
National Security , Newsline

Memo to President Biden: The House Already Passed a Real Border Security Bill

Posted on Monday, February 12, 2024
by Outside Contributor
President Joe Biden delivers remarks on Investing in America and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Thursday, January 25, 2024, at Earth Rider Brewery in Superior, Wisconsin. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

More border lies: President Joe Biden called the border bill that failed in the Senate the “toughest set of reforms to secure the border ever” and promised that “voters are going to know that just at the moment we were going to secure the border and fund these other programs, the MAGA Republicans said ‘no.’”

  • False. The House of Representatives already passed the toughest set of reforms in May 2023. H.R. 2—the Secure the Border Act—would have done what the bipartisan deal only pretended to do: Stop the flood of illegals. It’s been sitting on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s, D-N.Y., desk ever since. Check out what Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., had to say
  • Heritage pulled out all the stops to expose the Senate bill; our work gained plenty of notice, with Elon Musk retweeting a post on X by Heritage President Dr. Kevin Roberts. See that here.

Read more about how bad the Senate bill is here. And why H.R. 2 would provide real border security, here.

Republished with Permission from The Heritage Foundation

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1 year ago

How does Schumer get away with this outright lie? He is one of the most despicable humans ever, and I will be so glad once he is out of office. He is responsible for enabling, ensuring that our country is on the brink of ruin.Disqusting POS.

1 year ago

How did the Democrat Party become this way? It used to be they would “spin”, but it’s just outright lies now. The Democrat Party has become despicable and dangerous in its current state.

Ricardo Vidal
Ricardo Vidal
1 year ago

It will not be long now. November is approaching. When the real President Trump is elected in a landslide. This will all be resolved. All these illegal aliens will be round up and sent packing back to where they came from. MAGA!

1 year ago

What difference does any of this make. I’ve had it with Republicans! I’m a conservative, but I’ve given up on them because they cannot and will not unite to defeat the horribly destructive and evil policies of the radical leftists of the Democratic Party.
The fact that Republicans joined the evil Democrats in refusing to impeach Mayorkas is just disgusting.
Republicans always choose to lose!

1 year ago

Preaching to the choir won’t save lost souls. This needs to get put on every social media platform nationwide. If the Senate won’t address H R. 2 maybe the people will!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Don’t think for a moment that Communist harris won’t continue Dictator Beijing bidens open Border policy since she is useless as the Border Czar and makes up excuses just like him for all of their FAILED policies and not securing the Borders.
Yet, Communist harris claims she is ready to take over. God help us if that happens.

1 year ago

Yes, Schumer won’t bring up the House bill in the Senate, but Speaker Johnson refuses to bring up the Senate bill in the House, so it’s a standoff. I hope Johnson stays firm, it’s the only way to hold back these lousy Democrat plans.

Chris Betts
Chris Betts
1 year ago

Only problem now is Biden has the nuclear football in his possession, if you article 25, then Harris is in the President’ seat, neither is good, November is too long away.

Deborah R. Evans
Deborah R. Evans
1 year ago

How much longer is it going to take ? My patience and hope for America is dwindling fast. How much longer will it and what else happening to the country before the ones that have sold out all Americans citizens, by being on the inside of the government’s pockets, realize ( duh ? ) that they are losing also ? Eh ? Hello ? Duh….earth to selfishness, hello ? Most have sold their souls/spirits for “ a fist full of dollars. “. I have had an out of body experience and duh…I can’t assure all of you that I took nothing with me as I was being transported up. Put that in your crack pipes and smoke it. You are headed for real, hell. Sorry but I am so disgusted by the lack of action by these who expect everyone else to do the job for them.

1 year ago

It is so sad that I must have a Twitter account in order to read this (and several other) story that AMAC posted. I refused to set up an account with Twitter years ago and have maintained that stance even after Mr. Musk assumed the platform. Thanx for letting me vent.

Don D
Don D
1 year ago

The head clown in the white house said it failed in the senate? Hey clown it passed in the senate but failed where common sense ruled, the house of represenatives! Not qualified to run the drink station at the local ice cream shop.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Taxpayers are paying people for screwing up, not doing their jobs, ignoring the safety of the country and the population and meddling with business of which they have no clue how it works In any other job they would be fired long ago if not charged but not these parasites They will retire with lavish pensions and perks

Gene DeFouw
Gene DeFouw
1 year ago

The House should let Schumer’s seat bill just sit and let it rot. Do what they do to you, do to them.

1 year ago

Biden is so full of crap. He undid all of Trumps policies pertaining to the border first day in office. We don’t need a bill that gives money to other countries to secure our border. Just enforce the laws already in place!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Joe’s in East Palestine, OH, today. He probably thinks “over-the-top” Israel caused the derailment so he’s there to negotiate both a two-state solution and free Hamas hostages. Busy day for El Presidente’!

1 year ago

No more money sent to republicans. DO SOMETHING.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

He wants to turn the country brown for some unfathomable reason. A few years ago he bragged that soon white people like him would a minority in the country. He hasn’t said why he hates the country and doesn’t believe in the concepts and precepts. Turning the country over to second and third-world people makes no sense to me unless it is supposed to be a way to achieve the “one” world idea. They haven’t said how they expect to get Islam and the Chinese to comply since both of them want to run the world.

1 year ago

Do not give up. That is self-defeating. If you feel strongly that we need better representation then grid your loins and RUN for an office. It is easy to criticize, but difficult to put your words into actions.

It’s hot
It’s hot
1 year ago

Kevin Robert’s! The dead Koch brother wants you to know he’s waiting for you. lol

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