AMAC Exclusive

The Biden White House is working overtime to falsely shift the blame for skyrocketing crime in Democrat run cities onto Republicans. Biden’s Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, recently insinuated that Republicans were actually the ones who support defunding the police because Republicans voted against Biden’s wasteful $1.9 trillion COVID-19 bill that Democrats rammed through Congress in March. The Democrat strategy now appears to be to defund the police, gawk in horror as violent crime explodes across the country, lie about it, and then re-fund the police using federal dollars to bail out Democrat run cities, while brashly blaming Republicans.
Psaki should actually read the COVID-19 bill Biden signed into law and tell the American public in her next press conference which specific line-item provides funding to the police. There isn’t one. The Biden bill had nothing to do with providing funding for law enforcement. In fact, no provision of that behemoth piece of partisan legislation explicitly allocated funding to a local law enforcement entity. Not one cent was earmarked to a particular police department. None.
The Biden administration has since reinterpreted the law months after it was passed and attempted to divert the leftover COVID-19 funding from the bill to bail out Democrat-run cities who defunded their police departments last summer.
As crime in America’s largest cities climbs higher this summer with a 24% increase in the murder rate over last year’s historic high, the Biden administration is attempting to salvage Democrats’ dismal electoral prospects heading into the 2022 midterm elections by pushing what is easily the top contender for lie of the year: that Republicans – not Democrats – support defunding the police.
You won’t see PolitiFact, CNN, or MSNBC fact-checking the Biden White House for this absurd claim. But the historical record does need to be set straight. AMAC Newsline will not let these anti-police Democrats run from their record.
It was Democrat-run New York City that slashed its police budget by nearly $1 billion.
It was Democrat-run Los Angeles that cut its police budget by $150 million.
It was Democrat-run Portland that voted to reduce its police budget by nearly $16 million and disbanded its Gun Violence Reduction Team.
It was Democrat-run Philadelphia that approved decreasing its police budget by $33 million.
It was Democrat-run San Francisco that planned $120 million in cuts to its police budget.
It was Democrat-run Seattle that culled its police budget by $46 million.
It was Democrat-run Washington, D.C. that passed a police budget slashing funding by $15 million.
It was Democrat-run Oakland that just days ago cut its police budget by nearly $20 million.
And it was Democrat-run Minneapolis that voted to disband its entire police department.
Republicans are on the record pushing back against every one of these Democrat measures to defund the police.
In addition, it was Democrats – not Republicans – at the national level who incessantly called for defunding the police and constantly engaged in anti-police rhetoric for more than a year.
Democrat President Joe Biden supported redirecting funding away from the police. Asked by an interviewer if he agreed that “we can redirect some of the funding” away from police departments, Biden replied, “Yes! Absolutely.”
Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris applauded Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for defunding the police and called for reimagining policing, a Democrat code word for defunding the police.
An interviewer asked Harris if she supports “proposals like what we’ve seen in Los Angeles like Mayor Eric Garcetti saying, ‘Take some of the money from policing – about $150 million dollars – invest it in health initiatives, training initiatives for youth’?”
Harris replied: “I support investing in communities so that they become more healthy and therefore more safe. Right now, what we’re seeing in America is many cities spend over one third of their city budget on policing. But meanwhile, we’ve been defunding public schools for years in America. We’ve got to re-examine what we’re doing with American taxpayer dollars and ask the question: are we getting the right return on our investment? Are we actually creating healthy and safe communities? That’s a legitimate conversation and it requires a really critical evaluation. I applaud Eric Garcetti for doing what he’s done.”
In other words, yes, Harris supported de-funding the police. She also repeatedly stated that “we need to reimagine how we are achieving public safety in America” and critiqued cities where “one third of their entire budget is going to policing.”
Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer, meanwhile, actively fought against and blocked a Senate resolution opposing efforts to defund the police. The resolution stated:
“Whereas defunding the police would leave police departments understaffed and undertrained, while also increasing the risk of violent crime to the communities of the United States, especially vulnerable communities: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Senate—
(1) calls for justice for George Floyd; and
(2) opposes efforts to defund the police.”
In other words, Schumer too supported defunding the police.
Former Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid supported it as well. “Governments are going to have to look at how they can reallocate money,” he declared. “Of course it’s a good idea if we have more social services rather than police.”
Democrat Representative Nancy Pelosi supported “shuffling” some police money around (away from the police) and meanwhile supported the anti-police rhetoric by calling federal officers “stormtroopers.”
Democrat Representative Val Demings asserted that the Minneapolis City Council was “being very thoughtful” after they voted to disband the police—a decision that resulted in catastrophic consequences for the city.
Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez supported defunding the police, mincing no words like many of her colleagues. “Defunding police means defunding police,” she said. “It does not mean budget tricks or funny math. It does not mean moving school police officers from the NYPD budget to the Department of Education’s budget so the exact same police remain in schools.”
Democrat Representative Rashida Tlaib supported outright abolishing the police. “Policing in our country is inherently & intentionally racist,” she tweeted. “…I am done with those who condone government funded murder. No more policing, incarceration, and militarization. It can’t be reformed.”
Democrat Representative Ilhan Omar supported defunding the police and dismantling the Minneapolis Police Department, saying, “The Minneapolis Police Department is rotten to the root, and so when we dismantle it, we get rid of that cancer, and we allow for something beautiful to rise, and that reimagining allows us to figure out what public safety looks like for us.”
Democrat Representative Jamaal Bowman supported defunding the police, leaving no ifs, ands or buts about it. “Yes, I support the defunding of the police,” he said.
Democrat Representative Mondaire Jones supported defunding the police, saying, “We must dismantle white supremacy in all aspects of our society, and that means moving funding away from police departments and toward programs that improve public safety by helping to address the roots of systemic inequality.”
Democrat Representative Cori Bush supported defunding the police: “So yes, defund your butts,” she said. “Defund you.”
Democrat Representative Ayanna Pressley supported abolishing the police, slandering them at the same time: “From slave patrols to traffic stops,” she said. “We can’t reform this.”
Numerous Biden appointees also endorsed this dangerous idea.
Joe Biden’s Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh proposed diverting $12 million in funding away from the Boston Police Department’s budget when he was Mayor of the city, proposing “reallocating 20%” of the Department’s overtime budget to “make a significant investment in equity and inclusion.”
Biden’s Justice Department Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta supported defunding the police. “While front-end systems changes are important, it is also critical for state and local leaders to heed calls from Black Lives Matter and Movement for Black Lives activists to decrease police budgets and the scope, role, and responsibility of police in our lives,” she said.
One of Biden’s Assistant Attorneys General at the Justice Department, Kristen Clarke, supported defunding the police. “We must invest less in police and more in social workers,” she said.
The list goes on. They are on the record, clear, permanent, and unmistakable.
Why does all of this matter? Because the Democrat “defund the police” movement ushered in one of the worst crime chapters in this nation’s history filled with unspeakable violence.
Democrat defunding of the police paved the way for the most economically destructive riots of all time and a cataclysm of crime the likes of which America has not seen at any time during the 21st century.
Over 550 violent riots in more than 220 American cities devastated hundreds of Black owned businesses and injured over 2,000 police officers.
Murder rates soared with their highest one year increase ever, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Americans. Homicides rose significantly in the very Democrat cities that voted to defund the police with murders up by 74% in Seattle, 72% in Minneapolis, 51% in Portland, nearly 40% in New York, 37% in Oakland, 35% in Philadelphia, 32% in San Francisco, 30% in Los Angeles, and 19% in Washington, DC.
After Democrats called for defunding the police, effective policing in America was destroyed, officers were hamstrung and demoralized, and cops retired or resigned en masse.
In New York, police retirements were up 72% in 2020 compared to the year before with more than 2,600 of New York’s finest retiring. In Portland, resignations increased by 155% and retirements soared by 435% over the last year. In Seattle, resignations rose by 261% and retirements surged by 123%.
Even now, just over 50% of 911 calls are being responded to within the target time in Seattle. Response times to the most critical situations including murder or officer needing assistance were 10% slower in New York City over the past year. By August of last year, when the Democrat Minneapolis City Council voted to abolish the police, the average time it took for police to respond to a 911 call in the city had slowed by 40% compared to before the riots began. In Portland, 911 callers were put on hold for hours and police failed to respond to 38 calls over a period of just two days.
New recruitment of officers is also down with new hires decreasing in Portland by 56% and in Seattle by 63%. The Minneapolis Police Department has 200 fewer officers compared to its usual number due to resignations and officers on extended leave. Nationwide, police retirements have jumped 45% and resignations have increased by 18% over the past year.
It is Democrats – not Republicans – who are responsible for destroying policing in America and unleashing a massive crime wave. Now, with the 2022 midterms looming, Democrat party leadership is increasingly worried that voters may be starting to figure that out.
As Democrat Representative Jim Clyburn recently put it, the slogan “defund the police” is “cutting the throats of the party.”
It is a travesty of justice that Congressional Democrats and the Biden administration care more about their own electoral prospects going into 2022 than the lives of the countless Americans who have been subjected to entirely preventable violence and human suffering because Democrats called for defunding the police. Hopefully, however, their crass political concerns will lead to a restoration of police budgets across America, even if it does not lead to apologies from the Democrats who inflicted such horrible damage on the country.
So tired of the LIES! But even more tired of nothing being done!
Its all Blue States who defund Police
You can’t be a democrat unless you prove you are a habitual liar & enemy of America
Circle Back Jen is just like the rest of the Biden Administration, lies, lies and more lies.
Progressive Democrats, liberals, leftists, what ever you want to call them, have to be removed
from our Country before there is nothing left to fight for.
So, what would one expect of Psaki? She is just another brain-washed, brain-dead puppet of the Demo/Socialists. They tell her to read something, she dutifully reads it. The fact the statements she reads have no facts or truth means nothing. They are deviant, Marxist, Godless puppets.
My God, where do I begin? Psaki is nothing more than a CLUELESS mouthpiece for a very old, senile faux potus that was put in place by others…America is now suffering through an insurgence of the likes none of us have ever seen before in our nation…The evidence of foreign & domestic interference is now unmistakable and irrefutable…We have experienced a Coup D’état in our nations capital as well as that of our Democrat run cities with crooked district attorneys releasing the criminals time and again…
Our true military has had the fraudulent election evidence from the very beginning. The Maricopa County’s true audit counts is about to be released & it will reveal the real numbers…This will be ( 1 ) sample of a much wider pattern of voter fraud that occurred across the entire nation for all Americans to see, i.e. the optics…
Never forget the evening of Nov 3, 2020 & the declared winner of the 2020 US Presidential Election. Donald J. Trump – 410 electoral votes – Joseph Robinette Biden – 127 electoral votes…
The entire nation went RED before midnight…
Bill on the Hill… :~)
OMG. How could anyone hate this country so much that they would perpetrate this huge lie to the American people? I can’t believe this is the same country I grew up in. So sad!
Once an idiot, always an idiot!!
LIES, LIES, LIES, That’s, all the Demonrats do is lie, they are not capable of telling the truth, its sickening that they lie, lie, lie. and the lying scum-sucking news media are even worse, everyday the day on every channel, ran by ABC, CBS, NBC, MSDNC, CNN the (Clinton news network) or the (communist news network ) all you get is lies that’s why the Demonrats lie, they are not held accountable by the news media, lying has been a part of the Demonrats since Lyndon Brain Dead Johnson, Its part of their DNA, HELL will freeze over before they tell the truth, whatever they say the Republicans are doing they are Gas Lighting the American people, Never, Never, Never trust a Demonrat, Sen. Joe Manchin is a good example, he will tell you watch this hand while he picks you pocket with the other.
Has anyone else noticed that WOMEN seem to be the driving force behind the vast array of trouble making in the USA? Are there no competent men in the USA to step up and counter the daily dose of BS we are being fed? The forces of evil are winning this battle, but not the war being waged within the USA.
God bless America.
Definately the demonrats. The Republicans have ALWAYS defended the protectors of this nation. The dems seem to be the ones we need protection from – like high taxes, etc. Dems need to get their facts straight, as usual.
The Politian write the bills, the Public doesn’t get to read the Bill’s and the Politian vote on it with out knowing what’s in it but then again who reads a bill that’s 50 or more pages. D.C. Washington is a joke and so the Politian and so is Grandpa Binden.
With the NEA pushing CRT on our children and grandchildren, I say we start a movement to defund the teachers and use that money to fund the police again.
These people on the left are delusional and insane!
I am one of those people who believe the old saying ” The eyes are a window to the soul”. Look at Psaki’s dark eyes when she is giving a press conference! Look at AOC’s eyes when she is talking they bug out! Look at Adam Schiff’s eyes! Look at Hillary’s eyes when she is angry! Not all Dems have eyes like that but given their Body Language and Voice Inflections while they lie to us should be obvious.
Great article!
We no longer live in a democracy. What can you say about democrats that has not already been said? They have been brain washed in college.
WTH!! These people are delusional and the public that actually believes there lies are ignorant. Let’s live in reality, not the la-la-land created by the socialist/communist left, PLEASE!
Excellent article. Of course, you’re not going to see CNN, MSNBC, or NBC; fact check anything regarding the deceits and lies promulgated by the Democrats/Communists. These networks are complicit in disseminating loads of propaganda for the express purpose of brainwashing the public. They threw away journalistic integrity a long time ago. They are THE reason that I left the Democratic Party. They were NOT subtle in their tactics. It became really obvious; (after ramming their propaganda down my throat), that their sole purpose was to effect a coup. The Democratic/Communist networks, started their demonization of the American Police Force; a few months after the ‘Pandemic’ started. Literally the subject switched OVERNIGHT from the ‘Pandemic’ to ‘Police Brutality’. Just like a light switch. And then, the brainwashing began. We are not talking about subtle brainwashing. We’re talking brutal, repetitive, constant propaganda. The same pictures were aired over, and over, and over. It was a form of mental abuse. The Democratic/Communist Party is rotten at the root and needs to be defunded.
The democrats are not going anywhere now. As individuals we need to be prepared to protect ourselves until we vote can vote the democrats out of office.
Standard Operating Procedure for Democrats, they commit a crime, then blame those who would have prevented it for it. That’s how he party of slaveholders and the KKK, the party of the Trail of Tears and Indian Wars, the party of concentration camps for Japanese and German Americans turned itself into the party that fooled African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and other minorities into believng the lie that they want to represent them. Their goal is not to represent any Americans but to steal from, and hurt all Americans as long as there is personal profit in it for their party.
Psaki is a lying politician spokes person! She has lied to the public in every position she has ever occupied!
The dem-o-rats have no shame, they will lie about anything!!!
I can’t blame her. She’s just a mouthpiece for democrats although she probably believes what she says.
Sounds like feds want a federal police force they can control and take powers away from local jurisdictions. Didnt these so called representatives take an oath of office? Just saying.
Psaki has had too much säkē .
Psaki needs to ‘circle back’ on that one. Where did they find her anyway? She is an idiot.
These same idiots defund our Police while increasing funding for the Capital Police. See how safe they’d feel if they are forced to live under the future shit storm of violence in the streets!
Is she really Mark Zuckerberg same person or twins? Democrats are ruining America fast. Why aren’t they being charged with Treason they have been involved in several coups. They are treasonous traitors.
The Democrats always have some method to their madness. Could the defund the police movement be a precursor to the fund the federal police state movement? I am always leery of the Dem’s motives. One thing for sure is, they are not stupid. Destroying the police should be viewed as a means to some end… the end being probably a police state. Heaven forbid!
Demonrats wouldn’t know the truth if it but them in the ass!
Gee whiz, Demsheviks! Don’t let “facts” get in the way of your dystopian ideological brain fart ideas. After all, and by your warped thinking, all Americans have a ravenous, gluttonous and insatiable appetite for your Fake News, Lies, Distortions, and other irrational wrong thinking pratings.
Why? Because the Demsheviks must be surely convinced that if they don’t continue “feeding” us this crap in increasing amounts, that most Americans will eventually wake up, go through a complete “withdrawal” process (much like with exiting any addiction), see the light of true reality in our world, and help turn around our country by voting out these miscreants in 2022 and 2024. MAGA!
continued political double speak and lies……it never ends. My father wisely said, when it comes to these people, “don’t believe anything they say and only half of what they show you…” When will we learn? When will the righteous leaders step up to the plate? How long must we, the people, be subjected to the whole twisted way our representatives operate? Whether it is climate, military, civil rights, “equity”, infrastructure, education,……it keeps on happening. It is bewildering.
Today, we saw our President, commit war with Big Tech and our inalienable right to free speech. We need to get down on our knees and ask Almighty God to forgive us for our sin, and pray for divine intervention to win this battle. Not only man’s ways, but Almighty God’s ways and we following his will. We cannot fight this battle without repentance and prayer and letting the glory of God be manifested. Father God, your will be done. Pray.
Patriots, We the People..need to protest. We need organized marches NOW ! We need Republican leadership NOW ! Where the hell are they !!
Without protest from the masses we will lose America by year end.
Pray to God every day for His guidance to return America to Democracy.
That broad is like cancer. She just keeps coming up again, here and there. How can this turd even look herself in the mirror is beyond anyones comprehension.
Never trust a ( D ) communist or a fart.
continuing to follow the communist mantra in rules for radicals. to paraphrase; acuse them of what you are doing.
being evil they don’t have a problem looking themselves in the mirror because they are getting away with what they want!!
Psaki is just a paid puppet like all of the rest of Biden’s circus.
Ah, yes… liars… Look up the word “Liars” in any dictionary, and you’ll find a picture of almost every current Democrat politician in leadership roles…
Saki must have her psychiatrist on speed dial! What an awful lying hypocrite HRC must have been her coach!
Psaki is just a mouthpiece worthy of the Mafia. The real liars are the big 3, Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer. The second team includes Swalwell, Nadler, and the real star, Schiff. Don’t believe a word any of them says.
God doesn’t like lying. He will forgive that sin, if the person confesses, asks to be forgiven and saved because Christ died for them. They must then stop lying. God will save, but He is also going to judge. The sins of a forgiven person He will forget. But, if a person doesn’t want God, He won’t force them to come to Him. Decide now if you want to spend eternity with good (Christ said God alone is good) or a place worse than a democrat run city.
Biden’s lies are rubbing off on Psak O’crap…
Blatant lies are nothing new for hateful Progressive (Socialist) Democrats. Their attempt at deceit on this issue is so obvious that even most of the naïve, liberal minded American citizens will be able to see it.
It’s not as if Biden’s handlers intended to have informed, critical thinking, smart staff. They needed only people to toe the line, and say what they were told. Peaking just one of many.
If Jen had a brain she would be arrested for smuggling. ( D ) communist lockstep turd mentality.
Biden’s cognitive disabilities do not have any character that can be infective. However, the demoralizing hatred of human life IS a disease. A disease for which there is no cure. The disease has propagated exponentially within its area: Democrats. The disease, as it grows, becomes more virulent and expands upon its destruction. As I said, there is no cure for those whom have been infected. The only cure is excision of the disease. Removal of the Democrats. A new party can develop or expand in order to keep a multi-party democracy. But the disease needs to be excised.
Psaki needs to lay off the Sake prior to press briefings!
How can someone be that stupid. Just about every Democrat run city, regardless of the size is de-funding police. As a result crime is increasing.