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Texas AG: Court Ruling on Biden’s 100-Day Deportation Freeze Shows ‘No One’s Above the Law’

Posted on Thursday, January 28, 2021
by Outside Contributor

deportationTexas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Wednesday celebrated the stay on President Joe Biden’s freeze of most deportations while encouraging other attorneys general to review Biden’s orders.

Paxton, a Republican, sued Biden over the deportation freeze. A federal judge on Tuesday issued a temporary restraining order, preventing the administration from implementing the mandate.

“It sends a signal that these courts, these judges are open to hearing about the law and what’s actually going on,” Paxton said on “Fox News Primetime.”

“And so I would encourage my fellow attorneys general across the country to look at what’s going on, and whether these are executive orders or just edicts, no one’s above the law, including the president,” he added.

Paxton said he hoped that “a lot of attorneys general across this country will say, ‘No, we cannot allow this to happen in our state.’”

Biden set a new record for the number of executive orders during a president’s first days in office, issuing 28.

Executive orders are typically a tool to go around Congress. Most presidents use the tool sparingly, and only after trying to get bills passed by Congress first.

A coalition of attorneys general sent a letter to the president on Wednesday telling him that any potentially unconstitutional executive actions or federal overreach will not go unchallenged.

“If you sign unconstitutional laws passed by Congress, it will be our responsibility and duty to challenge those laws in court,” the coalition, led by West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, wrote.

The White House didn’t respond to a request for comment. Neither Biden nor administration officials have appeared to comment on the temporary restraining order against stopping most deportations.


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4 years ago

There is so much destruction of the US not sure it can be stopped with morbid news all day and every day. This morning “Gamestop” _Robinhood, TDAmeritrad shutting down the middle class investments

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
4 years ago

AMEN!!! Thank You LORD, for the way the founding fathers wrote and ratified our constitution.

4 years ago

Its very hard to reason with an idiot like Lying BIDEN//Also their is a serious case of DEMENTIA and the nursing home has a special place for him today// IT will not take long for his arrival/////////////

4 years ago

It’s about time Democrats learn they aren’t a law unto themselves and can impose their will as they deem is right. We are a nation, except for left leaning ideologies, of laws and order that should benefit everyone. If not, there are procedures to rightly redress errors.

Kathleen Keegan
Kathleen Keegan
4 years ago

Biden is not my President

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

Every true American should believe in the laws of our country, especially those laws that protect us from illegal aliens and those who entered America to cause harm. To protect those criminals who entered our boarders illegally is criminal in itself. To not protect our boarders puts our Republic at risk. Those who promote not following our laws should be investigated straight away.

Robert M McLeester
Robert M McLeester
4 years ago

This is great news, This President is a complete idiot who is going to be controlled by the left!

Rick Marlowe
Rick Marlowe
4 years ago

Unconstitutional changes to election law. We must litigate many things at once.

4 years ago

I believe President Trump had nominated, and had confirmed 300 federal judges, that honor the US Constitution. All of Biden’s EO’s should be reviewed for any violations of the Constitution and our Bill of Rights and states should sue the Federal Government to have them overturned. Being a Republic, states should not be dictated to by the feds, and hold them accountable, when ever the feds overstep their authority. I believe that the last election put more states into the control of Republicans, they should use that majority. Contact your individual state representatives and state senators to use the power given to them to stop Biden’s socialist/communist agenda!

4 years ago

Biden is doing all these executive orders under the leaders pulling his strings! But He is in agreement with the overreach and dictatorship the Democrats are trying to get away with. I hope all those who voted for this mess will feel the pain from all this and wake up to what the Democrats really are!!! Trump was never the problem, he just exposed all the leftist shenanigans! Democrats along with their media buddies lied about everything during Trump’s presidency to grab control and solidify their tyranny on America! The American people need to see this for what it really is and put these folks back in their place!!!

Michael Morgan
Michael Morgan
4 years ago

DOn’t comment? Easy ploy of a weak leader. He satisfied his lunatic illegal Hispanic base, now he can just throw up his hands and say. I tried but Trump spoiled it for you. Expect to see more of this.

Nina Rae
Nina Rae
4 years ago

Possibly because the schools have been indoctrinating Liberal Principles since the 60’s! If their parents weren’t paying attention to what they were being taught…if they didn’t correct the lies… then that’s what children grew up believing. It’s been going on for a long time! Pay Attention! Find out what your child is hearing at school! If it’s propaganda correct it. Grandparents can get into this also. It’s way overdue to be corrected! Check your school boards, what do they stand for politically? I know they don’t mention this when they run for office. It’s up to YIU to find out! I’m almost 80 & I’ve watched this happen, I’ve been warning parents forever tears but few are listening or responding, Now It’s hit the Fan, Be responsible!!

Barbara Williamson
Barbara Williamson
4 years ago

The main stream media has put braces on their brains. They cannot think for themselves. They must tune in to MSM to find out what they should think………

4 years ago


John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

The socialists want to replace black voters that have “WOKE” to what they are all about, they want to use illegal aliens the way they abused black voters for decades, they plan to agitate trouble between blacks and illegals to further divide and weaken AMERICA, they want porly educated people who are easy to control, just look at what they have done to our educational system, inteligent well educated people would not put up with this.

4 years ago

The ONLY person Jackass Joe has really made Happy is that Lying Muslim Communist Barack Obama who will not go down as the worst President in history! Jackass Joe will solely hold that honor!!! … NOW these Progressively Communist Democrats OPENLY LIE knowing that the Mainstream Media will NEVER call them out for it! . . . This is America today! … How our forefathers must be suffering in their graves!

Angry Cajun 35
Angry Cajun 35
4 years ago

When, if ever, will the Dems admit that opening our borders in order to acquire more individuals to occupy their chosen areas and absorb welfare, free medical care, free education and whatever else taxpayer money can provide is nothing more than taking from the workers to give to the idle? Sound familiar?

pete kennedy
pete kennedy
4 years ago

We must save the Republic – Ben Franklin said “you have a Republic if you can keep it” as he left the convention. Antifa and BLM must go – free speech must no be stifled by corporate interest.

4 years ago

Finally a judge with a backbone to stop the failed democrats from ruining America.
We need MORE judges to step up and stop their socialist takeover.

4 years ago

I Thank GOD that Texas is standing strong! Now where are the other states positioning against Pres. Biden’s outrageous leadership? I can’t believe the people, if informed properly by the news media would deliberately cut their throats with their votes!? Where is our VOICE & why aren’t we being heard?

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
4 years ago

I wish that interpretation were true but it is sadly not. In that one court, no one may be above the law but that is not true in many other courts as we have seen over the years.

4 years ago

Obama talking in earpiece to Biden telling him what to say and do . Obama said on a interview that he wanted third term but he would have a front guy that he could tell what to say and do in a earpiece .

Helen Gray
Helen Gray
4 years ago

We now have a dictator, using his own words before the election. He will sign anything that his cronies put in front of him.

4 years ago

This new Radicalized Far Left Demoncrat Socialist Party along with the Deep Dark State are Completely UN-Lawful and UN-Constitutional In Every Possible Way !!! Their Entire Agenda Is To Destroy and Bring Down America !!!! They will do so anyway they can think of with Our New Criminal President O’Biden and Family along with Obama, the new congress and China !!!! Please Pray For Our True America !!!!

Nicki Kroetch
Nicki Kroetch
4 years ago

Biden is no more than a puppet whose strings are being manipulated by a dangerous and vindictive
Democratic Party. They have lost their way and have forgotten what this country stands for. The media is working overtime demonizing the conservative constituents and members of Congress. They call us “terrorists”, “insurrectionists” and God knows what else. They are trying to suppress our voices and cancel our beliefs. This has to stop! Where are our representatives when we need them to take a stand against this madness??

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

Keep the pressure on these elitists! They DO NOT rule the United States of America!

4 years ago

Please President Biden think very carefully for what you are doing so far appears most detrimental to our country. Talk to the average person and most are very alarmed with your actions thus far. I pray for you that you will seek guidance from above and place all of us first in all you do for a great America.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Biden is doing what Trump was accused of doing! Talk about a double standard!!!

4 years ago

Sleepy Joe was awake long enough to get his marching orders from his handlers. I fear for our country and what this nut job has in store. He has already eliminated thousands of jobs of workers on the Keystone pipeline. Thank God we have some Republicans who have the stones to go to court to stop Biden on the immigration issue.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Do more ahead to Dems make= & fair,Hoorah Yes
Awesome shake down time

Geraldine Slaght
Geraldine Slaght
4 years ago


David R
David R
4 years ago

I would suggest that those of you in power that can get results to get on Joebama’s back and stay there. Scrutinize everything he does, every turn he makes be there as a thorn in his side

Alan Block
Alan Block
4 years ago

The Rupublicans in the Senate should file a lawsuit against Biden as he is a dictator and not including them in the review process

4 years ago

I think one of the most important orders to be overturned is stepping on responsible gun owners by making them pay a tax and register guns with federal gun registry or give them up to be destroyed or pay consequences of prison and $10,000 fine. I think I recollect another dictator pushing this type of law on it’s citizens. Citizens lost in the end. Thank you AG, Ken Paxton, for fighting for our country!

Charlotte A Mahin
Charlotte A Mahin
4 years ago

It is sickening and heart-breaking to see what the Communist Dems in DC are doing to our country. Good to hear that at least there are some Conservative judges left in states who will abide by our Constitution. This regime under the Communists is vengeful, hateful and they do not care about anyone or anything but power and money. Who would have ever thought we would have a president who has taken money from a Communist nation that we have fought against so hard just a few years ago. All I can say is God please help us stop this madness!!

4 years ago

A judge with a spine and a judge who follows the law????????????????????????

Teresa Applegate
Teresa Applegate
4 years ago

Love the pushback!

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
4 years ago

Help me, here.
I was under the assumption that there is three (3) Branches of Government? How can one (1) get away with such blatant use of Power???

4 years ago

God Help USA !

Kathryn DiPiazza
Kathryn DiPiazza
4 years ago

This is the most disgusting and radical agenda I have seen in my lifetime. Biden is dangerous because he has no original thought or power on his own. He just responds to the strings that control his every move. We should be very afraid, I know I am. I didn’t vote for him, never even thought of voting for him or any Democrat, socialism is not in my vocabulary.
May God Bless us all.

Dr Scott
Dr Scott
4 years ago

This is the last step in the Marxist communist Revolutionary takeover.
We warned as many citizens as we could that this will happen should they get power.
Not one of us believed that they would steep as low and as crooked as they did. Interesting predictions that are coming true in the most evil way they can.
Liars, thieves, destroyers of all they can, and when we witnessed them take full control over our first amendment rights, we knew what was going to happen.
So, we’re praying for God’s help. We have been praying for God’s help. Our prayers increased and reached the windows of heaven and our God will help us in His time. Trust Him, He alone is faithful and just in all ways. He is the righteous King of kings. Until He responds to this evil in His ways and His time, keep praying for God’s Help and Revival in His Church.
Give God no rest. Let’s pray without ceasing.
Please help us Lord we pray, in Jesus name.

4 years ago

Great point in article “Executive Orders typically a tool to go around Congress”. That says it all & the last three Presidents are abusing this powerful tool. Biden is signing way too many & too fast.

Terri M
Terri M
4 years ago

Why would ANYONE expect anything other than lawless, unconstitutional behavior and edicts from an administration that lied about policy before the election and then blatantly cheated and stole the election? This a not a legitimate administration and we should never be fooled that it is.

4 years ago

Biden is not doing this himself! He is doing what the big wheels in the Dem party tell him what to do.

4 years ago

A temporary restraining order. We need a permanent restraining order. This fraudulent president is frightening.

2 years ago

Elections DO matter … and rigged elections can result in catastrophe ….as the Biden trend is in full bloom. If the Biden/Trump POTUS election hasn’t wakened the degradation awareness of the political, social, educational, border security systems, and the value of the dollar ….. we are in for a few years of utter chaos.

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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