
National Security , Newsline

Putin’s Victory Over Biden Once Again Vindicates America First Policies 

Posted on Friday, February 25, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis

As Vladimir Putin’s forces sweep through Ukraine, the Biden administration’s strategy toward Russia – both in the weeks leading up to the invasion and in the hours since it began – has proven woefully ineffective at even forcing the Russian leader to flinch in his ruthless quest for power. It is time for a return to the strong and effective deterrent strategies undertaken by President Trump and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, which went well beyond sanctions.

The situation on the ground in Ukraine is nothing short of horrific. Although death tolls are still unclear, at least 40 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in the initial missile attacks, with dozens more wounded. Civilians have also been caught in the crossfire, as the Russians target hospitals and other non-military targets. It is feared that the civilian fatalities have already exceeded 100. However, the Ukrainian army captured at least 60 Russians soldiers, killed dozens, and destroyed many jets, tanks, and armored vehicles.

The mercilessness of the Kremlin-sponsored ruling groups in the semi-autonomous Donetsk and Luhansk regions is staggering. One local pro-Russian militia went as far as crippling men by shooting them in the spine to punish them for refusing to join Moscow-aligned groups. A grenade wounded one dissident, while others have been beaten in the streets.

The same cruelty and barbarity have characterized the invading Russian army, which has launched more than 30 cruise missile strikes targeting civilian infrastructure, including hospitals and blocks of apartments in the Eastern part of the country. According to the Ukrainian President’s spokesman, Putin intends to break off part of Ukraine, topple the government, and create maximum panic.

Adding to Putin’s advantage is his effective takeover of Belarus earlier this week, something that has been relatively ignored by the American media. “What we see in Belorussia [Belarus] today can be defined as the beginning of the military occupation,” stated Senior Advisor to Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya. Estonian Defense Minister Kalle Laanet stated, “it is two states, one leader, and they are together,” referring to Belarus and Russia. After Putin ordered the attack against Ukraine, the Russia army launched at least four ballistic missiles from the territory of Belarus. 

Nonetheless, despite being severely outnumbered, the Ukrainian defenders have carried on valiantly. In one case, a Ukrainian Defense Ministry official stated that two eighteen-year-old soldiers halted Russian tanks in the Kharkiv region. Hundreds of defenders held Russian fire at the border until late in the afternoon Thursday.

But despite their heroic defense of their country, Russia’s superior numbers and equipment are likely soon to overrun Ukraine’s military. Russia already has air superiority over the country, and a substantial advantage in tanks and artillery weapons.

In the wake of this ongoing disaster, Europe must immediately recognize the failure of President Biden’s strategy and the need for a new security posture on the continent. Mr. Putin has exposed the West’s unwillingness to defend Western Civilization and uncovered the fundamental weakness of President Biden’s diplomacy.

Though Biden tried to look tough, the truth now appears to be the exact opposite. Even as Russia swept through the country, it was U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson who spoke with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, not Biden. It was Johnson who openly advocated to kick Russia out of the SWIFT international banking system – perhaps the most devastating sanction that the West could level on Putin.

Yet at his press conference on Thursday, Biden said that he was not considering SWIFT sanctions, instead dubiously insisting that the sanctions he was implementing were “stronger than SWIFT.” How, exactly, they are stronger the U.S. President failed to mention.

This presents a marked contrast to Donald Trump’s approach to dealing with Russia. Mr. Trump’s administration pursued a long-term strategy oriented on investment in the economic, military, and strategic potential to empower Central Europe, including the Baltic states. The same rationale was a core of Reagan’s victorious Cold War strategy, which used Poland as a wedge against Moscow to break up the Soviet bloc. This strategy should be undertaken once more.

In his Warsaw speech in 2017, Mr. Trump correctly recognized and emphasized that the will to defend Western Civilization is crucial. This will can be found in Central Europe, or “New Europe,” as former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld called Poland, the Baltic states, and Romania, whose soldiers served arm-in-arm with Americans in Iraq.

The United States should limit its presence in Europe to the absolute minimum. The U.S. Army should invest more in skills of the New Europe’s officers, training them in the United States to create a deterrent to Putin’s recruits. With investment loans, New Europe should finance a build-up of its armies and create a pan-regional, combined force that would outnumber the Russians.

Unlike Old Europe, New Europe has a determination and is ready to face Putin’s regime. For instance, Poland – anticipating an energy crisis – has already taken steps to diversify its gas supplies and filled up its underground storage basins. That was an example of Poland First policies – while Old Europe’s confidence in its decision to rely on Russian energy now leaves them at the mercy of Putin.

Unlike Mr. Trump’s reality-based strategy, Mr. Biden’s decisions include military aid that is inadequate, intelligence that is imprecise, and sanctions that are ineffective.

Mr. Trump’s America First agenda was a call for others to reformulate their bureaucratically fogged goals to fit their countries’ obvious interests and urgent priorities, and then work together on that basis: Ukraine First, Romania First, France First, Poland First and U.K. First. This approach was vindicated this week, and we have no time to lose in implementing it in every country to defend Western Civilization from further attack.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, theologian, and researcher. 

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

One again, AMAC relying on another journalist (?) under a pen name… Once again let the ” PROPAGANDA ” begin…Once again Ukraine being the Angel of the day & shoots down ( 8 ) Russian jets, right, more propaganda…Once again, Russia, Russia, Russia… Once again NO mention of the Ukrainian government breaking the Obama/Biden Minsk Accord before the ink was dry in 2014… No mention of the atrocities committed against the ethnic Russians in the Donbas region for the better part of ( 8 ) years…I have stated numerous times Russia wouldn’t invade Ukraine, I was wrong as Putin has done just that…The WOKE MSM in concert with the Biden administration is once again in full PROPAGANDA mode now, simply turn on any news story & once again AMAC has fallen down the rabbit hole yet again by NOT reporting in any detail what led Russia to this final conclusion in dealing with a crooked Ukrainian government, that same gov’t the president of the United States continues to line his pockets from with his son Hunter being the intermediary of money coming into the coffers of the Biden family, the money flow never stops…
America needs NOT get involved in the Russian/Ukrainian border dispute, for we have our own southern border currently being invaded by people from the world over, drug cartels run it, Mexico turns a blind eye & is accommodating the caravans to the US border & we have Joseph Biden to thank for this, not forgetting his witless VP now promising Ukraine the support of the US…
All that is missing here is for Canada’s Trudeau to open up the northern border & allow the CCP Chinese to spill into America…Why not, wealthy Chinese folks are doing military training in Canada at this very moment…Do the research folks, the data is still available…

Sandi Kay Gattis
Sandi Kay Gattis
2 years ago

Putin owns Biden and Biden is bowing down kissing Putin’s feet!

2 years ago

We can thank the CIA and State Department’s involvement in the last regime change for which they had been involved in doing this in many countries for years!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Ukraine the Mirror War:
Russian Blitz into Ukraine
Civilians in subways, London Blitz 1940
Issue weapons for Guerilla warfasre

2 years ago

This current Socialistic, Evil, Fraudulent and Criminal Regem in Washington, DC (District of Monumental Corruption and Tyranny) along With the Deep Dark State Leaders are Un-Lawfully and UN-Constitutionally doing anything and everything they can to Bring Down and Destroy Our True American Values and Rules of Law!!!!!

2 years ago

The idiot in the White House lft $80,000,000,000 worth of our best military equipment in Afghanistan which has equipped the Taliban and made them a formidable military foe. This equipment could have been easily sent to Ukraine to help the Ukranians since it was already on the Europe/Asian continent. God help us, with three more years of these DemonRat nuts in charge.

2 years ago

Yet another article where the author states Biden needs to completely reverse course and adopt of the policies of former President Trump that proved to produce such positive results on the world stage during his term in office. Policies that were exactly right, despite what the delicate snowflakes out there in the Democrat Party, the RINOs and the Never Trumpers insisted had to be replaced by the so-called, at least according to the MSM propaganda and the globalists in the country, mature “moderate” and experienced adult in the room”, in the form of idiotic, incompetent and senile old Joe Biden. Unfortunately, that reversal is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

More wishful thinking by yet another author, who seems afraid to write about how things will logically play out for this country the longer we keep proceeding down the road we’re currently on. There is nothing wrong with telling people the truth. As it gives them the time and opportunity to prepare for what is ahead. That is a good thing and something the average American would benefit from. The hard truth is that neither the Biden administration nor the Democrats in Washington are going to change course. They are implementing the values and policies they believe in and have openly promoted for quite some time. If anything, the Biden administration and Congressional Democrats will dig in their heels and opt to double down on their regressive policies no matter what the negative impact to the country and its people happen to be. Stop expecting Democrats to adopt any of the policies of the Trump administration, because that is NOT who they are.

We had a President that kept Russia and China in check, along with every other hostile regime around the world. He produced, despite the constant resistance from both Congressional Democrats and RINOs, the most impressive economic and employment numbers of the last 50 years. Inflation concerns was essentially non-existent, with the Federal Reserve fumbling for ways to get inflation up to 2 percent annually. All before China nuked the world with Covid-19, which they have still yet to pay a price for. That gave the Democrats the opening they needed to drastically alter how the 2020 election was conducted and surprise-surprise the senile Democrat that campaigned from his basement and couldn’t attract more than 20 people to any of his campaign events magically “won” the election in six key swing states. Talk about never letting a good crisis go to waste huh? The rest is history as they say.

We have at least another 3 long years to endure of destructive, socialist policies, that are designed to systematically undermine this country on multiple fronts. Deal with it as best as you can, because this administration is NEVER going to adopt any policy that worked from the Trump administration. That’s NOT who they are.

2 years ago

Putin”s goal is to restore the Soviet Union of which he was part. He was a KGB thug and has not changed.

2 years ago

This situation is sickening. Especially when it was allowed to happen by the GOP accepting the election theft.
I wonder if the millions upon millions of braindead in America will even admit what their election of a demented wimp has caused for the WORLD.
So shameful.

2 years ago

Germany, France and England need to take the lead on dealing with Putin, not the USA. We are not the world’s policeman.

Linda Rafferty
Linda Rafferty
2 years ago

Ben Solis, you are completely wrong in this article. The Ukrainian military ALLOWED the Russian army across their border to help get rid of the bioweapon labs in Ukraine. By the way, one of these labs were US owned!!!! It was a special military operation…videos show the celebration between the Russian and Ukrainian people. They helped to get the cabal OUT!
I suggest you stop following msm and do better in your researching.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Sad, sad state of affairs, makes me absolutely ill. We have one of church temples in Kyiv, the capital. There are many, many Christians in Kyiv as well as Jews.

2 years ago

Nothing is as it seems. Check the fact that Ukraine hasn’t registered its borders since 1991 and is part of the USSR and under international law doesn’t exist as a country so it is actually Russia. The president now of Ukraine was installed but the Obama administration and was used to launder money to the Clinton foundation and others. Ukraine is dirty and Russia is actually the good guys

Holden Bonnie
Holden Bonnie
2 years ago

I totally agree with you!

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

Paragraph Five is revealing the unethical and censoring Mainstream Media; that has become the NORM! I can learn more from the comments made here; than by watching the Mainstream Media! This is a sad situation; that bits and pieces are revealed about Belarus! (This is something that is described as: “Adding to Putin’s advantage is his effective takeover of Belarus earlier this week, something that has been relatively ignored by the American media”.) Let me say that this has got nothing to do with being ‘relatively ignored’; (and everything to do with deliberate censorship and obfuscation.) This again, has become the NORM for the mainstream media. How does one even begin to form an educated opinion; when the American Mainstream Media is like the old ‘Iron Curtain’?

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Never would’ve believed that our great country would have such a farce of a pathetic POTUS (but actually the American citizens realistically never legally voted for him) This is the end result of allowing a completely rigged election, cannot even begin to imagine the billions of dollars that allowed this disgrace in our Oval Office. Pathetic is being kind, by the way, where’s the cackling embarrassment that’s next in line ? Cannot decide which is worse. I’m sure after foreign relations with our great and freedom loving president (and it wasn’t OBAMA!) Putin in his glory , unless this was part of the PLANDEMIC? That Americans voted in such a weak and pathetic disgrace of a sad that this is what our country is accepting after our proud and great accomplishments as a free and constitutional abiding country. It’s amazing to me that we all realize that the foreign country’s paid off the socialist democrats and now are destroying our country. Worse even is that our citizens are acting like nothing’s wrong and with blindfolds walking over the cliff. WAKE UP or ???

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Shutting down our oil producing capabilities, increasing our oil imports from unfriendly countries, an unwillingness to supply Ukraine with weaponry needed to fight against warmonger Putin, and a complete dysfunctional US withdrawal from Afghanistan have all drastically made it much easier for Russia to invade the Ukraine. Biden’s weakness and incompetence encouraged Putin to once again dream big and make steps to enlarge the boundaries of Russia. For years, Putin has made it very well known, that he was emotionally crushed when the Soviet Union had to be broken apart. He considered the break up of the Soviet Union as a profound political and economic tragedy. Even now, while Russian troops are in the process of overrunning the Ukraine, Biden is acting and speaking with bewilderment and timidity.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago


2 years ago

EVERYTHING President Trump said,did and promised were America First!
I guess this proves what liars,cheaters, traitors,democrats and rinos are worth – ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!
Maybe God is sending these political failures and the American Citizens a message???

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

I hope all you dumb ass Democrats are proud of yourself. You and your dead relatives are the asshole who put a brain dead, shit your pants retard in the Oval Office so we don’t know who is actually in charge of destroying this country from within. With shutting down our pipelines and then turning around and buying our fuel from Russia, Putin is emboldened to take over the old satellite countries using our money. Fuel prices will climb even higher. To stop this nonsense we need to open all our pipelines and sell to all the European countries especially German. And if they don’t go along with it no more money no more military aid of any kind. Another instance where Trump was 100% correct and this crap wouldn’t be happening.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

It would appear a new player asserted himself on the world stage and it ain’t good ol’ Joe journalists are mute world opinion timid and there is not burning and tearing Russian flags WTH

2 years ago

WOW! People, not only in America but around the world need to wake up to the TRUTH. There is NO Russian vs Ukraine conflict. All narrative and pictures and videos by fake MSM are fake and being fabricated to, again, deceive the PEOPLE. Don’t believe the lying MSM, but instead do your own research people! There’s truthers on social media working hard to bring the truth of what’s really gong on. We cannot and should not believe what the news on TV are reporting. GOD is in CONTROL… GOD WINS!

2 years ago

Nothing new has happened. Putin is just following his agenda to make “RUSSIA GREAT AGAIN”. (Please forgive me using Pres. Trump’s phrase but it applies.) This is Putin’s/Russia’s way of making/reviving the EMPIRE. Invasion, coercion, subversion, etc. whatever it takes to recreate the empire and to have a buffer zone under his influence. Look at all the empires of the past, it is the same way that has been used over and over to achieve the final result.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

DICTATOR Beijing biden is Awarded the ‘RUBBER CHICKEN’ along with COMMUNIST harris for their USELESSNESS in Both Domestic and Foreign Policies.
Tune into Communist News Network to watch.

2 years ago

I hope the democrats are happy they wanted to destroy America and they are.Biden is not good enough to be a senator much less a president.Biden,Harris are the laughing stock of the world.

don heer
don heer
2 years ago

even a 6year old would be smarter the BIDEN

2 years ago

Any Putin is against America & not just Biden. I cannot believe that Trump stated this week that Putin was a genius to attack the two areas of Ukraine as independent countries. What is Trump thinking & trying to do with comments like that.

2 years ago

Biden was humiliated in Afghanistan and by Putin now.

2 years ago

With no balls Biden in the White House, how long will it be before China and Russia are unloading troops on American shores.
This mess could have been avoided if Biden had stood up to putin and told him any aggression into ukrain would be met with the full force of the US and it’s NATO allies.

R Davis
R Davis
2 years ago

Since Biden is so senseless how can any Democrat continue to back him? Why hasn’t impeachment been started against him? Will Putin go after Poland and Romania next? Then there is the question of China taking Taiwan. I suppose Biden is in his house in Delaware for the weekend. Some polls say that there still are some Democrats supporting Biden. They must really have low IQ’s.

R Davis
R Davis
2 years ago

One thing that I forgot to add: John Kerry made a comment that he seems to be more concerned about how this fighting in Ukraine will add to global warming than to the deaths and injuries to Ukrainians.

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

It’s so easy to see how Biden is misled. He couldn’t see how Afghanistan could fall. He doesn’t even see the damage being done to our country from the southern border crisis. So, how in the world can he understand the implications of Putin’s actions or words? If our own country were directly attacked, I doubt that he would have the ability to take any action. This man and his handlers (party) are a disgrace and if allowed to continue, we will cease to be even a fraction of a world power. Folks, vote and vote for freedom or we will end up like China or worse and we will be ruled by the socialist/Communist elites.

2 years ago

If I correctly remember President Trump tried to improve our relations with Russia and people did not take it well. Wonder what those same people think now? Biden will go down as our WORST president ever.

2 years ago

Russia will take any opportunity to prove that it is a nation of animals, not humans.
So why are we trying to negotiate with sub-humans ? You bring out your pest control
specialist and eliminate them. The “media” is tired of doing anti-Trump stories every day.
Give them some new meat. Simple and obvious.

2 years ago

Putin is a war criminal and deserves a Neuremburg trial next week. Not next year or 5 years from now as we do law here in the US but next week. 7 days. Send 10 Seals and get him out tonight.
Wars are no longer fought by tanks and missels. Thats so 1960. Its now fought with special ops such as the force that took out Ben Laden. At the end of the day we need only a thousand specialist soldiers that are all trained to be elite.

2 years ago

This is also a chance to demonstrate that NATO is obsolete. Trump tried to tell the NATO nations that they were not paying their bill. We can now (Biden will not do it) show NATO that unless the US does the dirty work, it won’t get done. Lets hang them out to dry. Let Germany beat the
Russians or let Russia take over Germany again. All of a sudden NATO means something. It appears that NATO is not ready for the moment.

2 years ago

Bidens anti petroleum fixation is now being called out. He dosen’t care if we pay $5 or 6 or $7
per gallon but he must insert himself into the European dependency on Russia oil. Feel the sqeeze Joe ?

2 years ago

The past 5 days in Ukraine proves that the average US citizen is dumber than than the average Russian.

2 years ago

The blinders on this crowd is amazing. Biden has done a masterful job in dealing with a ruthless foe. In case you are unaware, the factor that sets Russia apart is some 1600+ active nukes and another 3750+ mothballed, all controlled by a ruthless totalitarian dictator how has either killed or jailed all of his opposition. The Russian military has always been a paper tiger backed up by the cold reality of assured mutual destruction. There is a reason why Stalin was able to take all of eastern Europe after WWII, and a reason why Biden’s hands are tied with direct military intervention today. Get a grip, learn your history and unbiased current events, Stop watching FoxNews for heavens sake, they are anything but news.

Biden has managed to globally align the rest of the world (with only China remaining quiet in the background) in an unprecedented block against Putin’s aggression. The economic and political fallout have turned Russia into a pariah state. Putin has been rocked, his calculus could not have predicted such a unified response (especially after all of the work done by Trump to drive wedges between the US and NATO allies). Even Germany agreed to shut down the progress on Russia’s coveted pipeline and agreed to harsher sanctions that thought possible. Biden has thwarted Putin to the degree possible, and further than would have been thought prior to the invasion. FoxNews won’t tell you the reality, remember they are ‘entertainment’ and not news (as they themselves have admitted in court..).

It is a difficult situation. One that will not get remedied quickly or without great suffering in the Ukraine and economic fallout worldwide. Putin is trying to rebuild his perceived glory of the Soviet empire, he is willing to unleash great suffering not only on his targets but also amongst his own people in order to achieve what he thinks is his rightful place in history. Biden is making the best out of a bad situation, just be thankful that Putin’s puppet is no longer in office (does it not bother you that to this day, he continues to praise Putin and rail against NATO?)…

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

One again, AMAC relying on another journalist (?) under a pen name… Once again let the ” PROPAGANDA ” begin…Once again Ukraine being the Angel of the day & shoots down ( 8 ) Russian jets, right, more propaganda…Once again, Russia, Russia, Russia… Once again NO mention of the Ukrainian government breaking the Obama/Biden Minsk Accord before the ink was dry in 2014… No mention of the atrocities committed against the ethnic Russians in the Donbas region for the better part of ( 8 ) years…I have stated numerous times Russia wouldn’t invade Ukraine, I was wrong as Putin has done just that…The WOKE MSM in concert with the Biden administration is once again in full PROPAGANDA mode now, simply turn on any news story & once again AMAC has fallen down the rabbit hole yet again by NOT reporting in any detail what led Russia to this final conclusion in dealing with a crooked Ukrainian government, that same gov’t the president of the United States continues to line his pockets from with his son Hunter being the intermediary of money coming into the coffers of the Biden family, the money flow never stops…
America needs NOT get involved in the Russian/Ukrainian border dispute, for we have our own southern border currently being invaded by people from the world over, drug cartels run it, Mexico turns a blind eye & is accommodating the caravans to the US border & we have Joseph Biden to thank for this, not forgetting his witless VP now promising Ukraine the support of the US…
All that is missing here is for Canada’s Trudeau to open up the northern border & allow the CCP Chinese to spill into America…Why not, wealthy Chinese folks are doing military training in Canada at this very moment…Do the research folks, the data is still available…

Sandi Kay Gattis
Sandi Kay Gattis
2 years ago

Putin owns Biden and Biden is bowing down kissing Putin’s feet!

2 years ago

We can thank the CIA and State Department’s involvement in the last regime change for which they had been involved in doing this in many countries for years!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Ukraine the Mirror War:
Russian Blitz into Ukraine
Civilians in subways, London Blitz 1940
Issue weapons for Guerilla warfasre

2 years ago

This current Socialistic, Evil, Fraudulent and Criminal Regem in Washington, DC (District of Monumental Corruption and Tyranny) along With the Deep Dark State Leaders are Un-Lawfully and UN-Constitutionally doing anything and everything they can to Bring Down and Destroy Our True American Values and Rules of Law!!!!!

2 years ago

The idiot in the White House lft $80,000,000,000 worth of our best military equipment in Afghanistan which has equipped the Taliban and made them a formidable military foe. This equipment could have been easily sent to Ukraine to help the Ukranians since it was already on the Europe/Asian continent. God help us, with three more years of these DemonRat nuts in charge.

2 years ago

Yet another article where the author states Biden needs to completely reverse course and adopt of the policies of former President Trump that proved to produce such positive results on the world stage during his term in office. Policies that were exactly right, despite what the delicate snowflakes out there in the Democrat Party, the RINOs and the Never Trumpers insisted had to be replaced by the so-called, at least according to the MSM propaganda and the globalists in the country, mature “moderate” and experienced adult in the room”, in the form of idiotic, incompetent and senile old Joe Biden. Unfortunately, that reversal is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

More wishful thinking by yet another author, who seems afraid to write about how things will logically play out for this country the longer we keep proceeding down the road we’re currently on. There is nothing wrong with telling people the truth. As it gives them the time and opportunity to prepare for what is ahead. That is a good thing and something the average American would benefit from. The hard truth is that neither the Biden administration nor the Democrats in Washington are going to change course. They are implementing the values and policies they believe in and have openly promoted for quite some time. If anything, the Biden administration and Congressional Democrats will dig in their heels and opt to double down on their regressive policies no matter what the negative impact to the country and its people happen to be. Stop expecting Democrats to adopt any of the policies of the Trump administration, because that is NOT who they are.

We had a President that kept Russia and China in check, along with every other hostile regime around the world. He produced, despite the constant resistance from both Congressional Democrats and RINOs, the most impressive economic and employment numbers of the last 50 years. Inflation concerns was essentially non-existent, with the Federal Reserve fumbling for ways to get inflation up to 2 percent annually. All before China nuked the world with Covid-19, which they have still yet to pay a price for. That gave the Democrats the opening they needed to drastically alter how the 2020 election was conducted and surprise-surprise the senile Democrat that campaigned from his basement and couldn’t attract more than 20 people to any of his campaign events magically “won” the election in six key swing states. Talk about never letting a good crisis go to waste huh? The rest is history as they say.

We have at least another 3 long years to endure of destructive, socialist policies, that are designed to systematically undermine this country on multiple fronts. Deal with it as best as you can, because this administration is NEVER going to adopt any policy that worked from the Trump administration. That’s NOT who they are.

2 years ago

Putin”s goal is to restore the Soviet Union of which he was part. He was a KGB thug and has not changed.

2 years ago

This situation is sickening. Especially when it was allowed to happen by the GOP accepting the election theft.
I wonder if the millions upon millions of braindead in America will even admit what their election of a demented wimp has caused for the WORLD.
So shameful.

2 years ago

Germany, France and England need to take the lead on dealing with Putin, not the USA. We are not the world’s policeman.

Linda Rafferty
Linda Rafferty
2 years ago

Ben Solis, you are completely wrong in this article. The Ukrainian military ALLOWED the Russian army across their border to help get rid of the bioweapon labs in Ukraine. By the way, one of these labs were US owned!!!! It was a special military operation…videos show the celebration between the Russian and Ukrainian people. They helped to get the cabal OUT!
I suggest you stop following msm and do better in your researching.

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