WASHINGTON, DC, Feb 28 – Is the Russia-Ukraine war the prelude to global warfare, the likes of which we haven’t seen since World War II? The question is, will it embolden the Chinese to invade the free island nation of Taiwan? If so, how would the Biden administration respond?
It’s no coincidence that mainland China’s air force escalated their threatening fly-overs of the free Chinese island nation of Taiwan in the days leading up to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Kervin Aucoin, a savvy veteran Army intelligence officer told Newsmax, “It is very important, in light of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, that we talk about China’s next steps with Taiwan. China has now made it public they have aligned with Russia and their next step after the successful annexation of Ukrainian areas is the formal reunification of Taiwan with mainland China.”
Rep. Steve Chabot [R-OH] notes that Putin met with Communist China’s General Secretary Xi Jinping for a summit meeting, issuing a lengthy solidarity statement in which they each declared they have each other’s backs. Although Xi did not say anything about Russia and the Ukraine, he did, however, say he fully supports Putin’s opposition to an expansion of NATO. The Washington Post described it as a reference to Ukraine’s “efforts to join the alliance.” The solidarity statement sounds a lot like the pact Nazi Germany had with Imperial Japan during the second world war.
In an interview with the Epoch Times, Rep. Ken Buck [R-CO] expanded on that notion. Regarding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, he said: “I think they have coordinated and I think that China is in a better position letting Russia go first, to evaluate … China has designs on Taiwan and they want to see if the world imposes real sanctions on Russia, and how much it hurts Russia, and what really the willpower is to stop an aggressive nation from gaining further territory.”
Meanwhile, it would appear that the rogue nation-states of Iran and Syria are likely to join Russia and Communist China in the 21st Century version of the axis of evil, according to Anders Corr, a principal at Corr Analytics Inc., publisher of the Journal of Political Risk.
In a recent Opinion article, Corr explains, “What Putin does today to Ukraine, Xi will do tomorrow to Taiwan. Tehran will do the same in Iraq and Syria. The three ongoing fights are inextricably linked as the world’s dictators-in-chief seek ever more power, held by hubristically assuming NATO and friends are too cowardly to oppose them militarily.”
In addition, it is noteworthy that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was quick to support Putin’s war on Ukraine. An official statement issued on his behalf the day after the Ukraine invasion stated, “President al-Assad stressed that what is happening today is a correction of history and a restoration of balance in the global order after the fall of the Soviet Union. Syria stands with the Russian Federation based on its conviction that its position is correct and because confronting NATO expansionism is a right for Russia.”
Russia’s saber-rattling regarding Ukraine in the weeks before Russia’s invasion prompted the Wilson Center, a non-partisan policy forum that tracks global issues, to produce a paper discussing the potential of Sweden and Finland joining NATO when Russia first started threatening Ukraine last month. The paper noted that, “Given Sweden and Finland’s deep business, cultural, and historical ties, it is reasonable to believe that the two countries will continue to deepen their commitments to NATO in light of tension in Ukraine, but this will stop short of pursuing full membership.”
It did not go over well in Moscow. Speculation by the Wilson Center, among others, resulted in a direct threat coming from the Kremlin that warned Sweden and Finland of “serious military-political consequences which would require retaliatory steps by the Russian Federation” should they decide to join NATO. The two nations have never indicated that such an alliance is in the offing, but they have always been ready to cooperate with NATO. Over the past several years, they’ve engaged with the European defense alliance, offering close military cooperation.
NATO has taken a stand as regards the invasion of Ukraine. Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has issued a clear and present warning that if Russia takes military action against a member state, for whatever reason, it will be dealt with. As Stoltenberg put it at a news conference last week, “For NATO Allies, we provide the absolute security guarantees under the Washington Treaty Article 5. An attack on one will be regarded as an attack on all … And we are clear on this distinction because it is important to make sure that we don’t have an even bigger crisis in Europe where Russia challenge, or is threatening, or attacking any NATO allied country.”
Finally, for the pacifists among us who say, “let’s not get involved. It’s not our fight,” military historian Morgan Deane had this to say in a recent article he published, “the lesson of history, like Pearl Harbor and 9/11, show the need to bury the isolationist relics of the past and be ready for whatever dictators, like [Putin and] Xi, might do next.” Deane went on to quote a Chinese philosopher who said, “Even a tree so big that it shields the sky was, at its beginning, only as thick as the base of a tree sprout: easy to get rid of. But once it has fully manifested itself, a hundred people using hatchets and axes are unable to fell it!”
Britain’s Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, ignored the threat posed by Adolf Hitler and accepted the Fuhrer’s promise of peace in 1938. A year later, World War II broke out. This time around, no one is promising peace; Putin has already started the war. And, right behind him is China, signaling its intent to join him.
Demokkkrats better pray that Russias ICBMs take out all the Patriots in America because if Russia fails to we won’t in our retaliation for putting Brandon’s finger on the button!
Cut any and all exports and imports from our enemies, and pull that SOB out of the White House he doesn’t deserve to be there, voter fraud has its consequences and Joe Fraud is that consequence…Enough said.
We are at the beginning of a gigantic World ping pong game with the USA is the ball and China/Russia are the players.
Let’s see. Where the WWII Axis power pact were apart, not mutually supporting and easily isolated, the new Russian-Chinese pact will make things interesting for the world. They have each others’ backs protected until the possible back stabbing takes place. Neither nation has a significant capability for sea power projection except locally. Their missile capability can keep an adversary at bay for defensive purposes. These missiles can be used to support Iran in closing the Persian Gulf area if necessary thus disrupting the world’s oil supply. So any future campaign will be mainly done by land and air forces backed by missiles. So the question is, when will rest of the world start prepping for the next conflict? Yes, there will be the negotiations by all parties to settle out of court while hopefully while preparing a defense to deter further aggression at the same time but will it be done in time and be noticeably effective to deter the adversary. This remains to be seen at this early stage. Those nations that have alliances need to start talking now as to how to handle what is going on with Russia and China and prepare for the appropriate response that will truly catch the attention of the adversary. No dragging the feet otherwise it will be too late.
DEEP STATE removal. Specific US bio labs taken out. Ties to Biden/Bush/Clinton/Obummer and more. Thank you President Putin
It doesn’t take a lot to see how Biden has placed his alignments. The time has come to the time to charge Biden with treason.
If I were President and I had destroyed my nations economy, opened the borders to the detriment of my people and again, the economy, devalued the dollar, and stripped the constitutionally guaranteed rights from my citizens using a ploy that everyone now sees through, I would go to the political “Playbook 101” where I would see that the obvious “text book” next step is to create a foreign enemy in an attempt to rally my people and make them forget how terrible I have been.
To expand NATO to Ukraine basically left Russia no choice and would be comparable to the old “Warsaw Pact” trying to have Mexico join in their alliance. We could not allow that as it would threaten our safety and sovereignty. But I guess no one saw that coming. RIght?
The further revelation that we have many military bio-labs that would be illegal in the US, in Ukraine, is further cause. In case the dots are not connected: Bio-weapons are “weapons of mass destruction” and if I’m not mistaken, that was the (false) claim that led us to attack Iraq.
Yes – I believe our enemies can see that we are under weak leadership that has little resolve and they are likely taking their opportunity since there is no way Biden will remain office after this term but the mainstream media has finally found a “rally point” and everyone, including the republicans, are all in.
I pray that I am wrong. But the “Freedom Convoy” seems to be pre-planned to be called a 2nd insurrection. Thus allowing Pedo Joey to declare Marshall Law. Confiscating guns(for the common good), canceling elections, etc. Canada was just a trial run.
This is a prediction I pray I am wrong about. Keep your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark.
& the Cartels too All 3
So we’re pacifists if we’re tired of old men sending young men and women to fight wars we can’t win. Didn’t we learn anything from Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan! Most of the polls show it’s old people like us that want wars. We’re being played. There are no good guys. The media lied to us the last two years and now we’re supposed to believe everything they say about Russia and Ukraine.
Maybe it should be Russia and the USA against the New World Order. I’m beginning to believe that there are no republicans, no democrats, just statesmen that want to maintain the sovereignty, freedoms, culture, and our way of life, and then there are the politicians that are marching to the beat of the New World Order. That’s what we need to worry about!
So we’re the good guys, and Russia is still the evil empire? One good thing that comes out of all this: We don’t have to rent the movie, “Wag the Dog.” We can just watch the news.
It’s not the U.S. Government vs. Russia and China. It’s the people who are willing to fight and die for their freedom and God-given rights. The Biden administration is on the same team as Russia and China. Everything Biden has done since taking office has benefited the communists and hurt tax paying American citizens. We need to realize this and act accordingly.
War mongering.
Lets just take our time before we mess with a Nuclear armed country ok?
I’ll say it again without apology. This entire stupid mess is the fault of Nancy Pelosi and those whose money she recruited to fraudulently defeat Donald Trump in 2020. That kind of hatred only comes along once in a great while. That will be her legacy: a hateful, old, ignorant, biotch who cares for no one except her stupid self.
…and the demented POTUS is our leader by corrupt installation.
If Trump was still President,we we would not see what we are seeing today.He would not have put up with this and our enemies knew that.Then along comes sloppy joey and now we have a mess that only a war may solve.Then,again along comes biden and then we wonder,whose side will he take,theirs or ours.
Russia would never have made this move without knowing that China has their back. Taiwan will be next. These created crisis’s by an empty suit in the WH and his puppeteers would never have happened under Trump simply because he walked the talk and those who wish us harm, never knew what his next move would be. He kept them in check by being UNPREDICTABLE.
I do not think Putin is bluffing when he threatens nuclear war. He is a sociopath and drunk with power. We need to take that seriously. I pray for us Americans with Biden in the White House. This would’ve never happened under Trump. Putin sits back and laughs at Biden. He is such a joke!!!!!
It’s no wonder that Syria backs Russia. Russia was/is trying to recruit Syrian fighters to fight against the Ukraine. Russia has helped Syria in it’s conflicts. As far as China, yep, they are just sitting back and waiting for the opportune time to make their move. America is in a bad place right now. If we can get strong leadership back, in time it will help on the world stage. If not, we might want to learn another language.
True. But it is also US against this stupid, moronic, socialistic biden/harris administration, Pelosi, and all the democrats and elites that back (run) them. Russia and China does not have to do a damn thing with the U.S. because they are killing our country from within.
Current Progressive and Communist nations could well put the world into war with three major factions. Socialist/Communist nations against free U.S. and allies with Islamic nations aiding both sides until there is a defeat to side with.
Demokkkrats better pray that Russias ICBMs take out all the Patriots in America because if Russia fails to we won’t in our retaliation for putting Brandon’s finger on the button!
Cut any and all exports and imports from our enemies, and pull that SOB out of the White House he doesn’t deserve to be there, voter fraud has its consequences and Joe Fraud is that consequence…Enough said.
We are at the beginning of a gigantic World ping pong game with the USA is the ball and China/Russia are the players.
Let’s see. Where the WWII Axis power pact were apart, not mutually supporting and easily isolated, the new Russian-Chinese pact will make things interesting for the world. They have each others’ backs protected until the possible back stabbing takes place. Neither nation has a significant capability for sea power projection except locally. Their missile capability can keep an adversary at bay for defensive purposes. These missiles can be used to support Iran in closing the Persian Gulf area if necessary thus disrupting the world’s oil supply. So any future campaign will be mainly done by land and air forces backed by missiles. So the question is, when will rest of the world start prepping for the next conflict? Yes, there will be the negotiations by all parties to settle out of court while hopefully while preparing a defense to deter further aggression at the same time but will it be done in time and be noticeably effective to deter the adversary. This remains to be seen at this early stage. Those nations that have alliances need to start talking now as to how to handle what is going on with Russia and China and prepare for the appropriate response that will truly catch the attention of the adversary. No dragging the feet otherwise it will be too late.
DEEP STATE removal. Specific US bio labs taken out. Ties to Biden/Bush/Clinton/Obummer and more. Thank you President Putin
It doesn’t take a lot to see how Biden has placed his alignments. The time has come to the time to charge Biden with treason.
If I were President and I had destroyed my nations economy, opened the borders to the detriment of my people and again, the economy, devalued the dollar, and stripped the constitutionally guaranteed rights from my citizens using a ploy that everyone now sees through, I would go to the political “Playbook 101” where I would see that the obvious “text book” next step is to create a foreign enemy in an attempt to rally my people and make them forget how terrible I have been.
To expand NATO to Ukraine basically left Russia no choice and would be comparable to the old “Warsaw Pact” trying to have Mexico join in their alliance. We could not allow that as it would threaten our safety and sovereignty. But I guess no one saw that coming. RIght?
The further revelation that we have many military bio-labs that would be illegal in the US, in Ukraine, is further cause. In case the dots are not connected: Bio-weapons are “weapons of mass destruction” and if I’m not mistaken, that was the (false) claim that led us to attack Iraq.
Yes – I believe our enemies can see that we are under weak leadership that has little resolve and they are likely taking their opportunity since there is no way Biden will remain office after this term but the mainstream media has finally found a “rally point” and everyone, including the republicans, are all in.
I pray that I am wrong. But the “Freedom Convoy” seems to be pre-planned to be called a 2nd insurrection. Thus allowing Pedo Joey to declare Marshall Law. Confiscating guns(for the common good), canceling elections, etc. Canada was just a trial run.
This is a prediction I pray I am wrong about. Keep your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark.
& the Cartels too All 3
So we’re pacifists if we’re tired of old men sending young men and women to fight wars we can’t win. Didn’t we learn anything from Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan! Most of the polls show it’s old people like us that want wars. We’re being played. There are no good guys. The media lied to us the last two years and now we’re supposed to believe everything they say about Russia and Ukraine.
Maybe it should be Russia and the USA against the New World Order. I’m beginning to believe that there are no republicans, no democrats, just statesmen that want to maintain the sovereignty, freedoms, culture, and our way of life, and then there are the politicians that are marching to the beat of the New World Order. That’s what we need to worry about!
So we’re the good guys, and Russia is still the evil empire? One good thing that comes out of all this: We don’t have to rent the movie, “Wag the Dog.” We can just watch the news.
It’s not the U.S. Government vs. Russia and China. It’s the people who are willing to fight and die for their freedom and God-given rights. The Biden administration is on the same team as Russia and China. Everything Biden has done since taking office has benefited the communists and hurt tax paying American citizens. We need to realize this and act accordingly.
War mongering.
Lets just take our time before we mess with a Nuclear armed country ok?
I’ll say it again without apology. This entire stupid mess is the fault of Nancy Pelosi and those whose money she recruited to fraudulently defeat Donald Trump in 2020. That kind of hatred only comes along once in a great while. That will be her legacy: a hateful, old, ignorant, biotch who cares for no one except her stupid self.
…and the demented POTUS is our leader by corrupt installation.
If Trump was still President,we we would not see what we are seeing today.He would not have put up with this and our enemies knew that.Then along comes sloppy joey and now we have a mess that only a war may solve.Then,again along comes biden and then we wonder,whose side will he take,theirs or ours.
Russia would never have made this move without knowing that China has their back. Taiwan will be next. These created crisis’s by an empty suit in the WH and his puppeteers would never have happened under Trump simply because he walked the talk and those who wish us harm, never knew what his next move would be. He kept them in check by being UNPREDICTABLE.
I do not think Putin is bluffing when he threatens nuclear war. He is a sociopath and drunk with power. We need to take that seriously. I pray for us Americans with Biden in the White House. This would’ve never happened under Trump. Putin sits back and laughs at Biden. He is such a joke!!!!!
It’s no wonder that Syria backs Russia. Russia was/is trying to recruit Syrian fighters to fight against the Ukraine. Russia has helped Syria in it’s conflicts. As far as China, yep, they are just sitting back and waiting for the opportune time to make their move. America is in a bad place right now. If we can get strong leadership back, in time it will help on the world stage. If not, we might want to learn another language.
True. But it is also US against this stupid, moronic, socialistic biden/harris administration, Pelosi, and all the democrats and elites that back (run) them. Russia and China does not have to do a damn thing with the U.S. because they are killing our country from within.
Current Progressive and Communist nations could well put the world into war with three major factions. Socialist/Communist nations against free U.S. and allies with Islamic nations aiding both sides until there is a defeat to side with.