WASHINGTON, DC, Mar 8 – The good news is that Russia’s cowardly assault on Ukraine is having a backlash at home. The Russian people – those who can – are packing their bags and leaving in droves. The speculation suggests that by the time the war is over, “Vlad the Impaler” Putin may not have much of a country to push around.
The Ukraine war appears to be accelerating a “brain drain” that’s been going on for the past few years. According to the Washington D.C. based Atlantic Council, “Since President Vladimir Putin’s ascent to the presidency, between 1.6 and 2 million Russians—out of a total population of 145 million—have left for Western democracies and some new destinations where they can be freer with their skills put to a better use. This emigration sped up with Putin’s return as president in 2012, followed by a weakening economy and growing repressions. It soon began to look like a politically driven brain drain, causing increasing concern among Russian and international observers.”
Since the invasion of Ukraine, protests have broken out throughout Russia. Reuters reports that police have arrested more than 4,300 protestors in 56 cities throughout the country, according to OVD-Info, an organization that monitors politically-motivated persecutions and cases of abuse of authority by Russian police officers. “The screws are being fully tightened – essentially, we are witnessing military censorship,” says OVD spokeswoman Maria Kuznetsova. It’s likely the number of Russian citizens who feel the same way are likely to join the brain drain sooner or later.
In fact, Oleg Itskhoki, professor of economics at the University of California in Los Angeles, says, “People want to leave in mass quantities now, but there are severe restrictions on mobility as a result of sanctions — closed embassies, closed skies for flying … So, in fact, fewer people will be able to leave even if more people are trying harder to leave now. This is particularly relevant for educated, informed people.”
Despite those hurdles, would-be ex-pats are finding ways to get out. The British newspaper, The Telegraph, writes that they are getting out of town as fast as they can by the thousands. And another economics professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Nikolai Roussanov, says, “In the long run, brain drain might be the most important problem for Russia,” noting that the exodus will see an acceleration in time.
It’s not going to be easy for them; airlines are suspending flights in and out of Russia due to the war, and Moscow has ruled that travelers who can book flights are limited to the amount of money they can take with them.
In addition, rumors have been spreading that Putin would impose martial law to deal with Russian dissenters. He’s denied that, but the British Ministry of Defence says he has, indeed, changed the law in Russia, threatening to impose stiff fines and prison sentences of up to 15 years for spreading so-called “fake” information about the Ukraine war.
The conclusion of the aforementioned Atlantic Council analysis is noteworthy in light of Putin’s unabashed despotic attitude toward his neighbors in Ukraine and his countrymen at home: “Our study suggests that the Putin Exodus is composed of highly educated and socially aware individuals— lending support to the idea that this is, in fact, a ‘brain drain. The study also indicates that this emigration is composed of people who identify with the values that have made the West prosper. The results suggest that so long as authoritarianism and politically connected economic privilege continue in Russia, talented people will continue to leave. The study also undermines the notion peddled by the Kremlin that Russia represents a distinct civilization with its own distinctive values, stressing communal advantage over individual liberty and well-being.”
In other words, they are as mad as hell and don’t want to take any longer.
Can’t wait to hear what the Putin smoochers have to say about this article.
Wow, this was a typical liberal propaganda piece. Starting with the juvenile name calling and continuing with fake storyline. Very disappointing AMAC. I thought this was a conservative news outlet, my bad. I don’t support NWO and am not about to start now.
“…stressing communal advantage over individual liberty and well-being.” That is exactly what the old U.S.S.R. regime stressed, ……….and what the Democrat Party now calls for. The actual descriptions of these socialist regimes matters not, only their abuse of the inherent rights of human beings counts.
You may think I’m nuts, but Putin is doing what needs to be done and Biden cannot and will not stop him because he is dirty and does not have the resources or the backing of our military.
Let me explain, you see Ukraine’s government is extremely corrupted (I feel very bad for the innocent civilians, like us). It is a huge money laundering hub for the deep state. In addition to that, human/child/sex trafficking is running rampant in Ukraine. Most folks here in the west that don’t look to alternative news sources do not realize that Putin is taking down bio-weapons labs that are near his border (I think 8 of the 12 were funded by US & Fauci & Co.) . Of course, Biden, Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, their kids & families are all involved in the Ukraine. Yet, Trump was impeached for what Biden did!!
I am praying that we get through this without a lot of bloodshed! It WILL cost us in the pocket book no matter what.
I believe this is part of the plan to “Drain the Swamp” and I mean WORLDWIDE because that’s how far the deep state and the corruption run. What is Biden going to do when China takes Taiwan …. nothing. Again, part of the plan to show the deep states hand. How about N. Korea …. Iran Nuclear deal?
I highly recommend you spend the time to read about Devolution by Patel Patriot (whom I met in person at the Patriot Double Down). It is VERY interesting, highly sourced and filled with historical facts and information.
It really sums everything up so well; it could take you a week to read his stuff and probably months if you drill into his sources.
You want the truth …. you have to LOOK for it!
I watched a FB video that ask average Russians what they thought about the invasion of Ukraine. Two consistent answers, it is bad and I can’t say anymore.
Why is AMAC printing one sided propaganda…without furthering the discussion? One portion of this purported article mentions those supposedly wishing to leave as being “the educated, informed”….sorta like the bubble clowns at MSNBC and CNN right? While the smelly Russian Walmart shopper types hold back and support their country……sound familiar? In Russia lying media clowns and miscreant ANTIFA types arent tolerated, just as they werent here all that long ago.Now evidence is coming out that indeed Ukraine had, with our financial backing,several bio weapon research facilities, just as the Russians have been claiming for months if not years. Tell me please what would the reaction of the United States be if say Cuba had numerous bio weapon research facilities within its borders? Would we seek to eliminate them?
Watch what happens next. There will be some sickness caused by at first some unknown virus. Who will be blamed by the United States………well of course Russia. This might finally fuel Lindsay Grahams mincing war hawk half and join with the leftist in the Executive Branch to go to an actual hot war with Russia……that is a wet dream for the Cheney, Graham, Biden war hawk cabal.
We can rest assured that there will be some mysterious and awful occurrence that will immediately and without a shadow of evidence be blamed on Russia in the very near future as this invasion draws to a close. The swamp cannot tolerate the existance of any non globalist entity as the left truly wants a one world government…….and it seems that Russia is standing in their way.
It is more than evident that we are kept in the dark about what is really going on regarding foreign interests.
From some information I’ve gathered from other members here, the bio labs in Ukraine are what Putin is after. I’m starting to wonder if Burden, (on purpose), made a deal with the Devil, in this example, Putin, about getting to those bio labs to destroy them and any evidence pointing to the U.S. Would explain why Burden is playing softball with Putin right now.
It makes me feel like this country is in big trouble with other countries over the COVID-19 Plandemic. Would this explain why Burden is waltzing with Iran? Those traitors in our government are evil and dangerous along with Fauci and everyone tied to him. They are dangerous criminals and need to be taken down! I’m starting to think that Nancy Pelosi and her clan have known all along about all this and why they needed so desperately to get rid of Donald Trump because he would ruin everything they were planning. If what I’m suggesting is the case, how could we possibly make amends to all the other countries who have also suffered such losses among their citizens?
In Christ’s name, Amen.
I’m sure biden and company won’t them invading our country. Couldn’t be any worse than anything else that they’ve left infiltrate our borders
Is AMAC becoming a Fake News Network? I noticed that they have the same narrative being spread by the liberal socialist media. I left AARP to become an AMAC member, now I’m wondering….
Poland getting more residents big time
It would be wholly poetic if those folks who are fleeing the country or who want to get out of the country do just that and leave putin with little or nothing left to “govern”. But, I doubt that will happen. Home is HOME. Most folks won’t want to leave and I wouldn’t blame them. Fix the problems, don’t run from them.
MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!
All of this sure has taken the total cluster-F and disaster on our southern border off the front page, hasn’t it? Lest we forget…it IS still a major disaster with literally millions crossing illegally into our beloved nation. We need to focus a lot more on our direct problems right here at home!
So Russia is imposing “fake information” penalties, true or not, just like our government and media have done with, “misleading information”, true or not, when it doesn’t agree their position or agenda. hmmm.
Thank you to all the people who voted this moronic idiot into office, unfortunately we who had some brains have to suffer also. He is basically responsible for this genocide in Ukraine. How
about his son sending some of the millions he made in Ukraine to assist the people with food clothing etc.. what a bunch of disgusting people.
Can’t wait to hear what the Putin smoochers have to say about this article.
Wow, this was a typical liberal propaganda piece. Starting with the juvenile name calling and continuing with fake storyline. Very disappointing AMAC. I thought this was a conservative news outlet, my bad. I don’t support NWO and am not about to start now.
“…stressing communal advantage over individual liberty and well-being.” That is exactly what the old U.S.S.R. regime stressed, ……….and what the Democrat Party now calls for. The actual descriptions of these socialist regimes matters not, only their abuse of the inherent rights of human beings counts.
You may think I’m nuts, but Putin is doing what needs to be done and Biden cannot and will not stop him because he is dirty and does not have the resources or the backing of our military.
Let me explain, you see Ukraine’s government is extremely corrupted (I feel very bad for the innocent civilians, like us). It is a huge money laundering hub for the deep state. In addition to that, human/child/sex trafficking is running rampant in Ukraine. Most folks here in the west that don’t look to alternative news sources do not realize that Putin is taking down bio-weapons labs that are near his border (I think 8 of the 12 were funded by US & Fauci & Co.) . Of course, Biden, Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, their kids & families are all involved in the Ukraine. Yet, Trump was impeached for what Biden did!!
I am praying that we get through this without a lot of bloodshed! It WILL cost us in the pocket book no matter what.
I believe this is part of the plan to “Drain the Swamp” and I mean WORLDWIDE because that’s how far the deep state and the corruption run. What is Biden going to do when China takes Taiwan …. nothing. Again, part of the plan to show the deep states hand. How about N. Korea …. Iran Nuclear deal?
I highly recommend you spend the time to read about Devolution by Patel Patriot (whom I met in person at the Patriot Double Down). It is VERY interesting, highly sourced and filled with historical facts and information.
It really sums everything up so well; it could take you a week to read his stuff and probably months if you drill into his sources.
You want the truth …. you have to LOOK for it!
I watched a FB video that ask average Russians what they thought about the invasion of Ukraine. Two consistent answers, it is bad and I can’t say anymore.
Why is AMAC printing one sided propaganda…without furthering the discussion? One portion of this purported article mentions those supposedly wishing to leave as being “the educated, informed”….sorta like the bubble clowns at MSNBC and CNN right? While the smelly Russian Walmart shopper types hold back and support their country……sound familiar? In Russia lying media clowns and miscreant ANTIFA types arent tolerated, just as they werent here all that long ago.Now evidence is coming out that indeed Ukraine had, with our financial backing,several bio weapon research facilities, just as the Russians have been claiming for months if not years. Tell me please what would the reaction of the United States be if say Cuba had numerous bio weapon research facilities within its borders? Would we seek to eliminate them?
Watch what happens next. There will be some sickness caused by at first some unknown virus. Who will be blamed by the United States………well of course Russia. This might finally fuel Lindsay Grahams mincing war hawk half and join with the leftist in the Executive Branch to go to an actual hot war with Russia……that is a wet dream for the Cheney, Graham, Biden war hawk cabal.
We can rest assured that there will be some mysterious and awful occurrence that will immediately and without a shadow of evidence be blamed on Russia in the very near future as this invasion draws to a close. The swamp cannot tolerate the existance of any non globalist entity as the left truly wants a one world government…….and it seems that Russia is standing in their way.
It is more than evident that we are kept in the dark about what is really going on regarding foreign interests.
From some information I’ve gathered from other members here, the bio labs in Ukraine are what Putin is after. I’m starting to wonder if Burden, (on purpose), made a deal with the Devil, in this example, Putin, about getting to those bio labs to destroy them and any evidence pointing to the U.S. Would explain why Burden is playing softball with Putin right now.
It makes me feel like this country is in big trouble with other countries over the COVID-19 Plandemic. Would this explain why Burden is waltzing with Iran? Those traitors in our government are evil and dangerous along with Fauci and everyone tied to him. They are dangerous criminals and need to be taken down! I’m starting to think that Nancy Pelosi and her clan have known all along about all this and why they needed so desperately to get rid of Donald Trump because he would ruin everything they were planning. If what I’m suggesting is the case, how could we possibly make amends to all the other countries who have also suffered such losses among their citizens?
In Christ’s name, Amen.
I’m sure biden and company won’t them invading our country. Couldn’t be any worse than anything else that they’ve left infiltrate our borders
Is AMAC becoming a Fake News Network? I noticed that they have the same narrative being spread by the liberal socialist media. I left AARP to become an AMAC member, now I’m wondering….
Poland getting more residents big time
It would be wholly poetic if those folks who are fleeing the country or who want to get out of the country do just that and leave putin with little or nothing left to “govern”. But, I doubt that will happen. Home is HOME. Most folks won’t want to leave and I wouldn’t blame them. Fix the problems, don’t run from them.
MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!
All of this sure has taken the total cluster-F and disaster on our southern border off the front page, hasn’t it? Lest we forget…it IS still a major disaster with literally millions crossing illegally into our beloved nation. We need to focus a lot more on our direct problems right here at home!
So Russia is imposing “fake information” penalties, true or not, just like our government and media have done with, “misleading information”, true or not, when it doesn’t agree their position or agenda. hmmm.
Thank you to all the people who voted this moronic idiot into office, unfortunately we who had some brains have to suffer also. He is basically responsible for this genocide in Ukraine. How
about his son sending some of the millions he made in Ukraine to assist the people with food clothing etc.. what a bunch of disgusting people.