
National Security , Newsline

More Conservatives Call on Cornyn to Oppose Federal CRT Bill

Posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2022
by Seamus Brennan

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan

Senator John Cornyn of Texas

Following a recent slate of GOP policy missteps—including a hastily passed “gun control” bill that elicited the support of 15 Republican Senators and last summer’s so-called “infrastructure” package, which was used by progressives as a smokescreen to advance far-left social causes—some Republicans are once again at risk of playing directly into the hands of the radical left. This time, however, the future of K-12 education and the hearts and minds of millions of American students are on the line.

The “Civics Secures Democracy Act” (CSDA), which is dishonestly framed as a bipartisan legislative effort that would “support and expand access to history and civics education,” was just reintroduced in Congress last month. The bill, which was led by Senators John Cornyn (R) of Texas and Chris Coons (D) of Delaware (known as one of the most far-left Democrats in the Senate) was first introduced in March 2021, and is widely seen among conservatives as a not-so-subtle attempt to federalize the forced indoctrination of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and gender ideology in public schools. But despite these concerns, the latest draft of Coons’s and Cornyn’s legislation appears just as dangerous as the first: as Stanley Kurtz notes, the new version of the bill “is the same in substance as the original, although the language this time is stealthier.”

The bill states, for instance, that its civics programs would be primarily oriented toward “clos[ing] gaps in civic knowledge” among “traditionally underserved students,” including “underrepresented minorities.” Although this language may appear benevolent on the surface, as AMAC Newsline has noted before, this specific phraseology is a favorite tactic of the radical left to push historically revisionist accounts of U.S. history and culture that paint the country as systemically racist and defined by slavery and oppression. For example, Biden’s executive order directing every federal agency to implement Critical Race Theory-oriented ideology in all of their actions was titled “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government”—which should raise concerns that the Biden Department of Education plans to spend the funds allocated in the CSDA for the same purpose.

Although the mainstream media has by and large failed to cover the bill at all – something which should immediately raise red flags for conservatives – it has nevertheless provoked a growing chorus of conservative opposition, drawing criticism from the likes of former President Donald Trump, Governor Ron DeSantis, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Fox News host Laura Ingraham, and radio host Mark Levin.

“Despite the parental backlash, Democrats are right now racing to pass a federal bill to push CRT in schools nationwide. It’s terrible,” Trump said in a recent address to the Faith and Freedom Coalition. “Known as the ‘Civics Secures Democracy Act,’ this bill would spend billions and billions of dollars imposing federal curriculum standards, so-called civics education—they call it civics education—which is nothing more than a fake name for Radical Left indoctrination. We have enough of it. It’s Common Core 2.0.”

Mike Pompeo similarly derided the bill as a way to allow the Biden administration to achieve its “stated goal” of “push[ing] its woke agenda into classrooms and the minds of our children.” Gingrich said the bill was “exactly the kind of thing I expect from the Big Government Socialists in Washington”—and was “astonished that there were Republicans who cosponsored the bill.” Laura Ingraham called the bill “insane,” while Governor Ron DeSantis has slammed the CSDA as an effort to “award grants to indoctrinate students with ideologies like critical race theory” – a claim that PolitiFact incorrectly labeled “false” and misquoted in a shameless attempt to discredit DeSantis.

Regrettably, such criticism has failed to get through to Cornyn and fellow Republicans Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, who are also sponsoring the bill. In a June 30 tweet, Cornyn blithely dismissed criticism of the bill as “a lie,” signaling that these Republicans are unlikely to withdraw their support from the radical legislation anytime soon.

As many on the right have been quick to observe, Cornyn’s inability to recognize the severe dangers his bill presents demonstrates not only a shocking degree of naiveté, but also the prospect of Republican political cover for the radical left’s nationalization of CRT and emerging leftist fads like drag queen story hour in K-12 classrooms. And as the Democrats’ own political prospects continue to collapse and Biden’s polling sinks further into the low 30s, it is difficult to imagine a more self-destructive electoral strategy than what Cornyn is proposing Republican Senators sign on to. Providing a boost to Democrats’ effort to politicize education just as the parents’ rights movement begins to gain steam would undoubtedly be a major blow to morale for would-be Republican voters just ahead of November.

But the destructive repercussions of Cornyn’s radical civics bill would extend far beyond Republicans’ performance in this year’s midterms. For the sake of our children, our schools, and the future of our nation itself—every conservative should hope that Cornyn and other Republicans supportive of the bill will realize this truth and change course before it’s too late.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Obviously Cornyn has been around the block more than once in his sponsoring of CRT no less than twice now…Cornyn is a RINO & it is RINO hunting season, he has to go right along with Gov. Abbott & Crenshaw, all of them RINOS, making them dangerous to the conservative cause & all but useless for the average Texan…Can’t rid them because of no term limits, then STOP voting for these people at the ballot box…
Bill… :~)

Judy Bergfield
Judy Bergfield
2 years ago

Very upset with Cornyn’s recent and current action. Do not need this kind of law if it doesn’t come right and denounce CRT and gender ideology. Cornyn is becoming a major problem for both the US and Texas. He was booed at the texas convention because of his actions. He should clearly know the position of Texas republicans.

Jerome from Layton
Jerome from Layton
2 years ago

What is the BILL NUMBER?

2 years ago

Texas needs to send Cornyn home for good. He’s a RINO. The bill title shows his ignorance. We are not a democracy but a Republic. Sheeesh, when will people get that straight?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Are U sure its Conservatives or RINOs??

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Public Indoctrination…er I mean Education is no longer a good option in many areas. Parents will be forced to send their kids to private schools or home school.

2 years ago

The Rats know they are losing the House and likely the Senate too in a few months. They are racing to get every goofy piece of far left crap passed as soon as they can because they know what’s coming. As far as Cornyn is concerned that’s up to the people of Texas to decide. CRT is a horrible racist curriculum that pushes black supremacy. I am as sick of RINOs as anybody. But in 2022 the worst RINO is better than ANY DemocRAT. Vote in 2022 people. We can put the brakes on this madness. Yeah I know about the fraud in 2020 but we have to look forward and take this one battle at a time. KAG

2 years ago

He is part of the corrupt UNAPARTY, send him home.

Mike F
Mike F
2 years ago

RINOs must go!

2 years ago

Article is too longgggg! My eyes started to glaze over, and almost crawled back in bed. Just say Cornyn sucks! We get it. I’d like to get Chip Roy to oppose him next election that Cornyn is in.

Jorge f
Jorge f
2 years ago

Cornyn, you’ve turned into one hell of a RINO, what goes around, comes around.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

We have fallen asleep behind the wheel decades ago now we are in the ditch question is are there enough willing hands to push us up onto the road again

2 years ago

John Cornyn is not conservative… in fact this @$$clown is a RINO who needs to be called as a dumbocrat spy and a traitor to conservative values. Wake up Texas you have a dirty rat in CONGRESS. “CORNYN” = corn in = BS OUT! He and Lindsay Graham play footsie while sitting naked in the men’s sauna! LIARS TRAITORS SCUM

Battling Idiots Daily
Battling Idiots Daily
2 years ago

Pls take a lesson from Gov DeSantis and put an end to this hysteria. PS Texas please Get rid of Cornyn.

2 years ago

The rebirth of a pile of mule cookies is being proposed. This bill is the “reimagined” version of one from last year. Same song different arrangement of language. All based on another Joe Biden(aka Pete Pedersen according to Hunter) Executive Order from 1/20/21(it is available on thenet no # found). Just look at the bung plugs,including Blumethal and Cassidy,that are sponsoring this garbage. What do you see?? Useful Idiots being Idiots!

If you can do a net search please check this stuff up. Everything in this stink pile relates to underserved or under represented folks of color and whatever. UNDERSERVED OR UNDER REPRESENTED? WHO IN H*** IS REPRESENTING THEM IN THE HOUSE AND SENATE??????



2 years ago

If we do not take Congress and the Senate in mid term it will be the Republicans OWN fault
They have every opportunity and need to stand together. We desperately need TERM LIMITS
we can not continue to let the same families run our country

Steve G
Steve G
2 years ago

Do like the demoncrats do, go to his house & anywhere he goes & harass him till he quits now! Include the other two so-called republicans& harass them as well. I hate to do what the demoncrats are doing, but all this is going too far, do it for the sake our our children’s minds!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wake up we most stop this bill!!!!

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

Who are the 14 other Republican morons who fell for this CRT crap?

2 years ago

Texans should spend time on a deep dig to see how Cornyn has been compromised and now being blackmailed. Look on the FEC website to see who’s been funding his campaigns. Expose all in TruthSocial, Twitter, and other social media.

Ken Hearrean
Ken Hearrean
2 years ago

My wife & I were strong Texas Conservatives until mid-last year when I retired & we moved to Florida; two great states with two great Governors, but admittedly I began to wonder about Cornyn & some of his so-called conservative bills….if he has his hands anywhere near this bill in the way it’s written, shame on him!!!

2 years ago

Not only do we need to force the RINOS out but their legacy needs to include an asterisk of how they betrayed their constituents. The good people of TX, LA and OK need to make sure that these three traitors’ who cosponsor this bill are forever remembered as politicians who (if they continue with this bill) are responsible for any negative impacts that result from it. The same is true for that disgusting gun grab bill! The 15 RINOS show supported it need to have their reputations permanently stained by true conservatives so that their influence is diminished.

Patty L
Patty L
2 years ago

If I had school aged children today, I would find someway to homeschool them!

2 years ago

Used to think highly of John Cornyn. Not anymore. He has been associating with Mitch McConnell too long.

2 years ago

These rino sobs often begin their careers as conservative supermen but then the green kryptonite of dc leftism weakens them. At the end of this disease they’re chugging kryptonite straight from the bottle.

2 years ago

I don’t have much time to write anything but want to state if these actions are made in our schools may God have mercy on us as a nation.

Ken Carter
Ken Carter
2 years ago

Cassidy is a well known RINO and does not represent the citizens of Louisiana.

Karen Griswold
Karen Griswold
2 years ago

It’s time to vote in a replacement for Cornyn….not a Rino or a Democrat.

2 years ago

Correct me if I am wrong but, isn’t oversight and legislation of education the responsibility of the States and NOT the federal government? Why is there a Department of Education in the Federal Government?

2 years ago

I keep getting pleas from the Republican Party for money and the RP wonder why I ignore them.Just watch,with clowns like McConnell, Cornyn they can still screw up the coming election.Rino traitors

2 years ago

John Cornyn is a Democrat posing as a Republican. He must be voted out or pressured to resign! CRT is being used to brainwash white children that they’re racist from birth & therefore can’t change & are inferior to blacks! God created everyone equal, & the great majority of Americans believe this & are NOT racists! Cornyn had become a Leftist liar & must be ignored until we can vote him OUT! Also, Mitch McConnell is surely in on this, because Cornyn does whatever Mitch tells him to do!

2 years ago

Cornyn is my senator……his re-election this time around was more a case of not voting for a dem as the primary wiped out his competition from the repubs. I did not vote for him….and won’t…..but we are stuck with this guy, again. He is the consummate career politician who walks the walk of power and greed….I am not surprised at his antics in D.C…..nor should anyone else be. He talks a good game, spreads the honey, and stabs is constituients in the back at every chance. What I don’t get is why? Why would he do this in the first place, especially when the truth of this bill is so easily seen. I don’t have an answer, but my guess is it is all about his political career…..and dreams of higher office..

James Finley
James Finley
2 years ago

John Cornyn is also one of my senators. I have been on the edge about his voting AND now he will be forever on my “S*** List.

2 years ago

I cannot wait to get the swamp drained this November. That is if we can get nonfraudulent elections in all fifty states! God Bless the USA now and forevermore.

2 years ago

Ñever underestimate the Republican parties ability to screw up a sure thing. Eg the “red wave”.

2 years ago

I should run in a red favored area. I can’t phuck up things any worse than the current crop of braindead Republicans are doing and up against the most radical Democrat packages ever.

Smili'in Jack
Smili'in Jack
2 years ago

I made a critical mistake in voting for Cornyn in the last election and sending him money as well. I won’t make that mistake again. Cornyn is just another Romney in disguise. He has turned on his own base.

2 years ago

Cornyn haws become another RINO, time for him to go. The federal government should not be involved in education period. Common core is a disaster.

2 years ago

Worthless RINO Cornyn has to be replaced text time around. He obviously forgot whom he represents.

2 years ago

I live in Texas and I will NEVER vote for Cornyn again! I hope a good candidate will primary him next time around.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

Senators John Cornyn: RINO!

2 years ago

Cornyn is a collaborator. He is another go along to get along RINO. Doing what he does only strengthens this illegitimate regime. He’s not doing what Texans want he’s doing what he wants to benefit himself. He will not get reelected the next time he’s up.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
2 years ago

This year in particular John Cornyn has become increasingly Democrat in his legislative actions, first pushing new Gun Laws and now pushing K-12 Critical Race Theory and Gender ID. I have called his office repeatedly to complain about his leftist trend and to let him know I will NOT vote for him this time. He has turned his back on his conservative voters.

2 years ago

It has to be better than teaching Critical Race Theory, which we know is flat out false. Hopefully it passes.

2 years ago

Is it possible in the State of Texas to recall a US Senator? If so, does anybody here know how to initiate the recall? I live in Texas and have had enough of John Cornyn

2 years ago

My reading of the Constitution reveals no ceding by the states to the Federal Government relating to power over education. In fact I believe that any federal action relative to education is a large Conflict of Interest. Many congresspersons are dependent on the votes of uneducated or under-educated voters for their positions. They thus have little or no reason to promote quality education for the country’s young. Now that we have a Supreme Court making rulings based on the Constitution maybe we can eliminate federal bureaucracies not explicitly allowed by the Constitution.

2 years ago

I wonder if these Republicans pushing critical race theory have bothered to even look up to see what they want our children to be exposed to. What are they gaining from the democrats to help push this trash. Hope the Republicans in these states remember this

2 years ago

Cornyn is nothing more than a sellout, establishment Republican that does not represent his constituents. He only cares about two things.Lining his pockets at the expense of taxpayers and getting re elected. I hope someone will step up to primary him in 27. Yes! We are stuck with him until then.

2 years ago

Many Republicans are really not for a balanced budget, maintaining gun ownership, oil independence, etc. The Democrats are focused on power and will do anything to get it from election tampering/fraud to having false investigations on Trump. I did not realize how corrupt our government is which also includes our senior bureaucratic leaders. Trump was the first Republican who stood up to the evil of the Democratic Party, the media, and social media companies. I have been disappointed in Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney on many occasions. We must not give up hope for positive change. Evil will grow and grow until it will consume itself. My children will most likely live in an America which is less free. Hopefully, my grandchildren will live a better life with more freedoms as the evil is stamped out.

2 years ago

The “U.S. Department of Education” needs to be eliminated.
Why do we NEED that “dept.”
It flies in the face of logic! Education is, and, should be a LOCAL issue….not a federal gov’t issue.
This is an obvious 10th amendment issue!

Gary Keller
Gary Keller
2 years ago

Cornyn, Kennedy and Inhofe ?? The Summer heat, must really have gotten to these “Conservatives” , Especially my Rep. Cornyn ! You have Already disappointed on the Hastily written , “feel-good” Gun Bill, Now This CRT Legislation ? This is Off Course ! Please, Please, Change Course, Now, it’s Your Record…..

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