
National Security , Newsline

OPINION: Does Biden-Harris Border Invasion Constitute Treason?

Posted on Wednesday, September 18, 2024
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

In the tumultuous days of the Roman republic, statesman, lawyer, philosopher, scholar, and writer Cicero warned of treasonous behavior. He wrote: “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within…for the traitor appears not to be a traitor…he rots the soul of a nation…he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.”

If a leader opens the gates to let the enemy in, then the enemy is enabled to become more formidable. If the Biden regime does the same by enabling the enemies of the American people to come in by pouring through an open border – infecting the body politic – do we have the treason Cicero describes?

America has seen treason before. During the Revolutionary War, Benedict Arnold attempted to hand over the American facility at West Point, which he commanded, to the British. Is intentionally destroying the U.S.-Mexico border to usher in millions of illegal aliens whom Democrats hope will become loyal voters – thereby fundamentally changing the identity and character of the nation – really so different?

A New Manifestation of Presidential Treason?

The central question at play in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s handling of the border is whether they and members of their regime knowingly and effectively gave enemies of the United States “aid and comfort” with the intent to disrupt, threaten, and override the safety and security of Americans for political purposes – purposes which fundamentally serve and support foreign adversaries’ international dominance and unconventional warfare strategies. If the answer to that question is the affirmative, the argument for treason grows stronger.

This writing – presented solely in the context of what is in effect an alien immigration invasion invited by President Biden during his campaign and then as president, along with Vice President Harris, to enable aliens to overrun the borders and U.S. border protection – is intended to explore whether treason does exist in strategies and actions taken by government officials to use the powers entrusted to them to do one or more of the following:

  • Weaken the United States, its defense, which includes defense of the borders, and general welfare, which includes its economy, domestic tranquility, public safety, and national security.
  • Knowingly take official actions (“overt actions”) to destroy the protections of the United States borders resulting in the endangerment and threat to the general welfare, safety, and security of the American people in their States and communities.

The question of treason committed by the Biden-Harris regime lies in the intentional and knowing destruction of U.S. border defenses. These actions have:

  • Feloniously fostered the continued unlawful entry and flooding of American cities and communities with illegal aliens, including criminals and terrorists
  • Continuously enabled cartels to easily traffic (i) dangerous deadly China CCP-produced fentanyl killing over 112,000 Americans in 2023 according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and (ii) women and children for sexual exploitation.

The open and, indeed, not secure border as a result of Biden’s explicit directives, may well constitute a seminal act of his and his administration’s betrayal and treasonous behavior.

Biden-Harris Regime Actions Precipitating Treason

On September 12, 2019, then-candidate Biden called aliens or foreign nationals to surge and overrun the border during the ABC network-sponsored Democrat debate. He proclaimed his position on unlimited illegal immigration and invited aliens to surge to, and overcome, the border, stating, “What I would do as president is several more things, because things have changed. I would, in fact, make sure that there is – we immediately surge to the border…”

Then cloaking this invitation as “asylum” for an invasion by now millions from Latin America, South America, the Middle East, Africa, the Caribbean, and Communist China, he continued: “All those people who are seeking asylum, they deserve to be heard. That’s who we are. We’re a nation who says, if you want to flee, and you’re freeing oppression, you should come.”

Indeed, on day one of his term, Biden and his team exercised the powers of the presidency to remove the border and national security protections established by former President Trump, thereby facilitating an overrunning of the border by foreign nationals. Specifically, he:

  • Repealed former President Trump’s emergency declaration on illegal border crossings
  • Paused deportations
  • Defunded and blocked the completion of the southwest border wall
  • Terminated the “Remain in Mexico” policy

As a result, three-plus years later, at least 10 to 12 million foreign individuals have poured into the country. Many of them are military-aged men fraudulently claiming asylum. Many have been identified after their entry as terrorists or from terrorist hotspot countries. Others are cartel-connected traffickers of (i) the China-originated fentanyl drug and (ii) human beings, including for sex enslavement.

Biden-Harris Regime Criminal Actions

1 – Encouraging Illegal Entry in the United States by Aliens

In using the powers of the presidency to encourage or induce an alien or foreign person to enter the United States illegally, the Biden-Harris regime has knowingly committed criminal felony violations of immigration law. Specifically, it has violated the Immigration and Nationality Act, which states, “Any person who… encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law…”

Each illegal alien who has entered since Biden took office would constitute one felony count, totally more than 10 million felony counts.

2 – Violations of Immigration Parole Law by Abuse

Dan Stein, president of FAIR, stated regarding Biden’s abuse of parole authority: “These Biden actions have been received by the Left and open border advocates – including drug trafficking cartels, human traffickers, and no doubt terrorists — as a tacit invitation for foreign persons to illegally enter the United States through the southwest border, opening the ‘flood gates’ to now millions traveling in caravans through Central America to enter the U.S. illegally.”

1- The Law

The Constitution provides the basis for consideration of treasonous actions by Biden and associates:

Article III, section 3, defines treason against the United States: “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

In implementing the Constitution, Federal Criminal law at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 says, “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or imprisoned and fined, and incapable of holding any U.S. office.”

In setting forth the elements of Seditious Conspiracy at 18 U.S.C 2384, another description of treasonous crime says, relevant to Biden actions to preventing effective border law enforcement by taking actions to overwhelm it: “If two or more persons… in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to… by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States… they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”

2 – Treasonous Actions

As he forecasted in his campaign for the presidency, President Biden and the members of his administration, upon taking office, spawned, and encouraged illegal migration of more than ten million aliens. By overtly inviting and encouraging this ongoing mass invasion of foreign nationals and thereby knowingly overwhelming the ability of the United States law enforcement agencies to protect the border, his regime intentionally took overt actions that continuously threaten our national security and the safety of Americans by knowingly and willfully crippling the ability of the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol to protect our borders.

As a result, the Biden administration thereby consciously and effectively enabled:

  • Criminal cartel trafficking of (i) China Communist Party (CCP) fentanyl through Mexico, effectively murdering thousands of Americans, and (ii) children and adults for sexual purposes
  • CCP strategies to undermine the United States and American people through asymmetric warfare, including exporting fentanyl to Mexican cartels to addict and inevitably kill Americans, now at a rate of over 200 a day
  • Foreign terrorists to enter the United States for whom the only purpose would be to launch violent attacks on American institutions and citizens, and then undoubtedly transported these aliens mixed in with non-terrorist illegal aliens to cities throughout the United States.

Hence, the Biden-Harris regime induced and sponsored by exceeding the power of their offices an invasion of the United States by the drug and human trafficking cartels with “trade linkages” to the CCP and terrorists, who use the larger mass of aliens for cover and shielding as they enter the country.


The Biden-Harris Regime has intentionally and knowingly caused the borders to be overrun by aliens and crippled the ability of our nation’s first line of defense against unlawful entry by aliens. They have criminally encouraged, induced, and invited the mass onslaught or invasion of illegal immigration and enabled drug and human trafficking by the cartels with links to the CCP and the entry of terrorists to enter our nation with little fear of apprehension. These deliberate actions of Biden, Harris, and their regime have not only exacted great financial and personal tragedies and costs to Americans, but also intentionally, knowingly, and continually:

(i) Weakened and overwhelmed U.S. border defenses by inviting massive migration by thousands daily, including foreign terrorists

(ii) Assisted the adversarial communist China’s strategy to export the deadly fentanyl drug to the United States that its Mexican cartel business partners would smuggle into our country and injure and kill thousands of Americans

(iii) Threatened and jeopardized the national security of the United States and the safety and security of the American people by enabling those criminal and terrorist “gotaways” to infiltrate and operate in our cities.

Is this not itself treason enough?

Other points of inquiry should include Biden and his regime’s knowing and intentional “official” actions to:

(i) Weaken America’s energy production capacity and independence – a strategic and critical component of our national strength and international leadership

(ii) Hurt millions of Americans by taking actions that impose high inflation costs and financial injury and hardship upon American households

(iii) Threaten the integrity of our national and state elections for partisan gain by fostering efforts to enable the illegal aliens to stay and register to vote in at least the states that do not require proof of citizenship and do not have the means to verify such for purposes of federal elections.

Is it not treason to use the sacred power of the constitutional presidency to knowingly and intentionally take actions to injure our republic and the American people?

When is enough “enough”?

Bob Carlstrom is the president of AMAC Action.

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6 months ago

I wanted to see what others commented on this subject were before giving my thoughts on the subject. The answer to the question posed by the author is of course yes, it is treason. Intentional dereliction of duty and disregard for the many federal laws on the books concerning both immigration and national security are not only violations of their oaths of office, but they are substantial criminal matters that endanger the safety and security of the country as whole.

The question isn’t is this treason or not, as they should be painfully obvious, but rather why the American people have simply chosen to sit by for almost 4 years as the Democrats flooded the country with millions upon millions of additional illegal aliens? Don’t forget when the next census rolls around, if all these illegals haven’t been deported all these illegals will be counted and additional congressional voting districts will be created to represent them in Congress. Any bets on how many new Democrat seats, because that is who they will ALL vote for, that will add up in the House of Representatives?

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
6 months ago

Praise for Bob Carlstrom for this article. Writing like this builds the. kind of strength, and respect for Truth that is needed to deal with the invasion of this Nation by the illegal aliens. In the spirit of Courage , and may God bless America,land of the free,home of the brave.. This article is appreciated.

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

We no longer have the secure borders or safe country. Enemy is within let in by Biden and Harris. Their policies allowed the invaders in. Safety of the country is a responsibility of government. Those two abdicated those responsibilities, is that a treason? Who will examine their actions and hold them responsible? There is no one to do that. Without working .functioning DOJ there can’t be justice or law and order. They are safe and know it. We know she is tramping around, where is Biden? Is WH on autopilot?

Larry Weber
Larry Weber
6 months ago

Yes it is, and furthermore anyone who aided, like the homeland security secretary should also be charged as accessories in all the crimes committed by those allowed in- drug deaths, murders, rapes, human trafficking, etc.

John Pacey
John Pacey
6 months ago

I’d go even further we’ve got members of congress who’ve aided and abetted in these treasonous acts as well. As result every bad actor needs to be brought upon charge and punished to fullest extent of the law. The board should’ve been closed like yesterday’

David Millikan
David Millikan
6 months ago

Excellent article. Of course it’s treason. They have been committing treason since their first day illegally and unconstitutionally in office.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
6 months ago

We all know that they both have broken their OATHs to serve, secure & protect us AS they openly violated our laws, so who has the GUTS to indict them? Where are all the BAR ASSOCIATIONS WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO OVERSEE THESE KIND OF LAWLESSNESS? Nations are laughing at us, and if another Democ wins, our enemies will make doormats out of us. The first thing they’ll do is cook our electric grid, which Russia already has the weapon for that , that I read cannot be detected by radar or any surveillance. Pray people, that God’s chosen one, Trump who HE gave wisdom to save us, wins. To this we pray o Lord, Amen.

5 months ago

VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!!! We need to get these demonratic communistas out of office ASAP. I used to M.D. for a living and old people liked me. I was good at finding the subtle signs of dementia and it was the reason I DIDN’T VOTE FOR DEMENTIA JOE in the first place!! He has it and is likely ready for a nursing home. The White House is not that place for him and Kamala is the most incompetent V.P. we’ve ever had in modern times.
The demonrats opened the border and if they stay in power, will likely declare all the millions of them “citizens by decree”. May God condemn all the demonrats to hell for this as they are trying to turn the country into a one-party demonratic state! I hate it!
I pray Trump/Vance gets in to end all this stupidness.
Again, go out and vote out as many demonrats as we can!! I can no longer call them by their “so-called” proper name as they’ve become so evil to the n’th degree!

Mark Lancaster
Mark Lancaster
5 months ago

Yes, it’s treason. Will there be consequences? No, because Americans are divided and complacent, and, frankly, lazy or ignorant.
The best we can hope for is that Trump will seal the borders and deport the illegals. However, judging by his last term most of his time will be wasted fighting the deep state treasonists.
I hope for the best and pray for the downfall of evil.

Veteran John Victorine
Veteran John Victorine
5 months ago

Yes they are: Traders to the (USA)) !
Remember-Russian Leader Pounding his shoe on the {Un}} desk
& saying to the (US) we “WILL” bury YOU-AKA the USA !!!

  • More Reason to Vote:
  • TRUMP & ALL Republicans people !!!!!!!!
5 months ago

If suborning a foreign invasion doesn’t constitute treason, what does? If squandering the nation’s treasure supporting the invaders while its citizens suffer…they are not only supporting economic warfare against this country, they are opening the door to every drug and disease known to man. Once upon a time, that was a hanging offense – back when the nation had a backbone.

6 months ago

Excuse me. Why don’t we hear any more about the giant balloon China floated over our military areas? Allowing that wasn’t treason? Please tell me that didn’t happen!

6 months ago

Of course it’s treason! And nobody does/did a d**n thing about it. So what really is the purpose of this article? The American people continue to suffer under this regime and the Kamala coup wants to assure that our suffering continues and where are WE THE PEOPLE?–watching “he said, she said” dummy debates. America the Beautiful is in a death spiral.

John Ellos
John Ellos
6 months ago

So how/when and who shall initiate these charges ? Who makes it happen ?

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