
National Security , Newsline

Is China Getting Ready for War? As the Coast Guard says, Semper Paratus, We Must Be Always Ready

Posted on Saturday, June 26, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, June 26 — Concern that the Chinese Communist Party [CCP] is bolstering its military capability in order to wage war with the U.S. aside, “the military balance in the Indo-Pacific is becoming more unfavorable for the United States and our allies,” according to Adm. Philip Davidson, head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command.

He told the Senate Armed Services that China has been beefing up its arsenal of weaponry and its military presence in the region.

Thus, he said, “Our deterrence posture in the Indo-Pacific must demonstrate the capability, the capacity, and the will to convince Beijing unequivocally [that] the costs of achieving their objectives by the use of military force are simply too high.”

Davidson pointed out that the CCP’s Naval presence in the Pacific is growing at an alarming rate.

According to the Indo-Pacific Command, within the next four or five years, the CCP will have stationed three aircraft carriers in the Western Pacific, and it is projected that we will have just one. They will have 12 amphibious assault ships, and we will have just four in the region.

And their Navy will police the Pacific with 108 modern multi-warfare combatant ships compared to just four that we will have to patrol those waters.

Meanwhile, it’s looking more and more like the Wuhan Leak that triggered the global COVID pandemic may not have been an accident.

In an article published by the Hoover Institution, China expert Gordon Chang noted that “It is especially troubling that Beijing in late January [a matter of just weeks before the pandemic was discovered] sent ‘China’s top biowarfare expert,’ Major General Chen Wei, to head the P-4 lab there. Chen, many speculate, was dispatched to clean up evidence of a leak or the existence of a weapons program.”

Chen says that “The case against China rests not only on how the coronavirus came to first infect humans—something scientists will argue about for years—but also what Chinese ruler Xi Jinping did once the pathogen crippled his country. In short, he took steps he knew or had to know would spread the disease beyond his borders.”

He adds that the post-Trump administration has turned a blind eye to what happened.

But China’s ambitions appear to be global in nature.

While on a fact-finding mission in the middle east, Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, commander of the U.S. Central Command, met with reporters and stated that “The Middle East writ broadly is an area of intense competition between the great powers. And I think that as we adjust our posture in the region, Russia and China will be looking very closely to see if a vacuum opens that they can exploit. I think they see the United States shifting posture to look at other parts of the world and they sense there may be an opportunity there.”

McKenzie accepts that there is a need to deal with the Chinese threat in the Pacific, but, he says, the U.S. is a “global power” and as such, we cannot lose sight of the bigger picture. The military brass, including McKenzie, has pointed out that the CCP threat is also global in nature with an expanding interest and presence in Africa, South America, and the Middle East.

It is interesting to note that China’s first overseas naval base is located in Djibouti in the Horn of Africa. If Djibouti is not an official ally of the CCP, it is certainly a willing host. The base can support aircraft carriers, and some 2,000 troops are stationed there, according to Gen. Stephen Townsend, head of the U.S. Africa Command.

Townsend also notes that Beijing is currently sounding other countries on Africa’s west coast with the aim of creating a naval facility that can host submarines and/or aircraft carriers. “They’re looking for a place where they can rearm and repair warships.”

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

The writing is on the wall where China is concerned…The current & quite dangerous fraudulent administration running this nation is backing the the US into a corner we will never escape from…
We are under attack from foreign enemies with China being the ringleader…Thus far not a single bullet has been fired & at the same time China has completely infiltrated America in every single sector of our economy, government & defense…
Time for the hammer to be dropped for our military to make it’s move, both globally & domestic…
This will be a multi-pronged global operation already planned out in detail & it needs to get a move on…
The situation in Washington, DC will be reckoned with as that is small potatoes with respect to the overall picture…It is time to get our nation back now & release the yoke from around the world’s neck…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

We have waisted years fighting Islamic radicals instead of blocking China’s advances in the South Pacific and Africa.. Now with Sleepy Joe and the Dems, we will be lucky to servive.

3 years ago

 “Is China Getting Ready for War?…China is at war… with the United States for global dominance
The Hundred-Year Marathon…. China’s secret strategy to supplant the United States as the world’s dominant power, and to do so by 2049, the one-hundredth anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China……. But not to worry , President Biden is sleeping on the matter.

3 years ago

Well, if we keep offshoring our manufacturing and our intellectual property and our money, we will be dominated by China very shortly. Not to mention while we are creating racism, defining new genders, teaching critical race theory and destroying our county’s history our enemies are unifying and getting stronger. Wake up America and don’t be a woke dope!

3 years ago

Well considering that the President of China has publicly stated for nearly a decade that he intends for China to replace the United States as the lone world super power in 11 critical areas, I would think China is serious about doing so.

When half a dozen Chinese Admirals and Generals have publicly stated over the years that they are training their military forces to defeat the United States, I would say that is a pretty good indication (a little bit of sarcasm there) that China is preparing to do exactly that.

When we have allowed our country to become so dependent on China for almost everything, I would say that is a pretty good indication of which country could out last the other in any sustained conflict.

When the administrations of Clinton, Bush and Obama allowed the open theft of IP related to all manner of military weapons and technical advancements across the board to be carried out by China for 30 years, I would say the Chinese are pretty much on par with the United States in terms of capabilities.

Finally, while the Chinese military is training for war, we are training our troops to be woke and hate America. How do you think that is going to work out should we have to go toe to toe with China in the Pacific or elsewhere?

3 years ago

These round face yellow commies don’t have a clue what they will be in for.

3 years ago

Globalism seems to be the goal of the current morons running this country. It is also the goal of China’s ruling class, just in a more direct approach. Although the CCP is a direct threat beyond our borders, I’d say we have just as dangerous and deadly enemy inside our borders, and within our “leadership”.
Perhaps we can get our enemies to laugh themselves to death by the military brass promoting more drag contests across our military bases. It is apparent, idiocy spreads faster than Covid………….

3 years ago

China is doing to us what President Regan did to the Soviet Union with Star Wars. They can out spend us because much of our off shored businesses are fueling China’s economy and war machine. But that’s okay. If we go to war with them we can confuse them with our gender classifications, racial diversity and inclusiveness. Those three things will give us the upper hand in any military conflict.

3 years ago

Laziness and complacency rule the day. Everybody cares but none does anything. When SHTF the reaction is always, “why didn’t somebody do something?”

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

Meanwhile, our Pink Hat, Rainbow Cape-wearing Generals are busy teaching racial equity to our troops! Asleep at the switch?

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

China may have the best focus on military training, but we have the best cartoon ads for recruitment!

3 years ago

We will send in all the transgenders, and pregnant female soldiers dressed in beautiful new uniforms to meet them in the battlefield. What can possibly go wrong?

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

Your reporters are once again missing the stories of China buying land in Texas to “build” wind farms fairly close to one of our military bases and buying land in the northeast, very close to Washington D. C. itself. This is more concerning to me. They will already be here IN the United States, not just on our borders.

3 years ago

The Prophecies mentioned concerning God’s wrath against the Apostate nation in the Holy Bible are in step with what is happening right now for the United States. As I have stated before, I believe God raised this country up to be an ally and a power against Israel’s enemies. This nation was greatly blessed by God and the faith of her people pleased Him. And because of that this nation ‘Under God’ prospered. The movie, U571 is a good indicator of God’s hand in helping our country destroy Hitler’s Germany. Germany had code machines that made it impossible for our American Military to discifer the German’s strategies of attack against us. Our Naval forces along with Central Intelligence officials bravely confiscated those machines from several German Subs. We would not have defeated Hitler’s NAZI regime had that not happened.
Peacetime is when things began going wrong for this country. We became prideful now that we have become a ‘Great Super Power.’ Our faith in God has deteriorated, and the Communistic influence now dominating our leadership and our education system has brought us to where we are now….at the brink of war with the enemy we foolishly and ignorantly helped to gain the power they now have. We can thank Bill Clinton for selling our Sovereignty away in Real Estate to China and other countries. I don’t believe we’ve been a Sovereign nation since.
God’s Word tells us that ‘a nation that forgets their God will fall.’ As Christian’s we learned this from Israel’s, and their enemies history.
But now, God’s beautiful ‘bow’ in the sky, our reminder of His promise to never again flood the earth, has been perverted by the demon cult Left to symbolize their depravity. I really don’t think we have many more chances at this point. But this I know in my heart, that no one will be able to attempt to destroy us until God allows it. The Lord has made it very clear that, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay!’ It is clear, the destruction of this nation for our God is personal, and can be compared to when God cast down Satan. It’s interesting that in Islam we are defined as ‘The Great Satan’ and there are no coincidences, everything happens for a reason.
Jesus said, ‘If you love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and might, that the peace of God which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.’ This is the only WAY we make it out:
It is written:
‘Come out of her my people, and be not partaker of her sins.’ The Rapture

3 years ago

We need Trump back at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to deal with this the correct way

Trump meets with Zelensky of Ukraine in the oval office
trump and the drug and opioid epidemic

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