
National Security , Newsline

The Attempted Coup Against Trump

Posted on Thursday, April 11, 2019
by Outside Contributor

coup TrumpPresident Donald Trump told reporters on April 10 while discussing the origins of the investigations into his campaign that there had been an attempted coup.

“This was an attempted coup, this was an attempted takedown of a president,” he said.

The president is right.

During the past two years, numerous details have emerged about how America’s intelligence and law-enforcement agencies were used against Trump during the 2016 elections.

The scandal has become known as “Spygate” and refers to the creation of the Russia-collusion narrative, which was used in an attempt to prevent Trump from becoming president and subsequently to remove him from office. Specifically, during the 2016 elections, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into his campaign cast a shadow over it, and following Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, a whirlwind of false allegations that Trump colluded with Russia to win the elections were spread by media and politicians, leading to talk of impeachment.

The so-called “Steele dossier” played a crucial role in the creation of this false narrative.

It was Hillary Clinton’s campaign, as well as the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which had hired Fusion GPS—through their law firm Perkins Coie—to produce the dossier. Fusion GPS, in turn, hired former MI6 officer Christopher Steele and worked with former CIA contractor Nellie Ohr, wife of high-ranking DOJ official Bruce Ohr.

Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and Steele pushed this false information to the FBI through different channels, including the DOJ and State Department, as well as to reporters in U.S. media outlets, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Yahoo News, and CNN.

We also know, based on statements by then-House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), that no official intelligence product existed to open the FBI’s counter-intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign.

Former CIA Director John Brennan has publicly admitted that he passed intelligence on Americans obtained by the CIA—likely from foreign nations—to the FBI.

“It served as the basis for the FBI investigation to determine whether such collusion [or] cooperation occurred,” Brennan said in a May 23, 2017, congressional testimony.

Associates of Trump’s campaign, such as Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, were targeted by a series of unusual meetings involving intelligence assets.

We also know that key FBI agents involved in the investigation were fiercely opposed to Trump. One such example is a text message one of the lead agents on the case, Peter Strzok, sent to Lisa Page, who at the time was special counsel to FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, saying “we’ll stop” Trump from becoming president.

And while Bill Priestap, then-director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division, was officially overseeing the investigation, McCabe would have frequent meetings himself, in his office, with agents involved in the case.

It was this high-level involvement at the FBI that would help subvert the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) process. Trisha Anderson, the former No. 2 lawyer at the FBI, testified to congressional investigators in August 2018 that she signed off on the FISA warrant application on former Trump campaign adviser Cater Page without reading it, due to the involvement of other high-ranking FBI officials.

Her boss, then-FBI general counsel James Baker, would himself admit to congressional investigators how unconventional the investigation into the Trump campaign was.

“I had a jaundiced eye about everything, yes. I had skepticism about all this stuff. I was concerned about all of this. This whole situation was horrible, and it was novel and we were trying to figure out what to do, and it was highly unusual,” Baker told lawmakers in August 2018.

The spying continued well into Trump’s presidency as the FISA on Carter Page was renewed three times for 90-day periods. FISAs on other members of the campaign or transition team may have been issued.

Other methods of spying on the Trump campaign involved the use of national security letters, which allow the FBI to subpoena customer records from banks, phone companies, internet service providers, and others, and the so-called practice of unmasking, which involved the un-redacting of the identities of members of the Trump campaign in intelligence reports.

Notably, after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey on May 9, 2017, it was McCabe’s FBI that reached back out to Steele in an apparent attempt to re-invigorate or create new investigations into Trump.

This came after the FBI had officially terminated its relationship with Steele due to his unauthorized contacts with reporters, as well as after his dossier had been publicly discredited following Buzzfeed News’ release of the document in January.

Trump said he hopes the attorney general will go “back to the origin of exactly where this all started.”

And it appears that this is what Attorney General William Barr is doing.

During two days of testimony on Capitol Hill, Barr told lawmakers that he believed there was spying on the Trump campaign and that he is looking into the conduct of officials who worked the Russia investigation.

“I am going to be reviewing both the genesis and the conduct of intelligence activities directed at the Trump campaign during 2016,” Barr said. “I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal, it’s a big deal … I think spying did occur.”

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Russell A DeJulio
Russell A DeJulio
5 years ago

Put those who moved against the President behind bars

Frank S.
Frank S.
5 years ago

What truly angers me is the immediate response from the Dems regarding Barr’s comments about looking into the matter of spying on an American citizen and whether or not it was warranted/predicated. This should be a non-partisan issue, but once again the hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds. Barr is no William Holder or Loretta Lynch, both incredibly poor AGs. He will fulfill his Constitutional duties, regardless of personal feelings. At least he better. What a swamp we have!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 years ago

Prosecute any & ALL.

5 years ago

At this point we should look at the possibility of charging all democrat members of congress with treason. They are all to stupid to remain in their office and are helping with the internal destruction of our Republic while a lot of the rest of the world is giddy over the end of our country. This is a disgrace! If there can even be a positive in the abortion debate it is that we will be able to execute criminals, such as these, for anything we feel like even traffic tickets. After all, what did a baby do to have their lives ended and freedoms crushed! We are in the last days here, folks!

5 years ago

W here is our justice system?

5 years ago

Anyone with half a brain knows this and the democratics are still at it so now will they finialing throw these Traitors out of office banned for life of ever being in any part of our government and some from even working in law as well Prosecute them that can be revoke all benefits and those that stole from taxpayers to pay it all back with interest

Wayne D Peterkin
Wayne D Peterkin
5 years ago

This issue appears to be a far bigger scandal than Watergate ever was. Not the silly “collusion” narrative but the laws bent/broken to initiate a phony investigation against Trump and the spying on his campaign. The difference is that the media is in bed with the Democrats including the Obama administration so have done everything possible to squash any serious investigation. Since they hated Nixon, the media pursued him relentlessly. They will never do so against a Democrat. It is a travesty, and extremely harmful to our nation. I hope that Mr. Barr is true to his word and conducts a very complete and thorough investigation into how this debacle began. If criminal activities were involved as I and the president believe they were, the perpetrators should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law regardless of whose ox is gored or how high it goes. For those who want a great book about this farce, I suggest Gregg Jarrett’s “The Russia Hoax” which points fingers at many individuals with the specific criminal statutes violated.

5 years ago

penalty for treason can include death; George Washington hung spys and traitors!

5 years ago

I am so tired of the double standards and hypocrisy shown by these liberal Socialist Democrats. I hope and pray that the whole truth will be found out and that justice will be served. These kinds of atrocities happen in countries like China and Russia. I never thought this could happen in the US!

5 years ago

I knew that Washington was sadly corrupt, but this takes it a step beyond. The left needs to be cleaned out. Drain the swamp

Winthrop Taylor
Winthrop Taylor
5 years ago

Isn’t this the epitome of what Ed Snoden tried to warn us about? The FISA process turned not only against American Citizens but against the Constitution itself. Treason!

Michael Javick
Michael Javick
5 years ago

Just what kind of a nation is this? Is CIVIL WAR 2..APPROACHING? RET US ARMY

Michael Javick
Michael Javick
5 years ago


Prag Matist
Prag Matist
5 years ago

We now have our own version of the Gestapo, East German Stasi, Russian KGB…….organizations representing evil and despotism and suppression and lies and cheating and murder that are the opposite of what A Republic represents. I have no problem hunting the organizers of the coup down, trying them, and having them shot as traitors.

David G. Reis Sr.
David G. Reis Sr.
5 years ago

I hope AG Barr investigates the hole mess the Dems started and gets to the bottom of this very soon.

5 years ago

There has been no doubt for quite some time that this whole Russian Collusion witch-hunt is simply an attempted coup. The only damming evidence of wrong-doing obtained (and it is overwhelming) all points to the democrat party and collusion by American law enforcement agencies.

Though this is a real travesty. The greater evil will be if justice is not applied to the perpetrators. If these people walk, it bodes very ill for our future.

5 years ago

I think most of us are very tired of the leftist agenda. What a waste of time and money

Anna Petrocelli
Anna Petrocelli
5 years ago

The intrigue of this is unbelievable, especially for America. One expects to hear of such events from Venezuela, China, N. Korea and other lawless countries of the world. And yet, it happened. The amazing thing is that the dems were in cahoots on this since they wanted their own to become President. It soon spread through the press like a disease and everyone believed the unbelievable. What is sad though is that some very good people, democrats also looked away with a jaundice eye at this incredible happening and went along with the gossip and the lies. I am so glad that in AG Barr we have a very honest, sincere man who will do the right thing and expose the real truth and shut the mouths of all the sycophants whose aim was to destroy the name of The President of the United States…..Not just the Trump name.

5 years ago

again demorats show their contempt for the laws of the land and what’s worst is they get away with it

5 years ago

Great article. So glad I found this organization…..leaving AARP for sure.

Gail Coury
Gail Coury
5 years ago

Disgusting, unbelievable and unacceptable!

Catherine Bliss
Catherine Bliss
5 years ago

Thank God some legitimate staff are on board & integrity will be restored for President Trump. All he has done, even without help from his own Party at times, is give Americans BACK their pride in America. He has been OUR unwavering protector, recognizing the inequalities in our military, and securing our borders.
I am so very proud to have him as our President, defending me & our future.

5 years ago

With all this information and with the legal system why aren’t any charges brought against those who are involved? How can so many be above the law. It is obvious that individuals involved have protected themselves with money.

David N Hughes
David N Hughes
5 years ago

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Hopefully you can help us to get your magazines into more concerned citizens in our area
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David N Hughes
Salem Ohio
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5 years ago

Explains why nothing was investigated on anything Clinton or from the Democratic Party. They are doing everything possible to keep their “dirty laundry” under the table. Wonder how many Democrats are in on this scheme?

Big Al
Big Al
5 years ago

I say there a members of the government, present and former, including the Congress, and members of the political parties who are guilty sedition. The facts should be put together and those involved should be indicted and prosecuted. I also believe that failure to take legal action against illegal and corrupt acts is not being undertaken because of wide ranging collusion across Party lines.

Thomas H
Thomas H
5 years ago

Of COURSE this was an attempted coup of President Trump – and now we have the proof of the various actors in it. Alas, all for naught because our side doesn’t want to dirty itself by taking back the “unbiased” media, so even the investigation into this will be labeled as “republican partisanship” and used by the (d)s to take over more seats in the Congress. Great scam the left has going!

5 years ago

I imagine the real FBI, as opposed to the elite ideologues at the top, are happy to see this investigated and the creatures in power who think they’re above the law cleaned out. Hopefully, Barr will do the same in the Justice Dept, too. There has been scandalous conduct there, as well, before Barr appeared.

Patricia Hudson
Patricia Hudson
5 years ago

I have long thought that all of this needs to be investigated and made very public–even by the biased media

Barb S.
Barb S.
5 years ago

Nancy came out this afternoon full of all kinds of derogatory remarks pertaining to Barr, insulting and just so Nancy….then threw out the anti-American, not patriotic president we have…..this woman needs to go away…far far away….she is a loon….and that mouth of hers spitting venom…Karma Nancy…

Kathryn D
Kathryn D
5 years ago

Thank you for making this mess a bit easier for me to understand. I’ll re-read this article several times. I love Sean Hannity on Fox News, but when he gets rolling on FISA warrants and the Gang of Eight and the Steele Dossier and so on, my head starts to spin because I’m an author and screenwriter of faith-based films, not a legal expert. There are still legalities involved with Spygate that I simply don’t get, but I know enough, now, to believe all the more strongly in the travesty of justice and our Constitution that the Democrats and their Deep State cronies tried to pull off. Praise the LORD of heaven and earth, Who has raised up strong, great men like AG William Barr, Congressman Devin Nunes, and Senator Lindsay Graham. Robert Mueller also has had the integrity not to lie or to put forth false findings. God is bringing out the truth, shining its spotlight on our President’ s enemies, and thus saving the President He appointed over us. May He save our Country! Amen? Amen!

5 years ago

The penalty for TREASON is death by hanging. The “lord high Democrap muck-a-mucks” attempted a coup against Trump. The Judiciary needs to do their job. Get all evidence, try, and convict these TRAITORS. Little jeffy sessions should also be investigated for his part in this fiasco because he did NOTHING as the AG.

5 years ago

The left won’t go easy….they have lying, cheating, extortion and every other trick down pat. They have no shame or conscious and are willing to take down the United States….But it’s time to gut the beast, We are teetering on the edge

The OLD Warhorse
The OLD Warhorse
5 years ago

I think they need to pull out the OLD Law Books and dust off the pages about a crime called Sedition.
There are about 10 or 12 formerly high ranking officials that should be indicted and tried for Sedition.
Hopefully they would be convicted and would actually do some time.

5 years ago

Love or hate President Trump, this is treason against a candidate for President and treason against a sitting President. Clinton, Obama, the DNC, Comey and the rest of the high ranking rats nest at the FBI should be prosecuted and do their time for their part in the crime. None of this would have ever seen the light of day had Hillary won the election. I do not always agree with President Trump on his methods, but to me, results matter. And he is getting the job done. You are not going to drain the DC swamp without a lot of the Democratic gators snapping and gnashing. But this is what Trump promised to do and I for one am proud of him.

5 years ago

The democrats are dead set on NOT making AMERICA great again.They are vile and vindictive and to busy throwing”hissy fits”to work for the good of our country.

Todd Wingard Taylor
Todd Wingard Taylor
5 years ago

I just want to know who is going to jail?

5 years ago

Obama turned this country into a Banana Republic. Thank God the truth is coming out. I pray Trump can make America great again. Build the wall!

5 years ago

Washington, D.C. is sometimes equated with a sewer or septic tank. Well, it looks like the turds are floating
to the top of the tank. If the system works like it’s designed to, the turds will get filtered and sent to a
holding tank. However, in Washington things seldom work as designed !!

Todd Wingard Taylor
Todd Wingard Taylor
5 years ago

Is not defamation of character, making up false charges, with the single intent of bring down a President against the law? Why isn’t the President moving to have these individuals indicted, with the intent of placing these individuals in prison? It is long past due to hold these individuals accountable. A unwavering resolve, precedent needs to be set so this shameful behavior never happens again to the President of the United States no matter what party they are affiliated with. Who is tired of this shameful behavior?

Todd Wingard Taylor
Todd Wingard Taylor
5 years ago

Why isn’t our laws working to bring in those who falsely accused President Trump?

5 years ago

I have never felt such anger rising in me against anything. I find fault in all those that have stood by to protect their cash flow (jobs) and their self interests. I hate what these traitors to our constitutional government are trying to do. This has been going on for much too long.
It’s kind of like an untreated cancer continuing to grow. It’s time for conservatives to fight for our country with every last breath or go down in flames trying. This is no time to worry about “lifetime careers” , it’s time to worry about saving our nation. Expose them, and use the legal system to punish them. They are traitors.

archie A higgins
archie A higgins
5 years ago

there’s several laws being broken by the looney left (devilcrats)? then why do we have only whites locked up for inciting a riot when the chef of police of Charlottesville

Said “LET THEM FIGHT THAT WAY “I CAN CHARGE THEM”?? Not one hater of American was arrested. There’s a book out there that should be taught out of “HOW WHITES


Proud American
Proud American
5 years ago

When this nation was first established, John Adams warned us that unless the people were virtuous and God fearing, the Constitution would be completely inadequate to rule them:
“ We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality… Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
During the dnc of 2008 the Democratic Party voted to take God out of their platform. As we can see since then how fast our nation has fallen under their rule from 2008-2016 !
We must get back to the divinely inspired Constitution by God and universally repent as a nation if we want our children and grandchildren to have a Nation of Law’s governed by righteous and God fearing people!

Ralph Ormsbee
Ralph Ormsbee
5 years ago

Well they did the act of Treason and carried it out over two years. Now I want everyone of them no matter how little they were involve punished to the full extent of the Law all the way and that goes double for any congress or senate person, and I want it all in the next year and a half. We must not leave any of them

5 years ago

Socialistcrats are the enemy of the American people.

5 years ago

We are paying the Senate & Congress to fight our President- what have they accomplished since President Trump took office? Wasting tax payers money to attack & stop each & everything he try’s to accomplish.

Meir Peretz
Meir Peretz
5 years ago

It’s sad that our country is divided and the infinite hatred towards freedom and the President. I salute him for not caving to all the imaginary accusations. As many of you said let be justice for all. We are the USA. Amen

5 years ago

I serious believe that these individuals who orchestrated this coup believe, in their twisted mind, that they did nothing wrong or broke any law. We know full well that this came from the top! The liberal leftist progressive socialist communist ideology indoctrinates it’s subjects to the fact, that the (State) or the government should be in control (power) of everything! They believe they, “ARE THE LAW”! So, they were following the dictates of their criminal corrupt ideology! We actually have a lot of individual dictators sitting in Congress! Our Constitution states that the power resides with the PEOPLE (CITIZENS). It is so despicable to see elected officials in authority acting like dictators instead of citizen representatives. No apparent objective willingness my certain individuals to seek the truth, apologize and obey the law! WE THE PEOPLE SHOULD BE UTTERLY APPALLED AT THIS AND CONTACT OUR REPRESENTATIVES!

Holly Blaske
Holly Blaske
5 years ago

I hope Attorney General Barr takes the investigation all the way, regardless of who is involved, Go all the way!

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