
National Security , Newsline

Looking Back at the Worst Border Year in History

Posted on Friday, January 7, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan


As Americans celebrated the start of the new year following a particularly tumultuous 2021, few were likely surprised to see President Joe Biden entering his second year in office with the worst disapproval ratings of his term thus far. Less than a full year since his inauguration, the Biden presidency has been largely defined by a growing mountain of crises—from record levels of inflation to humiliating COVID failures, to his cataclysmic withdrawal from Afghanistan. But few issues have exposed Joe Biden’s toxic combination of radicalism and ineptitude more strikingly than his orchestration of the worst year for border security in American history.

When Joe Biden entered office, he inherited what was by most metrics the most secure border on record from former President Donald Trump. Under Trump, the U.S. saw a nearly 90 percent reduction in illegal border crossings thanks to policies like “Remain in Mexico” (which ended the practice of “catch and release” and forced would-be illegal border crossers to wait for their court date in Mexico rather than the United States), construction of hundreds of miles of the border wall, asylum reform, and expedited deportations. Throughout his four years in office, Trump also targeted the cartels and criminal gangs that had for years wreaked havoc in Mexico and American cities, leading to a number of notable successes like the deportation of more than 4,000 known members of the notorious MS-13. These efforts included a record reduction in drug trafficking, which contributed to the administration’s historic advances in the battle against opioid addiction and overdoses.

Despite that clear record of success, immediately upon entering office Biden reversed nearly every one of those policies. Rather than forcing border crossers to remain in Mexico while awaiting adjudication of their case by immigration courts, migrants were crowded into massive camps inside the United States. Biden also re-instituted catch-and-release and stopped and even reversed border wall construction – not only weakening border security but also wasting millions of taxpayer dollars.

Yet another hallmark of successful Trump-era border policy abandoned by the Biden administration has been a robust cooperation with Mexico and other Latin American countries from which migrants originate. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador notably suggested that illegal migrants see Biden as “the migrant president,” which has compelled many to “feel they’re going to reach the United States.” Unsurprisingly, these comments have failed to elicit any response from the White House other than continued attempts to whitewash the crisis, or in the words of a recent takedown of Biden’s record from Trump’s Save America PAC, give the impression that “they had no idea what was happening.”

Biden also effectively hamstrung U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and other law enforcement agencies—going so far as to implement what the administration calls “protected areas” in which ICE is not permitted to enter. President Biden and top White House officials also attacked Border Patrol, repeating debunked claims that Del Rio border agents were “whipping” migrants attempting to cross into the U.S. illegally, leading one agent to comment that the president had “started a war with border patrol.”

All of this was a recipe for disaster.

And disaster is exactly what we have seen over the past 12 months. In 2021, U.S. Border Patrol encountered nearly two million illegal aliens—the most since records started—and that only includes those who were caught. Despite Biden’s repeated attempts to downplay the border crisis as something that “happens every year,” the numbers suggest otherwise. July of 2021 saw the most apprehensions in a single month for at least the past 21 years. In November, law enforcement agencies reported 173,620 stops along the border – more than twice the number of stops in November of 2020.

On Biden’s watch, arrests of illegal alien drug smugglers increased by 453 percent, while arrests of illegal alien sex offenders skyrocketed 212 percent. Most alarmingly, under President Biden, Border Patrol arrests of illegal alien murderers rose more than 1,900 percent. While arrests are good, such an increase indicates a drastic increase in the number of criminals coming into the country, with many being released or altogether undetected.

But the Biden border crisis does not end there: in the months since Biden took office, unprecedented amounts of lethal drugs—including fentanyl and methamphetamine—have been detected by Border Patrol. 11,000 pounds of fentanyl, for instance, were seized in the fiscal year 2021, which is more than double the amount the previous year (once again, this is an indicator for a huge increase in traffic). Moreover, Biden’s policies have prompted the largest number of unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border in history, many of whom are being brought across by ruthless smuggling rings that engage in sex trafficking and the drug trade.

The border disaster has been further aggravated by the Biden administration’s promises of mass amnesty, which both the President and Democrats in Congress are actively pushing as part of their domestic agenda. For many illegal border crossers, the hope is that if they can reach the United States, Biden will simply grant them citizenship.  

To top it all off, there is mounting evidence that the border crisis may also be contributing to a spike in COVID cases. One report from August of last year found that nearly 20% of migrant families who crossed the U.S. border tested positive for the virus. Given that many more infected individuals likely escaped to the interior of the country, Biden’s failure at the border may be directly related to his failure to “shut down” the virus. If even 10% of the more than 2 million illegal entrants had COVID, that’s a minimum of 200,000 COVID infections introduced into American communities this year—each of which infects an exponentially growing number of people.

Of course, the solution to the border crisis—as with every other crisis inflicted by the Biden administration—should be clear. A simple return to the immigration and border policies of the Trump years would likely bring the border calamity to an end. Yet if the last 12 months indicate anything, Americans can likely expect the opposite: Biden only ever seems to double down on his failures, refusing to admit that he could possibly have done anything wrong.

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luxe keto + acv gummies

I often blog, and I really like what you have to say.

3 years ago

Elections have consequences, even when they are fraudulent ones. So enjoy the pictures of millions of illegals streaming into our country on a annual basis, because we will be supporting them in perpetuity with our tax dollars as they vote for the Democrats who hand them all that “free stuff” they came here for.

3 years ago

Eventually, we will reach the straw that broke the camel’s back. l think that will be much sooner than later.

3 years ago


james michalicek
james michalicek
3 years ago

What has AMAC done to fix this? NOTHING!!!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

Please, do not tempt Buck Fiden by saying “worst border year in history”– believe it or not-given the opportunity- the FOOL will make it worse!!!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Been bad since last Nov 2020 when Joe “won” office

3 years ago

I’m repeating myself. We and the world are being judged. God judged the nation Israel 2500 years ago when they ignored Him, His laws and ways. They were to bring the Messiah, Christ Jesus into the world, which did happen. He died on the cross to pay our debt for sin. Now, He is coming again to reign as Lord of all creation, and this is the beginning of the final judgement. Satan will rule for a time. God is allowing people a time to make a choice. He is unwilling any should perish, but we have free will to choose. God alone is good, and eternal separation from Him is what happens if you don’t choose Christ. Satan will look good for a few years as the antichrist rules a one world government. People who don’t know scripture will think he’s a good guy. When they are required to take a mark, perhaps an embedded chip, to buy and sell, they will do it. Then he will require them to worship him. This country and most of the world lives without honoring God, lying, stealing, commiting adultery, and many things that God dislikes. I think we’re past the point of return. From predictions in the bible, events point to that time being very close. Look up and live!

3 years ago

The presidents most top priority in his oath of office is to protect our boarders from invasion!!!

3 years ago

The border crisis with its disease, drugs and crime is one of the most criminal activities ever to lay at a sitting president’s feet and Biden bears full responsibility for this debacle. I must live in a different universe, because if I had any say at all, Mr. Biden would have been impeached and removed from office months ago.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

I rather look forward through a ‘scope.

3 years ago

As the Supreme Court of costume wearing jesters sit on their collective rear ends in a collectively engaged “watch the shiny object” distraction over the Biden mandate, the power hungry and greedy liberals illegally and mockingly disregard any rule of law and unabashedly flout the U.S. Constitution, doing absolutely nothing as hundreds of thousands of illegals pour into the country.
Our society and the left has utterly failed future generations.

3 years ago

We’re missing the main objective here, China has to get it’s supply of fentanyl across the border, everything else is lagniappe to the CCP.

3 years ago

THE darling of Del-un-aware has brought to the top of American attention of what damage a rigged election can cause, It is reaching a point where Buck Fiden is causing serious and long term damage to Americanism and its Constitutional Democracy. And I think the Democraps are starting to realize that as well … it exposes their bent towards Communistic policies and workings that will do great damage to this Nation and it is becoming apparent to all. Remember….. the Democraps core incentive is to RULE the Nation, not GOVERN the Nation… which is the driving emphasis of Communism.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
3 years ago

In my own thinking, which is not always even similar to other people’s, I believe that every member of this fraudulent administration that has ANYTHING to do with the Border Chaos and Failure to stop the flow of illegals, should be arrested, removed from office, and criminally charged.

3 years ago

We still need to round all these illegal aliens up, out of our conservative areas, and dump them at the White House and all politicians’ (who support this invasion) private homes.
They want them?
Let them HAVE them.

3 years ago

Biden has welcomed into the US human and drug traffickers, child smugglers and abusers, rapists, murderers, gangs, cartels, fentanyl and meth, and Covid carriers.

3 years ago

We need to initiate a force with ICE, National Guard, and US Marshalls to seek out and remove all illegals from the US. Illegals cost us $275 billion last year in legal/ law enforcement, medical, education, housing, food and other welfare expenses! Many illegals are violent criminals, traffickers, smugglers, murderers, rapists, gang/ cartel members, and Covid carriers. Enough! Close the border!

3 years ago

Illegal people are illegal people and should be send back to where they came from……………..
other countries do not tolerate this. They should go to CANADA!

3 years ago

More failure by joebama and useless democrats to Protect America and its Legal Citizens!!
Throw them out!
DEMAND that Our laws be enforced. Contact all the democrats who are supporting this treason and throw them out!

3 years ago

Round them up an send them back!!!!!!!

3 years ago

Biden isn’t capable of carrying out the greatest political deception since Stalin. The DNC developed a plan years ago and actually managed Resident voting in 2020. It’s not ethical or legal but it is nearly untraceable from the federal level, states on the other hand can identify who is voting, if they want to or they can hide it just as easily.My step mother had to have assistance to take care of her self so, she enrolled in a nursing home near her home in Indiana, where she lived for more than 50 years. It was a difficult decision but it was the right one for her. She was close to family and friends and I was near retirement and could visit more often, even though I live in Nevada.At this point she was unable to manage her affairs so, I started handling them for her and had my name added to her business accounts and my address for correspondence and management from Nevada.Although I had been her business manager for several years, in 2020 she got a letter from the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles asking her to register to vote, not register any Vehicles, just to vote. She lived in Indiana and was still receiving mail at her new home there, but Nevada somehow knew she was getting mail at a Nevada address, no ID or other record, just an address.I received several other letters from the state of Nevada for her and then just before the election in 2020 she received a ballot. A ballot in her name to vote in the election in Nevada, even though she lived and was registered to vote in Indiana. No ID, no written request or absentee request but she got a ballot.I lost my step-mother in April of 2020. She was a really wonderful person and grandmother. We still miss her and think of her often.The point is that the state of Indiana and the federal government knew she passed, but the state of Nevada didn’t know and they were still sending a ballot to a resident address, not a verified person, because no ID is needed for resident voting. This is illegal voting and fraud depriving Americans their right to vote and giving that right to who knows who!Resident voting is a primary and most important goal of the DNC and the elitists who want the power and wealth that Americans have worked for, bleed for and died for, since it’s beginning. As defined in the Constitution of the United States of America we the people use a democratic method to manage the affairs of our republic under the protection of the constitution and the bill rights. Due process within each state was established that the government isn’t controlling the people, the people are controlling the government.Our borders have been violated by out of control government in action and intent by the DNC to establish resident voting. If that weren’t the intent why would our government transport hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants into verious states across America. They are seeding resident voting to violate the rights of American citizens.STOP RESIDENT VOTING!

3 years ago

We should post signs at the border that read: If you are caught with drugs on your possession you will be required to eat it before illegal entry is allowed. I don’t know, just a thought.

3 years ago

Biden’s Legacy! Wonder if he’s proud? If you ask me, he’s treasonous!

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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