
National Security , Newsline

Punish Russia, Ramp Up Energy Exports

Posted on Sunday, February 27, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Biden russiaA massive political problem confronts the Biden White House. It relates to energy.  Here is the problem in a nutshell.  It is serious, for all of us, and points to just one solution.

Russia has invaded Ukraine, creating global fear that – without meaningful sanctions on Russia – a new norm will be set, permitting violent conquest of neighbor states, perhaps followed by China.

To stop that new norm from seeding, short of engaging in a hot war, Western sanctions must be imposed.  They must be serious, have teeth, hurt Russia enough that this invasion is viewed as a massive mistake, operationally crippled, concept of invasions delegitimized, and eventually onslaught reversed.

How do you do that? The only meaningful sanctions on Russia, an economy built around oil, must relate to oil. So, while Biden and Western leaders have not so far targeted the oil sector, they must.

To avoid the downstream effects of appeasement – which led to WWII – the West must unify and impose sanctions on Russia’s oil sector.  This seems almost inevitable, if the message is to stick.

This must occur despite Europe’s reliance on Russian oil and gas, despite Biden’s climate change preoccupation, and despite his reckless decision to strip America of energy independence in 2021.

The problem is that, if European countries decide to go along and sanction Russia by boycotting oil and gas, this will require some other part of the globe to backfill their oil and gas needs, because some of those countries rely up to 70 percent on Russian energy, and together they rely on Russia for just under half their energy needs. See, e.g.,;

How then do we help Europe go along, punishing Russian leadership and illegality in a meaningful way?  We must find a source of oil and gas that could be brought to life fast, to export to European allies what they need now, and to tap into production that is currently untapped. See, e.g.,

What is that source? The United States of America, to be direct.  We can do what Trump initiated and what prior presidents have advocated, ramp up our fossil fuel production, finish and open the Keystone pipeline, restart fracking, permit drilling, begin massive exports to our allies, to save them – and in that process save the integrity of oil sector sanctions on Russia.

Can the Biden Administration and US private sector do this? Yes.  Will we do this?  That remains to be seen.  So far, no serious sanctions on Russia’s oil sector from Biden exist, even though they should.  So far, fear of higher oil and gas prices, and climate change impacts, seem to be wagging the dog.

Truth is, self-reliance, energy independence, using the God-given oil and gas we have to help sustain allies, save lives, support human rights, restore law, punish Russia, and create US jobs seems just common sense.

Let us hope that restarting US energy production – solves Biden’s massive problem.  Ramping it up to help allies and secure global peace – is the next step Biden and others take.  It should be.  But if one thing is clear at this point, common sense in the Biden white house is uncommon.  Let us hope this is the exception that proves the rule.

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2 years ago


I see this solution being trotted out by a myriad of politicians on our side. Question though. The Biden administration has slashed domestic drilling for both oil and natural gas within the United States, canceled thousands of drilling leases on federal lands, instructed the major banks, via the federal regulators tasked with auditing them, to cease lending to our energy companies. Just last week FERC announced new restrictions on natural gas pipelines, that will result in higher prices and further cutbacks in natural gas supplies domesticly. All this adds up to significantly less natural gas being produced domestically today than under President Trump and has already resulted in higher natural gas prices within the United States. Simple supply and demand where as the supply drops, prices rise to reflect the greater demand for a much less abundant resource. Now for my question. We no longer have an excess of natural gas available for export to Europe without a corresponding price increase resulting here domestically. That is a fact. I actually track the energy markets daily, so I know what the real production numbers are. So has anyone on our political side actually sat down and spoken to anyone in the energy business to see how this solution could be used WITHOUT a massive price increase the American economy (power plants, chemical firms, etc.) or potential supply shortages here? I await your response. Thanks.

2 years ago

Re-open our pipeline and cut off Putin’s…what is taking Joe si long to act…he is months late. Oil and $$$$…same old story. If Putin takes Ukraine what’s to stop him from going further???

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Well now… An article actually written by a known person instead of a pen name…I don’t always agree with RBC on numerous articles but at least he is a genuine person in name & I do believe to be a genuine patriot at heart, even though I don’t always agree with him…
I believe Paul below in the comments has summed it up with better clarity with respect to what happens to our domestic energy prices in the short term if Potato Head actually opened up the American energy markets again…This is all hypothetical currently, however Biden has effectively backed himself into a corner on our LOSS of domestic energy production & giving it to Russia, only to buy the oil back from them, despite the fact they have now invaded a neighboring nation that under NO circumstances he will he allow further incursions by NATO planting themselves at the Russian border, NOT going to happen in Ukraine…
Interesting times ahead folks, however, remember the Wag the Dog propaganda happening in real time here as we have a southern border that is still WIDE OPEN 24/7 & a US tyrannical gov’t that has doubled down on the ” Emergency Order “, forced MANDATES, forced PASSPORTS & the wearing of facial diapers is still Potato Head’s order of the day along with all the other illegal gov’t overreach programs being forcefully pushed on the American people right this moment…
Let Russia, Ukraine & the FECKLESS European gov’t’s deal with their border disputes, we have our own borders to deal with…Go Truckers, i.e. end the Emergency Order, end the Mandates immediately…
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

It’s not a coincidence that Russia decided to move on Ukraine while biden is president. This never would have happened when President Trump was in office. You might not like his brash New York demeanor or some of the words he chose to say, but Trump got the job done for the American people. He spoke his mind. Biden doesn’t have one, so…

Russia’s economic viability, if you can call it that, depends on its gas and oil reserves and the revenues generated by selling them to other countries. At today’s high prices, Putin is raking it in. He can grow his army and defense systems with abandon while many of his people shiver in poverty.

Unfortunately, biden has failed to act decisively. This whole mess could have been avoided if he had supported energy independence in this country, and contracted sales to the EU if the NordStream pipelines had been closed. At these high prices, countries are forced to make uneasy alliances with nations they’d rather not do business with. Among the countries the U.S. imports energy from, I believe Russia sends the most. Russia!! There’s something gravely wrong with this picture!

Biden diminished sourcing fossil fuels here, putting millions out of work when you consider how many jobs depended on the industry thriving. Restricting production of an abundant source of energy makes no sense whatsoever. It drives up the prices not only in this country but also to the EU and around the world. Tapping strategic oil reserves to solve the problem creates other potentially worse problems down the road, and begging OPEC to get more oil to the market is laughable in itself. The simplest answer would have been to open up the industry and drive down global prices. Maybe I’m missing something, but it appears that ship has already sailed.

Biden’s stubborn grip on his zeal to placate the green new dealers puts the whole planet in jeopardy and effectively invited Putin to invade Ukraine. He and his administration have proven to be unreliable and have taken this country down where leadership is concerned. Who will ever trust us again?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

ReOpen our energy system, pipelines, drilling etc

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

President Trump would be exactly what Europe needs at this point. He has the attitude of a true leader. One look at the LEADER President Trump is all that is needed to represent a sanction. Not only does Trump take his leadership responsibility seriously; he demands that the European Nations do THEIR PART. The European Nations defer their work and managerial responsibility all on the USA. This is exactly because they know that they can get away with it! They would not even be able to push a capable leader like Trump around. They wouldn’t even get to first base with him! It takes real leadership in a situation like this. Trump could handle Russian aggression just fine! God Bless Our Founding Fathers & May God Give Us Back True Leadership!

2 years ago

Punish Putin? . . . If Jackass Josef Biden were to increase energy exports he would be then admitting that President Trump’s energy policies were right and he most certainly WILL NEVER DO THAT!!! . . . So prepare for harder times America and expect more Lying from Jackass Josef Biden!

David VanDoorn
David VanDoorn
2 years ago

The INSANITY coming from this administration is simply beyond words! And it’s all because of their hatred for our previous President! This is completely nothing short of childish and a complete embarrassment to our country on the world stage! 🙁

2 years ago

Is it possible for the US energy companies on their own to immediately restart drilling for oil??..the administration demonstrates daily they don’t follow law & order how can they enforce these restrictions …granted these same companies are profiting by the increased cost of energy due to Biden…but can we see the same strength and courage demonstrated by the Canadian truckers and our own People’s Trucker convey taking place in our energy field???

2 years ago

Why should we help Ukraine? The Ukrainian Gvernment has the reputation of being one of the most corrupt in the world, even worse than our own bogus government in Washington, D.C., if you can imagine that. By “help” I mean using American tax dollars and our financial clout.

Let’s suppose that the Ukrainian Government was as pure as driven snow. Same question, why should the United States act as the world’s policeman? The Europeans have more at steak than we do, let them deal with the bully in Russia.

Actually, thanks to Joe Biden, the United States is in a poor position to ease the petroleum situation in Europe. One of the only things that obama said that was true was, “Never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to foul things up.”

Politically speaking, the latest developments in Europe are high lighting the buffoonery of the Democrat Party. It would be hard to imagine a more messed up international picture. But hey, the Democrats are just as inept domestically, so at least they are consistent.

2 years ago

The idiot communist squad in Congress has the senile Biden by the you-know-what. They think oil is causing global warming. So they force Biden to cut our oil production, and demand Russia and the arabs to increase oil production to compensate for our stupidity. Sum oil change: zero! Since Biden doesn’t know what’s going on, he goes along with them. How did we let this happen???

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

This artiocle is not a revelation we all know that North American continent is full of energy sources could have should have is not going to help now that we are kissing OPEC ring and smothered by chinese trash where have all the man gone

2 years ago

Biden’s sorority sister handlers will not increase oil production because they are True Believers in global warming. Biden himself couldn’t order lunch, much less run the country.

2 years ago

Not holding my breath. Democrats would never want to look like they are endorsing Trump and his policies.

2 years ago

Fglobal warming nonsense and get our energy under control. Do these Democrats not understand or do they nor care about the rising cost of all fuels? We are getting strangled .

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Why the putzs and putas can’t figure out that reopening American production could bury Putin is beyond me. I don’t know who the lesser putz is, Biden or Kerry who suggested that someone at war keep the climate in mind. Is someone willing to risk world rath by attacking another country without cause and threatening to literally go nuclear going to worry about the climate, John, or are you really so dense

2 years ago

The old dementia stumble bum in the Dark House of D.C. is the problem with inflation and allowing the fiasco of Afghanistan and now Ukraine and Putin// Open up the Keystone pipeline and stop any conversations with IRAN ( the slime of the middle east)..Get Nato to pay their share of expenses and the price of gas will start going back to $1.40 which is where it was Trump left//I hope he is our President tomorrow and the House and Senate are run by Republicans tomorrow if not sooner// Every time these liberal loonies are in charge of all 3 branches the USA suffers thru inflation like the Carter fiasco//So in conclusion send the dumbo to the nearest nursing home in Delaware now///

2 years ago

AMAC I don’t know where you are getting your misinformation. You sound like the main stream media. It may be necessary for me to stop supporting you if you don’t change your bias.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

Will Buck Fiden do it? Hell no!!- he and his HONEST family have too much (monetarily) to loose IF he did. He is totally loyal to the left GREEN FOOLS to do what is best for America. By the way–when has this fool done ANYTHING that is best for tomorrow. November cannot get here SOON enough-and to those that say (Moaners, Groaners, Complainers) that nothing will change in November–If YOU keep your lazy, sorry behind at home and DON’T vote–nothing will happen–that is GOOD for America!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

What amazes me is that studies have shown that ethanol- mixture from corn and petro INCREASES the “so-Called” climate lie!!

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
2 years ago

If you don’t know better you’d think that Biden was assisting Russia in all their efforts to do what they are doing. Biden has thrown our energy independence out the window along with stopping our ability to be energy independent. Gas prices which are the obvious insult to our economy call each American to pay at the pump 80 to 100 dollars to fill their tanks now. It hurts because of his incompetence at managing our economy and the people he has put into office making us pay through the nose for everything. There isn’t any positive actions he’s making to reverse his first few days in office chocking off our self reliance that Trump had established in four years of his Presidency. God help America if we don’t get rid of this terrible man in the White House.

2 years ago

Easy,get it done.

Deborah Myers
Deborah Myers
2 years ago

Biden and so many others are concerned about climate change but you can’t just shutdown the pipelines before you have a plan in tact. The proverbial cart before the horse. His executive orders on day one of his presidency was to destroy everythin Trump had in place. He is hurting us and destroying our country.

2 years ago


Michael l Javick
Michael l Javick
2 years ago

Why is AMAC pushing this dirty Propaganda? Russia HAD EVERY RIGHT to stop those NAZIs (FACT) that were attacking and killing the Donbass Russian People for over 8 years ! Also, what would USA do if Russia put missiles on their borders ? Btw, Cuba missile 1962 WAS because USA HAD MISSILES IN TURKEY POINTED AT RUSSIA…FACT ! Ret US Army

Michael l Javick
Michael l Javick
2 years ago

Europe will soon face eating their COLD bratwurst & linguini in the dark ! The peoples of Europe as well as “murika” must ARISE and throw off their CON…governments !

2 years ago

They hate TRUMP so much that we will become a commie / democrats country

2 years ago

Of COURSE China is going for Taiwan…and Biden will do NOTHING! He is bought and paid for… isn’t it obvious?

2 years ago

Remember the video with Biden bragging about getting the Ukraine prosecutor fired by withholding US funds…what better way to destroy all the proof of his & Hunter’s participation in their criminal prevent prosecution of the Biden family crime history…Ukraine has a long history of criminal intent…hopefully, can we believe their present leader trying to save his country is their true leader?

2 years ago

Gas near me just popped twenty cents to 3.59. The greens are celebrating. I say close to zero chance sniffy does what the author advises because the people behind him are getting what they want. At this rate by summer gas will top five bucks. Most of us on this site recall the carter era. This is shaping up to be much worse.

2 years ago

Couldn’t agree more!

2 years ago

I am beginning to hate AMAC. Their reporting is becoming like that of the liberal MSM propagandist.

2 years ago

We need to expose and get rid of this “climate change” sham before it ruins our country. In the 1970’s it was Global Cooling which then became Global Warming and finally Climate Change to help eliminate the hypocrisy of this movement. American energy independence is essential for stabilizing and growing our economy. If you’re waiting for this gang of bunglers to do the right thing for our country and Europe, you’ve got a long wait.

2 years ago

Don’t hold your breath on expecting Biden to reverse course as far as the energy agenda……it’s green or nothing as far as his administration is concerned… how this plays out as your costs go up, and Russia’s profits rise…..

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
2 years ago

Sloppy joey is too far in debt to the alternative energy investors to let us start producing oil again.He would let the world die before he would give up his”kissy butt”for his wealthy investor comrades.

R Davis
R Davis
2 years ago

Since Biden closed the Keystone pipeline and other drastic efforts against our energy independence we have been buying oil from OPEC and Russia. So in effect it sounds like we have been financing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The polls lately have shown that about 36% of Americans still support what Biden is doing. It would be interesting to know where these people live and what they do for a living and how they support their families as I cannot imagine anyone still supporting this farce of a president.

2 years ago

My POST is gone.
Repeat. Joe will not on his own volition, yet we the taxpayers MUST insist on our Domestic oil
production. We all have voices to Represent us this election year.
Our production will relieve Some of the Russia power. Our nation is looking dreadfully WEAK.
We need leadership. It’s hard to watch your homeland be tossed to wolves by the Government.
#America First

2 years ago

This clown show of Marxist democrats have NO CLUE.
American energy independence NOW, ramp up,open up America!
STOP, NOW buying any russian energy , break that country!
The problem is the corrupt joebama,obama and democrat party are OWNED by Russia and China!!
Throw out these democrat traitors.

Nick Patriot
Nick Patriot
2 years ago

It’s becoming increasingly clear that this is Comrade Obamas 3rd term. A black racist muslim who hates the USA. And will do everything to destroy her while he builds beachfront mansions for his family. Obiden buying oil from Putrid means that he in financing the destruction of Ukraine!!

2 years ago

Are you not aware of Ukraine’s corrupt leader and what has been going on over there? There is more than what the media is telling us.

2 years ago

Reading this article, it simply leaves me incredulous that so many people in America are better thinkers than POTUS and his fellow DC gang members!
I know and firmly believe the doctrine of God’s universal sovereignty, which gives me and other believers great peace in all of this, but the ignorance, foolishness, and plain old-fashioned stupidity residing in the White House these days is nothing less than incomprehensible.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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