody, or the radicals will start a BAD war and have to be nuked. They will die rather than compromise or surrender.

3 years ago

I heard Biden say on CBS 2 weeks ago say,”America 1st is over!” I was appalled!

3 years ago

Biden doesn’t just hate Trump, he hates everyone and everything that Trump stood up for. For those who cannot see this, Biden hates all US Citizens who love their Freedom and their country.

Jack Thomas
Jack Thomas
3 years ago

To expect Iran to change its behavior is plain foolish. To expect Biden to hold the line against Iran, China, or Russia isn’t going to happen either.You might as well try rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic and expect a different result. Joe Biden has been sadly wrong on every major foreign policy decision of the last 40 years, including his 8 years as V.P. under Obama, according to former Defense Secretary Robert Gates. His current behavior during the G7 Summit, his lame meeting in Geneva with Putin, his willingness to renegotiate the Iran nuclear deal, caving to European pressure to lift sanctions on the Nordstream 2 pipeline, all confirm that he is running true to form —- weak,
ineffective,and outright disloyal to U.S. interests and those of our ally Israel

None of this would be happening if Donald J. Trump had been re-elected. Those of us who supported Trump knew this would be the case if Biden-Harris seized power. Which only reinforces
the old adage, “Elections have consequences.”.

3 years ago

We all know the Pres. Biden and associates are just pawns being by a higher authority to destroy the Constitution and bring down the USA.

Leighton Reid
Leighton Reid
3 years ago

June 25th marks the 25th anniversary of the murder of 19 of my fellow airmen and the wounding of several hundred more of us at Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. Lifting of sanctions against the Iranian perpetrators by the Biden regime is a slap in the face to us survivors and dishonors the sacrifices made by the 19 who paid the ultimate price in the defense of their country. Yes this is personal President Biden, the troops deserve the backing of their Commander-In-Chief. Leighton Reid

3 years ago

If u think iran is bad. Wait what north korea does to obiden toes

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